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This article considers the relationship between differential homework task difficulty, student engagement and performance across four Irish post-primary school sites. A total of 236 participants completed all elements of this study. All participants were junior cycle students, aged between 12 and 16 years. The study employed a standardised test–retest approach, with a one week interval between tests. Between testing, participants were randomly subdivided into three cohorts. Each cohort received homework questions of different difficulty levels to complete for one week. The results of this study found that Cohort A, who received the least difficult homework tasks, completed the most non-compulsory questions. Although Cohort A demonstrated higher levels of engagement, no statistically significant difference was found in the change in performance scores of the three cohorts. The results highlight the negative impact of increased task difficulty on student engagement with independent homework tasks. The findings suggest that in order to support student engagement it is important that teachers afford ample opportunity for student success when designing self-directed tasks such as homework.  相似文献   

“互联网+”时代使得MOOC在国内外掀起了一场网上学习的浪潮,这场教学变革的浪潮带来的不仅有新的教学思路,许多问题也接踵而来。本文主要叙述了在MOOC课程中存在的“高辍学率”现象,这种现象在目前的大部分课程中普遍存在,但是有关平台却对这种现象无能为力。本文分析了“高辍学率”产生的主要原因,并提出了相应的解决方案,旨在提高MOOC课程质量,促进MOOC教学更好地发展。  相似文献   

MOOC作为一种新型的在线教学模式冲击着全球学校教育的改革与发展。对于一线教育实践者来说,MOOC的大规模在线教育教学法是值得学习和借鉴的精髓所在。笔者以在线学习者的身份参与Coursera多门课程进行体验,结合国内已有课程的形式和特点,总结提炼在课程内容组织、资源设计、师生交互及多元评价等方面的教学方法,并结合我国在线教育实践,提出几点思考与启示,希望为我国的MOOC推广及实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a relatively new phenomenon in higher education, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and explores conceptions around this new and emerging development from the perspective of a number of stakeholders in the university. A phenomenographic approach is adopted. The study explores how different stakeholders at a university perceive the MOOC phenomenon, and reflects on how the many conceptions stakeholders adhere to are made meaningful for academic developers in their role as ‘partners in arms’. The conceptions run across a continuum from the local and narrow to the global and broad. The study identifies challenges to change agency in a higher education institution.  相似文献   

MOOC自从闯入人们的视野之后,受到教育者的广泛关注。文章结合“光电子学”MOOC建设,介绍了MOOC建设过程中的关键步骤和MOOC对传统课堂教学及构建学习型社会的影响。  相似文献   

军事职业教育是我军“三位一体”人才培养体系的重要组成部分,是提升官兵素质、推动部队备战打仗能力水平建设的重要手段。MOOC的属性与军事职业教育有着很高的契合度。文章在介绍MOOC给军事职业教育带来的教学理念、模式、方法手段创新基础上,重点对建立基于MOOC的军事职业教育资源体系的原则基础进行了分析与梳理,并给出了资源体系建设的实施建议。  相似文献   

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) provide opportunities to learn a vast range of subjects. Because MOOCs are open to anyone with computer access and rarely have prerequisite requirements, the range of student backgrounds can be far more varied than in conventional classroom-based courses. Prior studies have shown that misconceptions have a huge impact on students' learning performance; however, no study has empirically examined the relationship between misconceptions and learning persistence. This study of 12,913 MOOC-takers examines how students' misconceptions about the upcoming course material affect course completion. Using a survival analysis approach, we found that, controlling for the score in a pre-course test, students holding more misconceptions had a higher dropout rate at the start of the course, an effect that diminished over time. Other student variables were found to have a positive impact on survival that persisted throughout the entire course: U.S. location, higher age, an intention to complete, better English skills, prior familiarity with the subject, motivation to earn a certificate, and score and time spent on the previous problem set (homework). By contrast, student gender, education level, number of previous MOOCs completed, and motivation to participate in online discussion forums did not affect survival.  相似文献   

随着教学改革及信息技术的快速发展,网络学习作为一种新的学习方式占据了重要的地位,网络课程管理平台的应用越来越多,成为当前教学活动的有力补充。文章主要在MOOC背景下,探究课程资源管理及服务方面的提升,设计符合学校实际的网络课程管理平台,探讨在线学习的课堂式学习体验,提高课程管理的水平。  相似文献   

2012年国家开放大学的挂牌成立标志着中国远程教育发展步入了新的征程。作为中国远程教育领域的先驱,开放大学亟需探索吸收新型多媒体教学理念及手段。新兴出现的大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)开辟了远程教育在线课程的新的发展思路,其多元化的学习支持,多媒体课程资源的全球共享,新颖的翻转课堂模式及独立运营的MOOC平台体系都值得开放大学思考与学习。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,MOOC以其自身独特的教育观念、教学理念和教学模式冲击着传统高等教育的授课形式、教学过程和课程设计。这也为高校思想政治理论课的教学改革提供了良好的契机和平台,需要通过混合式教学与学习的基础上,探索建设高校思想政治理论课教学的MOOC平台,整合优质教学资源,并在MOOC模式下,使课堂教学、学生学习过程、师生良好互动等被完整系统地在线完成,使课程组织过程、系统环境建设、考核评价机制体系等得以再造和完善。  相似文献   

Student knowledgeability, class size, and class level were found to significantly influence students' ratings of instruction. In general, the more knowledgeable the student in an area, the higher his ratings of courses and instructors in that area. Also, large courses and advanced courses were most highly rated by students. The effect of student sex on student ratings of instruction varied as a function of the particular aspect of instruction being evaluated. Significant interactions among the four main effects were also found across the judgmental dimensions students utilized in evaluating instruction, as assessed by factor analysis. Student knowledgeability and class size were found to be the main predictors of student ratings on these dimensions.  相似文献   

