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儿童的审美心理发展对人的智力、情感、创造能力发展等都具有非常重要的意义,审美偏好则是审美心理研究领域的基本概念之一。儿童绘画是了解儿童审美心理的重要手段之一。从审美偏好的概念界定、儿童绘画学习及审美发展的相关研究方面,考察婴幼儿期、儿童早期和儿童后期各阶段儿童在绘画学习中的审美表现及偏好特点,据此针对各阶段儿童归纳绘画学习过程中的指导策略。  相似文献   


At the 1900 Paris World’s Fair, Frances Benjamin Johnston, one of America’s first women photographers, played a key role in publicising in Europe American progressivism and emancipation in education. Through displaying photographs taken in the Washington DC public schools, she revealed to the international audience how American progressive reformers were aiming at providing a freer, more child-centred and democratic education to children in the public schools. Such pioneering effort to disclose these accomplishments was met with considerable interest and laudatory comments from French officials and school professionals. Being a prominent character in American photography, Johnston’s life and work have long aroused the interest of historians of art and women. However, her role in publicising progressive education’s ideals and emancipatory dimensions remain an understudied and yet important topic in order to analyse the transnationalising of American progressivism in education. Using archival and primary sources from the French and US governments, this article analyses the reception of the American educational exhibit displayed at the 1900 universal exposition in France. It thus aims at highlighting the ways in which photography was used as a powerful medium to document, spread and propagandise American reform effort in education across the Atlantic.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the views of 16–17-year-old science students from England, Germany, Hong Kong and Sweden on whale hunting, and their perceptions of the views of their international counterparts. The students were all provided with the same decision-making task, discussed the issue in small groups and then presented their views on video, which were shared with their counterparts. The findings show that the decision-making task served to deepen and modify students' views across all nationalities, and the students generally valued and learned from the sharing of views with students of the same age from around the world. However, an important discovery was that the German students' opinions often ran counter to those from the other 3 locations, and the paper cautions against making broad-sweeping generalisations about students' views on socioscientific issues.  相似文献   

Structure and content of teacher education depend on a deeper rationale, which is a result of cultural boundaries. At the same time teaching is a cultural practice that differs across countries. Like the water in the fish's tank, such cultural givens are too often invisible as we debate research designs. In this article, we focus in particular on the understanding of three main components of teacher education: mathematics, mathematics pedagogy and general pedagogy, and on juxtaposing two extreme models: Germany and the US. It turns out that benefits and problems of international comparisons are closely related to each other.  相似文献   


This study examined the stability and change in secondary school students’ learner profiles after receiving an explicit strategy instruction (ESI) to foster their text-learning strategy use. A randomized quasi-experimental repeated measures design was set up with one experimental condition – receiving an eight-lesson-teacher delivered instructional treatment – and one control condition. Four learner profiles (i.e., integrated strategy users, information organizers, mental learners, and limited strategy users) were corroborated at three measurement occasions in a sample of 444 students. Cluster movement analysis identified positive changes in students’ learner profiles over time. Both short- and long-term results were promising.  相似文献   

Modern learning approaches increasingly have fewer structured learning activities and more self-directed learning tasks guided through consultation with academics. Such tasks are predominately project-/problem-based where the student is required to follow a freely guided road map to self discovery while simultaneously achieving desired learning outcomes for a particular course. However, many international students struggle to adjust to an Australian higher learning environment where they are being increasingly encouraged to undertake self directed learning (SDL). Thus, this paper proposes the concept that international students who have higher readiness for SDL gain greater learning outcomes from project-based learning (PBL) approaches. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire survey of 26 students (65% of class) completing an engineering management course was conducted. Linear regression analysis provided evidence that SDL readiness was a key enabler for achieving learning outcomes from PBL. In particular, having high self-management skills was shown to be the most significant and reliable predictor for achieving learning outcomes from PBL. Through understanding students SDL readiness at the commencement of their engineering programmes, academics can better tailor PBL support mechanisms to achieve desired learning outcomes.  相似文献   

After the Sputnik shock of 1957, the United States initiated education reform, based in part on the hope that technology could facilitate efficient school learning. This development was largely driven by the confrontation between the eastern and western Blocs: on both sides of the Iron Curtain, reformists promoted educational technology for the purpose of better instruction so as to improve the performance capacity of their own societies. The first section of the article focuses on this circulation of knowledge, after which the second section, drawing on the example of Germany, argues that, due to the constellation of interests in the 1960s, substantial organisational and financial resources could be mobilised to promote educational technology. However, when support from political and pedagogical circles dwindled in the 1970s, it became detached from its previous objectives, but was pragmatically advanced in the private sector.  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of the early stages of an international project, Gardens for Life (GfL), on children’s perceptions of school gardening and on their learning. The project involved 67 schools in England, Kenya and India and focused on the growing of crops, recognising the importance of both the process and product of this activity in the different countries. The theoretical framework was derived from consideration of informal learning, and more specifically experiential learning, drawing on prior research undertaken in the context of school gardening. The research approach is characterised by the use of concept maps to uncover the characteristically different ways in which children discerned school gardening and to help to provide insight into their understanding of this activity. It was supported by contextual observation, interviews and children’s drawings to aid the interpretation and understanding. The study showed a positive impact on learning and on the perceptions of children towards school gardening in all three countries. It also highlighted the different perceptions, interpretations and understanding of school gardening in the different cultures and environments, as well as the various aspects of it which the children themselves highlighted.  相似文献   

孙犁是20世纪中国重要小说作家,从学史的角度考究孙犁四五十年代的作品即可明了:其突出意义在于对一种人趣味和品性的坚守。孙犁小说的人性立场、诗化散体,以及阴柔的风格,都是这种坚守的具体体现。这种人趣味和品性,对于当时学政治化倾向是一种有力的矫正,其历史价值不容漠视。  相似文献   

陈菊霞 《家教指南》2011,(3):32-37,125
为庆贺翟法荣擢升都僧统,以翟法荣及其弟翟承庆为代表的翟氏家族于咸通三年至咸通八年在莫高窟兴建第85窟。曹议金担任节度使的五代时期,嫁到翟家的曹议金长女又组织重修了第85窟。第85窟甬道北壁的重层壁面以及东壁门北侧供养人的重绘痕迹都说明,曹议金长女不仅主持重修了第85窟的甬道,而且也重绘了第85窟东壁门北侧的供养人画像。  相似文献   

斯坦福大学教师教育专业化模式包括培养领导型教师的愿景、分类培养教师的目标定位、融合型课程结构、"递进式责任制"实习模式、以教师专业标准和学术研究为依托的质量保障等.我国高水平综合大学可以在借鉴美国一流研究型大学教师教育模式的基础上,充分发挥生源优势,提升教师教育课程的融合性,深入挖掘教育实习在教师专业成长中的价值,以培养具有专业权威的领导型教师.同时,要加强教师教育研究,促进教师教育学科与教师培养的协同发展.  相似文献   

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