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《猫王——埃尔维斯·普雷斯利传》;《硅谷禁书》;[第一段]  相似文献   

Read and Learn     
一Can I bonuw y(Jur dictiollary? 我能借用你的字典吗?一Sure. /Certainly. /A1l ri g】1t. / C0 ahead./Ye吼why not? 当然可以。/可以。/行。/是的,为什么不行? f B1一Doll’t touch t11e i r()n!一Whv not?怎么了?别碰那个熨斗一It’s hot!You’U burn yourself. 太烫了。你会烫着的。^ i i t * ^ .^Read and Learn  相似文献   

A H ealthy knees aren t the m ain consideration in choosing high heels, but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos(细高 跟 鞋 ). “It takes a long tim e to feel the effects ofknee osteoarthritis(骨关节病)—— and once you do, it is too late,” said D r Casey K errigan,leading researcher ofthe study and associate professor at H arvard M edicalSchools D epartm entofPhysicalM edicine.“I com pare it to sm oking——one cigarette is not painful, but ov…  相似文献   

Read and Answer     
ALateforamostimportantlecture,IdashedoutofthefrontdoorandrealizedthatIhadleftmykeysonthedin ing roomtable.Thebackdoorwasunlocked,butasixfootwoodenfencestoodbetweenmeandthekeys.ThecarwasparkedsothatIcouldstandonittogetuponthefence,butinmytightskirtthat…  相似文献   

Read and Learn     
—Hey,Tom,whatsgoingon?嘿,汤姆,你们在干吗?—Wereplanningthespringpartyfornextweek.我们在准备下周的迎春晚会。—Ivegotsometimeonmyhands.CanIhelpyou?我现在有空。我能帮忙吗?—Sure.Couldyouhandmetheknife?当然。你能把刀子递给我吗?Read and Learn@雪儿  相似文献   

Read and Choose     
晓蕾 《良师》2004,(24)
⒈This穴is/are雪myEnglishbook.⒉Are穴these/this雪apples芽⒊Whatis穴this/these雪芽⒋They穴are/is雪platesanddishes.⒌Thosearen't穴apples/apple雪either.⒍There穴is/are雪apanonthestore.Read and Choose!哈尔滨市@晓蕾  相似文献   

Read and Answer     
ATechnologyistheapplication(应用)ofknowl edgetoproduction.Thankstomoderntechnology,wehavebeenabletoincreasegreatlytheefficiencyofourworkforce.Newmachinesandnewmethodshavehelpedcutdowntimeandexpensewhileincreasingoveralloutput.Thishasmeantmoreproduction…  相似文献   

What to Read?     
青少年对本地、国内和国际时事越来越感兴趣了,读点报刊的社论和文童。  相似文献   

How to Read?     
阅读不仅是发声念出单词,“它更需要理解。大部分有经验的读者会佳用多种不同的策略来理解文章,以下的一些策略可以帮助你更好的理解各个学科的各种文章,  相似文献   

分析和论述read作为语言技能的两种意义和它与其它语言技能的关系 ,探索read在现行中学英语教科书中作为提示标题的含义。  相似文献   

The name, not necessarily respectively, of the brakeman, fireman, and engineer of a certain train are Smith, Jones and Robinson. The three passengers on the train who happen to have the same names - Smith, Jones, and Robinson - will be referred to hereafter as Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Robinson to distinguish them from the employees.  相似文献   

小学英语教学重要的是培养学生的听、说、读、写各方面的综合能力。在十多年的英语教学实践中,我发现英语“两读法”是成功学习英语行之有效的方法。坚持用“两读法”学习英语,能使学生的听、说、读、写能力大大提高。“两读法”就是大量阅读Read a lot和朗  相似文献   

How can you inspire a child to read?Today, many children never develop a love for books. A 1980 California study revealed that nearly 70 percent of sixth-graders polled said they rarely read for pleasure-an identical percentage said they watched four or more hours of TV a day.How can you help a child discover the magic, joy and wonder that come from reading a book? To find out, I spoke with Charles Schulz, the cartoonist, Maurice Sendak, who draws and writes books for children, Judy Blume, who writes for young adults, and Jim Trelease. an authority on motivating children to read,CHARLES SCHULZ, the creator of Peanuts, doesn't think it matters what children read, as long as they read something. As a child, Schulz loved reading comic strips-especially Buck Rogers and Popeye-but in his day, says the cartoonist, " teachers frowned on that kind of reading material."  相似文献   

推荐理由:本次评课在多角度评课、某一角度深入评课的基础上,强调了评课的真、准、信、结、议。评课目标根据各自承担的不同观察点的观课任务,交流观课的体会,并在此基础上达成一定的共识,提高评课教师的教学能力和评课能力,以促进教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

Activity 1 Think about the following questions,and write down your answers before reading the essay?(1)When you happen to stay with a stranger,for example,another passenger sitting next to you on a train over a long haul,which are you more likely to do,to initiate talks,or to wait for him or her to do so?How would they be different?  相似文献   

It is simple enough to say that since books have classes -- fiction, biography, poetry -- we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering,  相似文献   

Youwillhavealotofreadingtodoinyourgradethisyear.Youcandomoreofitinlesstimeifyoulearntoreadrapidly.Perhapsyouhavebeentoldaboutsomehabitswhichkeepapersonfromreadingfastandhavebeenstronglyaskedtobreakthosehabitswhichyoumighthave.Doyoustillhaveanyofthesebadhabits?Checkyourselfbyanswering“yes”or“no”tothesequestions:a.Doyoumoveyourlipswhenreadingsilently?b.Doyoupointtothosewordswithyourfingersasyouread?c.Doyoumoveyourheadfromsidetosideasyouread?d.Doyoureadonewordatatime?Ifyouanswer“yes”toany…  相似文献   

Newspapersareveryimportantinourdailylife.Manypeoplebegintheirdaybyreadingthepaper.Inthiswaytheylearnwhatisgoingonintheworld.Sometimes,howevertheydonothavetimetoreadthenewscarefullyandmustbepleasedwithaquicklookatthefrontpage.Atothertimestheymaybeinsuchahurrythattheyhavetimeonlytohaveaquicklookattheheadlines(标题).Therearenewspaperstopleaseeveryreader.Inbigcitiestherearemanytypes(类型)ofnewspaperswithseveraldifferenteditions(版面)ev-eryday.Insometownstherearefewernewspapersandperhapsonlyoneed…  相似文献   

一、PPT课件。打造Read and write精彩课堂 利用PPT课件教学,突破了时空的限制,为课堂教学提供了丰富的语言情境和大量的语言信息,有效地激发了学生的兴趣,调动学生的多种感官参与体验,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性。学生在多媒体课件的演示过程中不断地有新刺激、新发现,兴奋点也不断地产生,学习热情持续不减,  相似文献   

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