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Veletanlić  Emina    Creso 《Minerva》2020,58(2):261-283
Minerva - With the rise of an innovation agenda in science policy, previous studies have identified a shift in how the state delegates responsibility to funding agencies in order to change the...  相似文献   

Public Sector Research: A Growing Role in Innovation Systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Larédo  Philippe  Mustar  Philippe 《Minerva》2004,42(1):11-27
This essay highlights three converging trendsexperienced by `public sector research' duringthe past decade. Looking especially at France,our discussion draws attention to the new rolesof universities, the blurring of relationshipsbetween types of research institutions andresearch activities, and the development of`research collectives' as an organizationalfeature now emerging throughout Europe.  相似文献   

Economic impact studies based on short-run spending injections and multipliers lack conceptual ties to measures of economic surplus, fail to capture intangible benefits and generally fail to measure costs. In this case study of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) held in Israel in 1999, national benefits from the government-financed televising of the ESC are measured as producer surplus (approximated by private sector incremental profits), consumer surplus (measured as the incremental willingness to pay for an event staged at home) and government surplus (linked to national implicit benefits in the form of promotional advertising cost savings). The opportunity costs of diverting resources to this particular televised event are expressly included as an offset to these gross surplus benefits. Despite the conservative approach, the results show moderate social justification for public support of this high profile televised spectacle and suggest that a cost-benefit approach to cultural events can have wider applications.  相似文献   

在郊区化背景下,以上海为例,利用网络开放数据与统计年鉴数据探究工业、居住、商业三类城市功能空间的郊区化轨迹.研究发现,上海经历了工业郊区化引领、城市蔓延的郊区化、多中心发展的成熟郊区化3个阶段.郊区化模式的渐进发展带来了城市功能空间复杂性演化,郊区由单一产业导向的生产空间向工业、居住、商业多要素互动的综合城区转型,进而...  相似文献   

David Tyfield 《Minerva》2012,50(2):149-167
Science and technology policy is both faced by unprecedented challenges and itself undergoing seismic shifts. First, policy is increasingly demanding of science that it fixes a set of epochal and global crises. On the other hand, practices of scientific research are changing rapidly regarding geographical dispersion, the institutions and identities of those involved and its forms of knowledge production and circulation. Furthermore, these changes are accelerated by the current upheavals in public funding of research, higher education and technology development in the wake of the economic crisis. The paper outlines an agenda for science & technology policy studies in terms of a research programme of a ‘cultural political economy of research and innovation’ (CPERI). First, the implications of the overlapping crises for science policy analysis are discussed. Secondly, three rough constellations of contemporary approaches to science policy are critically compared, namely: a techno-statist Keynesian governance; a neoliberal marketplace of ideas; and co-productionist enabling of democratic debate. CPERI is then introduced, showing how it builds on the strengths of co-production while also specifically targeting two major weaknesses that are of heightened importance in an age of multiple crises, namely neglect of political economy and the concept of power.  相似文献   

语言是文化的物质载体,语言濒危对人类文化的保存与传承会造成巨大影响;文化是语言的精神家园,文化的缺失对一种语言或方言走向濒危极具内部杀伤力,会加快濒危的语言走向消亡的步伐。本文在对黑龙江站人及站话考察过程中发现,作为一种独特的文化景观,站人源于站丁,清以后驻守在黑龙江各驿站的站丁的主体是由清政府发配而来的吴三桂手下的降兵,这些被烙上了“红字”的站丁后来不仅形成了一个特殊的社群—站人,而且形成了由职业变体演变而成的通行于社群内部的交际工具—站话,久而久之站话变成了黑龙江方言中的一个特殊的方言岛。通过查阅大量历史文献以及对几个站人集中居住区的实地考察,我们发现站话目前正处于濒危状态,而站人社群文化的缺失是导致站话濒危的直接原因。  相似文献   

Research on cultural economics is very interested in the economic valuation of non-market goods, particularly in the field ofcultural heritage where contingent valuation techniques are currently being used with both parametric and non-parametric statistical methods to estimate the willingness to pay for cultural goods. In the literature analysed, the number of studies using semiparametric methods, however, is very limited. Our analysis is intended to help fill this gap by offering a parametric, non-parametric and semiparametric economic valuation of the National Museum of Sculpture (Museo Nacional de Escultura), located in Valladolid,Spain. In addition, we also gain insight on a controversial issue affecting most European museums, particularly those located in Latin countries: the role voluntary donations might play in the funding of public museums.  相似文献   

