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农民工随迁子女随着年龄的增长呈金字塔状分布,使得非义务教育阶段的教育公平问题日益凸显。通过教育立法、鼓励吸纳民间资本兴建民办幼儿园可以有效缓解当前学前教育资源紧张的局面;同时,通过实施完全开放的中等职业教育、逐步开放普通高中教育、构建财政转移与补偿制度等政策可以有效促进农民工随迁子女非义务教育阶段的教育公平。  相似文献   

语言规划是一种作用于语言的社会活动,一般发生在国家的层次上。很多国家有多个民族、多种语言,政府选择什么语言作为官方语言,这是一个重大的社会问题,也是一个典型的语言规划的问题。本文以非洲最大的国家尼日利亚为例,分析了其现行的语言政策及语言教育,特别是尼日利亚中小学的语言教育,并总结了其语言政策在民族认同方面的得失。  相似文献   

美国是一个移民国家,其外语政策经历了从无到有的发展过程,但是实质还是以维护美国安全为中心的外语教育,其外语学习的目标和重心是语言运用能力的培养,在实际生活中能用外语沟通交流、体认文化,并融入到其他科目的学习中,在汉语国际教育的课程实践中也应将此理念贯穿始终。  相似文献   

于泓珊 《海外英语》2011,(8):378-379
The attempt of this paper is to investigate the main characteristics of the American language policy. It is one important part of the project "A study on the Strategy of Spreading Chinese Language in United States of America". This paper firstly explains the concept of language policy and then introduces the two main characteristics of the American language policy.  相似文献   

在我国福利政策和福利行政体系不完善的情况下,通过分析我国中央和地方流动儿童政策的现状,分析影响流动儿童福利政策制定、执行等环节的因素,了解到流动儿童福利在我国尚未得到社会及政府足够重视,国家缺乏专门的流动儿童福利机制。因而,要从影响流动儿童福利的家庭、学校、社区和立法因素出发,从流动儿童中、长期发展的战略高度致力于对流动儿童福利政策的顶层设计,对人力资本的投资、就业支持和人文关怀的具体政策设计,努力构建有利于流动儿童发展的社会福利政策新模式。  相似文献   

赵寻  叶军 《江苏高教》2021,(2):59-63
文章从语言政策的角度出发,分析了来自于不同层面、不同语言政策行为主体的语言政策活动对高校继承语教育产生的影响,以此说明美国高校的继承语教育政策是多方语言政策行为主体互相影响、互相协调、互相妥协的结果,微妙地促成了一个能够暂时平衡各方利益和需求的现状。但是,目前美国高校的继承语教育政策实际上是在努力规避触及“种族”这一核心问题,尽量维护表面和谐。严格来讲,美国高校的继承语教育并不能从真正意义上保护和促进少数族裔的语言权利,它更多的是一个单纯的外语教育促进政策。  相似文献   

外语教育政策是国家教育政策的重要组成部分。外语教育政策对国家外语教育方向和力度的影响力不言而喻。在经济全球化的背景下,科学、合理地制定外语教育政策关系到一个国家的全面发展和下一代人才的培养。外语教育政策研究已经引起了国内外语界的重视。文章分析了国内外外语教育政策的研究现状,着重探讨了外语教育政策的研究内容,为提升研究质量打好基础。  相似文献   

法国义务教育扶持政策与我国教育均衡发展的政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特别扶持政策是法国政府为促进义务教育均衡发展采取的重要举措,有效改善了法国义务教育失衡现象。借鉴法国政府在贫困地区和弱势群体中的特别扶持政策,我国政府可通过建立教育优先区、实施教师定期流动制度、建立贫困地区学生学业辅导制度、建立学生发展指导制度等举措来促进义务教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

王璐 《教育学报》2005,1(3):65-72
作为我国政治、经济、化的中心,北京一直是流动人口的主要流入地之一,近年来流动人口中适龄儿童少年义务教育问题引起了各方关注,本在实证研究的基础上,分析了政策目标与现行制度、资源配置之间的差距以及政策实施过程中所面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

在东南亚各国存在语言多样性,由于政策法规和实践措施的差异,东南亚各国在教育中不同程度地使用地方语言,该地区语言教育的得失可供我国使用地方语言发展基础教育参考。  相似文献   

语言教育政策是美国多元社会结构中重要的教育政策。美国双语教育法在实施 30年后 ,目前遭受严峻的挑战。《双语教育法》开始由《不让一个孩子掉队》、《语言获得法》替代。维护和反对双语教育政策的立法、研究和运动呈针锋相对的态势。语言教育政策在教育层面 ,人们关注它的是效率和机会均等的效果问题 ;在社会架构更深的层面 ,潜伏着国家的稳定性、语言文化权利的维护、美国社会的多元性和开放性等复杂的政治意涵。  相似文献   

