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自我概念就是对自我的认识,是一个人在心理上所构建的自我形象。幼儿期是这种自我形象形成和发展的关键期。这种人生最初的自我形象影响着幼儿对自我的感觉和期待,从而极大地影响幼儿现在和未来的发展。幼儿的自我概念是随着认知的发展、经验的丰富,在环境的影响之下逐渐构建起来的。  相似文献   

自我概念有积极和消极之分,相对地应能引起自身积极或消极的情绪、态度、行为。有良好自我概念的人,并不认为自己是十全十美的,而会认为自己虽然有这样那样的问题,但是“我”和别人一样,是一个有价值的人,“我”喜欢“我”自己。一般说来,一个人自己认为自己是怎样一个人,他就能表现成怎样的一个人;自己认为  相似文献   

幼儿期是学前儿童自我概念的形成时期,在这一阶段,教师的教育行为对学前儿童自我概念的初步形成具有积极或者消极的重要的影响,本文试图从分析教师的教育行为的几个方面入手,阐述其对学前儿童自我概念的影响。  相似文献   

浅论学业不良学生自我概念的成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前 ,对学业不良学生的学业干预研究在教育界日趋受到重视 ,这种干预的研究主要侧重于从学生的智能结构、性格特征、记忆能力、学习方式等方面寻找对策 ,并取得不少成果 ,然而依此方式对有些学业不良学生干预时 ,往往易出现事半功倍 ,难以见效的现象。这在我们看来主要是缺乏对学业不良学生消极自我概念的研究 ,因此要有效地改变这种状况 ,除了从学业不良学生的智能结构、性格特征、记忆能力等方面寻找原因和对策外 ,还需要研究学业不良学生不良自我概念的形成原因 ,并相应地寻找对策 ,才能标本兼治 ,有效地提高学业不良学生的学业成绩。一…  相似文献   

依据美国幼儿自我概念课程,结合中国文化及幼儿发展的特点和现状。以幼儿自我概念的结构和幼儿自我概念发展的年龄特征、性别差异为基础,编制了一套2~3岁幼儿自我概念教师评定量表。并选取长沙市电信幼儿园共印名幼儿作为被试进行测试,对此量表进行信度、效度检验,结果证明量表有效、可信。  相似文献   

自我概念在亲社会行为形成中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本主要通过揭示自我概念和亲社会行为二之间的关系,来论述自我概念在亲社会行为形成中的重要作用,以此来帮助大学生更好地认识自我,指导行为,服务社会,从而有效地做好新形势下高校学生的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

自2000年4月起,日本各所幼儿园开始实行由文部省(现文部科学省)颁布的新改订的《幼儿园教育要领》。新《要领》为21世纪日本的幼儿教育进行了明确的定位,也代表了新时代日本幼儿教育发展的总趋势。《要领》在总则中指出:“以幼儿园教育为基本的幼儿教育应让儿童在良好的环境中,进行以儿童自身为主体的游戏活动,使儿童萌发自我意识,认识他人的存在,并基本形成自我控制的能力”。幼儿期是儿童的自我概念形成的重要阶段,而对自我概  相似文献   

培养积极自我概念,促进心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我概念是人格心理学的核心,对人的心理健康的影响是直接的。文中阐述了自我概念的本质、自我概念与心理健康的关系;提出要客观地认识和接受自我,树立积极的自我概念,以促进个体心理健康发展。  相似文献   

教师对学生的消极评价可能会导致学生学业失败和出现心理问题。教师要运用积极心理学的原理,通过不断地学习、实践和反思,提高自己的育人能力。  相似文献   

中学时期是学生自我概念形成的关键期,而自我概念如何将影响一个人的认知、情感和行为,并进而影响今后的发展。暗示在自我概念形成的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。本文着重探讨心理暗示对中学生自我概念形成的影响,以及怎样利用暗示促使中学生形成积极的自我概念,以便得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

专家型教师评价行为特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

3~5岁幼儿自我控制类型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用聚类分析的方法,依据自制力、坚持性、自觉性和自我延迟满足四个指标对3~5岁幼儿的自我控制能力进行分类。结果表明,幼儿自我控制能力可以分为顾虑冲动型、被动控制型、约束顺从型和自主控制型。不同年龄的幼儿在自我控制类型分布上存在差别。不同类型幼儿具有各自的特点,实施幼儿自我控制干预时应有所侧重。  相似文献   

