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Using the iterative process of action research, we identify six portals of understanding, called threshold concepts, which can be used as curricular guideposts to disrupt the socially constituted separation, and hierarchy, between humans and the more-than-human. The threshold concepts identified in this study provide focal points for a curriculum in transformative sustainability learning which (1) acknowledges non-human agency; and (2) recognizes that the capacity to work with multiple ways of knowing is required to effectively engage in the process of sustainability knowledge creation. These concepts are: there are different ways of knowing; we can communicate with non-human nature and non-human nature can communicate with us; knowing is relational; transrational intuition and embodied knowing are valuable and valid ways of knowing; worldview is the lens through which we view reality; and the power of dominant beliefs (represented in discourse) supports and/or undermines particular ways of knowing and being as in/valid.  相似文献   

Any pedagogy of media practice sits at the intersection between training for employment and education for critical thinking. As such, the use of projects is a primary means of structuring learning experiences as a means of mirroring professional practice. Yet, our understanding of the nature of projects and of project-based learning is arguably under-theorised and largely taken for granted. This paper attempts to address this issue through a synthesis of the literature from organisational studies and experiential learning. The article aims to shift the debate around project-based learning away from an instrumentalist agenda, to one that considers the social context and lived experience of projects and re-conceptualises projects as ontological modalities of doing, being and becoming. In this way, the article aims to provide a means for thinking about the use of project-based learning within the media practice curriculum that draws on metaphors of discovery, rather than of construction.  相似文献   

Threshold concepts are a widely used idea, particularly in curriculum design and evaluation of student learning. However they can be criticised as being hard to identify, vague and teacher imposed. Using the cognitive theory of Bernard Lonergan we argue that his epistemology enables us to reframe threshold concepts by adding a learner focussed understanding. We extend this to include considerations of liminality and ‘stuckness’, as well as the multiple paths to the threshold learners may take. Adding an understanding of cognitive process to the idea of threshold concepts also enables us to understand how they can be identified in disparate subjects.  相似文献   

Learning Professional Ways of Being: Ambiguities of becoming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who we are (becoming). It involves integration of knowing, acting, and being in the form of professional ways of being that unfold over time. When a professional education program focuses on the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills, it falls short of facilitating their integration into professional ways of being. In addition, through such a focus on epistemology (or theory of knowing), ontology (or theory of being) is overlooked. This paper explores what it means to develop professional ways of being where the focus is becoming, not simply knowing as an end in itself.  相似文献   

The present study builds on earlier work by Meyer and Land (2003) which introduced the generative notion of threshold concepts within (and across) disciplines, in the sense of transforming the internal view of subject matter or part thereof. In this earlier work such concepts were further linked to forms of knowledge that are troublesome, after the work of Perkins (1999). It was argued that these twinned sets of ideas may define critical moments of irreversible conceptual transformation in the educational experiences of learners, and their teachers. The present study aims (a) to examine the extent to which such phenomena can be located within personal understandings of discipline-specific epistemological discourses, (b) to develop more extensively notions of liminality within learning that were raised in the first paper, and (c) to propose a conceptual framework within which teachers may advance their own reflective practice.  相似文献   

如何界定科学和哲学,历来众说纷纭,我们可以通过追溯科学和哲学的词源来考察其原始意义。科学是一种探求自然现象的原因的认识活动,名词意义上的科学以认识到的自然现象的原因等为前提,通过逻辑(数学)的方式组织起来的知识体系。哲学是爱智慧,是人因震惊和好奇而试图迎合万物存在的倾向,以后才逐渐演变为反思的活动。由此可以对科学和哲学形成较好的理解。  相似文献   

The original work on threshold concepts arose from a project designed to improve students’ learning experiences by taking seriously the features of disciplinary knowledge as its starting point. The conceptual and empirical work on threshold concepts has since developed and matured. While many disciplines have engaged enthusiastically with the identification of threshold concepts, healthcare has not been well represented. Drawing on Cousin’s (2007, 2009) notion of transactional curriculum inquiry, the study explores the identification of threshold concepts in a physiotherapy subject, with a sample of physiotherapy clinical educators, using nominal group technique (NGT). While the article presents a set of concepts from the pilot study, this is not its key contribution. Instead, three novel insights are offered for future threshold concepts research. First, there is a need to extend the stakeholders involved in curriculum reform and renewal beyond the university (particularly, for professions). Second, there must be ongoing opportunities for these external stakeholders to engage with and reflect on the distinct features of threshold concepts if the context and authenticity of practice is to be taken seriously for enhancing student learning. Third, the problem of identification is beset with conceptual challenges that remain unresolved for researchers.  相似文献   

作为叛逆哲人,庄子和尼采哲学都是超越哲学,出于对生命之热爱,他们对传统思想观念作了深刻的反省与批判并致力于转换。对两人的本体论、认识论、人生观进行比较,发现尼采提倡昂然的生命力和奋发的意志力与庄子的无争、顺应自然以提高精神境界大异其趣,但他们在各自超越思想中所倡导的个性独立之精神无疑为时代发展带来了强烈的心灵震撼,体现出一种人本主义精神。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学与葛兰西实践哲学都强调哲学的实践本质,都主张从实践的角度理解世界、历史和人的认识,都可以称之为实践哲学。但马克思主义哲学是一种实践的唯物主义,它强调实践的客观物质性、实践对认识检验标准的唯一性,葛兰西的实践哲学是实践的唯心主义,它常常以意志活动代替实践活动、以是否被群众普遍接受作为判断认识正确与否的标准。  相似文献   