Countries with similar levels of economic development often implement different education ICT policies. Much of the existing research attributes such differences to economic and political factors. In this paper, we examine the development of ICT policy and implementation in the two parts of Ireland and in two Canadian provinces and find that historical, social and cultural differences also play an important role in the way ICT policies develop. In particular, we see differing historical perceptions of the role of the state and church in education playing a more important role than has hitherto been recognized.  相似文献   

东南亚国家在倡导语言多样性,推进民族和谐及社会发展中进行了多种努力,各国呈现出多彩的语言发展风格和教育政策。本文通过分析东南亚国家语言教育政策的发展历程,探讨该地区语言教育政策发展的基本特征及未来趋势。  相似文献   

论幼儿弱势群体的早期教育政策支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿弱势群体是指0至6、7周岁,在经济、文化、身心等方面处于相对不利地位的儿童,即幼儿中的弱势群体。目前,我国缺乏对幼儿弱势群体早期教育的政策支持,也缺乏这方面的课题研究。国家可通过立法确立就近入园学前教育制度,减免或延缓支付教育费用制度,建立幼儿弱势群体的教育补偿制度,社区弱势幼儿教育状况监护网络等,以促进幼儿弱势群体早期教育的发展。  相似文献   

The development of the Irish system of education was, not unlike all critical aspects of Irish identity, fundamentally shaped by its relationship with its colonial neighbour. Prior to Independence in 1922, the system of education promoted was a fundamental part of a strategic effort to ensure cultural assimilation and political socialisation. Control over the education system facilitated the systematic erosion of the native language and culture and the reproduction of colonial values. Following Independence, the system of education promoted was a response to what was perceived as centuries of political, economic, cultural and linguistic domination. However, whether prior to or post‐Independence, the pedagogical was often marginalised at the expense of the political. This article focuses on an aspect of Irish education policy which has largely escaped the focus of scholars to date: teacher education policy. It examines the ideological basis underlying the development of a national policy on teacher education from 1831.  相似文献   

This article reviews the journey of special education in Spain by considering the legal frameworks. It examines the extent to which legislation has tapped into the feelings of society in general towards people with disabilities who wish to secure inclusion in both education and society. It tracks the evolution of legislation, originally based on a preoccupation with the segregation of those with disabilities, towards the more progressive and inclusive laws which obtain at the present time. In so doing the article considers the positives and negatives that have accompanied this process. Spain has a high percentage of students with special educational needs enrolled in its mainstream schools; insights into the legal mechanisms shed light on how these figures were reached. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of training in attitudinal approaches towards disability in order to make the journey more accessible.  相似文献   

通过对Y市优势家庭流动儿童浩浩的个案研究发现,与生存压力相对较大的弱势家庭流动儿童相比,浩浩得到了较好的教育物质支持和文化资本传承,幼儿园为其提供了较好的教育环境,社区和地方政府也为其提供了一定的支持。这种流动人口代际传承的马太效应值得重视。  相似文献   

段薇  李佳  林喻贤 《唐山学院学报》2019,32(5):65-69,98
综述了孟加拉国语言概况,运用Cooper的语言规划理论,从地位规划、本体规划和教育规划三个方面梳理了孟加拉国的语言政策,并分析其特点。研究发现:孟加拉国多民族的"熔炉"文化造就了语言的多元化特点;孟加拉政府立法规定孟加拉语的国语地位,但英语已渗透到社会各个领域;孟加拉国的语言政策仍不完善,忽视少数民族语言。孟加拉国的语言政策和规划特征,可为我国语言战略的制定和实施提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从政策执行过程分析入手,针对进城务工就业农民子女义务教育问题,循着政策执行问题察觉、政策执行问题界定、政策执行问题陈述的逻辑顺序和分析框架进行研究。  相似文献   

Drawing on the recent call for repositioning youth as creative and responsible agents in language and education research (e. g., McCarty & Wyman, 2009) and the notion of engaged ethnography (e.g., Davis & Phyak, 2015), the researcher engaged 16 minority student youth in a remote mountainous province in Vietnam in interrogating the realities of the current language policies (LP) while working actively with them to give rise to effective and responsive LP transformations. Youth’s resistance to the current LP, their critical awareness of their linguistic wealth, and their comprehensive recommendations for LP improvements greatly affirm themselves as resourceful and responsible agents in decision-making and pedagogical revitalizations. This article calls for respecting and recognizing youth’s power, voices, and rights, and invites them to deconstruct educational policies to promote multilingualism and effective educational change. Towards this end, I discuss implications to promote youth engagement in language education policies and practices.  相似文献   

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