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The purpose of the study was to determine the level of the relationship among Turkish elementary school students' personal epistemologies, motivation, learning strategies, and achievements in science. A total of 322 fifth-grade students participated in the study. Results from the structural equation modeling showed that students' personal epistemologies influence both their motivation and metacognitive strategies in science learning. Viewing scientific knowledge as constructed by the learner contributes to the students having high motivations, high science achievement, and the ability to engage metacognitively in learning tasks.  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop an assessment tool to measure high school students’ personal epistemology (PE) in the physics domain by using validation processes. Based on theoretical foundations of PE, the PPEQ was conceptualised on six hypothetical dimensions: structure of knowledge [SK], justification of knowledge and knowing [JK], changeability of knowledge [CK], equations in physics [EQ], quick learning [QL], and source of knowledge [source]. In total, 42-items were developed deductively for these dimensions, and a panel of experts assessed the content validity of the instrument. Subsequently, factor analyses were performed to obtain construct-related evidence. First, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on the data collected from 362 ninth graders. EFA yielded a six-factor solution which excluded the EQ and divided SK into two dimensions: coherent SK and hierarchical SK. Second, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted with the remaining 27-items on data collected from a new sample of 350 ninth graders. The CFA results confirmed that the PPEQ assesses six factors emerged from EFA. Internal consistency of the PPEQ was also found to be very high with Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient of .92, and the coefficients of dimensions ranged from .71 to .83.  相似文献   

大学生英语阅读过程中的阅读动机与阅读成绩、性别的相关性研究表明:(1)大学生具有较强的英语阅读动机。(2)学生的阅读动机总体水平与阅读成绩呈正相关,并且达到了统计学意义上的非常显著水平;效能信念、成就价值分别与阅读成绩相互正相关,相关程度达到显著水平;高、低分组的阅读成绩呈现显著差异。高分组的效能信念平均值高于低分组,其差异达到统计学上的显著水平。(3)女生阅读成绩高于男生,但两者无显著性差异。女生效能动机、成就价值和社会因素的平均值均高于男生,且差异均达到显著水平。因此,有效地激发学生阅读动机,针对男女性别差异的特点区别对待,可以更好地促进学生阅读能力的提升,这对外语教学的有效开展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the views about constructivist instruction and personal epistemology of the secondary earth science teachers in Taiwan. Participants were assessed through a paper‐and‐pencil survey and a Learning environment preference questionnaire (LEP) designed to explore personal epistemology. On a five‐point Likert scale, teachers, on average, showed a neutral agreement on constructivist instruction. The content analysis suggested that teachers held alternative views about the nature of the constructivist instruction. LEP scores were found to be statistically associated with gender, education, current teaching level and years of teaching; the score distribution indicated that most teachers had not developed a constructivist‐compatible epistemology. By one‐way ANOVA, it was suggested that views about the constructivist instruction were aligned with personal epistemology.  相似文献   

奥苏贝尔成就动机理论从认知驱力、自我一增强驱力、附属驱力三方面阐述了学生的学习动机。文章针对五年制高职学生的现状,根据奥苏贝尔成就动机理论,提出教师要从如下三方面入手切实培养学生的学习动机:1.展现物理的趣和美,激发和维持学生的认知驱力;2.让学生在学习过程中不断取得成功经验,促进学生自我一增强驱力的发展;3.形成教育合力,推动学生在学习上的附属驱力。  相似文献   

Growth in distance education is increasing the need to examine students' learning strategies in distance and blended learning environments. Students' cramming or spaced-review behaviors were measured and compared across delivery formats as well as examined related to course achievement and attitudes across a term. Although theory would predict that spaced study rather than last minute cramming would yield higher achievement, researchers report mixed findings in both areas. One hundred fifty-seven students in distance and blended course formats were blocked into 5 groups based on their cramming/spaced-review patterns a week prior to each of 3 posttests. Significant differences were observed in cramming/spaced-review behaviors between delivery formats and for achievement and attitudes.  相似文献   

