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《蔡国强:我想要相信》大型个人回顾展由中外文化交流中心、美国古根海姆基金会共同主办,于北京奥运会期间在中国美术馆展出;该展为“相约北京·2008”奥运文化活动之一,也是蔡国强20多年艺术生涯的总结回顾及其作品国内最大规模的展示,所展出的蔡国强上世纪80年代至今的40组(件)代表作,分别来自欧美及亚洲多所美术馆及私人收藏,以年代顺序和不同主题为线索,充分展示蔡国强卓越的创造力和出众的视觉及概念语言,阐释其在形式与概念上对国际当代艺术创作及公众参与艺术活动的重要贡献。  相似文献   

At CPPCC's bi-weekly advisory meeting taking .place on July 22, which focused on the construction of a modem public cultural service system, Cultural Minister Cai Wu reported to participants the efforts that the Ministry of Culture (MOC) had made with regard to it.  相似文献   

《蔡国强:我想要相信》回顾展日前在纽约古根海姆美术馆举行,这是美国美术馆有史以来规模最大的华人艺术家个展。为期3个月的回顾展之后,预计8月北京奥运会期间移至北京展出,并于明年春天在西班牙古根海姆美术馆展出。纽约古根海姆美术馆正在展出的《蔡国强:我想要相信》回顾展是一件因地制宜的装置艺术,针对美术馆的展厅和圆形建筑并通过火药草图,因地制宜地用爆破、大型装置、社会计划等4种媒介,表达艺术家独特的视觉与概念。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Ren Rong has dedicated himself to cultural dialogues between China and West and gradually developed his own artistic stvle and built his own image and svmbol system.In the context of globalization of contemporary art, Ren Rong, as an international artist with the background of Chinese culture, is gaining growing recognition worldwide.[第一段]  相似文献   

It has been a custom for people in Beijing to watch the Olympics every four years, This year‘s Olympic Games, in particular, brought even joy and tear sto those who synchronized their clocks with Athens time for the 15 exciting days of the event,  相似文献   

<正>Dogs’ faces, bottles, sofa and fish, they are all ordinary daily objects that are easy to identify. In Yin Qi’s paintings,however, they divorce from the cogn...  相似文献   

"This not-for-profit art institution named after a weapon brings the past and present of the city together and links art with culture and economy." -- from the website of Tank Loft Art Center  相似文献   

初春时节,蔡国强在纽约古根海姆美术馆举办的《蔡国强:我想要相信》回顾展,成为首位在该馆举办个展的华人艺术家。蔡国强的作品结合纽约古根海姆美术馆螺旋形的空间,表现出特殊的视觉力量。其展品是蔡国强最具代表性的形式——火药草图、特定场所的爆破、大型装置及社会计划,这是他自上世纪80年代至今创作的总结。  相似文献   

In January, 2005, CCTV Music Channel broadcast Dong Yi‘s solo zheng concert. Music critics said her interpretation of this traditional Chinese pluck instrument is so poetic and passionate that listeners can naturally feel her heart and feminine softness.  相似文献   

“People‘s Olympics“, one of the slogans of 2008 Olympics Beijing, represents the core of Chinese culture -tolerance and harmony. In fact, the Olympics spirit“sports means peace“ accords to values of Chinese nation.  相似文献   

On November 24, 2013, the "World Cultural Development Forum" was held in Bali, Indonesia. High-level officials from over 30 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa came to attend this forum. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of Indonesia was present at the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Cai Wu, China's Minister of Culture, attended the meeting and delivered a keynote speech.  相似文献   

This article reports on qualitative research addressing pedagogical issues related to race in the classroom. In 5 focus groups and 14 one-on-one interviews, researchers asked students to share their expertise regarding the challenges to and possibilities for talking about race in college and university classrooms. Results are reported related to instructor practices and student practices. Data point to the importance of instructor support for diversity and of self-reflexivity on the part of instructors related to race.  相似文献   

奥运:创意文化产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雅典奥运会成功地向世界展示了古代希腊的化和现代希腊的风采。雅典奥运会给人的第一启示是,奥运会不仅是金牌的竞争,更是化的“竞争”;化是奥林匹克运动的灵魂;奥运会是全世界超种族、超化、超等级、超地域的巨大狂欢节,是当代世界规模最大的主题性国际化活动,是世界各民族化艺术尽情展示交融互惠的平台。  相似文献   

Over the sweep of Chinese porcelain history, ancient talented artisans integrated traditional Chinese painting with porcelain making, thus considerably adding to the beauty of porcelain. Masterpieces of ancient painting masters, like Yun Nantian and Ba Da Shan Ren, were painted on porcelains, which significantly increased their prices. In modern painting practices, porcelain making, together with paper making, puppet making and New Year print painting, has been valued as an important art expression to inspire artists' creativity.  相似文献   

The Beijing 2008 Olympics emblem was finally unveiled. It was shown to the public at the solemn ceremony held at 8:30 p.m. August 3, 2003 in the park of Temple of Heaven, Beijing. When a Chinese statesman and an official of the International Olympic Committee  相似文献   

上天入海,自古就是人们的美丽梦想。 荷兰物理学家C·德雷贝尔1620年发明人类历史上第一艘潜水艇,实现其水中潜行的愿望;1890年和1903年,法国人克雷芒·阿德尔和美国人莱特兄弟,分别成功试飞他们发明制造的飞机,一圆其飞行梦想……  相似文献   

On June 13, 2010, master cartoonist Hua Junwu passed away. In commemoration of this respectable artist who had dedicated his lifetime to cartoon creation,  相似文献   

Getting to Know China: Appreciation of 100 Chinese Characters is one of the book series "Meet China" produced by the Ministry of Culture of China in 2013. The book selects 100 Chinese characters that represent Chinese culture to some extent. Targeted at foreign readers most of whom are unfamiliar with Chinese characters, the book elaborates on the meanings of Chinese characters and their cultural connotation concisely and to the point.  相似文献   

Wearing a black leather coat and a headset, Meng Jinghui paced to and fro behind a huge tempered glass screen. When his new drama "Love Is More Cruel Than Death" was presented for the second round, he answered to an audience, "I don't know who will be the audience for this drama. 1 think it is enough to find 10,000 audiences who can understand it in Beijing.  相似文献   

Tea was first discovered and drunk in China several thousand years ago and over the sweep of Chinese history drinking tea has developed to be part of Chinese culture and a reversible habit of Chinese people.With the spread of Chinese civilization,Chinese tea has been introduced to many countries across  相似文献   

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