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We are living in a time of increasing interest in the religious and spiritual aspects of sport and human movement activities. A strict distinction between religion and spirituality is, however, still missing in much of the literature. After delimiting religious and spiritual modes of experience, this article addresses Coubertin’s religio athletae and demonstrates that this notion should have spiritual, not religious, content. Religious values are external to achievements in sports, while spirituality should be an inner aspect of human movement activities. To gain a deeper understanding of the religious and spiritual aspects of physical activities, this article focuses on spiritual health as one of the main goals of the activities of teachers and coaches.  相似文献   

A national survey of counselor education programs indicated that a minority of programs include religious and spiritual issues. Survey respondents, however, who are predominantly program heads, generally consider these issues important in counseling.  相似文献   

Despite a professionally recognized need for training in religion/spirituality, literature indicates that religious and spirituality issues continue to be inconsistently addressed in counselor education. Ten experts were asked to identify potential barriers to integrating religion and spirituality into counselor education and indicate strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Barriers included a lack of information and a lack of personal interest or relevance, and strategies included continuing education, heightened awareness of self and others, and curriculum‐specific recommendations. Implications for counselor training and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a qualitative study using phenomenological inquiry to explore the nature and essence of international students' experience of utilizing religion/spirituality to cope with acculturative stress. Twelve students from 2 public universities and diverse religious/spiritual traditions participated. Results suggest that religion/spirituality plays a central role in the heightening of psychological, cognitive, and social functioning and affects students' performance in the academic environment. Implications for student affairs personnel, counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors are provided.  相似文献   

在物质文明高度发达的文化语境下,人们一面享受着物质与技术的繁荣与便利,一面又承受着心灵上的空虚与彷徨,现代人的生存发展遭遇空前的困惑与危机,每一代新生的儿童都被喻为"垮掉的一代"。人类精神的复归,必是从个体精神之初的儿童时期成长起来,以童年精神为起点与"母体",探析儿童精神教育路径,通过儿童文学、儿童哲学、儿童游戏、大众媒介等路径,培育儿童精神,以守望、复兴现代人逐渐荒芜的"精神家园"。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore community college president and chancellor perceptions of the phenomenon of spirituality and the role of spirituality in their leadership style. A hermeneutic phenomenological research design guided this study. A total of 14 community college presidents and chancellors were purposely selected and participated in semistructured one-on-one interviews. Participants were selected because of their interest in the topic of spirituality and leadership, their demographic characteristics, and their leadership position. The major findings and conclusions connected spirituality to the work of community college leaders. The researchers conclude that community college leaders define spirituality using both religious and nonreligious associations, depict qualities of spirituality in their leadership, characterize their influence on organizational culture in terms of symbolic leadership. These leaders also endorse self-care and renewal for themselves and aspiring community college leaders through the incorporation of spiritual practices. This study holds several implications for current and aspiring community college leaders who seek to enhance their leadership effectiveness and to sustain themselves despite the demands and challenges associated with their positions.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - In this paper, we seek to advance theoretical understanding of how religion, spirituality, and spiritual capital serve as key sources for community cultural wealth (Yosso in Race...  相似文献   

敢于斗争、勇于斗争、善于斗争,是中国共产党九十多年来战胜一系列艰难险阻、夺取革命建设改革发展一系列伟大胜利的宝贵经验和重要保证。在中国特色社会主义进入新时代的历史方位上,面对建设社会主义现代化强国、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史重任,习近平总书记多次强调要进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争。新时代的伟大斗争,具有鲜明的现实逻辑和理论逻辑;新时代的伟大斗争,必须立足深邃广阔的时代背景,把握具有时代特征的表现形式,坚持适应斗争形势的原则要求。  相似文献   

Pragmatic inclinations focused on health and wellness have begun to shape much of kinesiology. The wisdom of this trend is challenged as it tends to define leadership development. Chief among the problems with this trend is the loss of professional meaning. The inadequacy of pragmatism in establishing meaning for our professional activities is the central critique of this article. Michael Polanyi's understanding of the development of meaning, rooted in his theory of personal knowledge, is the basis for the critique. Polanyi's theory is expounded and then applied to the current pragmatic dispositions of our profession showing that such utilitarian approaches destroy meaning. A reorientation of the profession is then proposed toward a concept that has the capacity to capture a more genuine sense of professional meaning: play.  相似文献   

受到当时中国社会大环境的影响,以风会党实现自身政治任务的政治意图所决定,晚清会党也积极参与了反洋教斗争;晚清会党在反洋教斗争中,往往能够依据当时的社会发展趋势以及当时下层民众普遍的反洋教的社会情绪,采取较为灵活的斗争策略对外来侵略势力和清政府都给予了不同程度的打击;但大量的史实也表明,会党在反洋教斗争的过程中其局限性也是非常明显的。  相似文献   

教师形象是教师的教育理念、教育行为、人格品性等外显的综合表现.近代欧洲的三位教育家--洛克、卢梭和第斯多惠,分别在他们的著作中塑造了三种不同的教师形象,即:德性之师、率性之师与真理之师.三种教师形象既兼具师者的共性,又个性鲜明,对于当今时代塑造理想的教师形象有着一定的启示.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - (Learning, Culture, Spirituality and Local Knowedge: Implications for African Schooling) – Using a Ghanaian case study, this paper looks at the relevance...  相似文献   

Education in frugality is less important for young people in the climate emergency than pressurising governments to act. Schools can help in this directly, as well as indirectly by passing on the necessary understanding. This understanding is interdisciplinary as well as disciplinary, but schools in England at least have always been too attached to the latter – as shown by the meagre attention given to climate change in the National Curriculum. A wider problem has been the teaching profession's attachment to traditional ways, a problem shared by other professions. Internet learning, for instance, is challenging the traditional assumption, also found mutatis mutandis in law and medicine, that teaching is face-to-face. The urgency of climate change means that significant changes in traditional professional attitudes may first occur in education. One way young people in England can act is by campaigning to take the National Curriculum out of ministers’ hands and setting up a National Curriculum Commission. On climate change, we might expect it to favour a mix of (1) disciplinary and interdisciplinary, (2) face-to-face and internet-based, (3) top-down and collaborative learning and (4) whole-class and personalised learning.  相似文献   

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