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英国大学,曾经固守专注教学和学究的传统,但它们终于在上世纪80年代以来发生了根本的变化,大大拓展了大学的社会服务职能.本文对英国大学的社会服务职能按四类进行阐述:传统大学致力于社会经济发展;城市大学为工业发展服务;新大学,“不去要钱,而要去赚钱”;升格的大学满足社会多方面需求.由它们的变化可以看到,“象牙塔”已经坍塌,大学正向社会全面开放,大学与社会的直接联系将更广泛、更深入,将成为名副其实的社会“服务站”.  相似文献   

美国高等农业教育发展道路与模式探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国高等农业教育的形成和发展与美国政府在不同时期实施的<西北部法令>、<莫里尔法案>、<哈奇法案>、<第二个莫里尔法案>、<史密斯-利弗法>等密切相关;美国高等农业教育的最初施教模式有五种:新建农工类大学、新建综合性大学农科类学院、综合性大学中新增的农科学院、综合性大学中增设的农科课程和已有的农科类院校强化高等农业教育等;经过一百多年的发展,早期的农工院校大多都改名和综合发展成为综合性大学,综合性大学中的农科类院系已成为美国高等农业教育的施教主体.  相似文献   

At the start of the Twenty-First Century, European universities must play a number of roles in terms of social and economic development. In particular, they must increasingly serve as engines for local and regional development, thus filling a niche that only seems logical for them. At the same time, universities will form e´lites, particularly local e´lites; however, those universities that are world-class institutions will and should educate global e´lites. In performing the latter role, European universities in the Twenty-First Century will reassume a role, seized by American universities in the Twentieth Century, which they had successfully played in the Nineteenth Century.  相似文献   

对我国地方高校国家重点学科进行首位分析和重要指数分析结果表明:第一,有20个省市区的国家重点学科首位高校为该省“211工程”重点建设大学;6个省市区的国家重点学科首位高校不是该省“211工程”重点建设大学,说明“211工程”高校在国家重点学科的数量上没有突出优势.第二,地方高校在竞争国家一级重点学科方面处于明显下风,拥有的国家一级重点学科数仅占总数的0.52%;而地方所属的国家“211工程”重点建设大学在竞争国家一级重点学科时表现还不如非“211工程”高校.第三,相比于部属高校,地方高校在竞争国家二级重点学科方面也处于劣势,拥有的国家二级重点学科数也只占总数的13.0%.第四,国家重点学科数的省际差异依然很大.  相似文献   

中日两国同属东方文化圈,但私立大学在当今日本高等教育体制中占绝对优势,而在中国高等教育体制中则处于弱势。公共财政资助是日本私立大学成功发展的重要原因之一。通过比较发现,中国私立大学公共财政资助观念淡薄、资助方式单一、资助立法缺乏操作性。因此有必要结合日本的成功经验和中国的具体国情,从比较的视角来重新审视中国私立大学公共财政资助问题:中国私立大学享受公共财政的前提是"非营利性";根据利益获得原则,私立大学应该享受公共财政;适当享受公共财政可实现政府对私立大学的宏观过程管理;公共财政资助方式可采取"两主两辅"模式;加强立法是公共财政资助的有力保障。  相似文献   

Expansion trends of higher education systems involve the planned growth of new universities, frequently stratified lower than established ones in academic breadth and excellence as well as in the socio-demographic origins of their students. The persistence of this internal stratification of the university system subsequent to its expansion remains a controversial issue. Between the early and mid-1990s the Israeli Council for Higher Education has expanded the three ‘‘target’’ universities, aimed at peripheral or specific sectors. Compared to the three established elitist institutions, these universities have concentrated on the liberal arts and attracted students of lower social origins. The present study examines the stratification of students into elitist and target universities a few years after this particular expansion policy was abandoned in favor of college accreditation. Though the overall growth rate of university freshmen since 1995 has subsequently declined, the relative share of the target universities is still steadily growing. Our analysis of data from a 1999 national survey of freshmen in all six universities reveals that students of the target universities still tend to originate from lower status groups and ethnic minorities regardless of academic ability. Furthermore, their general study motivations, particular study considerations, and institutional choice orientations are more practical and vocationally oriented than those of students in the elitist universities. It therefore seems that expansion policies of university systems should not overlook their long-term consequences for the stratification of universities and their students.  相似文献   

