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美国高校的学术反思与学术评价   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
20世纪 80年代末以来 ,美国高教界对美国高校中存在的学术评价日益窄化和教师奖励制度越来越片面的倾向进行了深刻反思。尤其是博耶在 90年代初发表的两篇文献 ,提出了包括发现的学术、综合的学术、应用的学术和教学的学术四种形式在内的新学术观 ,并构建了包括学者的品质、学术工作的标准、学术证明和过程的可靠性四条原则的新的学术评价体系。博耶的新学术观拓展了学术概念的内涵 ,涵盖了现代大学日益丰富的使命。他提出的学术评价四原则 ,对于纠正当前我国高校学术评价中普遍存在的简单化、公式化、数字化倾向具有重要的现实意义  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between personality and two different academic performance (AP) assessment methods, namely exams and coursework. It aimed to examine whether the relationship between traits and AP was consistent across self-reported versus documented exam results, two different assessment techniques and across different faculties. There were 1,013 (622 female) university students from four British Universities in four faculties namely arts/humanities, social sciences, life/biological sciences and mathematical sciences. Participants completed a brief version of the Big Five inventory and a self-report measure of AP. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were the strongest personality predictors of AP. Structural equation model showed that sex and personality effects on AP were invariant across different areas of study or degree types (humanities, social sciences, life sciences and hard sciences). Personality variables are stable, robust and predictable correlates and determinants of AP. Conscientiousness, Openness and Agreeableness were positive predictors as measured by good grades whilst Neuroticism and Extraversion were correlates of weaker performance. Implications of these results refer how teachers choose to examine their pupils and to what extent students choose courses because of their known examination procedures.  相似文献   

Mature students are sometimes said to be deficient in the basic skills needed for effective studying in higher education or to be impaired by age-related intellectual deficits. However, the research literature on the academic performance of mature students contains no good evidence that mature students perform any less well than younger students on courses of study in higher education. Moreover, the idea that normal ageing impairs the capacity for learning in higher education is most questionable: even the oldest mature students can obtain good results when assessed by means of both examinations and coursework.  相似文献   

The emerging interface between computer technology and cognitive psychology for performance assessment in science education is explored. Cognitive theories of learning offer promises to transform computer technology from a test administration tool into a process assessment tool, and computer technology offers a medium for studying the cognitive processes of learning. Interface theories and interface technologies are briefly discussed. The technology-psychology interface may be a base for building an alternative assessment technology. Some prototype projects in this line of inquiry are presented. As in any other novel approaches to testing, there are several questions that need to be answered in establishing the role of the technology-psychology interface in performance assessment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the reliability and validity of a performance assessment designed to measure students' thinking and reasoning skills in mathematics. The QUASAR Cognitive Assessment Instrument (QCA1) was administered to over 1.700 sixth and seventh grade students of various ethnic backgrounds in six schools that are participating in the QUASAR project. The consistency of students' responses across tasks and the validity for inferences drawn from the scores on the assessment to the more broadly-defined construct domain were examined. The intertask consistency and the dimensionality of the assessment was assessed through the use of polychoric correlations and confirmatory factor analysis, and the generalizability of the derived scores was examined through the use of generalizability theory. The results from the confirmatory factor analysis indicate that a one-factor model fits the data for each of the four QCAI forms. The major findings from the generalizability studies (person x task and person x rater x task) indicate that, for each of the four forms, the person x task variance component accounts for the largest percentage of the total variability and the percentage of variance accounted for by the variance components that include the rater effect is negligible. The variance components that-include the rater effect were negligible. The generalizability and dependability coefficients for the person x task decision studies (nt, = 9) range from .71-.84. These results indicate that the use of nine tasks may not be adequate for generalizing to the larger domain of mathematics for individual student level scores. The QUASAR project, however, is interested in assessing mathematics achievement at the program level not the student level; therefore, these coefficients are not alarmingly low.  相似文献   

提出了一种用于设备性能退化评估的PCA-CMAC(主成分分析-小脑模型节点控制器)模型.该模型利用PCA进行特征提取,去除多个传感器信号特征的冗余信息,并且减少CMAC的输入维数;利用CMAC的局部泛化能力定量地评估设备的性能退化.给出了模型的实现过程,并将模型应用于钻削过程刀具状态的评估,试验结果证明该模型能基于刀具的正常状态,对刀具的磨损状态进行定量的评估.分析了CMAC中泛化参数g和量化参数r对评估结果的影响,g越大,CMAC的泛化能力越好,但各退化状态之间的区别越不明显;r越小,各退化状态之间越容易区分,但所需的权存储空间越大.2个参数的基本选择原则是CMAC的权存储空间应尽量小,与此同时,各退化状态之间应容易区分.  相似文献   

Neoliberal higher education reforms in relation to quality assurance, managerialist practices, accountability and performativity are receiving increasing attention and criticism. In this article, I will address student assessment as part of the technologies that increasingly govern academics and their work in universities. I will draw on Foucault’s theories of governmentality and subjectification, and discourse analysis that have framed the research conducted with 16 academics in one university in the UK. While academics in the study expressed frustration with neoliberal reforms in general, and assessment policies in particular, they tended not to demonstrate overt resistance within their university systems. The reasons for this will be questioned and analysed in relation to a neoliberal mode of government where power relations shaping academic subjectivities are diffuse and pervasive. I will discuss the ways in which academics understand and act within these power relations, and I will also demonstrate a variety of covert practices that academics tend to apply when coping with the neoliberal technologies of government such as assessment.  相似文献   