Mary Dozier 《Child development》1991,62(5):1091-1099
The reported experiments demonstrate that young children's ability to use previous behavioral information to predict future behavior emerges on quantitative, but not dichotomous, judgment tasks. In a first experiment, kindergartners, second graders, and fourth graders made quantitative liking judgments and predictions for peers after being presented 2 pieces of behavioral information. Children of all 3 age groups used both pieces of information in their liking judgments and predictions. In a second experiment, kindergartners were presented with 2 types of tasks; one was a quantitative prediction, comparable to the task in Experiment 1, and the second were dichotomous predictions, comparable to judgment tasks typically used in other experiments. Children's predictions were significantly more consistent with the behavioral information on the quantitative task than on either of the dichotomous tasks. These results suggest that young children believe in the ability of interpersonal behavior, but have difficulty dealing with the complexity of some prediction tasks.  相似文献   

An overview and synthesis of the literature documenting various influences on the socialization and acquisition of children's health attitudes and behavior is the focus of this review. Cognitive-developmental approaches to understanding children's health attitudes are presented, followed by an exploration of an individual differences perspective on children's acquisition of health attitudes and behavior. The influence of various socialization agents, including families, peers, schools, and the media, on children's acquisition of health attitudes and behavior is considered. Implications of these findings for social policy, future research, and modeling of child health attitudes and behavior are examined.  相似文献   

This study focused on a social interaction theory of the development of cognitive self-regulation. Specifically, the effect of mother-child interaction on the child's ability to problem solve was investigated. The general predictions were (1) children who interacted with their mothers throughout a problem-solving task would subsequently exhibit improved independent performance over practice-control children, who received corrective feedback from a female experimenter at the end of the task; (2) mothers would be more responsible for task activities, would more often regulate their child's task behaviors, and offer more specific verbal content when task demands on child competence increased than when they decreased. 60 3- and 5-year-olds either worked with their mothers or practiced alone and were given corrective feedback on a sorting task in which miniature pieces of furniture were placed in a doll house. As predicted, children who interacted with their mothers subsequently created more correct, adult-like groupings independently than children who received corrective feedback. Mothers displayed more task responsibility and regulation with younger children and when task demands on children of both age groups increased. Maternal verbal content became less specific when task demands decreased. Child performance was related to (1) variation in maternal regulation of the child; and (2) degree of specificity of maternal verbal content.  相似文献   

分享行为的发生和发展是儿童适应社会生活、顺利完成社会化的必要条件.20世纪90年代以来,国内外学者有关年幼儿童分享行为的研究取得了一些新进展.本文对年幼儿童分享行为的发展特点、影响因素及分享行为的培养途径进行了概述,并提出了值得进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

高校教师必须提高素质才能符合社会发展和教育改革的新要求。自我修养是高校教师提高自身素质的主要途径,其中思想道德素质更是自我修养的主要内容。高校教师应该理论联系实际,知行统一,根据自身特点,在社会实践和教育教学过程中,依靠自我教育取得进步。  相似文献   

师德是教师素养的核心,同时也是新时代教师队伍建设的首要任务。教师的自我统整理论能够对师德研究提供有益的启示,对分析高校教师师德的养成原理及实践路径具有良好的价值潜能。基于自我统整的理论,高校教师师德的形成实际上是教师对自我层面、职业层面和环境层面的道德矛盾和分裂统整的结果。而要促进教师师德的养成,在具体的实践路径方面需要做好四个方面的“强化统筹”,即“强化德性伦理和制度伦理的统筹,促进内在需求与外在要求的融合;强化教师‘重要他人’关系的统筹,以‘共同体’确保教师地位的平等性;强化理想角色与现实生活的统筹,允许教师接纳表达真实自我;强化道德认知与道德实践的统筹,鼓励构建‘知行合一’的师德信念”,由此,教师才能够形成清晰稳定的道德自我。  相似文献   

儿童文学阅读是时代发展的需要,儿童文学阅读离不开学校和教师的强大助推,社会、学校、教师应多方努力,完成教师从意识、理念到自身的文学修养不断提升。  相似文献   

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