高校人事档案管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校人事档案管理的创新、完善及其信息价值功能的进一步增强,是高校开发和培养师资的重要前提。分析目前高校人事档案管理中存在的主要问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对应之策。  相似文献   

随着新的中小学《音乐课程新标准》的推出,对高师音乐教育人才的培养模式提出了新的挑战。针对高师音乐教育的现状,必须加强对高师音乐专业学生的人文素质的培养,加大高师音乐教育专业的教学改革力度,使高师音乐教育专业的学生毕业后能更好地为中小学音乐教育服务。  相似文献   

高校管理的信息化与国际化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前全球已进入信息化时代,高等学校在信息时代面临一系列严峻的考验。章在分析信息化特点的基础上,针对高等学校的信息化与国际化管理进行了较全面的系统性分析,明确信息化为高校国际化创造了便利条件,确定了国际化是高校建设的必由之路,利用信息化技术可以促进高校向国际化的建设发展,提高学校的知名度,使学校的教学、科技、思维方式有所创新。  相似文献   

In his book,More Than an Academic Question, Cameron offers a framework within which to understand the relationship between universities and government. He presents a thorough summary of the development of universities across Canada, exploring both public policy and changes in the governance and management of universities. Focussing on the transformation of universities from post World War II to the 1980s, he discusses the evolution of direct federal involvement in the core funding of universities, the reforms within the internal governing structures of universities, and faculty unionization. Although he presents suggestions regarding a more deliberate selection of membership of university governing boards, on the whole Cameron does not offer resolutions to the issues he raises, but rather lays the foundation for discussion.  相似文献   

加强党的执政能力建设思想的形成和提出,对高校党建工作具有重要的指导意义。加强高校党的执政能力建设、提升高校党的执教兴校能力,重点要从把好方向、建好队伍、练好内功、抓好发展、育好人才等方面下功夫。  相似文献   

高校BBS是高校校园网络体系的重要组成部分,在高校师生中具有很高的普及率与极大的影响力。高校可通过构建高校BBS红色版区,开拓大学生思想政治教育新渠道;完善实名制,加强对高校BBS的建设管理;重视舆论领袖作用,建设强有力的高校BBS思想政治教育工作队伍;突出特色,塑造积极的高校BBS品牌形象等途径,充分发挥高校BBS思想政治教育作用。  相似文献   

创先争优活动在高校的开展,是高校学习实践科学发展观的延续和深化,也是高校履行大学使命与责任的具体实践。创先争优,是大学使命与责任的应有之义,是大学内涵建设的载体与抓手,是大学科学发展的永恒主题与不竭动力。各高校要在提高人才培养质量中、提升科学研究水平中、社会服务中和引领区域社会文化中创先争优;要持之以恒形成创先争优活动的惯性行为;要搭建平台保障创先争优活动的经常性开展;要褒扬激励为创先争优活动注入不竭动力;要总结创新构建创先争优活动的长效机制。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,美国营利性大学顺应社会发展趋势,以市场需求为导向,抓住时机进入资本市场;关注弱势群体,获得政府政策支持,实现快速发展。然而,2010年以来,美国营利性大学在经历了约40年的发展后陷入了教学质量降低、新生数量减少、大学理念与公司理念矛盾逐渐凸显以及在资本市场上的表现不佳等困境。目前,我国已有一些民办高校选择登记为营利性高校,开启了我国营利性民办高校的办学之路。文章通过梳理美国营利性大学发展的动因,分析其面临的困境,为我国营利性高校的发展提供以下启示:顺应时代潮流,为营利性大学发展营造良好社会环境;发挥体制机制优势,处理好政府、市场和营利性高校的关系;以转型为契机,探索营利性大学内涵式发展道路;加强政府监管和第三方评估,实现资本逐利性与教育公益性的平衡;积极发挥资本市场的作用,同时注重风险防范。  相似文献   

