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With a growing movement to re-connect children to nature, an understanding of the ability of environmental education (EE) programs to foster connectedness to nature is needed. The purpose of this exploratory quantitative study is to determine the effect of seven EE programs on participants' connectedness to nature. Results from the 385 children who participated in this study suggest two of the programs may be associated with a significant increase in connectedness to nature; however, due to the limitations of the study and a potential ‘ceiling effect’ of high initial levels of connectedness, further research is needed.  相似文献   

城市生态学是20世纪70年代末兴起的新学科。赵运林等编著的《城市生态学》是这门年轻学科的一个可喜成果。该书逻辑严密,特色鲜明,内容广泛,指导性强,具有鲜明的科学性、一定的创新性和普遍的实用性,为现代城市突破重围提供了一把钥匙。  相似文献   

庐山地处鄱阳湖流域,有着适宜人居的优良环境与资源。该地区6千年来一直有人类活动,随着文明的演进,在不同的人类主体作用下,庐山的人地关系依次经历了洪荒时代的"天命论"阶段;农业文明时代的"天人合一"阶段;工业文明时代的"人定胜天"阶段;生态门阈外的大众庐山阶段和生态文明建设阶段。  相似文献   

环境危机时代人与自然关系的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代以来发生的全球性环境危机,已严重影响人类的生存态势。人们不得不在人与自然和人与人的双重关系中寻求解决问题的途径。作者认为,从天地生相联系的角度来思考和调整人与自然环境的关系尤为重要。在考虑人与自然环境关系的同时,从社会制度层面来调整人与社会的关系,是解决环境问题的关键。  相似文献   

教学主体关系论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学主体关系可以从主体与他人、与客观事物、与自身的关系这三个维度来分析和评价。在以往的认识中 ,人们对教学主体关系的理解存在着偏颇。只有肯定其内在联系性 ,坚持其完整统一性 ,才有利于教学的合理存在 ,有利于教学主体的有效建构与发展  相似文献   

苗曼 《学前教育研究》2012,(1):13-17,22
教育塑造是教育学中的"公理"性命题,教育塑造的逻辑起点是人性的可塑性。然而可塑之性只是人性的"局域"而非"全域",自然天性作为人性系统中一个不可塑的子系统,一直被奠基于科学心理学基础之上的科学教育学所忽视。教育塑造这一元命题具有内在的危机。教育面向一个整全的人之存在,促进儿童天性的丰满表达和表现,是全人性教育不可或缺的重要一维。  相似文献   


Mentoring relationship quality has frequently been associated with improved effectiveness of mentoring interventions for youth. As youth mentoring research has largely been undertaken in community-based, one-to-one mentoring programs in the United States, there have been recent calls to investigate mentoring relationships in specific contexts. Accordingly, this research examines relationship quality within nine mentor-mentee dyads involved in a New Zealand school-based mentoring program that combines one-to-one and group mentoring. This research identifies key features of and perceived influences on mentoring relationship quality using qualitative interviews with program staff and mentor portfolios. The results indicate that high quality relationships were formed during the program, and were primarily facilitated by mentors who demonstrated attunement, critical self-reflection, self-efficacy, and a holistic view of their mentee. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

生态道德是道德规范中处理人与自然关系的特殊范畴。刘先平的《走进帕米尔高原》在以“天人合一”为基调的中国生态伦理传统的基础上,给与生态道德以现代的阐释:尊重自然,敬畏生命,知足知止,平等互利,为人类留一片诗意的柄居地。生态道德的建设,尤其要关注儿童。《走进帕米尔高原》作为儿童文学作品,对童年的生态道德教育具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

本利用公共选择理论的投票机制对政府推动政企关系改革的利益标尺进行分析,提出以改变投票人决策偏好为切入口,推动预期改革目标的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a large-scale international investigation of a number of factors that are considered to impact upon educational motivation and achievement. Following on from an earlier investigation of adolescent attitudes, the present study involved a detailed survey of nearly 3,000 children, aged 9-10 from districts in England, Russia and the USA, together with teacher reports and the employment of a test of basic mathematical computation. The Russian sample scored significantly more highly on the computation test and showed no large tail of underachievers, as was the case with the other groups. Findings from the survey indicate that many of the differences found in the earlier adolescent study are equally true for younger children. The Russian children were less likely to express satisfaction with their abilities or workrates, were more positive towards school, more likely to see education as intrinsically valuable and tended to spend significantly more time on homework tasks. Data obtained also suggest that the Russian sample experienced classrooms with far less disruption and stronger prosocial peer influences than did the English and American children. Teacher understandings of what is considered to be acceptable behaviour appeared to differ, however. The paper notes that the Western samples overestimated their teachers' views of their ability while the Russian children provided underestimates. Possible reasons for, and implications of, these differential teacher messages are discussed. The paper concludes by examining the implications of the findings from the study for increasing motivation and achievement in countries with very different sociocultural contexts.  相似文献   

