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不同高度间距组合跳深练习与起跳效果的非线性关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跳深练习是一种发展肌肉爆发力的有效形式,在理论和实践上的应用不断深入,特别是对跳深高度的研究颇多,而对跳深间距的研究却很少.不同高度、间距组合跳深练习的研究国内未见报道。因此,在通过实验条件下获得不同高度、问距组合跳深练习对踏跳效果的影响程度.以及不同组合跳深练习与踏跳效果间的非线性关系,进一步丰富跳深练习的方法,更为深入了解二者关系,为跳深练习更加广泛的应用提供方法、理论上的依据。  相似文献   

跳深作为一种超等长练习形式,可有效发展肌肉的收缩速度与收缩能力,提高肌肉力量与弹跳力。本文通过实验法、文献资料法、数理统计法分析得出,不同跳深高度、跳深形式练习的选择对发展肌肉弹跳力不同,向上跳还是向前跳,单腿还是双腿,应依据运动竞赛项目的发力工作方式而定。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、运动学测试法、动力学测试法等研究方法,对加助跑不同高度的跳深跳远的踏跳与三级跳远的跨步跳踏跳进行比较研究。结果表明:加助跑跳深跳远的高度在0.42 m时,垂直支撑反作用力最大;水平反作用力与跨步跳踏跳的反作用力最接近。采用这一高度发展三级跳远运动员跨步跳着地腿的退让性工作能力效果显著。  相似文献   

QYSD系统,是专用的短跑训练系统。水平牵引跑是系统的主要功能。牵引力0~200N,牵引速度0~13m/s,其值大小均可用遥控器选择。根据100m跑的动作结构和用力特点,设计了两种试图更有效地发展100m跑专项素质,提高100m跑成绩,以水平牵引为主的不同练习组合。通过应用QYSD系统,将受试者分成两组,进行实验研究。结果表明,采用了后牵引和前牵引练习的A、B两组的成绩,均高于用小上坡跑和下坡跑练习的对照组的成绩。其中后牵引力较大的A组成绩提高最大。  相似文献   

Recommendations for breast support, dynamic breast pain assessment, and implications for sports performance have been made within breast biomechanics research; however, these studies have been based upon short exercise protocols (2–5 min). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of breast support on multiplanar breast kinematics over a 5-kilometre run. Ten female participants (34D or 32DD) conducted two 5-kilometre runs, in a low and high breast support. Relative multiplanar breast kinematics were averaged over five gait cycles at six intervals of a 5-kilometre run. Increases in multiplanar breast kinematics were reported from the start to the end of the run, with the greatest rate of increase in breast kinematics reported within the first two kilometres of running. The greatest relative increases in breast range of motion (34%), velocity (33%), and acceleration (41%) were reported in the superioinferior direction at the fifth kilometre (33 min of running) in the high breast support. Key findings suggest that the run distance, and therefore run duration, employed for both fundamental research and product validation protocols should be carefully considered and it is suggested that running protocols for assessing breast biomechanics should exceed 7 min.  相似文献   

We examined variations in dart-throwing performance during the daytime in 12 participants. Two distances from the dartboard were investigated - the normal distance (short throws) and another 50% further away than this (long throws). Intra-aural temperature and subjective fatigue were measured, and errors in performance were assessed as the radial distances of throws from the bulls-eye and the standard deviation of these distances. Long-distance throws improved significantly throughout the daytime and correlated positively with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.49, P=0.002 and r= -0.49, P=0.002 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), but not with subjective fatigue (r= -0.10, P=0.56 and r= -0.05, P=0.74 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively). Short-distance throws were associated less with intra-aural temperature (r= -0.46, P= 0.005 and r= -0.17, P=0.31 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), and worsened with fatigue (r=+0.34, P= 0.040 for errors). Compared with the short-distance throws, the long-distance throws were performed significantly less well than could be accounted for by the increased distance (mean errors were increased 1.67-2.78 times and standard deviation of errors of errors 1.58-3.68 times), supporting the concept of a trade-off between force of contraction and accuracy of performance. Throwing darts can be used as a model for investigating factors that influence motor performance, and our results indicate that the effects of time of day upon performance depend upon the relative importance of force and accuracy.  相似文献   


