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2003-2004年殷墟孝民屯揭露了成片的晚商墓葬,鉴于资料的完整性和丰富性,本文试对其进行分区研究,探究其所反映的族氏组织情况。以往主要依据墓葬的空间聚集程度,对墓地进行区组划分。观察孝民屯墓地,我们认为墓向、随葬陶器组合等葬俗特征也应是划分墓区的重要依据。因此,依据墓葬的空间分布与葬俗特征,对孝民屯墓地原有的分区方案进行了一定的调整。调整之后的墓区内部葬俗统一性较强,墓区之间的葬俗差异性也比较明显,它们应是属于不同族氏的"族墓地"。然后,考察墓地内不同性别墓葬的分布,发现夫妻异穴并葬习俗并不流行。最后,根据墓区的不同规模,推测孝民屯墓地存在两级族氏组织,认为"族墓地"的存在是族作为社会活动基本单位的表现。  相似文献   

殷墟的族群纷杂。丙、戎、史、卷、息等居住在殷墟的族群只有核心家庭的规模,并无独立的邑落。作为族邑模式认识基础的“族墓地”的判断存在问题。孝民屯墓地存在多个核心家庭或扩展家庭一级的族群,总体上而言是公共墓地。“族邑模式”对认识殷都布局的适用性有所局限。殷墟的手工业作坊遗址规模大、分布密集,作坊等操作链类遗存与居址、墓地等生活类遗存往往共存,形成7个居住、生产与埋葬等共存于同区域的考古情境,是当时基层社会组织“工、居、葬合一”的体现,可用工业作坊区模式来指称当时这种聚落形态及基层社会组织。工业作坊区在商王族(包括多子族)控制下,以超血缘关系的人群从事手工业生产活动。这是殷墟作为晚商都城区别于其他次一级聚落的重要特征。  相似文献   

商代舌族曾是一个在政治、经济、军事上占有相当地位的国族,但由于种种原因,至西周中期以后传世文献基本不见此族的任何记载。近年来,随着考古工作的深入开展及河南荣阳小胡村商代舌族墓地的发现,使商代舌族的地理分布及其它历史问题得以解决。在商代,舌族属高级贵族,主要分布于荥阳与郑州一带。  相似文献   

李振东 《大观周刊》2012,(11):41-41
墓地是为了掩藏尸体的处所,本无优劣之分叠随着阶级社会的来临,社会已有等级分别,这在墓地选择上亦有表现。唐代官方特别重视官员的丧葬之事.对其墓地选择也有明确规定.  相似文献   

文章通过对27件■符号的器物分析,认为■符号的使用流行在战国时期,战国中期晚段与晚期早段相对集中。从地域上来看,■符号的使用是从川西的蜀人区开始的,尤以成都附近最为集中,战国中、晚期时向南、北、东扩展至巴蜀全境,成都一地的使用情况却相对减少。使用■符号的器物目前只见有铜矛、铜剑、铜戈三类兵器,与器物种类密切相关。■符号的组合有由简单到复杂再到简单的过程,符号间组合的复杂化不代表族群的分化,而是概念表述的繁化与细化。■符号较集中地出现在荥经县北郊同心村墓地、什邡市城关战国墓地、宣汉县罗家坝墓地。族属上,■符号不具有族属符号的性质。■符号在蜀人区多出现在高等级墓葬中,高于巴人区出现的墓葬等级,但都没有标示社会等级的含义。  相似文献   

完颜守道评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1979年-1980年,吉林省文物工作队对吉林省舒兰县小城子完颜希尹家族墓地进行发掘时,在第三墓区发现了一块已残的墓碑,墓碑正面磨光,阴刻三行楷书字,右侧书"……太尉仪同三司",中间书"濮国公……",左侧书"……公讳守道……"①从这块碑上残留的字迹看,此碑记载的是完颜守道的事迹。完颜守道是金世宗身边的一位重臣,他忠心耿  相似文献   

梁带村墓地是近年来周代考古的重大发现,发掘者认为,该墓地为芮国墓地,年代从西周晚期一直沿用到了春秋早期。笔者综合目前已经发表的材料,认为该墓地并未见到西周晚期的遗存,已经发掘和公布的材料,年代均集中在春秋早期偏早阶段;而且仅有南区的带墓道的大墓与芮国相关,从出土遗物来看,北区大墓与芮国没有直接的联系。南区大墓中,M27组是芮桓公和两位夫人的墓葬,是芮伯万返回芮国之后,其父母芮桓公和芮姜被驱逐到梁带村一带的结果,M28墓主是芮桓公到达梁带村之后,新立的下一代国君;而北区发现的大墓性质复杂,与南区大型墓葬关系不明。  相似文献   