在信息技术和现代社交网络转型的社会背景下,具有悠久历史文脉的著名大学已成为所在名城的文化遗产和景观资源。新时代的教育模式正转型为文化教育社区。提炼了国内外高等教育新的理论实践,以清华大学"苏世民书院"为研究对象,探讨文化教育综合体设计实践思路,即新型社交生态系统的文教社区模式。  相似文献   

Ruth Müller 《Minerva》2014,52(3):329-349
This paper explores the ways in which postdoctoral life scientists engage in supervision work in academic institutions in Austria. Reward systems and career conditions in academic institutions in most European and other OECD countries have changed significantly during the last two decades. While an increasing focus is put on evaluating research performances, little reward is attached to excellent performances in mentoring and advising students. Postdoctoral scientists mostly inhabit fragile institutional positions and experience harsh competition, as the number of available senior positions is small compared to that of young scientists striving for an academic career. To prevail in this competition, publications and mobility are key. Educational work is rarely rewarded. Nevertheless, postdocs play a key role in educating PhD students, as overburdened senior scientists often pass on practical supervision duties to their postdoctoral fellows. This paper shows how under these conditions, postdocs reframe the students they supervise as potential resources for co-authored publications. What might look like a mutually beneficial solution at a first glance, in practice implies the subordination of the values of education to the logic of production, which marginalizes spaces primarily devoted to education. The author argues that conflicts like this are indicative of broader changes in the cultural norms of science and academic citizenship, rendering community-oriented tasks such as education work less attractive to academic scientists. Since education and supervision work are central cornerstones of any functioning higher education and research system, this could have negative repercussions for the long-term development of academic institutions.  相似文献   

Langfeldt  Liv  Nedeva  Maria  Sörlin  Sverker  Thomas  Duncan A. 《Minerva》2020,58(1):115-137
Minerva - Notions of research quality are contextual in many respects: they vary between fields of research, between review contexts and between policy contexts. Yet, the role of these co-existing...  相似文献   

我国城市发展已由增量时代转向存量时代,山地城市存量空间更新、激活是实现城市可持续发展的关键。在长期发展的过程中,山地城市遗留了大量密度高、环境差的老旧小区、棚户区,以及低效闲置用地,这些空间与人民日益增长的美好生活需求相背离,亟需更新改造。以贵阳市老城区(云岩区、南明区)为研究实例,探究山地城市更新改造策略。首先摸清贵阳市老城区城市更新底数,并总结老城区目前更新存在的困境,然后针对性地提出分区引导、容量控制、分类实施、政策保障的更新策略,最后提炼出几点适用于山地城市更新的策略。  相似文献   

Richard Heidler 《Minerva》2011,49(4):461-488
Scientific collaboration can only be understood along the epistemic and cognitive grounding of scientific disciplines. New scientific discoveries in astrophysics led to a major restructuring of the elite network of astrophysics. To study the interplay of the epistemic grounding and the social network structure of a discipline, a mixed-methods approach is necessary. It combines scientometrics, quantitative network analysis and visualization tools with a qualitative network analysis approach. The centre of the international collaboration network of astrophysics is demarcated by identifying the 225 most productive astrophysicists. For the years 1998?C1999 and 2001?C2006 four co-authorship networks are constructed comprehending each a two year period. A visualization of the longitudinal network data gives first hints on the structural development of the network. The network of 2005?C2006 is analyzed in depth. Based on cohesion analysis tools for network analysis, two main cores and three smaller ones are identified. Scientists in each core and additionally in structurally interesting positions are identified and 17 qualitative expert interviews are conducted with them. The visualization of the network of 2005?C2006 is used in the interviews as a stimulus for the interviewees. An analysis of the three most often used keywords of the 225 astrophysicists is included and combined with the other data. The triangulation of these approaches shows that major epistemic changes in astrophysics, e.g. the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe, together with technical and organizational innovations, leads to a restructuring of the network of the discipline. The importance of a combination of qualitative and quantitative network analysis tools for the understanding of the interplay of cognitive and social structure in the sociology of science is substantiated.  相似文献   