We examined variations in dart-throwing performance during the daytime in 12 participants. Two distances from the dartboard were investigated – the normal distance (short throws) and another 50% further away than this (long throws). Intra-aural temperature and subjective fatigue were measured, and errors in performance were assessed as the radial distances of throws from the bulls-eye and the standard deviation of these distances. Long-distance throws improved significantly throughout the daytime and correlated positively with intra-aural temperature (r = ?0.49, P = 0.002 and r = ?0.49, P = 0.002 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), but not with subjective fatigue (r = ?0.10, P = 0.56 and r = ?0.05, P = 0.74 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively). Short-distance throws were associated less with intra-aural temperature (r = ?0.46, P = 0.005 and r = ?0.17, P = 0.31 for errors and standard deviation of errors, respectively), and worsened with fatigue (r = +0.34, P = 0.040 for errors). Compared with the short-distance throws, the long-distance throws were performed significantly less well than could be accounted for by the increased distance (mean errors were increased 1.67 – 2.78 times and standard deviation of errors of errors 1.58 – 3.68 times), supporting the concept of a trade-off between force of contraction and accuracy of performance. Throwing darts can be used as a model for investigating factors that influence motor performance, and our results indicate that the effects of time of day upon performance depend upon the relative importance of force and accuracy.  相似文献   

不同距离游泳对血氨及血乳酸水平的影响及其机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以专项游泳运动员作为研究对象,探讨游泳运动与血氨、血乳酸的关系、变化规律及其可能机制。研究发现,短时间剧烈运动中血氨水平的变化反映了无氧供能系统的代谢平衡状况。血氨与运动强度关系密切,相对运动强度越大,血氨峰值越高,血氨的肌血弥散速率越快,恢复亦越快。  相似文献   


The possible effects of normal involuntary blinking upon reaction time measures were investigated through a comparison of blink rates and the incidence of blinking in relation to preparatory signal, response signal, and the subject's response. Analysis of the data revealed that: (1) the frequency of blinking was markedly decreased during reaction time responses, (2) blinking was generally inhibited between presentation of the preparatory signal and the subject's response, and (3) blinks coincided with presentation of the response signal in only 0.1 per cent of the cases. The results indicated that blinking has little effect upon reaction time measures.  相似文献   

本文从训练内容、技术、方法、器材和手段等方面论述了评分规则对竟技体操的影响。  相似文献   

目的:研究松针提取液对小鼠血细胞DNA损伤率的影响.方法:40只昆明种小鼠随机分成安静组和训练组,两组又分设对照组和松针提取液组.服药组小鼠短期连续服用松针提取液8g/kg·d,20天后小鼠力竭游泳后测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血尿素氮(BUN)、血红蛋白(Hb)、血细胞DNA损伤率等指标及力竭游泳时间.结果:服药组小鼠短期连续服用松针提取液后,小鼠血清SOD活性显著性升高,小鼠体内蛋白质供能比例降低,Hb含量明显提高,小鼠血细胞DNA损伤率明显降低.结论:说明松针提取液可以降低血细胞DNA损伤率.  相似文献   

松针提取液对运动能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究松针提取液对运动能力的影响。方法:80只昆明种小鼠随机分成安静组和训练组,两组又分设对照组和松针提取液组。服药组小鼠短期连续服用松针提取液8g/kg·d,20天后小鼠游泳1h测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、血乳酸(LA)、血尿素氮(BUN)等指标及力竭游泳时间。结果:服药组小鼠短期连续服用松针提取液后,运动能力明显提高,血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的活性均有显著性升高,血乳酸(LA)和血尿素氮(BUN)含量均有显著性降低。结论:提示松针提取液能够提高机体的运动能力。  相似文献   

不同助跑距离对撑竿跳高起跳技术的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用运动生物力学的手段和方法对撑竿跳高进行技术分析,可以为运动员科学选择助跑距离提供科学依据.对于我们所测试的运动员来讲,采用16步助跑进行撑竿跳高要优于采用12步助跑.  相似文献   


The study had two aspects: To determine the effect of warm-up throwing drills (employing “systematic overload”) upon subsequent speed and accuracy of the overarm throw in subjects with widely differing maximum velocities, and to determine the effect of a 6-week overload training (in which the speed and accuracy emphases were systematically varied) upon the speed and accuracy of the overarm throw.

The 60 subjects in the short-range phase of the study, examining the immediate effect of overload warm-up, received experimental treatments consisting of 10-oz., 15-oz., and regulation ball warm-up. The 48 subjects who participated in the long-range or training phase of the study received progressive overload in conjunction with various speed and/or accuracy emphases.

Computer services for this study were granted by the University of Wisconsin Research Committee through funds provided by the National Science Foundation and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

The results of the study indicated that performance differences in throwing speed and accuracy, of high and low velocity performers that take place immediately following overload warm-up were statistically not significant. The initial speed and/or accuracy emphasis that was given appeared to have little effect on subsequent performance. The results provided no evidence that the use of a weighted ball resulted in immediate or long-range improvements in throwing speed or in throwing accuracy.  相似文献   

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