表现性评价的实施与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘健 《教育导刊》2006,(8):15-17
一、传统评价模式的弊端纸笔测试过去几乎是评价学生学习的唯一形式。这种传统评价模式的主要问题是:①评价范围狭窄,只关心认知目标和学业成就,注重学习结果,而对学习者获得知识的过程、表征及其知识结构的变化则无法测评,对学生的情感、态度、价值观等非学业素质的测评更是无能为力。②仅凭考试分数衡量学生的学习,评价方法注重量化,只关注学生对知识和技能的识记、理解和简单运用的情况,而对学生综合运用知识技能的能力,以及在真实世界中运用书本知识创造性地解决实际问题的能力的高度综合的心智技能发展不够重视。③评价突出鉴别和选拔…  相似文献   

加拿大安大略省学生成绩评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对学生学习成绩的评价是学校教学的一个重要方面,也是提高教学效果的一种重要手段。加拿大安大略省的学生成绩评价方法,以促进学生发展为目的;以形成性评价为主,定性评价与定量评价相结合;不仅评价学生的学习成绩,而且评价学生的学习能力。  相似文献   

英国北部设菲尔德市儿童医院开发了一种用门诊病人医案来评定儿科医生临床技能的量表,并估计了该量表的信度、可行性、效度和教育的影响。实践表明该量表是可行的,在对培训中的儿科注册医师进行年度评定中它提供的结果是可靠的,量表的反馈有利于被评医生提高自身的临床书面交流能力。这一考评方法具有操作简便、信度和效应较好的优点,它可以作为评定综合性临床能力的一部分,经过试验,这一方法也可用于其他医疗专业的考评。  相似文献   

Far from allowing a governance of universities by the invisible hand of market forces, research performance assessments do not just measure differences in research quality, but yield themselves visible symptoms in terms of a stratification and standardization of disciplines. The article illustrates this with a case study of UK history departments and their assessment by the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and the Research Excellence Framework (REF), drawing on data from the three most recent assessments (RAE 2001, 2008, REF 2014). Symptoms of stratification are documented by the distribution of memberships in assessment panels, of research active staff, and of external research grants. Symptoms of a standardization are documented by the publications submitted to the assessments. The main finding is that the RAEs/REF and the selective allocation of funds they inform consecrate and reproduce a disciplinary center that, in contrast to the periphery, is well-endowed with grants and research staff, decides in panels over the quality standards of the field, and publishes a high number of articles in high-impact journals. This selectivity is oriented toward previous distributions of resources and a standardized notion of “excellence” rather than research performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of an assessment training module on student assessment skills and task performance in a technology-facilitated peer assessment. Seventy-eight undergraduate students participated in the study. The participants completed an assessment training exercise, prior to engaging in peer-assessment activities. During the training, students reviewed learning concepts, discussed marking criteria, graded example projects and compared their evaluations with the instructor’s evaluation. Data were collected in the form of initial and final versions of students’ projects, students’ scoring of example projects before and after the assessment training, and written feedback that students provided on peer projects. Results of data analysis indicate that the assessment training led to a significant decrease in the discrepancy between student ratings and instructor rating of example projects. In addition, the degree of student vs. instructor discrepancy was highly predictive of the quality of feedback that students provided to their peers and the effectiveness of revisions that they made to their own projects upon receiving peer feedback. Smaller discrepancies in ratings were associated with provision of higher quality peer feedback during peer assessment, as well as better revision of initial projects after peer assessment.  相似文献   

We investigated the nature of and linkages between student-generated academic goals, individual differences in self-regulatory thinking (goal process cognition), and exam performance among college students. In Study 1 (N = 365) and in Study 2 (N = 325), we elicited students' self-ascribed most important academic goals for introductory psychology and their goal process cognition toward their most important goal. In addition, in Study 2, we collected data on students' exam scores in introductory psychology and their most important academic goal and goal process cognition for another course. Three types of academic goals were identified: performance (39–55%), mastery (22–39%), and study strategies (20–23%). Students with mastery academic goals had the highest positive arousal whereas students with performance academic goals had the highest negative arousal. Compared to students with performance academic goals, students with mastery academic goals had lower exam scores in introductory psychology and this difference was mediated, in part, by goal process cognition.  相似文献   

The practice of self-directed learning is important to adult students as it allows them to learn effectively while juggling work, family and other commitments. This study set out to examine the self-directed learning characteristics present in the adult students’ study process at the case university. The relationship between the adult students’ perceived competence level in self-directed learning and their academic performance was also investigated. In this study, 1695 adult students in the case university participated in a survey that included both Likert-type and open-ended response items. Eleven indicators of self-directed learning were conceptualised and quantified. These indicators included: Goal Setting, Time Management, Procrastination Management, Assignment Preparation, Exam Preparation, Note-taking Capability, Research Capability, Seminar Class Readiness, Technical Readiness, Online Class Readiness and Stress Management. The findings showed that the adult students’ perceived level of competence in the 11 self-directed learning indicators had a direct or an indirect effect on their academic performance. Based on the findings, the case university has conceptualised some new initiatives in the provision of support in terms of self-directed learning to help its adult students to do well in their studies.  相似文献   

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