2008年4-5月,由烟台市博物馆组织考古队,在烟台市芝罘区夏家村东北约0.5公里的一处台地上,清理墓葬3座,均为塔式墓,由地上墓塔与地下墓室两部分组成.根据考古发掘资料并结合文献记载,文章认为,夏家墓地为金大定十六年(1176年)僧人法常建的洪福寺的僧侣墓地,也为当地民间传说的"玲珑塔"所在地.其次,塔式墓主要分布于...  相似文献   

本文通过检测叶家山墓地出土人骨的锶同位素比值数据,讨论了墓葬排序、墓地人群构成及可能来源、葬俗与人群的对应关系等问题。三座曾侯墓中,M111和M28墓主为外地人、M65墓主为本地人的结论支持了M111最早、M28次之、M65最晚的推测,墓地下葬顺序也应是南早北晚。外来人口中性别比例的变化可以揭示墓地人群构成的变动,与墓地作为曾国始封地公墓区的性质相合。通过比较锶同位素比值数据,M111、M28、M109墓主等曾侯及其直系亲族可能来自郑州—洛阳地区,由此推测西周早期的南宫氏封地可能位于这一地区。本文对墓地殉牲及采用特殊葬俗的人群来源也有推测,同时指出所谓“南方风格”器物对应的人群可能来自不同地区。  相似文献   

高峰 《湖南档案》2008,(11):37-38
中国封建社会的帝王,大都在年纪轻轻时选择自己的墓地。1946年,蒋介石以抗战英雄之态还都南京后,就开始着意选择自己的墓地了。他秘密请来了雪窦寺长老太虚,向太虚说明自己意图。太虚奉命后,在紫金山四周为其寻龙穴。  相似文献   

This study examines the ways that the Korean American diasporic press constructs identities of its own ethnic group as well as those of other racial/ethnic groups by employing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The author identifies three metaframes of diasporic media's representations of interracial relations—(a) internalization/resonance (related to racial/ethnic minorities), (b) transparency (related to Whites), and (c) offset (related to their ethnic members)—as ways that the diasporic media adopt, adapt, and counteract prevailing racial ideologies in their new host country. The diasporic media offset the negative images of their own ethnic members in the mainstream media by depicting the roles of their own group as victims of other racial/ethnic groups. Findings indicate that Korean Americans were frequently shown as victims of crimes (mostly related to Blacks), racial discrimination (mostly related to Whites), problematic laborers (mostly related to Latinos), and business rivals (mostly related to other Asian Americans).  相似文献   

本文从受众研究的实践范式出发,以日常生活实践理论为基础研究托台维吾尔族村民的日常生活电视实践,以此探讨村民如何通过日常电视实践活动创造自己的意义空间。研究主要使用民族志方法进行。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):171-184
The reference librarian in academic libraries today is often challenged by the demand from patrons for information on ethnic groups from a variety of disciplines. Questions on the four "mega" ethnic groups (African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans) are common. In addition, depending on the community in which the academic library resides, one or more ethnic groups will be emphasized. Automated indexes (particularly CD-ROM and online databases) can greatly facilitate the search for information in ethnic studies. Yet each electronic index has its own unique structure, indexing, and search protocol. The reference librarian should be attuned to the variation in ethnic group terminology and indexing in these and other resouces in order to maximize retrieval of references. To illustrate this point, an example of indexing and usage of terms related to Southeast Asians in four separate CD-ROM databases is presented.  相似文献   

The current study explored a whole-network approach to measure the impact of institutional completeness at an individual-level with regards to [Kim, Y. (2001). Becoming intercultural: An integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.] a theoretical model of cross-cultural adaptation. A new construct of ‘ethnic entrainment’ was proposed as a way to bridge the different levels of theoretical constructs in the model. The analytical challenge of verifying the influence of institutional completeness (a group-level construct in the model) on individuals’ communication patterns was partially overcome in this study by measuring the degree of one's structural embeddedness in various ethnic community networks (i.e. information, emotional support, and tangible help exchange networks). A community member survey (N?=?172) was utilized to construct social networks of a Korean immigrant community. The research tested hypotheses generated from Kim's theorems on the relationships between ethnic group strength and host/ethnic interpersonal/mass communication. Three out of five hypotheses were supported through hierarchical regression analyses.  相似文献   

