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刘平勇中篇小说集《天堂邂逅》中表现出了浓重的死亡意识,死亡意识在这部集子中体现的是一种生命关怀,作家借助对死亡的呈现,来思索深层次的复杂人性,生命价值,社会问题等,表现了作家强烈的人文关怀和对个体生命深沉的凝视。  相似文献   


This paper is a first effort to systematically document programmatic interventions in five of the ten communities participating in The Jewish Teen Education & Engagement Funder Collaborative, a joint philanthropic effort launched in 2013. The paper identifies patterns and trends reflected in the programmatic choices made by each community. It then makes explicit five assumptions that underpin these choices and reflects on what they imply for further teen education and engagement efforts. These assumptions, as elaborated in the paper, are identified as: (1) “every body counts;” (2) “breaking down the silos;” (3) “integrating curation and innovation;” (4) “tapping Israel;” and (5) “searching for blue ocean.”  相似文献   

邵露 《教学考试》2024,(21):58-62
<正>亚马孙雨林是世界上面积最大的森林,生存着世界上最大的动植物群落,有着生物多样性极为丰富的生态系统,拥有“地球之肺”的美誉。亚马孙是动植物的天堂,神秘而美丽,每年吸引着成千上万的游客来此探险。让我们跟随作者的脚步,在当地导游的带领下,一起欣赏亚马孙的迷人风光。  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the necessary components for successfully creating and implementing a chief diversity officer (CDO) position within a four-year public institution. We explore information about critical stages of the process such as the creation of the position, the recruitment process, and compatibility with the institution’s mission. Our research emphasizes the need for modeling intercultural competence at all stages of the process. We underscore the significance of infusing institutional values into a position that is meaningful to all constituencies. We suggest ways of keeping the politics, structures, and culture of readers’ own institutions at the forefront of the planning and implementation process.  相似文献   

作为文化上处于劣势的性别,女性积极追求爱与性的权利通常被剥夺,正如《牡丹亭》和《莎乐美》所揭示的,当有个别女性起来反抗时,会遭到各方面的抵制。东方女性杜丽娘郁郁寡欢,终其一生,而西方的莎乐美则能够大胆追求自身欲望。然而,她们的爱有殊途,情却同归,在死亡面前真正得到了考验。  相似文献   

This article describes a case study of an Australian deaf facility and its changes in language policy. The study documents the process of change in a school community as the researcher worked collaboratively with teachers and parents to investigate the place of Auslan and bilingual pedagogy in deaf education. Teachers' dissatisfaction with educational outcomes and current practices propelled the discussion about language policy. Gaining the support of parents is a key feature of this study. Beliefs about language policy and practices are explored and the implications for change investigated. This is part of a larger study of deaf education and the politics of language practices (see Komesaroff, 1998).  相似文献   

情为词心之源、词章之核,情既是词创作的内驱力,又是词表现的内容之一。一代词人李清照的词情可谓真挚而厚雅,是一种由衷的生命感发之情,也正是缘于此,李清照虽然在词中"肆意落笔","浅俗之语"随处可见,但其词章读起来却不俗,反而达到了一种浑成清雅的艺术境界。从李清照及其他词人的创作中可以看出,词情的雅化实际是词章雅化的主要路径之一。  相似文献   

美国女作家凯特·肖邦的作品《一个小时的故事》一直被评论界认为是女权主义的代表作。小说描写了马拉德夫人这一他者女性形象为了真正摆脱和超越自身内在性的束缚,最终以死亡来实现女性的自由。小说中马拉德夫人这位伟大的女性一步步实现女性"内在性"的超越,摆脱"他者"和"他性"状态,使女性主体意识得以树立,最终用死亡来使自己成为一个自由的主体,这一点与存在主义女性主义的观点不谋而合。这也给当代女性在实现自身内在性的超越和他者、他性状态的摆脱方面一定的启示。  相似文献   

The learning and engagement activity we describe was designed to demystify the research culture of the Health Faculty for first year students, and there are implications for practice in other fields. It is founded on the idea of research-based learning, which in its pure form is a respected pedagogical approach but problematic for large cohort (>500) first year students. As an assessment item, students were placed in small groups and were matched with faculty research staff and/or a research area to investigate. The students were surveyed before and after the research encounter; and results show that, among other findings, student engagement with peers and with the faculty were distinct positive outcomes.  相似文献   

This article documents the Journal of Jewish Education’s acquisition by the Network for Research in Jewish Education, in 2004, and evaluates the contribution of the re-launched Journal to the field of Jewish education. I explore how the Journal contributed over the past decade in three discrete yet often overlapping areas, thereby realizing its editors’ vision. First, the Journal of Jewish Education became the venue for conversations between researchers, practitioners and funders about the direction of Jewish education research and policy; second, it became an outlet for the sharing of research and other Jewish education scholarship; and third, it became a venue where scholars introduced research and theoretical constructs from the field of general education and sought to demonstrate their relevance to Jewish education. Finally, I suggest some reasons why the editors had less success in realizing a fourth goal for the Journal; that is, making it a forum for new ideas and the charting of new directions in research and practice.  相似文献   

犹太民族是一个伟大的民族,它产生过马克思、恩格斯、爱因斯坦、达尔文等科学巨匠,也产生过文学巨匠海涅、经济巨匠索罗斯等.它的人口近2 000万人,仅占全球人口的0.25%,而它的富商巨贾却占全球的1/3,这是一个十分值得研究的社会现象和文化现象.犹太商人阿克森长期在湖南经商.视湖南为"第二故乡",对犹太文化和湖湘文化、"天下湘商"和"天下犹商"有着深刻的认识和理解.本文作者与犹太商人阿克森就"天下湘商"和"天下犹商"的差异问题的对话希望能给我们带来某些启示.  相似文献   

Liberal day schools in the United States have long championed the ideology of integration between Jewish and secular subjects and values, and have made the “integration” of these subjects and values with one another a cornerstone of their curriculum. In recent years, the ideology of integration has been called into question, and an alternative ideology and curriculum model that stresses the dynamic “interaction” that exists between the Jewish and secular components of the curriculum has begun to emerge. This article discusses the intellectual currents and historical conditions that led to the “integrative model” and indicates what the sociological factors and philosophical ideals have been that have led in recent years to the emergence of the “interactive model” and indicates how this latter model might be applied so as to inform the curricula of liberal day schools today.  相似文献   

From a sample of 13,176 children with disabilities who were a part of the Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study, 330 students achieved a score at the 90th percentile or higher on the Woodcock-Johnson III. These children represent some 9.1% of children who have disabilities nationally and who might be identified as gifted or academically advanced. Only 11.1% of these students were participating in programs for gifted and talented students with African Americans, Hispanics, or females significantly less likely to participate. The discussion considers the reasons behind these results and possible approaches for identifying and serving students within a current response-to-intervention approach.  相似文献   

死亡是艾米莉·狄金森在诗作中关注的焦点主题之一.狄金森将死亡作为一个人生的参照系,对生命进行逆向透视,剖析人生,从而观照生存、想象死亡和体验死亡并对死亡加以本质思考.她把人生的智慧放在死亡的境遇中加以拷问与确证,将大限将至的惶恐不安转化成延续生命的可能性存在,达到活力迸发与从容悲悯的完美结合之境.狄金森的经典性死亡诗作中,蕴含了“如何生活”的人生哲理,隐喻了人生的法则:克制、退守、放弃和领会,呈现出其特有的某种生命智慧形式.  相似文献   

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