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高等数学是电大开放教育财经、理工专业的一门基础必修课。在开放教育数学教学中,必须充分发挥数学课程的实用、思维、德育、美育等功能,注重数学思想方法教学,运用多种教学方式,培养学生思维能力和自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

数学新课程的教学设计尤其注重充分发挥学生的主体作用,这就要求教师要在教学中设计合适的教学情境和教学条件,充分调动学生的学习热情和动力,引导学生主动参与到教学之中。本文以情境教学在小学数学教学中作用、实现情境教学的方法和应注意事项为重点,对情境教学在小学数学教育中的应用开展了较为详细的研究。  相似文献   

阐述了数学思维品质的概念,并根据素质教育的要求,从创调教学环境,优化教学方法,挖掘教学内容,设计教学过程等方面,提出了引发学生数学思维,培养其数学思维品质的途径和方法。  相似文献   

文章从三个方面入手对初中数学教学中的德育渗透进行阐释,包括:数学之史――知古明今,激励前行;数学之美――科学维度,向善立美;数学之悟――交融相生,涤荡心灵。  相似文献   

研究性数学、教育数学与数学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学可分为研究性数学和教育性数学。研究性数学主要注重科学逻辑的序,而教育性数学则注重科学逻辑的序与认知心理的序之间的完美结合,后者即“教育数学”。教育数学是在研究性数学基础上的再创造、再提高,教育数学对数学教育改革具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

对数学素质教育的四个基本特征:注重社会实践、培养科学精神、发展创造潜能、加强情感体验进行了剖析,认为社会实践活动应对学习对象赋予社会性与现实性,并将社会认知过程与对社会探求过程联系起来;培养科学精神需在学习中渗透科学意识,科学技术;发展创造潜能应使学生有心理安全感,有表达自由和目标;加强深感体验应关注学生学习积极性和兴趣.  相似文献   

美育在小学数学教育中有着较为重要的地位,但目前理论与实践结合的研究成果较为薄弱,对小学数学教学实践中的美育现状也少有研究。在此,本文提出了美育在小学数学中如何进行渗透的几点建议,为一线的教育工作者提供一些参考!  相似文献   

This article documents efforts to advance inclusive mathematics education practices involving the introduction of equity-oriented resources in state-level mathematics standards guidance documents in a Midwestern United States jurisdiction. We adopt a critical stance by looking at ways to interrogate available metatheories for these kinds of change-making processes. The guiding resources documented in the present article center on issues of difference. These issues are related to dis/ability in mathematics education standards and curriculum to not only raise teachers' awareness of constructions of difference in order to foster inclusive education, but also to promote critical self-reflections around ableism. Guiding resources are a means to support recognition of dis/ability difference as a source of multiple mathematical knowledge bases from which to learn and advance mathematics thinking. Yet, we also recognize the need to be vigilant about the complex interpretative contours and the relational dynamics at work throughout their various layers of implementation, assessment, and anti-ableist realignment. Accordingly, we reflect metatheoretically about three questions: How might concepts of access, achievement, identity, and power support teachers of mathematics in advancing inclusive practices? How do word choices in mathematics standards, curriculum, and practices dis/able students in classroom practices? What may we learn from the mathematics education experiences of individuals with dis/abilities and their families in the broad configuration of change-making dynamics of educational policies and teaching practices?  相似文献   

素质教育理论与模式在普通中学已经比较成熟了,而对职业学校素质教育还需进行深入的探讨和研究,要根据职业教育的特点,对学生进行思想道德素质,身心素质,化素质,专业技术素质等方面的教育,使职能学校的毕业生能更好地适应社会的需要,增加他们在社会上的竞争力。  相似文献   

基础教育新数学课程的实施对中小学数学教师的教育教学工作提出了许多新的要求。从而也为培养中小学数学教师的高师数学教育提出了更高的要求.为了适应基础教育新课程的改革.高师数学教育应加强对师范生的情感态度及价值观的教育,调整高师的课程体系与内容,倡导新的学习方式,转变传统的教学方式。改革传统的评价方式.  相似文献   