Current studies reveal that meta-level variables are very important in learning; however, little research has been devoted to the role of metaconceptual and meta-affective variables on student achievement. With the aim of filling this gap in the literature, the present study investigated the relationship between metavariables (metaconceptual awareness, metaconceptual regulation, affective awareness, and affective regulation) and science achievement with the mediating effect of science self-efficacy through structural equation modeling. A total of 576 eighth grade students participated in the study. Results indicated that science self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship that metaconceptual regulation and affective regulation have with science achievement. In other words, students who monitor and evaluate their existing conceptions and follow, control, and adapt their emotions are likely to have high science self-efficacy and then high science achievement. In addition, metaconceptual awareness, metaconceptual regulation, and affective regulation positively predicted science self-efficacy, which was itself a positive predictor of science achievement. The findings imply that metavariables are essential components of science achievement via self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Education Ordinance 1971 in Hong Kong not only provided girls with a much greater chance of receiving education than had hitherto been the case, it also had the effect of incorporating them into the regulatory framework of the school system. This paper examines how the discourses of civic education and sex education before and after reunification with mainland China have interchanged the concept of gender with the biological sex in the construction of the girl. In particular, it argues that, in the name of maintaining the stability of society, the developmental path for girls has been limited in the discourses of sex, personal and social education. As a result, girls are only presumed to become women and take up their appropriate gender roles according to the social norms of contemporary Hong Kong.  相似文献   

采用《社会自我效能感量表》和《成就倾向个体差异问卷》,对随机抽取的284名体育教育专业学生进行测量,探讨成就动机与自我效能感的关系.结果发现自我效能与成就动机呈显著正相关;成就动机中追求成功变量与自我效能感存在显著相关;成就动机中避免失败变量与自我效能感存在显著负相关.本研究所调查的自我效能感在性别、学历以及生源地上差异无统计学意义.  相似文献   

This study investigated gender- and age-related differences in academic motivation and classroom behaviour in adolescents. Eight hundred and fifty-five students (415 girls and 440 boys) aged 11–16 (M age = 13.96, SD = 1.47) filled in a questionnaire that examined student academic motivation and teachers completed a questionnaire reporting student classroom behaviour. Interestingly, early adolescent boys’ (11–12 years) self-reported academic motivation was significantly more closely associated with reports of student classroom behaviour completed by teachers. However, a surprising result was the significant drop in girls’ adaptive motivation from early to mid-adolescence (13–14 years) and a significant increase in mid-adolescence (13–14 years). Furthermore, teachers reported a significant increase in negative classroom behaviour in mid-adolescent and late adolescent girls (15–16 years). The need to further understand the association between academic motivation and classroom behaviour at different stages in adolescence, and to design interventions to improve classroom behaviour, is deliberated.  相似文献   

Although previous research has shown the potential of innovative learning for enhancing motivation and learning outcomes, further understanding is needed on which aspects of IL are most effective and whether these are equally motivating for different types of students. The present study investigated how developments in students’ motivation and achievement related to different aspects of innovative learning (i.e. authentic learning, collaborative learning and focusing on self-regulation), and whether these relations varied by students’ background characteristics. A sample of 722 grade five students from the Netherlands (average age 11?years old) and their teachers completed questionnaires during four measurements from grade five to grade six. Autoregression analyses were performed. Results showed both positive and negative relations between IL and developments in students’ motivation and achievement, indicating that IL is not a unidimensional construct. Furthermore, the effectiveness of different aspects of IL depended on students’ gender, and social and ethnic background characteristics.  相似文献   

Motivation plays a critical role in human behavior and is particularly important during college, where a single class can make or break an academic career. The longitudinal research on expectancies for success and utility value primarily focuses on prediction or change over many years, rather than change over a short period of time. However, a single class in college can often be the difference between getting a degree or not. To better understand how motivation progresses in the short-term, we examined changes in expectancy and utility value simultaneously during a single college class. Both constructs declined during the class and showed significant variability across individuals. In addition, change in expectancy was strongly correlated with change in utility value, and the expectancy slope estimates were significant predictors of continuing interest. We discuss the need for a better understanding of short-term dynamic relationships between expectancies, utility value, and outcomes.  相似文献   


The authors explored how gender and socioeconomic status (SES) predicted physics achievement as mediated by metacognition and physics self-efficacy. Data were collected from 338 high school students. The model designed for exploring how gender and SES-related differences in physics achievement were explained through metacognition and physics self-efficacy was tested. The result showed that metacognition and physics self-efficacy could explain gender- and SES-related differences in physics achievement. In addition, it was observed that physics self-efficacy mediated the relation of metacognition to physics achievement whereas metacognition did not. This finding means that metacognition contributed to physics achievement through physics self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Predictive models of academic achievement are used in various (often high stakes) applications, including selection and study orientation procedures for higher education. Considering the far-reaching consequences of their outcomes, these models should show as little bias for irrelevant factors as possible. While numerous studies have researched the impact of gender on the isolated individual predictors of academic achievement, no studies yet have explored how gender affects program-specific prediction models of academic achievement. As such, the present study examined whether prediction models exhibit gender differences in the accuracy of their predictions, and how such differences relate to the gender balance within a study program. Besides that, we developed gender-specific prediction models of academic achievement in order to examine how these models differ in terms of which predictors are included, and whether they make more accurate predictions. Data was examined from a large sample of first year students across 16 programs in an open access higher education system (N = 5,016). Results revealed interactions between gender and several predictors of academic achievement. While the models exhibited little difference in the accuracy of their predictions for male and female students, analyses showed that using gender-specific models substantially improved our predictions. We also found that male and female models of academic achievement differ greatly in terms of the predictors included in their composition, irrespective of the gender balance in a study program.  相似文献   

