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The era of New Labour government has witnessed unprecedented growth in inclusive education policies. There is, however, limited evidence that policies have increased disabled children’s inclusion. This article explores reasons for this contradiction. Drawing on sociological insights, it is argued that New Labour policies on inclusive education take their cues from wider neo‐liberal constructions of social exclusion; ideas that point to the personal deficits of the excluded rather than social barriers and inequalities that systematically exclude. Increasingly narrow definitions of educational success are likely to add to this exclusion. This mirrors New Labour’s broader social inclusion agenda in emphasising ‘conditional’ inclusion and an increasingly utilitarian approach to social policy. New Labour, it is argued, needs to review the lessons of history in reducing disabled children’s educational exclusion if real progress is to be made. Warnock’s recent attack on the principle of inclusive education makes this review all the more urgent.  相似文献   

In many countries, education policies are shifting towards inclusive education. Human rights have always been an important argument for this development, but the effects on students should be an important factor when designing policies. In this review, therefore, literature on the effects of inclusion on both students with and without special educational needs is described. The review covers not only effects on cognitive development, but also socio-emotional effects. In general, the results show neutral to positive effects of inclusive education. The academic achievement of students with and without special educational needs seems to be comparable to non-inclusive classes or even better in inclusive classes. However, there may be some differential effects for high- and low-achieving students without special educational needs. Regarding social effects, children with special educational needs seem to have a less favourable social position than children without special educational needs.  相似文献   

Using international data on child well-being and educational attainment, this article compares child well-being in the United States to member countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Multiple measures of child well-being are analyzed, such as material well-being (including poverty, unemployment, and income inequality), child health and safety (birth weight, infant mortality, health care, and childcare), educational attainment, and family and peer relationships (including generational cleavages). Using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory as an organizational framework, the impact and interrelatedness of these systems on educational attainment are examined, with parallels drawn between a nation's social policies, child well-being, and educational attainment. The author asserts that social policy in the United States is more comprehensive than is commonly believed, although the redistributive benefits of social policies are allocated much differently compared to OECD countries. Explanations for comparative differences in social policy include differences in political culture and political development as well as racial and class conflict. The author concludes that it is difficult to ignore the role of race and socioeconomic class in explaining differences in social welfare expenditures between the United States and European countries because the pattern of social welfare distribution (broadly conceived—including programs, tax breaks, and incentives) falls largely along racial and class lines.  相似文献   

A moderation-mediation model was developed to investigate relationships among adolescents’ family, school learning environments, individual characteristics, and measures of the academic, affective, and social outcomes of young adults from different cultural backgrounds. Data were collected as part of a longitudinal survey of Australian youth. The findings indicated that: (1) adolescents’ family backgrounds, family and school capital, and individual characteristics combined to have a large association with young adults’ educational attainment, a small relation to subjective well-being, and a medium association with social engagement, (2) adolescents’ family backgrounds moderated relationships between the intervening variables and young adults’ educational attainment and social engagement, (3) the intervening individual characteristic and social capital variables partially mediated the relationships between family background and measures of the young adults’ outcomes, and (4) after taking into account the other predictors in the model, young adults’ earlier educational attainment was related to their later attainment and social engagement.  相似文献   

本研究以自行编制的调查问卷和访谈提纲作为研究工具,对捷克奥洛穆茨州的全纳教育支持系统现状进行了调查研究。结果发现:通过实施全纳导向的教育政策,为全纳教育提供必要的支持、规定参与全纳教育教师的任职资格和培训、转变特殊教育学校角色等方面的努力,一个相对系统和健全的全纳教育支持系统已经建立和运转起来了。但是,传统的社会观念、政府经费支持、普通教师的专业成长、对特殊儿童家庭的财政和培训支持以及特殊儿童家长在全纳教育中的参与等问题仍然是捷克奥洛穆茨州全纳教育发展过程中亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

随迁农民工子女的社会融合教育是一个热点话题。要使学校的融合教育更富有成效,应重视课程问题。学校应调查并根据随迁农民工子女的教育需求、社会生活需要来确定融合教育课程目标、构建融合教育内容,根据随迁农民工子女的特点在课程实施时贯彻渗透性、活动性、合作性原则,并根据随迁农民工子女社会融合的指标体系来评价融合教育的效果。  相似文献   

While many policies, pieces of legislation and educational discourse focus on the concept of inclusion, or inclusive education, the field of education as a whole lacks a clear, precise and comprehensive definition that is both globally sensitive and based in social justice. Even international efforts including the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Education for All action merely reproduce efforts in the West, especially those of the United States and the United Kingdom. The current article proposes a definition for inclusive education that is both globally sensitive and centred around social justice for individuals with exceptionalities.  相似文献   

