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In this article we examine the teacher's role as a mediator of knowledge and cognitive learning in the classroom. We cite findings from the research areas of teacher effectiveness, teacher expertise, and curriculum knowledge. These data strongly support user‐friendly explicit methods of classroom teaching. We also discuss issues raised in conjunction with alternative conceptions of the teaching process. Finally, we note the importance of incorporating teacher effectiveness research findings into teacher education programmes, and of identifying the various misconceptions that have been used to criticise this body of information.  相似文献   

关于澳大利亚职业教育与培训体系的再认识   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
关于澳大利亚的职业教育与培训体系,多年来国内已有很多相关的介绍和报道。但是,由于部分资料的描述或论述有些似是而非,故总有一些疑惑在笔者脑中萦绕,并一直未能获得清晰的图像与明确的解释。笔者有幸于2006年11月出访澳大利亚两周,对维多利亚州的墨尔本皇家理工学院(RMIT University)、高登技术教育与继续教育机构(Gordon Institute of TAFE)、博士山技术教育与继续教育机构(Box Hill Institute of TAFE)、柯里奥高级中学(Corio Senior College)和州教育与培训部进行了访问和考察。通过这些实地的观察和研讨,对涉及澳大利亚职业教育与培训的许多基本问题,终于有了一些更准确的了解和认识。本文尝试从10个方面加以归纳,供职业教育的同仁们参考。  相似文献   

This study empirically evaluates the technology acceptance model drawn from Information Systems (IS) literature to investigate how user beliefs and attitudes influence learning-object use among higher education learners by evaluating the relationships between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, behavioural intentions and actual use. In the study, 601 potential learning-object users were presented with an introductory demonstration of learning objects for a Digital Systems course. Following the demonstration and practice, data on user beliefs, attitudes and intention to use learning objects were gathered, while data on actual use of learning objects was collected at the end of the semester. Subjects with prior experience using the learning objects were eliminated from further analysis, resulting in a final sample of 481 users. structural equation modelling was employed to test the hypothesised study model. The analysis showed that both the user beliefs and attitudes have significant positive relationships with behavioural intention and that behavioural intention accurately predicted the actual use of learning objects. The results extend the validity of the TAM into a learning object context and clearly pointed out that it can be used to predict users' future behaviour.  相似文献   

职业学校实施学分制重要意义的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了在职业学校推行学分制十个方面的重要意义。  相似文献   

产学研结合的根本动因是教育的基本功能,尤其是经济功能和现代高等学校的基本职能。产学研结合有一个由低级到高级的发展过程,在每一个发展阶段都有结合的方式,所有专业都能找到适合的方式。建立产学研结合稳定的长效机制需要4个备件。搞好产学研结合要坚持全面性、全过程和全员参与。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践是一种以学生为主体、以学校为依托、以社会为背景的教学活动。在新时期、新形势下,社会实践必须重新审视,提高认识,与高校培养目标相结合、与理论知识教学相结合、与大学生素质拓展相结合、与大学生就业相结合。全面统筹计划,强化运行措施,使大学生社会实践系统化、社会化、规范化、理论化、法制化,真正为高校全面育人工作添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

This article considers moral agendas projected onto parents that mobilise them to supplement school literacy education with private tutoring. The theoretical frame draws on the concepts of responsibilisation as emerging market-embedded morality, ‘nudge’ social policies, edu-business and hidden privatisation in education. This framing is applied to two empirical moments: firstly, debates around the Australian government’s ‘Tutorial Voucher Initiative’ of 2004; and secondly, tutoring advertisements and items in school newsletters collected in early 2016. In the first moment, parents were somewhat reluctant to take up free supplementary tutoring; in the second, private literacy tutoring is increasingly normalised and legitimated as parents are nudged to supplement the work of the school.  相似文献   

This article explores developments towards inclusive education being undertaken in some schools in India. Drawing on data collected through interviews with key professionals working in schools and classroom observations, the study focused on the practices and experiences of professionals involved in these efforts. Findings suggest that these schools had provided access to children who would otherwise have been denied admission to the mainstream due to their disabilities. However, these children remained the ‘included’ children and did not necessarily become a part of the classroom. Thus, evident in these schools were a range of exclusionary practices that continued to exist alongside efforts towards inclusion. I therefore argue that there is not only a need to provide stakeholders with the knowledge and skills for developing inclusive teaching practices, but also a need to challenge existing values, beliefs and attitudes to ensure the full participation of all children in the curriculum and culture of their school setting.  相似文献   