朱承 《许昌学院学报》2005,24(1):130-133
中国哲学自实现学科化以来,作为古代哲学家个案研究之一的张载研究,也呈现出新的范式和特色。这表现在:对于张载哲学进行不懈的体系重构,使之与学科化哲学相吻合;在张载哲学的一些焦点问题上,近百年来出现纷纭变化;在张载哲学的专题研究上,研究视野呈现出多维的态势。  相似文献   

教学理念向教学行为的转化一直是学术界比较关注的问题。国外学者的研究主要集中在教师课堂教学行为标准和师生互动行为两个方面,尚未发现教学理念向教学行为转化机制的研究成果。国内学者对教学理念与教学行为的内涵与关系、教学理念向教学行为转化的影响因素、转化过程、路径与策略等基本问题的研究,已形成较为丰富的研究成果,但仍存在众多分歧。如何科学地分析教学理念向教学行为转化的制约因素及其作用机理,从发生学视角透视教学行为的转化生成过程,揭示教学理念向教学行为转化的内隐机制,理应成为基础教育理论研究和实践探索的重大课题。  相似文献   

论管理哲学的学术视野及其功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哲学学科的管理哲学是根据哲学思维的根本特性反思人类管理实践而形成的哲学理论。管理哲学虽然与管理学具有不同的研究对象、研究方法和研究目的,但是管理哲学必须根植于聚焦管理实践的管理学土壤中,以各种管理理论作为自己的反思对象,从中概括和提升出管理哲学的基本范畴和理论,由此承担特定的学术使命与社会功能。  相似文献   

哲学人类学告诉人们,人的本质是不确定的,人永远都是一种开放性的存在。作为矛盾化的混合体,"人"通过哲学来揭示自身的奥秘,哲学也以此为己任取得合法性地位。但历史的进程表明,哲学作为"思想中的时代"已经背离了人们对幸福的追求,现实对哲学的质疑已经到了终结哲学的边缘,哲学被逐出了赖以生存的家园。当哲学变得"无家可归"的时候,却找到了自己的位置:哲学本不需要自己的疆界,哲学的本命就是人类对自身的一种无规定的"思",当哲学变得离家出走的时候,也就真正踏上了回家的路。  相似文献   

分析传统与教育哲学:历史的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方哲学不断发展的背景中 ,教育哲学真正开始成为一个有清晰界限的研究领域 ,以其强有力的分析方法著称于世。英国分析哲学家彼德斯提出了教育哲学的任务和特征 ,成功地使教育哲学具备了自己的独特的性质 :既是当代哲学一个生机勃勃的领域 ,又是教育研究一个主要的和独立的领域。 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,分析教育哲学已经不折不扣地成为西方哲学传统中的一部分。当前 ,分析教育哲学的首要任务就是认真地对学科内部的根本问题进行重新评价和修正。  相似文献   

柴再顶 《天中学刊》2002,17(1):11-14
中国哲学博大精深,源远流长。一方面,作为探本求真的辩证唯物主义哲学在经历了数千年朴素形态之后,在20世纪走向了马克思主义化的科学形态,成为中国哲学发展的主流。另一方面,中国哲学也出现了唯心主义的支流岔道,实用主义根深蒂固,教条主义屡禁不衰。要使中国哲学走向现代化,就必须强化哲学的本质功能,建立现代哲学管理机制,还中国哲学一个开放化、个性化的新天地。  相似文献   

经世致用思想是中国传统思想文化的重要组成部分,在我国漫长的历史进程中具有深远持久的影响。在中国传统封建社会向近代社会转变的过程中,经世致用思想提供了思想上的准备,继而启动了中国近代化的进程。  相似文献   

中国管理哲学并非"管理哲学在中国",而是"中国式的管理哲学"。中国管理哲学的困境源自于哲学性的缺乏和研究对象的僭越,导致了中国管理哲学无管理、中国管理哲学无哲学的尴尬,这在一定程度上动摇了中国管理哲学学科本身的自足性,而走出此困境的途径在于实践上的交融与哲学上的整合。  相似文献   

“人情怀”是马克思主义哲学之真髓,“人教育”是人类的觉醒和期待,而在我们的教学活动中,却存在着着马克思“人关爱”的空场与疏漏。要进行人教育必须完成两个转变:知识性到思想性的转变;物到人的转变。这样才能有“人精神”之弘扬,“真善美”之实现。  相似文献   

Professional accrediting bodies and accounting education reviews have long expressed concerns about student capabilities and learning outcomes, including the ability to apply knowledge and make reasoned judgements. In response, we report on a new design that uses a web of threshold concepts to guide curriculum development. With an associated focus on students’ active learning, the new design encouraged students to critically engage with threshold concepts in accounting. The aim was to transform their understanding of the discipline material from a set of discrete concepts that could be rote-learnt, to critical appreciation of the relationships between such discipline concepts. The design structures students’ active participation in associated learning activities, leading to improved student engagement and conceptual understanding, as evidenced by better attendance and results.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to offer a critical insight into the ubiquity of technology enhanced learning. The use of technology in higher education is underpinned by a promise that technology will enhance teaching and learning despite an apparent lack of systematic evidence. This raises questions of how this enhancement agenda persists, and of how technology has established a position of dominance within higher education. This orthodoxy is evident across a range of relevant actors, from commercial interests, universities, government, academics, and technologists. This paper utilises a critical logics approach, which problematises the competing interests of these different actors, exploring ways in which the social, political and fantasmatic practices between these actors contribute to the ubiquity and dominance of technology enhanced learning. This paper argues that the technology enhanced project resists in-depth critique, with the repeated failure of technology to transform education attributed towards academics, students and institutions.  相似文献   

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