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Timmy, age four, walked slowly into the child care center, giving no outward indications of concern. Cautiously, he turned to his teacher asking, “Is that war over?” When his teacher shook her head in response, he shrugged his shoulders simply and replied, “Then I'm not riding any tricycle today. I don't want it to get a SCUD bomb on it.” With this in mind, he walked to the block area and began building.  相似文献   

'Too often we neglect to use these living mirrors to know ourselves, to acquire insight', suggests Dr Patrick Wakeling, who is a consultant children's psychiatrist in the North Lincolnshire area  相似文献   

培智学校课程生活化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓课程生活化,指的是在"来源于生活,服务于生活"理念指导下选择课程内容、组织课程内容并以此为依据进行课程的教学,即围绕着使每个弱智儿童最大限度地融入社会这一宗旨,不同的学科之间相互联系并依自身的特点与儿童的实际生活结合起来进行教学.因此,它并不是一门具体的课程,而是一种观念的体现,所以它也不同于劳动技能课;它不是以生活教育代替现有的课程体系,它不取消基础的必要的文化科学知识的学习,而是将知识学习和生活实践相联系.  相似文献   

The project of studying children in order to understand them, which lies at the heart of contemporary thinking about children and their education, is misconceived. It rests, jrst of all, upon a false belief that we can only come to know something properly by deliberately and systematically pursuing knowledge of it. Secondly, it offers a paradigm of knowing children which justifies parents and teachers in not giving themselves to children. By re-interpreting the problems that adults experience with children as technical, as arising from lack of information about them, it ignores the personal and moral dimension of adults' relations with children and thus further alienates them from one another.  相似文献   

若结识一个心理学家,或那些从事心理学工作者,人们可能都会试探性地问他们一个问题:“你知道我现在心里在想什么吗?”但我们很少向儿童问这样的问题,那么,儿童是个心理学家吗?他们能够了解自己和他人的心理吗?我们先从一个儿童喜欢玩的游戏“捉迷藏”说起。我们都熟知“捉迷藏”的游戏,这种游戏取胜的关键是“躲藏者”必须让他人不知道自己躲藏的地方,不好找寻到自己,这样,在玩游戏的过程中,“躲藏者”和“找寻者”都必须要揣摩对方的心理,想一想哪是安全的地方?他会藏哪?成人在与儿童玩这种游戏时会发现一个有趣的现象:有时,成人作为“找寻…  相似文献   

普通幼儿园有特殊教育需要儿童的在园生存现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用问卷调查法,以269名浙江省普通幼儿园一线教师为调查对象,考察浙江省普通幼儿园融合安置的有特殊教育需要儿童的在园生存现状,结果发现浙江省普通幼儿园有特殊教育需要的儿童在增加,但这些儿童在普通幼儿园的生存现状不容乐观,他们能够参与的活动和课程类型有限,且质量存疑;容易遭到同伴的拒绝;被认为对周围环境中的他人存在负面影响.此外,幼儿教师关于特殊教育、融合教育的知识与技能极度缺乏,其对接纳有特殊教育需要的幼儿的认识和教育能力有待进一步改善和提高.  相似文献   


In this article, The Social Justice Education in Schools (SJES) Project integrates field-based study and existing research to identify five key Principles of Social Justice Education in Schools. An outgrowth of the federally funded Massachusetts Coalition for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement, the SJES Project seeks to positively impact teacher preparation, student achievement, and social justice practice in urban environments. The authors ground their discussion in their partnership with Rodriguez Elementary School, and present specific points of inquiry to facilitate K-12 educators, administrators, and community members' critical reflection on their own school environments. By developing a concrete framework for Social Justice Education in Schools, the authors hope to encourage future empirical research explicitly linking Social Justice Education to student achievement.  相似文献   

Ranjit Konkar 《Resonance》2012,17(8):779-790
What is the real behaviour of the spherically concave mirror which, we were taught in school, focuses a parallel beam to a point? What is the accuracy and range of its focussing behaviour and what happens outside that range? How do we relate this behaviour to the measurable dimensions of the mirror? This article presents answers to these questions using simple geometry and algebra.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of grandparents in the communication development of children who are deafblind. The two-tiered study was conducted through State Projects for Deafblind Children in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee with 143 parents and 80 grandparents. The grandparents identified as “most involved” provided information about factors that influence their levels of involvement. The results suggest that maternal grandparents are the most involved. A needs analysis in areas of communication, nurturing, and school indicated the need for grandparents to be included as participants in developing communication plans.  相似文献   

儿童是个哲学家:解读及启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲学是一种“爱智慧”的活动,根源于人类的“惊讶”。儿童的本性决定了他们天生是个哲学家,并且不断地在完成着自己的哲学体系。本文以儿童对时间的困惑为例对此命题加以分析、解读,并在此基础上提出要树立正确的教育观念,理解儿童、保护儿童的精神萌芽。  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that children with dyslexia are slower at handwriting than other children. However, evidence of slow handwriting in children with dyslexia is very mixed. Thirty-one children with dyslexia, aged 9 years, were compared to both age-matched children and younger spelling-ability matched children. Participants completed an alphabet-writing task and a composition task on the surface of a digital writing tablet. Children with dyslexia wrote the same amount of letters per minute in the alphabet task but wrote fewer words per minute when composing their texts than children of the same age. Crucially, no differences were found between children with dyslexia and their same age peers for speed of handwriting execution, measured by the tablet, when writing the alphabet or composing their texts. However, children with dyslexia were found to pause within their compositions as often as the spelling ability matched group. Thus handwriting execution is not impaired in children with dyslexia. The slow writing that is typical of children with dyslexia is due to pausing more often when composing and is related to spelling ability. This may reflect processing problems in response to high cognitive load through having to contend with spelling and composing concurrently.  相似文献   

This study used an individual structured interview to (1) verify the incidence of non-anthropocentric reasoning in 123 children attending the 3rd and 4th years in three primary schools in the Lisbon area (Portugal), when they are confronted with ecological dilemmas and (2) establish those places they frequented which permit animal contact. The results show a greater incidence of non-anthropocentric reasoning than that obtained in other international studies. This may be related to the focus of the questions asked, which invited children to imagine themselves as another animal or to present situations where human interaction is unfair. This incidence was found independently of gender, school origin and whether or not pets were owned, even with the more biologically complex animals. School year was the only variable proven to make a difference in conceptually more demanding questions. We also verified that the children's general past experience of nature is essentially aligned to ‘controlled environments depending on ongoing human management’, confirming a decline in direct contact with ‘natural and semi-natural environments’. However, this type of experience does not seem to exert a negative influence on their non-anthropocentric reasoning.  相似文献   

"儿童是成人之师"在学前教育中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Significant adults who support and teach children are only too aware of the effects of adverse experiences on intellectual, social and personal development. Less easily predicted, however, is a small number of young people who, despite many negative experiences, seem to make a considerable success of their lives. In this paper, the intriguing notion of 'resilience' will be explored and some suggestions will be offered on how educational psychologists could use both the concept and the underpinning research to challenge current practice in childcare and education, and to generate strategies for carers and teachers that can enable them to enhance the resilience of vulnerable children and young people.  相似文献   

目的:了解学龄前儿童行为问题现状及其影响因素.方法:用Conners父母问卷对441例4~5岁学龄前儿童的行为等问题进行调查后,抽取部分儿童进行干预,并调查干预后的效果.结果:学龄前儿童行为异常检出率为11.56%,其得分均显著高于全国常模.干预后儿童行为问题得分显著低于干预前.结论:应采取适当的心理和社会干预措施,以提高学龄前儿童身心健康水平.  相似文献   

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