Overview of the innovative process and the user   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The focus of this overview is on the role of the user (student, teacher, parent) in the process of educational change. In the first section research literature is reviewed by critically examining the assumptions of existing models and approaches to educational change, and by analyzing evidence on actual user experience with educational innovations. The main conclusion is that the modal process of change whereby innovations are developed external to schools and then transmitted to them has led to no significant change at the user level. In the second section of the paper, the analysis is extended by relating the basic contentions and findings of the authors in the present issue to the criteria for effective change identified in the first section. These articles provide important state-of-the-field analyses of various aspects of school innovations in organization for learning and in curriculum. The overall conclusion in the final section is that a radical restructuring of the role of the user and a complete reversal of the direction of influence in the process of change are required if effective innovations are to occur. Finally, the main principles and elements of reform—techniques, activities, organizational forms—necessary to support this active user role, and other factors beyond the user level that might impinge on this role, are outlined.
Résumé Cet article concentre l'attention sur le rôle de l'usager (étudiant, professeur, parent) dans le processus de l'évolution en éducation. Dans la première partie, l'auteur passe en revue les rapports de recherches et se livre à une étude critique des hypothèses servant de base aux modèles existants et des moyens d'aborder le problème de l'évolution en éducation; il analyse par ailleurs les preuves sur l'expérience réelle de l'usager en matière d'innovations éducatives. La conclusion principale tirée de cette étude est que le processus conditionnel de l'évolution, selon lequel les innovations se développent d'abord à l'extérieur de l'école pour y être communiquées par la suite, n'a pas abouti à un changement important au niveau de l'usager. Dans la deuxième partie, l'auteur pousse plus loin son analyse et compare les affirmations et les découvertes de base des auteurs de la présente publication, auteurs qui se sont penchés sur ce problème aux critères indispensables à l'évolution et identifiés dans la première partie. Ces articles renferment d'importantes analyses sur l'état du problème et sur les aspects relatifs aux innovations scolaires en matière d'organisation en vue de l'apprentissage et du programme d'études. Dans sa conclusion générale, exposée dans la dernière partie de l'article, l'auteur affirme que si l'on veut aboutir à des innovations efficaces, il faudra procéder à une restructuration radicale du rôle de l'usager et à un renversement complet de l'orientation de l'influence qui s'exerce dans le processus de l'évolution. Il énumère enfin les principes et les éléments fondamentaux de la réforme qui sont nécessaires à appuyer ce rôle actif de l'usager: techniques, activités, formules d'organisation—ainsi que les autres facteurs qui dépassent le niveau de l'usager et qui peuvent empiéter sur le rôle en question.


I would like to thank Andrew Effrat and Paul Paschke for their many valuable contributions in developing this issue, and Glenn Eastabrook for many ideas included in the introduction. I would also like to thank Nancy McIntosh for typing this introduction, and Barbara Finch and Catherine Cragg for their extensive editorial work.  相似文献   

Introduction to web information retrieval: A user perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, we describe Web Information Retrieval (WebIR) and issues in searching the World Wide Web from a user perspective. We review different kinds of search engines and the features they offer. With the help of examples, we show how these features can be utilized to narrow down on the search results.  相似文献   

A key challenge for feedback practice involves promoting student uptake through the closing of feedback loops. This paper investigates feedback loops by using the concepts of single and double-loop learning to interrogate student responses to feedback. Single-loop learning tackles an identified problem or task, whereas double-loop learning additionally re-evaluates how the problem or task is approached. Evidence from a five-year longitudinal enquiry into four undergraduate students’ experiences of feedback is used to analyse feedback loops. Students reported a variety of experiences: failing to engage significantly with end-of-semester comments; short-term uptake within modules which had two assignments; and longer-term efforts at improving their learning strategies. A model of long-term student engagement with feedback is proposed, including single-loop feedback processes, double-loop feedback processes and unresolved learning puzzles. Whereas feedback loops are mainly focused on the shorter-term, it is suggested that feedback spirals represent an alternative way of analysing complex, iterative longer-term learning processes. Implications for practice focus on student self-regulation and the development of student feedback literacy.  相似文献   

在主张打破既有学科壁垒,寻求文化整体性理解的现代学术背景下,当代美学引入人类学。走向人类学,用人类学方法和理念,开辟自己前进的道路,既是美学解救自身危机,谋求学科活力的内在需求,也是时于当今人文社会科学发展趋势的自觉顺应。  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,手机已经成为人们日常生活当中必不可少的工具,而随着科技的发展,手机性能与功能也在不断演变,逐渐变得智能化和人性化。手机已经不是传统的信息沟通媒介,而更像是一种小型化的电脑终端。在用户逐渐了解了手机的性能与功能以后,对其携带的舒适性也有更高的要求,而UI设计界面能够使手机的画面感与视觉感更强,为此,做好UI设计是非常重要的。  相似文献   

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