后现代主义的产生促成了人们关注内容的一次转换,由现代主义的关注自身转向关注自身与他者之间的关系。它包含三个基本观点:反对追求“普适性真理”,认为它是不可到达的地平线,但对“他者”给予充分的关注和尊重,允许存在有价值的原则和思想;关注意义和公平,认为人类是互相联系的生物,我们对他人具有最基本的责任;关注具体特定的关系,认为后现代性是现代性的继续与重写,两者是辨证的统一。关注关系的思想,加强了心理学对个体文化背景的重视,使心理学出现了关注各种“文化关系”的趋势,从而促进了对心理学作为以实践为基础的科学人文学科性质的全面理解;关注关系的思想突出了人的创造性,采取了开放的兼收并蓄的方法论思想,促进了心理学研究方法的多元化;关注关系的思想认为具体而特定的关系才是心理学建构的基础,从根本上促进了研究内容的本土化;关注关系的思想认为人是意义的建构者和创造者,促进了研究倾向由消极到积极的转变。  相似文献   

With discourse analyses, this paper attempts to review the research development of relationship education in Taiwan for nearly a decade after the Gender Equity Education Act was announced in 2004, including the research topics generated, the knowledge accumulated, and the results achieved. This paper focuses not only on how the power and impacts of the academic institutions evolves through the production process of knowledge from the research, but also on how the gender perspectives are placed or filled into the discourses. Tracking and reflecting on the discourses and the development of relationship education researches in Taiwan, this paper aims to examine the interwoven effects and influences that social cultures, structures, and institutional power play on the knowledge production and research development of relationship education. The trajectory of Taiwanese experience illustrates a good example for policy making and legislative initiatives in legislative procedures in regard to certain gender knowledge and subjects. It is essential to utilize and coordinate the national resources and academic institutions with further awareness for the direction and promotion of gender knowledge in order for the education and research to root, grow, and prosper.  相似文献   

2014年董仲舒研究取得了丰硕成果,其中不乏上乘佳作。传统问题热点依旧,讨论的深度和广度有所增加;研究更具时代关怀,注重传统文化与现代的结合;学术反思是本年度研究新热点;《衡水学院学报》继续成为董子研究的重要平台。但本年度研究在理论和方法的突破上、海内外董学研究的交流切磋方面有待改善和提高。可以说,2014年是董仲舒研究承前启后、继往开来的一年。  相似文献   

This qualitative study used a deep ecology lens and the New Environmental Paradigm to investigate anthropocentrism and ecocentrism in 30 secondary school environment club students from three schools in Victoria, Australia. The work repositions the deep ecology philosophy as a posthumanist/relational ideology, providing novel perspectives based on kinship with the earth. Open-ended interviews assessed the alignment of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors along a Deep Ecology Spectrum. Key aspects of deep ecology were confirmed through the study findings including biospherical egalitarianism, limits to growth, wildlife preservation, anti-consumerism, environmental activism, and ecological identity.  相似文献   

马克思主义与"以人为本"--回答以人为本研究中的几点疑问   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
党的十六届三中全会《决定》中提出:坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续发展观,促进经济社会“和人的全面发展。”这对我国的教育事业的改革和发展也具有重大的指导意义。如何正确理解和实行“以人为本”,成为教育界关注的一个重要理论和实际问题。本刊特转载北京大学黄楠森教授的这篇文章,以期帮助我们加强对这一问题的认识,开展必要的讨论。  相似文献   

对于企业性质,马克思主义经济学从劳动分工利益的角度进行了解释,现代企业理论以“交易费用”为基础,进行了全新角度的阐释,也为今天进行深入的、专业的探究提供了基本范式。但现代企业理论的“交易费用”只回答了企业产生的必要条件,本提出核心资本出现并为社会认同,才是企业出现的充要条件。  相似文献   


The growth of the doctorate in recent decades has spawned concerns about programme quality and external relevance. This article reports findings from research conducted in Australia that was shaped by the view that the doctorate remains in need of educational clarification and design. The research generated insights that can be used to modernise and realign the doctorate. First, this article discusses the development of a doctoral education framework. Next, it presents results from a questionnaire developed using the framework and administered in a national survey to both five-year-out doctoral graduates and to doctoral experts. This identifies the need to design programmes that better orient and align research training with students’ professional aspirations, incorporate more real-world forms of learning, enhance traditional aspects of research training and provide structured reports of doctoral outcomes, experiences and preparations. The results underpin the need for more specific analyses of outcomes and assessment, the nature and distribution of doctoral experiences and the design and management of the resources that go into doctoral education.  相似文献   

近三十年来关于近代城乡关系问题的研究取得了较多的成果,研究队伍日渐壮大。近代城市史研究工作更是丰富了该课题的研究内容,推动了中国城乡关系演进轨迹的厘清工作。从研究内容和角度看,研究重点以城乡经济关系为主,城乡社会多元研究为辅。从研究地理区域看,多集中在沿海、沿江、开埠地区的大城市及其腹地农村,而对于广大中小城市及其周边乡村,特别是内陆和边疆地区的城乡关系研究仍然薄弱。  相似文献   

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