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课堂教学是教学的核心,是实施《课程标准》和实现教学理念的主阵地。笔者结合自己教学实际,以案例的形式,阐述了在新教学理念下对课堂氛围的营造、对学生思维的点燃、与学生的交流、对课堂教学资源的挖掘,充分体现了新课程理念的课堂教学。  相似文献   

《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》(以下简称《概论》课)承担着提高大学生政治理论素养、坚定社会主义信念的重要任务。但在《概论》课教学中,存在着综合性强、现实性强、重复严重、课时不足等种种问题,因此,将教材体系转化为教学体系,根据教学要求不断拓展教学内容,与时俱进,对《概论》课教学内容进行整合,对增强《概论课》教学实效性具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法和综合分析法,根据高等职业教育的特点,结合大学生的实际体育需求,通过对现行高职院校体育课程教学内容设置的分析和研究,提出构建具有职业教育特色的新型职业实用性体育课程内容的初步设想与建议。  相似文献   

Representatives from more than 20 institutions making up a research and teaching network met to discuss and investigate a web application designed to promote knowledge sharing and understanding. The web application, called Fieldtrip, enables students, professors and researchers to virtually share their experiences and findings from real field trips. This study investigates how professors from the network conceived Fieldtrip and their approach to designing and teaching student learning experiences using it. Results show that the professors had divergent understandings of the potential of the web application, and that qualitatively better ways of conceiving Fieldtrip were related to more robust approaches to design for learning and teaching. The implications of this study as an exploration into professor experiences of web applications are important if universities wish to make the best use of technologies in learning for their students and professors.
Brendan F. D. BarrettEmail:

植物资源化学教学改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了作者在植物资源化学教学中的改革与实践情况。以改革教学内容,强化基础理论知识为重点,辅以教学模式的改进来调动学生学习的主动性,并引入相关的前沿知识,拓宽学生的知识面,实现良好的教学目标。  相似文献   

地质类专业英语是石油专业一门专业必修课,具有很强的综合性和实用性,是一门即学即用的学科。针对该课程的特点并结合教学实际,采取以下几方面的教学内容改革措施:①精选教学内容;②突出重点、难点教学;③注重地质类专业英语的实用性;④教学结合科研。通过采取上述教学内容的改革,促进学生英语应用能力的培养,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

Innovative teaching is sometimes perceived as opposite of traditional teaching, since it is regarded as student-centred and takes on the form of guided construction. This distinguishing feature led to an expectation that traditional teaching practices will be replaced with innovative ones for the purpose of fostering learning. The goal of the present research is to examine this issue by taking a closer look at teaching practices within an innovative learning environment, and their implications for teachers and teacher educators. Our qualitative research was conducted in a secondary school which has implemented such a learning environment. The data analysis is based on sociolinguistic discourse analysis. The findings reveal a variety of teaching practices, which allows teachers to choose the most suitable one for a particular learning requirement. We conclude in proposing to adopt a more complex approach to teaching, and to relinquish the dichotomy between traditional and innovative teaching practices. Theoretical and practical implications of this proposal are presented in the discussion.  相似文献   

按照“大平台,多方向”教学模式的要求,非机械类专业《工程制图》课程教学应以培养学生具有正确分析形体的形状与位置和一定的图解能力为目标,精选画法几何教学内容,为工程制图打下良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

明确工民建专业高职学生的职业方向和职业能力 ,分析“五年制对口招生工民建专业教学内容和课程体系”中存在的问题 ,制定改革思路 ,进行包括理论教学环节、实践教学环节在内的新教学内容和课程体系的构建  相似文献   

为适应军队战斗力生成模式转变对高素质新型军事人才培养,全军各院校都在积极推行军事教育转型改革建设。本文根据教学改革试点工作的实践,从教学目标转变、教学内容重构、教学模式改革、考核方法更新四个方面研究与总结了教育转型新坐标下课程教学的基本走向,探索了教学转型视域中课程教学改革的基本思路。  相似文献   

本文是对冷库设计课程体系的主干课冷库建筑实践教学内容的改革探讨。首先,冷库建筑教学内容要从传统的以土建冷库为主转向土建冷库和组合冷库并重教学;其次,要结合社会新形势和要求,从冷库加工食品要求、降低冷库能耗、新冷库设计规范解读和实践教学四方面,对冷库建筑的教学内容进行改进设计。教学实践证明,改进后的冷库建筑教学内容,能较大程度地激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,促使学生更深刻地掌握和应用专业知识。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

Reciprocal teaching is one of the most successfully implemented cooperative learning practices, yet many aspects of the process it follows are still unclear. The authors' aim was two-fold: To analyze whether reciprocal teaching activates diversity in discourse moves, communicative functions, and interaction sequences; and to determine whether reciprocal teaching needs to be based on prior work on student collaboration and cooperation skills in order to be effective (context dependency vs. context independency). Two groups with a different instructional background were compared: one with a teacher-centered and one with a student-centered approach. Forty-three third-grade students were led through a reciprocal teaching reading activity. Video recordings of each group were transcribed and analyzed at the micro level. Frequencies for each category were described and interpreted. The two groups did not differ significantly in the processes followed, indicating that reciprocal teaching is context independent and able to create interaction-rich and diverse environment.  相似文献   

明确教学目的 准确把握大纲的教学内容和教学要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从化学基本概念和原理、元素化合物知识、化学基本计算、化学实验四个方面介绍了高中化学教学大纲 (试验修订版 )根据未来社会对人才培养和学生自身发展需要确定的相应的教学内容和教学要求  相似文献   

从我国艺术院校视唱耳教学方面,就如何深化视唱教学的内容及明确视唱教学法的任务阐述了作者的观点和想法。  相似文献   

高层建筑的发展正风靡全世界,近年来,中国的高层建筑也在不断横空出世,林立于各类城市。高层建筑设计作为建筑学专业的一门重要课程,其内容随着行业的需求和发展模式的更新,也需要展开一系列的课程教学改革。本文将在研究高层建筑设计教学改革必要性的基础上,提高教学内容的实践性,对教学内容的重点、难点展开剖析,以促使教学内容获得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

建构主义视野中的教学过程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建构主义教学理论强调知识的不可传递性,认为学习的实质是主体对外部信息的意义建构,与传统教学理论相比较,建构主义赋予了教师、学生、教材及教学媒体等组成教学过程的四要素以新的含义。  相似文献   

采用专家访谈法和实地调查法对研究性学习在排球教学中的应用进行了研究.结果表明:学校层面要有效整合校内外教学资源,为排球选项课研究性学习提供必要的软、硬件设施;教师层面要转变观念,在研究性学习的设计、开展、实施、评价过程中发挥积极的作用;学生层面要提高学生积极性,掌握研究性学习的策略.  相似文献   

本文从宏观方面入手,对不同时期的作品风格与内涵充分概括、分析和描述巴洛克风格、维也纳时期的音乐风格特点。具体论述了在钢琴教学中如何运用相关音乐科学来指导钢琴教育,以达到正确诠释音乐作品,准确把握钢琴作品风格与内涵的目的。  相似文献   

“地理信息系统课程设计”教学内容和模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以武汉大学GIS专业的"地理信息系统(GIS)课程设计"为例,介绍了该课程的教学内容设置,从理论教学知识要点和工程实践具体要求相互结合的角度出发,提出了面向问题、知识点、技术方案等核心要素的教学模式和考核模式的新思路,从而改进了传统GIS课程设计的教学形式,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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