全纳教育:概念及主要议题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
全纳教育是通过增加学习、文化和社区参与,减少教育系统内外的排斥,应对所有学习者的多样化需求,并对其做出反应的过程。全纳教育的主要议题包括:(1)残疾儿童的全纳;(2)艾滋病病毒感染/艾滋病与健康教育;(3)少数民族的全纳(宗族、语言和宗教);(4)移民、难民和国内迁移儿童的全纳;(5)社会包容;(6)性别;(7)灾难风险减少教育。全纳教育思想与"两全"教育工作的指导思想并不矛盾,建议在中国国家报告中和国家其他相应政策文件中采用这个概念。中国作为一个最大的发展中国家,推进全纳教育仍是国家一项最基本的任务,政府在推进全纳教育中毫无疑问要承担最主要的责任,必须高度重视灾难风险减少教育。  相似文献   

This paper examines recent historical, social and economic factors in Albania and Serbia, identifying similarities and differences that have a bearing on the provision of education. The focus is on the education of children with difficulties in learning and/or disabilities (the term ‘special needs’ is used for brevity). The paper provides a summary of the past and present situation of children with special needs in both countries. The role and motivation of international non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in funding and developing inclusive educational policies and practices in both countries are examined. There are substantial barriers to inclusive education in Albania and Serbia. These are identified and discussed before examining more recent positive developments in both countries. Two individual examples of schools that are making progress are profiled, one from each country. Finally, the prospects for the future in both countries are examined, and the prediction made that in‐country efforts and developments will result in further slow and uneven progress towards inclusive education in Albania and Serbia. For any of this to happen, however, it will be important that conditions of economic recovery, social stability, the political drive towards Europe and its inclusive standards, and further help from international NGOs, prevail.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to review the current state of inclusive education in the world and to suggest a few relevant considerations. The first section “Two parallel concerns” retraces the inescapable connections between the educational aspects of inclusive education and more general concerns regarding inequality. The second section “Inclusive education in academic publications” scrutinizes academic publications and identifies two major themes among their contents: at first sight the internal transformations occurring in schools attract attention, but subsequently the territorial environment also gives rise to some concern. The third section “Inclusive education in the publications of international organizations” notes our search criteria for sifting through the documentation of the World Bank, OECD and UNESCO. The IBE/UNESCO workshops reflect varied, though converging interpretations of the concept of inclusive education in different parts of the world. All the official publications, however, tend to concentrate on the internal dynamics of schools, and there are not many that take a look at relations between inclusive education and public policy. Our last section “The geographical dimension of inclusive education” puts forward a few arguments in favour of paying more attention to inclusive education at the local and national levels. The main reasons for highlighting the local dimension arise from the combined factors of social deprivation, the need to co-ordinate measures taken in schools and the possibility of allowing a significant opening for community participation. The main reasons for paying attention to the national dimension relate to possible synergies between inclusive education and the expansion of education (for example, is schooling progressing at the same pace at different educational levels?), as well as between inclusive education and social protection (for example, do the many educational conditions applied to cash transfers have consistent pedagogic implications?).  相似文献   

In Queensland, Australia, the school system is being reformed to be more ‘inclusive’. However, the enthusiasm for ‘inclusive education’ in Queensland seems to be waning amongst practitioners, and the ‘confusion, frustration, guilt and exhaustion’ that has emerged with teachers and support practitioners in the UK is emerging amongst support practitioners and teachers in Queensland. This paper argues that this is happening because inclusive education reforms that intend to provide an equitable education for all students regardless of cultural, physical, social/emotional and behavioural differences are being introduced, but these policies, procedures and structures continue to label, isolate and segregate students within schools in the way in which segregated special education facilities did in the past. Also, new policies and structures are being introduced without practitioners having the time and support to examine critically the underlying assumptions about disability, difference and inclusion that underpin their practices. These reforms need to be reviewed in terms of their effectiveness in achieving their ‘inclusive’ goals, i.e. in terms of the impacts that these reforms are having on the students themselves, and on the educational practitioners who support the students.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical analysis of the development and implementation of the 2014 inclusive educational policy in Samoa. While Samoan culture is traditionally founded on inclusive social practices, rather than reflecting these practices in their policy, Samoan policy developers have been under pressure to adopt or borrow policy from other countries. The findings of this intrinsic case study highlight the complexity of formulating inclusive education policies for small developing countries and why policy developers borrow from other developed countries. The theoretical framework used to analyse observation data in this study is based on the notion that national process of development is a powerful influence in educational policy. The authors argue and advocate for the existing but overlooked strengths of the local knowledge community capacity when policy is borrowed from other countries, and how the findings of the case study contribute to future attempts at policy development. We found that the draft policy needs to and does reflect Samoan culture, values and vision. However, adopting foreign practices such as the individual education plan and placement rules is not relevant to the Samoan context. The identification and development of inclusive education beliefs, skills and practices in schools is a priority.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the extent to which conceptions and practices of literacy in schools are currently undergoing change in tandem with the emergence of a new capitalism. It considers the possible emergence of a new word order that parallels the evolving new work order. Some possible implications of the discussion for the theory and practice of inclusive education are raised. The argument moves from a brief sketch of capitalism in general to describe some key features of ‘the new capitalism’. It then identifies six characteristics of a language and literacy agenda for schools promulgated in contemporary educational reform policies. These characteristics are discussed in relation to the new capitalism. The argument concludes by suggesting that proponents of inclusive education must actively engage in debate about the social purposes of language and literacy education, and make this a key component of their political strategy for educational change.  相似文献   