普通高等院校纷纷加入MOOC,对于中国来说,既面临着变革期的机遇,也会带来很大的挑战。对于中国高校思想政治理论课来说,更是巨大的冲击。本文将简述MOOC的内涵和发展,进而论述其对中国高校思想政治理论课的冲击,最后将从创新改革、培养学生自主学习、提高"微课"制作能力,充分利用杰出教师资源三个方面论述中国高校思想政治理论课的应对措施。  相似文献   


This is a systematic review conducted of primary research literature published between 2007 and 2018 on the deployment and effectiveness of data analytics in higher education to improve student outcomes. We took a methodological approach to searching databases; appraising and synthesising results against predefined criteria. We reviewed research on the effectiveness of three differentiated forms of data analytics: learning, academic and learner analytics. Student outcomes are defined as retention, academic performance and engagement. Our results find that three quarters of studies report the use of educational data analytics to be effective in improving student outcomes but their relationship with student outcomes requires further and more robust investigation and assessment. We argue that research must interpret and communicate effectiveness qualitatively, as well as quantitatively, by including the student voice in assessments of impact.  相似文献   

慕课背景下思想政治理论课教学问题凸显,对传统思想政治理论课教学时空、教学内容和教学模式产生制约的影响,同时慕课的优势推动思想政治理论课教材更新和教学方式转变,促使学生对课程教学有全新的认识和促进教师教学能力的提升。透析慕课的背景,冷静而理性地探求思想政治理论课教学改革的措施,创新实现路径中,寻求抵制慕课带来负面效应的方法,同时吸收慕课带来的积极影响,真正实现思想政治理论课教学的实效性。  相似文献   

Traditional reliability studies report the stability of teaching performance, as measured by student course/instructor evaluations, as ranging from .40 to .90, depending upon the study. Recently, generalizability theory has been applied to these rating data to more specifically pinpoint sources of error in student course evaluations. The purpose of the present study is to (1) familiarize the reader with some of the work that has been done with student rating data using generalizability theory and (2) to illustrate the use of the theory on a problem that in the past has been examined using traditional reliability estimates. Specifically, the paper addresses the stability of teacher performance across time in the same course.  相似文献   

《微机原理与接口技术》作为高等院校计算机相关专业的基础课程,在教学过程中存在重理论轻实践、学生无法构建整体知识体系的问题。基于MOOC的翻转课堂教学模式可将MOOC平台理论学习与课堂实验相结合,因此提出以实验课为教学重点的教学模式,以期改善教学效果,实现教学相长的目的。与传统课堂授课模式相比,教师在教学过程中利用该模式可增强指导性作用,同时提高学生自主学习能力与理论结合实践的能力,帮助学生建立完整的计算机知识体系架构。  相似文献   

The practice of self-directed learning is important to adult students as it allows them to learn effectively while juggling work, family and other commitments. This study set out to examine the self-directed learning characteristics present in the adult students’ study process at the case university. The relationship between the adult students’ perceived competence level in self-directed learning and their academic performance was also investigated. In this study, 1695 adult students in the case university participated in a survey that included both Likert-type and open-ended response items. Eleven indicators of self-directed learning were conceptualised and quantified. These indicators included: Goal Setting, Time Management, Procrastination Management, Assignment Preparation, Exam Preparation, Note-taking Capability, Research Capability, Seminar Class Readiness, Technical Readiness, Online Class Readiness and Stress Management. The findings showed that the adult students’ perceived level of competence in the 11 self-directed learning indicators had a direct or an indirect effect on their academic performance. Based on the findings, the case university has conceptualised some new initiatives in the provision of support in terms of self-directed learning to help its adult students to do well in their studies.  相似文献   

对"爱课程网"高等数学MOOC课程讨论区的开放性问题在线讨论板块进行实证调查,着力提升高等数学MOOC课程建设质量。重视MOOC课程在线讨论区的功能性优势,积极引导学生进行辩论与思考,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生的学习潜能,增强师生的互动交流,促进高等数学课程的资源性建设,推动教学内容的改革与创新。  相似文献   


This study draws on the authors’ first-hand experience of designing, developing and delivering (3Ds) a massive open online course (MOOC) entitled ‘Understanding Research Methods’ since 2014, largely but not exclusively for learners in the humanities and social sciences. The greatest challenge facing us was to design an assessment mechanism that was (i) rigorous yet practicable at scale, vis-à-vis over 60,000 students from highly diverse backgrounds; (ii) compatible with the pedagogical orientation of the MOOC provider; and (iii) meaningful to the nature of the course subject. Based on a network analysis of forum interactions and a qualitative analysis of a random sample of 116 research questions proposed by students, we explore how participants’ understanding of research methods developed through a series of carefully sequenced ‘e-tivities’ and ‘open peer assessments’ over the duration of the course. The aim of this study was to consider a model of ‘flipped’ assessment, drawn from elements of ‘paragogy’ and the IR Model that acknowledges and exploits peer learning opportunities that are not routinely captured by completion statistics.  相似文献   

MOOC是面向社会公众提供的大规模开放在线课程,这一新生事物的迅猛发展引起了全球教育界的广泛关注。MOOC的出现是高等教育发展中的一个里程碑,它必将引起传统教育运行模式的变革。MOOC给我国带来的影响将是广泛而深刻的,人们对它的研究与探索也在不断深化。  相似文献   

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