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This study investigated the psychometric properties of a teacher-reported version of a Swedish school climate instrument called the Pedagogical and Social Climate (PESOC), which consists of 95 items covering cultural, structural and social factors. A sample of 348 teachers from 19 Swedish secondary schools was used. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis conducted within a structural equation modelling framework indicated that the PESOC had a two-factor structure at the teacher level and a one-factor at the school level. The PESOC’s convergent validity was supported by the school-level correlations between PESOC and another established instrument (i.e., the Team Climate Inventory). Further validation studies of PESOC are needed with larger, more representative samples, and with information on important outcomes such as student achievement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

教师行为与学生行为的关系解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高巍 《教育研究》2012,(3):100-106
教学行为同时涵盖教师教的行为与学生学的行为。教师的教是改进课堂教学质量的关键,是学校教学改革的着力点,是促进学生学的最重要因素,也是影响学生身心发展的关键。教学行为具有外显性、动态性、个体性、目的性、情境性等特性;根据不同维度,教学行为有多种分类。教师与学生能结成稳定的、持续的、牢不可破的关系就在于二者的活动与行为趋向具有相关性,有不可或缺且无法割裂的内在必然联系;但教的行为与学的行为是不同的行为,具有各自特有的性质与特点,故应以学定教、以教促学。  相似文献   

This study investigated college student perceptions of the (in)appropriateness of instructor disclosures and perceived functions of instructor disclosures. An interpretive analysis of 35 college students identified that family relationships, life experiences and background, and everyday talk and activities were forms of appropriate disclosures; whereas, intimate relationship details, personal problems, personal opinions, and drinking behavior were considered inappropriate topics for instructors to disclose. In terms of the function of instructor disclosures, students perceived that these disclosures worked to humanize instructors, make instructors approachable, and create affect for instructors and courses. Implications and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

中学教师职业倦怠与工作压力、社会支持的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在已有研究的基础上,调查了中学教师的职业倦怠状况,旨在探讨中学教师的职业倦怠与工作压力和社会支持的关系。结果发现:中学教师的职业倦怠与工作压力和社会支持之间存在显著的相关关系;教师的工作压力和社会支持分别对职业倦怠具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

High self-efficacy is a marker of successful teaching and is, therefore, a subject of great interest to research on inclusive education. One of the most frequently used instruments to assess such beliefs is the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice (TEIP) scale. Although used widely, some studies did not precisely replicate the original factor structure, and no short form of the TEIP scale currently exists, although this could enhance measurement efficiency. This study (1) systematically assessed the TEIP scale's factor structure and psychometric properties, (2) identified potentially problematic items and developed a more concise short form of the scale, and (3) evaluated its dimensionality and criterion and convergent validities using three validation samples of teachers in three different countries (486 in Switzerland, 189 in Australia and 276 in Canada). Compared to the full-length TEIP scale, the TEIP-SF uses half the items, demonstrates better model fit and reveals a clearer distinction of domain-specific factors. In conclusion, the TEIP-SF represents a concise, efficient means of assessing teachers' self-efficacy about teaching in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

通过文献查阅、访谈与问卷调查来编制适合我国中小学教师的工作自主问卷(Teacher Work-Autonomy Questionnaire)。结果表明:(1)我国中小学教师工作自主包括6个因素:学校运营管理自主、专业化和课程改革自主、课堂教学自主、学生成绩评估自主、课余活动开展自主以及学生行为管理自主;(2)编制出的教师工作自主问卷的信度与效度达到了心理测量学的基本要求。  相似文献   

信息技术职前教师专业发展途径探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职前教师专业发展是教师终身专业发展的基础阶段,为了促进信息技术职前教师专业发展,探究信息技术职前教师专业发展途径。提出改革与教师专业发展不适应的课程设置,培养教师自主专业发展意识,改革和拓展信息技术教学论教学,加强教育实践和教育研究,从而加速职前教师的成长和发展。  相似文献   

The authors describe the development and validation of a multidimensional instrument of students’ evaluation of university teaching (the Pedagogical Questionnaire of the University of Porto). The goal was to develop an instrument based on a sound psychometric analysis and simultaneously supported by the learning theory. Based on the data from 4875 questionnaires, the present study examined the fit of the proposed multidimensional model of university teaching to the whole sample and to various specific university programmes of study using confirmatory factor analysis (AMOS 5.0). Results clearly supported the applicability of the proposed model for the whole university and across programmes of study, demonstrating the validity and reliability of the instrument in evaluating several distinct dimensions of the quality of university teaching.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that school climate is important for student health and academic achievement. This study concerns the validity and reliability of the student edition a Swedish instrument for measuring pedagogical and social school climate (PESOC). Data were collected from 5,745 students at 97 Swedish secondary schools. Multilevel confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, and multilevel composite reliability estimates, as well as correlations with school-level achievement indicators, were calculated. The results supported an 8-factor structure at the student level and 1 general factor at the school level. Factor loadings and composite reliability estimates were acceptable at both levels. The school-level factor was moderately and positively correlated with school-level academic achievement. The student PESOC is a promising instrument for studying school climate.  相似文献   