当今具有问题解决能力的人才越来越受到社会的欢迎,基于此教学改革势在必行,而基础小学教学也随之适应形式,积极采取自身改革,将"问题解决能力"作为教学目标。本文依照小学四年级上册教材的教学内容,根据已有的面向问题解决能力培养的小学数学教育游戏设计时要遵循的设计理念与策略,进行了世界案例的概念设计,并对其教学功能进行了详细的阐述,并解释了如何在小学数学教育游戏中实现问题解决能力的培养。  相似文献   

对大学数学与高中数学课程内容的衔接问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先分析当前大学数学与高中数学缺乏衔接所造成的问题,然后回顾我国在基础教育领域开始了由应试教育向素质教育转变的新一轮的课程改革,对《高中数学新课程标准》要求的教学内容和大学数学的教学内容两者作了比较分析,最后提出了大学数学教学改革的几方面的建议。  相似文献   


The rapid expansion of primary education in Ethiopia has enabled most children to attend primary education—or at least to start schooling. This expansion, however, is largely “symbolic” rather than “substantive” where “substantive” refers to access that generates meaningful learning. The article explores spatial inequality in access to meaningful learning in secondary education in Ethiopia with a particular focus on the Amhara region, and addresses the question: Is substantive learning equitably distributed? To operationalise this question, “access-to-learning” is conceptualised using a new method of constructing a learning-oriented measure of educational quality that combines grade survival (access) and test score (quality). Moreover, the “zones of exclusion” framework has been used to see the systematic loss of students from the education system at different points in time. Using GIS tools, the extent of spatial inequality in access-to-learning was determined by mapping the proportion of students who achieved the required level of performance, and geographical variation in the distribution of inequality factors. The paper concludes with implications for educational policy and planning and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

Mathematics education aimed at empowering students for economic and democratic participation must address two critical issues: the long‐standing function of mathematics as a gatekeeper, and the complicated nature of designing and implementing systematic reform at the school department level. The study reported here examines a curricular redesign implemented by teachers in one US high school department. The department was redesigning its curriculum to remedy high failure rates in targeted courses disproportionately populated by students of colour. Using a case‐study methodology, this study examines the process of curricular redesign and its influence on these students’ access to more advanced mathematics courses. It describes redesigned courses and department characteristics that aided or challenged the redesign process, and discusses the significance of the identified challenges in constructing placement policies that did little to increase students’ likelihood of taking additional, and more advanced‐ level, mathematics courses. The analysis revealed a department that, despite its intentions, implemented a curriculum design which perpetuated inequities. This study discusses the teachers’ expectations of their students and perspectives about the nature of mathematics as a partial explanation for the department’s failure. The resigned curriculum failed to promote mathematics course‐taking because it created more defined tracks with less rigorous courses for students in low‐level courses.  相似文献   

新的人才要求对中等职业教育提出了严峻的挑战。中等职业学校要想提高学生的素质和能力,培养出合格的优秀人才,必须努力在管理、教学质量、教师素质方面做好工作,提高整体教育质量。  相似文献   

高校学生素质拓展与素质教育思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“大学生素质拓展计划”是新时期高校素质教育的一项重要措施,也是推进素质教育的一项系统工程。通过社会实践、校园文化建设等有效活动途径,为大学生素质教育增添新的内容和活力。实施素质拓展计划和全面开展素质教育,使广大青年学生成长为社会有用人才。  相似文献   

数学教育发展的趋向与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对第九届国际数学教育大会相关文献的综述 ,探讨国际数学教育发展的趋向 ,从而认识我国数学课程改革的国际背景。  相似文献   

The approach taken over the past decade to introduce minimum primary school standards in Vietnam is reviewed, with annual school audits that measured both input (quality) and output indicators.  相似文献   

学生学习兴趣与积极学习的情感态度,对促进他们乐于学习、刻苦学习,牢固掌握获取知识的技能,成为一个合格职高生,具有极为重要意义。为此,笔者选择了愉快教育方法进行研究,在近几年的数学教学实践中不断探索与改进,取得了比较好的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the changes that took place in school mathematics knowledge for pupils aged six and seven (first grade of Greek elementary school) and its pedagogical approach, which took shape following the reforms of the mathematics curricula in 1982 and 2003. Our analysis is based on Bernstein’s theoretical framework on pedagogic discourse and Dowling’s theoretical framework on textual domains. The results showed that there are differences between the 1982 and 2003 reforms, in terms both of the content of mathematics knowledge, as well as of the forms of pedagogic interaction between the teacher and the pupil.  相似文献   

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