Australia has 42 universities. In 2015/16, 30 of 40 universities reviewed provided one or more days of teaching induction for their staff, while 10 did not. Twenty-six of the 30 teaching induction program directors were surveyed and 24 of those were interviewed to provide a snapshot of professional development for new teaching staff in Australian universities. The key findings of that research showed that almost two thirds of universities did not pay sessional staff to attend a teaching induction program; just over half the programs included peer observation of teaching; only one in five programs offered mentoring opportunities; three quarters of programs included assessment; and approximately a third of programs provided credit towards an award course. We conclude that all universities need to provide new teaching staff with a longer teaching induction program, which will support them to develop student-centred, scholarly behaviours and attitudes.  相似文献   

大学人力资源建设与教职聘任标准问题广受社会各界关注。当前中国大学教职聘任标准的制定 与出台由大学内外部多因素促成,定性比较分析方法探讨这一复杂情境具有独特优势。本文选取 60所不 同类型大学作为研究案例,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法展开系统探讨,寻找影响中国大学教职获得标准 的各种条件变量组合。研究结果表明,中国大学教职获得标准趋同化现象严重,教职聘任可分为“优质匹配 型”“匹配失衡型”和“中度匹配型”三种类型。国内知名研究型大学可考虑进一步提升人才聘任待遇用以吸 纳顶尖人才;地方大学应避免盲目跟随研究型大学的聘任标准,制定契合自身实际情况的教职招聘策略;政 府管理部门应探索制定以市场调节为主、宏观调控为辅的人才流动政策,以有利于中国高校的整体性发展。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in educational innovation in universities at a global level, as a tool designed to create strategic changes in order to improve quality. This study evaluates the global improvement in universities as a result of educational innovation governance, as a pillar of the so-called world-class research universities and as a tool for continuous improvement in higher education. The methodology has been designed by different educational innovation groups from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Cádiz, and the International Project Management Association Spanish Board, and includes an analysis of 67 universities from 20 countries. The study is based on 32 universities in Spain, as well as 35 other international universities that carry out educational innovation activity. The results show that universities that have a more mature educational innovation governance in place, both in Spain as well as in other countries, are higher in the ranking of universities (Webometrics). These universities demonstrate a tendency to work on educational innovation projects, which are contributing to strategic changes that will permanently revitalise teaching, whilst also improving research and its links to society.  相似文献   

In recent times, in a context of salary award restructuring, government and employer concerns for raising the educational standards and skill levels of Australia's workforce through retraining, and changes in career patterns and pathways to promotion, attention has focused on the role of universities in continuing professional education (CPE). Typically, the focus has been on credentialling and opening up access to award courses in universities, but also there are implications for universities themselves and their educational interface with government and the education industry. This paper focuses on this aspect of current trends in the professional development of teachers and considers its implications for the universities, teacher employers and the profession. It also aims to go beyond credentialling in the professional development of teachers by addressing alternatives to credentialling by universities.  相似文献   

This paper reports a discriminant analysis of Australian universities using academics' perceptions of their university-level environment. A sample of 514 academics from 52 departments in 26 publicly funded universities responded to the University-Level Environment Questionnaire, which assesses academic's perceptions of seven dimensions of institutional environment (viz. Academic Freedom, Concern for Undergraduate Learning, Concern for Research and Scholarship, Empowerment, Affiliation, Mission Consensus and Work Pressure). Discriminant analysis revealed that the four university types were separated by the first discriminant function, with long-established universities separated widely from new universities. Concern for Research and Scholarship was the major discriminating variable, with Academic Freedom a minor discriminating variable. The study suggests that new universities must improve their level of research and scholarship if they are to become more like other Australian universities.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of the public university in Kenya as a key provider of private higher education, characterised mainly by the phenomenon of the “private public university student.” It probes the broader socio-economic reforms circumscribing the privatisation of Kenya's public universities and the local and global forces responsible for these reforms. From the enrolment patterns of Kenya's public universities, where state-subsidised students are becoming a diminishing minority and where a range of exclusive programmes for private students (mainly taught in the evenings) are a growing trend, it may be argued that a new kind of private university is emerging; namely, private universities owned by public universities.  相似文献   

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