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Prereading kindergartners were assigned to groups that varied experience with (a) the rime analogy reading strategy; (b) the implicated prereading skills of rhyming, initial phoneme identity, and letter-sounds; or (c) a control group. Teaching in the rime analogy strategy and the prereading skills resulted in more reading than teaching in the rime analogy strategy or prereading skills alone. Many children developed the untaught abilities of medial and final phoneme identity and the letter recoding reading strategy. Children with high prereading skill levels read the most words, and the use of specific prereading skills varied across different reading word types. Working memory was unrelated to increases in prereading skills or reading. Children were able to generalize the rime analogy strategy to read words with unfamiliar rime spellings.  相似文献   

In two studies, 10‐year‐olds from 2 German special schools as well as typically developing children of the same chronological age (CA controls) or the same mental age (MA controls) were compared on several aspects of working memory functions (i.e., size and input quality of the phonological store, speed and automatic activation of the subvocal rehearsal process). Results reveal that the children from the special schools reached the MA control but not the CA control children's level of non‐word repetition and also showed a statistically significant phonological similarity effect on memory span. These results were interpreted as evidence for a developmental lag in the functioning of the phonological store in these children. With regard to the subvocal rehearsal process, the results were mixed. While the children in the special schools outperformed the MA controls in speech rate, it was found that, in contrast to both control groups, they did not show any word‐length effect on memory span. This finding might be interpreted as evidence for a structural deficit impeding the automatic activation of the subvocal rehearsal process.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the current study was to identify the strongest independent predictors of reading comprehension using word reading, language and memory variables in a normal sample of 180 children in grades 3–5, with a range of word reading skills. It was hypothesized that orthographic processing, receptive vocabulary and verbal working memory would all make independent contributions to reading comprehension. The contributions of reading speed, receptive grammatical skills, exposure to print, visuospatial working memory and verbal learning and retrieval (a measure of longer-term retention) were also investigated. Working memory tasks that required the processing and storage of numerical and spatial material were used. One of the numerical working memory tasks was based on the number span task developed by Yuill, Oakhill, and Parkin British Journal of Psychology, 1989, 80, 351–361. A visuospatial equivalent of that task was developed from the forward Corsi block task [Corsi, Abstracts International, 1973, 34, 891]. The results revealed that, after controlling for age and general intellectual ability, the word reading and the language variables had a much stronger relation with reading comprehension than the memory variables. The strongest independent predictor of reading comprehension was orthographic processing since it captured variance in both word reading, language skills and verbal working memory. The forward Corsi task and performance on a measure of verbal learning and retrieval each made small independent contributions to reading comprehension but the contribution of verbal working memory was not significant. It was concluded that tasks measuring the interplay between short-term and long-term memory, in which new information is combined with information already stored in long-term memory, may better predict reading comprehension measured with the text available than working memory tasks which only have a short-term memory component.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical advances in working memory guided analyses of cognitive measures in 122 children with dyslexia and their 200 affected biological parents in families with a multigenerational history of dyslexia. Both children and adults were most severely impaired, on average, in three working memory components— phonological word-form storage, time-sensitive phonological loop, and executive functions involving phonology. Structural equation modeling showed that, for children, first-order factors from the phonological, orthographic, and/or morphological word forms uniquely predicted 11 reading and writing outcomes but, for adults, a second-order factor (reflecting interrelationships among the three first-order word-form factors) was more likely to be significant in predicting the same reading and writing outcomes. Structural equation modeling of the three working memory component factors showed that the most consistent predictor of text-level reading and writing for both children and adults was the second-order word-form factor. Phonological loop and executive support could be modeled as separate factors in children but only as combined factors in adults. Executive support in children and combined phonological loop and executive support in adults contributed uniquely to oral reading but did not contribute uniquely to reading comprehension or written expression. For both children and adults, individual differences occurred as to which of the three working memory components or three word forms fell outside the normal range.  相似文献   

Limited research has examined the skills of children with a reading disability (RD) and children with RD and a mathematics disability (MD). Even less research has examined the phonological awareness (PA) and rapid automatized naming (RAN) skills in these two groups of children and how these skills relate to reading and math achievement. Additionally, various classification criteria are frequently implemented to classify children with MD. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the PA and RAN skills in children who met different criteria for RD only and children with RD who are at risk for mathematics difficulties (MDR). Participants were 114 second‐ or third‐grade students with RD from public elementary schools in three large metropolitan areas. Students were classified as at risk for mathematics difficulties utilizing a 25th‐percentile cutoff and a 15th‐percentile cutoff as assessed by the KeyMath‐Revised Test ( Connolly, 1988 ). A series of PA and RAN measures were administered along with a range of reading and mathematics measures. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that children with RD only evidenced a different pattern of results compared to children with RD + MDR. Additionally, using a more stringent criterion to classify children at risk for mathematics difficulties resulted in a differential pattern of results when compared to a less stringent classification criterion.  相似文献   