国家民委2007年度科研项目"中国民族及民族地区图书馆调查与研究"反映了民族地区图书馆的最新状况.文章将民族地区图书馆分为省级(自治区)图书馆、高等院校图书馆,地市级、市辖区图书馆,自治县、旗基层图书馆3个层次,以网络平台建设、自动化管理、数据库建设为指标,进行横向与纵向的立体交叉比较,分析其数字化建设现状,以具体数字阐明了民族地区图书馆数字化建设的现状:高等级图书馆与县、旗基层图书馆两极分化现象十分严重,数字鸿沟加剧 民族地区基层图书馆服务功能和生存能力的弱化,损伤了当地的文化事业,减弱了基层政权的舆论宣传力度、文化认同程度,减慢了民族共同心理的发展与升华.  相似文献   

This study explored the meanings that people attribute to talking about their cancer. Framed by interpersonal and health communication scholarship on privacy management and multiple meanings, we asked cancer survivors to describe how and why they discussed their cancer with others. Interviews (focus group or one-on-one) were conducted with 40 survivors. Using a grounded theory approach, we developed a conceptual framework that describes how communication about cancer may be particularly meaningful because it is something that people feel as though they can control during a highly stressful and turbulent time. However, attempts to manage communication are challenged by constraints imposed by others, such as unfavorable and unpredictable reactions to disclosure, which ultimately place limits on survivors’ control.  相似文献   

There is a need for people to have access to health information but this may not be readily available for some black and ethnic minority groups living in England. This study aims to improve access to health information for ethnic minority groups by providing this in their own language, in an audio and visual format through a touchscreen computer. The study was led by health promotion and public health workers informed by advisory panels of representatives from local black and ethnic minority groups in the cities of Nottingham, Sheffield and Leicester. Discussion within the advisory panels and local epidemiological data helped to identify groups to be targeted and priority health issues to be addressed. Other issues covered during development included interface design, language translation and identification of accessible locations. A number of problems were addressed in establishing appropriate touchscreen facilities, mainly relating to producing information in an electronic format for multiple languages and populations not necessarily computer-literate. Three touchscreens, containing information on 10 health topics, translated into five languages are currently installed, one in each city. They are being rotated through a series of locations including a library, GP practice, and a temple. Their use, and satisfaction with use, is being evaluated over a 2-year period, by statistical analysis of computer logs and the collection of qualitative information by bi-lingual interviewers with users, over an 18-month period. Health information can be made available for ethnic minority groups even if they are unable to read their mother tongue. Touchscreens appear to be a suitable medium for achieving this.  相似文献   

Race and media research in the United States emphasizes the representations of ethnic minorities in mainstream media. These sometimes-poor representations of minority groups have implications for social attitudes. However, social groups are defined in relation to one another, and race specifically is a hierarchical category with Whites positioned above. Some scholars suggest that whiteness has meaningful implications for Whites’ racial identity formation. Yet little empirical attention has been given to the portrayals of Whites in racially targeted or ethnic-oriented media, where whiteness is most conspicuous. This study uses social identity theory and critical race theories to examine the portrayals of Whites in Black films. We conduct a content analysis of 32 Black-oriented films spanning two decades. We argue that such investigations (a) position race-oriented films as necessary sites for understanding racial discourse and (b) shed insight into how ethnic media creators may use film as a platform to accept or resist dominant ideologies.  相似文献   

In order to develop more effective ways of helping adolescents and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors cope with cancer-related uncertainty, it is important to understand how AYAs respond communicatively to each other's uncertainty. We designed this project to gain insight into the patterns of social support that occur in response to AYAs' expressions of uncertainty. We analyzed 510 responses to posts in an AYA-focused online discussion group. Eighty-two percent of messages responding to uncertainty contained informational support. Sixty-seven percent contained multiple types of support. Among medical, personal, and social sources of uncertainty, the most typical response tended to be a combination of informational support accompanied by emotional and/or esteem support. AYAs who express uncertainty in online support groups should be advised that their posts are likely to be met with information, such as advice and referrals, which may either facilitate or impede their uncertainty management goals.  相似文献   

里耶秦简“义陵用度简”是一份官文书,其传递过程是“A县库→A县廷→迁陵县廷→迁陵库”,可分为“库□告县廷书”“丞欧告迁陵主书”和“迁陵守丞殷告库书”三个传递阶段。其中,“丞欧告迁陵主书”和“迁陵守丞殷告库书”在县廷的处理流程可归纳为“原件签署+抄件批转+原件存档/抄件送出”,即:①在原件上签署收文记录;②抄写文书正文部分,制成抄件;③丞欧/守丞殷批转抄件;④将“批转”意见转抄到原件上;⑤原件存档,抄件送出。此种处理流程是秦汉时期官文书传递流转的重要方式之一,可用于分析“义陵用度简”同类文书的流转情况。  相似文献   

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