This study aimed to design and validate the Teacher Identity Measurement Scale (TIMS) for assessing primary student teachers’ professional identity. Based on identity theory and a systematic review into quantitative instruments of teacher identity, teacher identity was decomposed in four first-order constructs: motivation, self-image, self-efficacy, and task perception. This resulted in a measurement scale consisting of 46 items. The factorial design was examined by administering the TIMS to first- and second-year primary student teachers. In phase 1, involving 17 students, qualitative scale development methods were used to assess the construct validity. In phase 2, its second-order factor structure was tested and confirmed among a sample of 211 students. In phase 3, this structure was cross-validated among a new sample of 419 students. The instrument may contribute to understanding primary student teacher’s professional development and can be used as a tool to support the process of developing a professional teacher identity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the overall quality of the interpersonal relationship students have with faculty and staff, that is, relationship quality (RQ). In relationship management research, RQ is paramount for the creation of bonds with customers, which in turn is necessary for the sustainability of organizations, that is, continuity and growth. In higher education, it is not only recent changes in funding of education that urge us to further investigate RQ, as students having relational bonds with their teachers and faculty/staff is important as well. These relationships are expected to positively influence students’ college experiences. Although educational literature addresses the importance of student–faculty relationships, little is known about students’ perceptions of the quality of their relationship with their program. The aim of this study was therefore to get a more in-depth understanding of the concept and measurement of RQ within a higher education context. To that end, an existing RQ scale was used measuring five dimensions: trust in honesty, trust in benevolence, satisfaction, affective commitment, and affective conflict. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted on survey responses of 551 students from a Dutch university of applied sciences. Next to the CFA, a small-scale focus group discussion was held to validate the quantitative findings of students’ perceptions on RQ. The findings confirm that the RQ instrument is an adequate instrument to investigate RQ in a higher education context. Additional qualitative findings also suggest that students acknowledge the relevance of RQ and the need for having a good relationship with their faculty and staff.  相似文献   

农村教师教育培训是农村基础教育发展的基本保证,面临大力发展的机遇,但同时由于种种原因,也面临严峻挑战。认真分析农村教师教育的外部机会与威胁,根据农村教师教育培训的优势和劣势制定合适的发展策略,以求得生存与发展。  相似文献   

正确对待师生关系,是保证教学质量的关键,也是长期困扰学校教育改革的难题。伴随基础教育课程改革实验而推出的“交往论”,深刻地揭示了师生关系的内在本质,正确地反映了师生交往的客观规律,值得肯定和推崇。作为新的教学观念,“交往论”还需要逐步完善。  相似文献   

促进教师专业发展是大学英语教学质量提高的关键.然而作为一个特殊的教师群体,大学英语教师发展存在着诸多障碍.CFG作为一种全新的教师专业发展模式,弥补了传统训练指导模式的不足.通过对CFG模式的概念和组成要素的介绍,分析了这一模式在教师发展过程中的实施条件、障碍和策略,对促进大学英语教师专业发展有理论上和实践上的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

通过3个研究:魅力型教师特征的收集;魅力型教师的特质分析;魅力型教师特质结构的验证性因素分析,结果显示:魅力型教师是一个一阶5因素结构,分别为亲和力、教学能力、创新能力、思想品行、专业素养。  相似文献   

运用社会支持评定量表和生活经验量表为测查工具,对460名藏族大学生进行问卷调查,了解藏族大学生社会支持与生活压力之间的关系。结果发现,主观支持和客观支持与生活压力各维度间存在显著正相关;客观支持维度对生活压力的异性关系发展存在显著影响;主观支持对生活压力的四个维度均存在显著影响;支持利用度对生活压力的异性关系发展和自我认同与期许存在显著影响。  相似文献   

Approximately equal numbers of Canadian and American education students rated each of four teacher types in terms of 24 characteristics. The ratings were factor-analyzed and the teacher types were arrayed along the four resultant principal components. A stepwise discriminant analysis was performed. Dissonance theory suggests that findings have implications not only for teaching pedagogy but for persons seeking student feedback on teachers as well.  相似文献   

考察高师专科生学习倦怠、社会支持感的状况及其相互关系,以供高校教学、管理实践及其他有关策略研究之借鉴。  相似文献   

沈伟 《教师发展研究》2020,4(1):116-124
杜威的若干思想为发展乡村教师、改良社会提供了有益的视角,理解其关于教师发展的思想,必须超越单纯的技术论。在杜威的社会改良思想中,教师应促进适当的社会生活的形成,教师的培养应以中小学为中心,中小学是检验和证明教育原则的实验室。这一思想经陶行知的发展,成为中国乡土社会培养具有“农夫的身手、科学的头脑和改造社会的精神”的教师之有力途径,并进一步在美国服务学习中实现未来教师课程学习与国民责任的统一。鉴于此,需以科学精神与科学方法培养具有探究品质的乡村教师,这蕴含着发展乡村师资、改进乡土社会的承诺。  相似文献   

关注教师专业发展的重要方面是理解教师学习,对实践共同体(Co Ps)中教师学习的角色冲突与专业发展的质性研究能够描述和解释促进教师专业成长的过程和原因。研究借助对8名小学数学教师展开叙事访谈收集数据,使用质性分析软件ATLAS.ti8辅助资料分析,采用文献回顾延迟进行的方式建立扎根理论。文中聚焦的角色冲突是发生在教师实践共同体中的一种教师需要面对的真实困境,探讨了教师在学习活动中所经历的角色内冲突和角色间冲突下教师发展困境的诱因;教师角色协调中权威信任和权威服从行为作为突破困境的心理基础;理性对待外部认同是突破教师专业发展框架的重要驱动力;进一步讨论了角色冲突作为教师专业成长重要契机,并针对教师队伍建设提出建议。  相似文献   

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