城市夜间经济的良性发展是体现城市活力以及实现"双循环"的重要支撑.基于百度POI和百度热力值数据,采用耦合-协调模型、核密度分析法,以南京市为例,进行城市夜间休闲服务水平与活力度的匹配分析,研究发现:(1)南京市夜间休闲服务水平呈现"中心高外围低"的分布格局,由中心到外围,夜间休闲场所的高密度区面积逐渐变小、分布逐渐分...  相似文献   

Laurens K. Hessels 《Minerva》2013,51(3):317-339
Many science systems are witnessing the rise of intermediary organizations with a coordinating mission, but to date a systematic understanding of their function and effects is lacking. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the coordinating efforts of intermediary organizations. Starting from the definition of coordination as the establishment or strengthening of a relationship among the activities in a system, with the aim to enhance their common effectiveness, I develop a heuristic framework that facilitates the systematic analysis of coordination in science. I illustrate and substantiate my framework with the empirical case study of a Dutch coordination task force in the area of chemical technologies. Thanks to the framework I could disentangle a number of functions that this task force fulfils concerning research programming, funding allocation and supporting interactions and collaborations. This approach enabled me to systematically analyse a very heterogeneous set of processes that each deserve to be called coordination. The analysis yields a clear overview of eight coordination processes that are each described in terms of activities, intervention, relationships, mechanisms and performance. I conclude my paper with suggestions for further research on coordination in the science system.  相似文献   

In the context of more and more project-based research funding, commercialization and economic growth have increasingly become rationalized concepts that are used to demonstrate the centrality of science for societal development and prosperity. Following the world society tradition of organizational institutionalism, this paper probes the potential limits of the spread of such rationalized concepts among different types of research funders. Our comparative approach is particularly designed to study the role and position of nonprofit research funders (NPF), a comparison that is relevant as NPF could potentially be shielded from such rationalized pressures given their lack of profit gaining motives. By making a qualitative interview-based investigation we are able to describe how research funders rationalize their contributions to society at large, as well as their obligations to the researchers they fund. Four types of research funders are compared—independently wealthy philanthropists, fundraising dependent nonprofits, public agencies, and industry. We find that NPF, and especially philanthropists, are the least commercially geared type of funder, but that philanthropists also express least obligations to researchers funded. This is in sharp contrast to public research funders who, even more than industry, employ commercially geared rationalizations. We also find that both public and corporate funders express obligations to the researchers they fund. Our results indicate that there are limits to the spread of commercially tinted rationalizations among NPF, but that this does not necessarily mean an increased sense of obligations to the researchers funded, and by extension to the integrity of scientific pursuit.  相似文献   

Benoît Godin 《Minerva》2008,46(3):343-360
J. Schumpeter is a key figure, even a seminal one, on technological innovation. Most economists who study technological innovation refer to Schumpeter and his pioneering role in introducing innovation into economic studies. However, despite having brought forth the concept of innovation in economic theory, Schumpeter provided few if any analyses of the process of innovation itself. This paper suggests that the origin of systematic studies on technological innovation owes its existence to the economist W. Rupert Maclaurin from MIT. In the 1940s and 1950s, Maclaurin developed Schumpeter’s ideas, analyzing technological innovation as a process composed of several stages or steps, and proposed a theory of technological innovation, later called the linear model of innovation. The paper also argues that Maclaurin constructed one of the first taxonomies for measuring technological innovation.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, regulators across the globehave faced increasing pressure from media firms toliberalise domestic media and cross-media ownershiprestrictions. Based on empirical research carried outin the U.K., this paper examines the ``economic' case putforward in favour of deregulation. Findings suggestthat, although factors other than size will affectperformance, there is generally a strong and positivecorrelation between the market share and the operatingprofitability of firms involved in either televisionor radio broadcasting or newspaperpublishing. But, with regard to cross-media ownershipof television and newspapers, there is nocompelling evidence that diagonal integration bringsabout inherent synergies, economies of scope or othereconomic benefits. Thus, whereas a variety ofeconomic efficiency gains may be available to justifya relaxation of restrictions over monomedia expansion,few such benefits can be found in support ofderegulating cross-ownership of television andnewspapers.  相似文献   

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