Can controlled motivation contribute to desired educational outcomes such as academic achievement over and above autonomous motivation? No, According to Self-Determination Theory. Yet, some recent findings have shown that controlled motivation may not fully undermine motivated behavior when autonomous motivation remains high. In this study, we tested this possibility through two different samples of more than 3000 Turkish adolescent students. Through polynomial regression and response surface analyses we found only slim evidence that high controlled motivation can predict higher grades. Instead, a consistent finding that emerged was that higher grades were expected when high levels of autonomous motivation coincided with low levels of controlled motivation rather than high levels of controlled motivation. These findings highlight the usefulness of polynomial regressions and response surface analyses to examine pertinent questions which challenge the view that controlled motivation may not be as much detrimental as self-determination theory claims to be.  相似文献   

Research within science textbooks has dominantly focused on examining explicit representations of women and men using quantitative methodology. The assumption that gendered arrangements are necessarily explicit and therefore visible and countable, overlooks how power works explicitly and implicitly through discourse to produce specific gendered subjectivities. In taking up feminist post-structuralisms, this study contributes to textbook studies within sciences by illuminating both explicit and implicit representations of gender. Using discourse analysis, ‘gender-neutral’ and/or disembodied subjects and objects were ‘unmasked,’ revealing a generic male and/or masculine subject. Gender-neutrality, which is pervasive within the physics textbooks, was thus exposed as a mask for generic maleness/masculinity. I argue that this objectivist science, which remains compatible with a narrow range of student gendered identities, forecloses possibilities for a wide range of scientist subjectivities, to produce a more inclusive physics curriculum, with a greater possibility of developing physics using diverse subjectivities.  相似文献   

Recently, research has begun to identify cognitive and social-emotional predictors of early academic success. Yet few studies have examined the mechanisms by which children's social-emotional skills are associated with later academic success. The present study examines the associations between preschool emotion knowledge, kindergarten attention skills, and first grade academic competence in a sample of mostly disadvantaged children. Results indicate that attention during kindergarten is a significant mediator of this association, even after accounting for the effects of maternal education, family income, and children's age, sex, and receptive vocabulary skills. The findings provide further support for the implementation of preventive curricula that focus on both social and emotional development as well as attentional development as one strategy for improving future academic success in young children.  相似文献   

While there is a growing body of work that examines disciplinary identity development, unlike qualitative work in this area, quantitative research has not fully incorporated the importance of different contexts, nor has it uniquely focused on underrepresented groups (in this case, women in physics). This study examines how the constructs posited by prior work as important for physics identity, as well as an additional theorized construct, may interrelate and affect female students' physics identity differently depending on the context. Context in this study refers to two different experiential levels in college. The constructs examined include performance/competence, recognition, and interest, as well as sense of belonging. In particular, we used structural equation modeling to examine the effect that these constructs have on the physics identity of two groups of female physics undergraduates: first year students and senior year students. The results reveal that the relationship of the theorized constructs with physics identity vary between the two groups as well as compared to prior research with broad college student populations (not just physics majors). Unlike broad college student populations, for our sample of female physics undergraduates, interest did not have a direct effect on physics identity while sense of belonging was significant only for senior year students. These results exemplify the importance of examining context or different types of student experiences when studying disciplinary identity development rather than generalizing previous frameworks to all contexts.  相似文献   

This study explored the validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in a sample of 853 practicing teachers from Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Indonesia, and Oman. The authors used multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to test the factor structure and measurement invariance across settings, after which they examined the relationships between work engagement, workplace well-being (job satisfaction and quitting intention), and contextual variables (socioeconomic status, experience, and gender). The 1-factor version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was deemed preferable to the 3-factor version and showed acceptable fit to the cross-national data. The 1-factor Utrecht Work Engagement Scale showed good internal consistency and similar relationships with workplace well-being and contextual variables across settings. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was invariant within broadly construed Western and non-Western groups but not across Western and non-Western groups. The authors concluded that the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale needs further development before its use can be supported in further cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

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