This article draws on data emerging from an evaluation of behaviour support strategies in secondary schools in an education authority in Scotland. The authors all work at the University of Glasgow. Jean Kane has research and teaching interests in the area of special educational needs; she offers consultancy to local authorities in the development of inclusive policies and practices in schools. Dr George Head has research and teaching interests in the area of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and social inclusion; he is also an experienced teacher. Both Jean Kane and George Head are lecturers in the Faculty of Education. Nicola Cogan is a researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research and has a background as a research psychologist in the health sector.
In Scotland, the growth of behaviour support provision is closely related to broader policy on social inclusion. It is argued in this article that new models of behaviour support can be developed in the light of previous and related experience in the development of inclusive support systems in schools. The authors present a typology of behaviour support, drawing upon their evaluation of provision, and discuss the characteristics of the types of support that emerge. Using data from exclusion statistics, pupil case studies and interviews with teachers, managers, pupils and parents, Jean Kane, George Head and Nicola Cogan explore the implications of their work for future developments in support for pupils who present difficult behaviours.  相似文献   

"全纳教育"呼唤中国完善特殊教育政策和教育立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"全纳教育"是有影响的国际共识之一。意大利、美国、英国等发达国家是世界上较早实施全纳教育政策的国家,拥有成熟和完善的"全纳教育"体系。将这些国家的"全纳教育政策"与中国的特殊教育政策进行对比,可以找出中国特殊教育政策的不足。国际与国内的教育发展形势需要中国在"全纳教育"基本理念的指导下完善特殊教育政策和特殊教育立法。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,激增的国际婚姻与移民使韩国社会进入了"多元文化时代",政府出台了诸多多元文化教育政策,试图解决由于文化背景不同的学生增多所带来的种种问题。本文从后殖民主义视角批判性地考察了"多元文化"教育政策背后隐藏的士大夫式种族主义理念,提出新的"全纳型多元文化教育"模式。  相似文献   

This article summarises three case studies examining the implementation of inclusive practices, which evidence the exclusionary pressures acting in school settings that put the needs, rights and entitlements of vulnerable children and young people at risk. It examines how three very culturally different secondary schools in England interpreted inclusive policies and illuminates the various constraints to the implementation of inclusive practices as experienced by senior leaders, teachers, parents and pupils in these schools. Conceptual unpreparedness towards inclusion versus integration, knowledge and false conceptualisations of special educational needs and difficulties associated with differentiation and time limitations were the main barriers presented. The implications for initial and professional teacher education are posited; it is suggested that inclusion can work by removing the diagnostic paradigm associated with special educational needs and by creating a framework for teachers' lifelong learning focusing on a social justice oriented pedagogy that will empower teachers conceptually and practically.  相似文献   

Since the PISA-events of the year 2000, the question of how the association between social background and educational success can be reduced is one of the central focuses of educational policy and research. In this regard, permeability in the education system as well as delaying the sorting of students into different tracks, are regularly discussed as potential solutions. Findings from the LifE-Study on the effectiveness of these practices are presented in the present paper. This is being done by describing the educational expectations and transitions between Grade 6 and the age of 35. The present paper thus presents a long-term perspective of the influence of social background on educational pathways.  相似文献   

Post-Modernizing Education on the Periphery and in the Core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The political economics of educational change are central to understanding reform in developing countries because of the role that education plays in relationship to economic and social policies. Given the uncertain association between the expansion of education and economic development, this paper explores the role which modernization policies of the State play in promoting contemporary conflicts between private and public interests in education. By first introducing Best's concept of the "New Competition" this paper examines the economic consequences for education in the larger context of the global market. Through case examples of Mexico and the US state of Oregon the effects of modernization policies are examined to understand how modernization policies are inappropriate to meet the social, political, and economic needs of both the periphery and core countries. The paper concludes by addressing the potential consequences for the public good of modernization efforts that promote the privatization of education on the basis of human capital theory rather than on that of a more comprehensive and humanistic approach to the development of social capital.  相似文献   

Inclusive education and special education are based on different philosophies and provide alternative views of education for children with special educational needs and disabilities. They are increasingly regarded as diametrically opposed in their approaches. This article presents a theory of inclusive special education that comprises a synthesis of the philosophy, values and practices of inclusive education with the interventions, strategies and procedures of special education. Development of inclusive special education aims to provide a vision and guidelines for policies, procedures and teaching strategies that will facilitate the provision of effective education for all children with special educational needs and disabilities.  相似文献   

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