通过使用音素定位、句法更正、句子尾词记忆.单词阅读、句子理解和短文理解任务探查了初一学生英语语音意识,句法意识和工作记忆与单词阅读、句子阅读和短文阅读等不同层次阅读的关系,以及阅读水平高低不同学生在元语言意识的差异.结果发现,英语阅读水平高低两组学生在英语语音意识、句法意识和工作记忆方面有显著差异.回归分析发现,英语句法意识对不同层次阅读都具有最显著的预测作用,但英语语音意识只对短文阅读理解有显著预测作用,工作记忆对不同层次阅读的预测都不显著,表明英语句法意识是初一学生英语阅读的重要预测变量.  相似文献   

Most research on dyslexia to date has focused on early childhood, while comparatively little is known about the nature of dyslexia in adolescence. The current study had two objectives. The first was to investigate the relative contributions of several cognitive and linguistic factors to connected‐text oral reading fluency in a sample of adolescents with dyslexia (n = 77). The second was to test the hypothesis that the effect of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency is moderated by word‐level skills and/or vocabulary knowledge. The results suggest that many deficits associated with childhood dyslexia remain prominent in adolescence, but the nature of the relationships between key cognitive and linguistic predictors (i.e., word‐level reading, vocabulary, verbal working memory) and reading fluency appear to be different in adolescence. For example, while word‐level skills remain a significant predictor, the strength of the effect is relatively weak. In contrast, the data support an increased role for vocabulary and verbal working memory, including an interaction between these factors. The presence of an interaction can be interpreted as evidence that the influence of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency in adolescents with dyslexia depends on individual differences in vocabulary knowledge. These results offer support for the changing nature of dyslexia across development, and suggest that researchers should study dyslexia in adolescents on its own terms, rather than treating it as an extension of reading problems in early childhood.  相似文献   

We present a longitudinal intervention study of children experiencing difficulties in the early stages of learning to read. Our subjects, 7-year-old poor readers, were divided into 4 matched groups and assigned to 1 of 3 experimental teaching conditions: Reading with Phonology, Reading Alone, Phonology Alone, and a Control. Although the Phonology Alone group showed most improvement on phonological tasks, the Reading with Phonology group made most progress in reading. These results show that interventions to boost phonological skills need to be integrated with the teaching of reading if they are to be maximally effective in improving literacy skills.  相似文献   

工作记忆和语篇的阅读理解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工作记忆是指长时记忆中被激活的部分,它在语篇阅读理解中具有重要的作用。长时工作记忆的特点就是信息可以在长时记忆中快速、可靠地存取。用长时工作记忆理论,可以重新解释阅读理解中的误入歧途效应、扇形效应等心理现象。  相似文献   

对少数民族学生汉语教学问题进行分析,点出了在汉语教与学的过程中要注意的事项。汉语阅读文献蕴含着丰富的信息,人们可通过各种渠道获取和利用这些宝贵资源。指出培养汉语学习者掌握信息的能力是汉语教学的重要任务,阅读能力的培养是汉语教学的中心环节和关键所在。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the contribution of phonological and nonphonological language skills to reading among Hebrew-speaking children with and without reading disabilities (RD) aged 10–13. We expected that the performance of children with RD would be significantly poorer in all of the language processes compared with those of chronological age-matched children with no RD. Also, we expected that nonphonological language skills would contribute unique variance to reading level. The results showed that the most marked predictor for all reading measures was the phonological awareness measure. However, nonphonological language skills also showed a significant contribution to variance in accuracy and rate of reading real words but not to variance in pseudoword reading. The discussion highlights how investigating different orthographic systems can deepen our understanding of the role of the different language processes at play in reading. Our results further stress the importance of using multi-componential reading measures (i.e., pseudowords, real words and reading rate) when analyzing the relationship between reading and language skills.  相似文献   

Spelling errors in the Wide Range Achievement Test were analyzed for 77 pairs of children, each of which included one older child with spelling disability (SD) and one spelling-level-matched younger child with normal spelling ability from the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center database. Spelling error analysis consisted of a percent graphotactic-accuracy (GA) score based on syllable position and existence in English, and a phonological accuracy score (PA). The SD group scored significantly worse in the PA measure and nonsignificantly better than controls on the GA measure. The Group × Measure interaction was significant. Spelling matched pairs had very similar scores for word recognition and orthographic coding, but the SD group exhibited significant deficits in reading measures of phonological decoding and in language measures of phonological awareness.  相似文献   

The acknowledgement that educational achievement is highly dependent on successful reading development has led to extensive research on its underlying factors. A strong argument has been made for a causal relationship between reading and phoneme awareness; similarly, causal relations have been suggested for reading with short-term memory and rhyme awareness alike. Here a meta-analysis is presented that seeks to determine spuriousness in these factors' relationships with reading by examining each factor's unique predictive value. The results show that phoneme awareness is the strongest unique predictor. Since the meta-analysis is based on concurrent data, it is unsuited to enlighten time-order relationships, but longitudinal and experimental studies both support the notion of a causal relationship between phoneme awareness and reading, in contrast to rhyme awareness and verbal short-term memory.  相似文献   

Speaking and listening are important to them who wants to improve their ability in English.It is the same to reading.The paper focuses on the skills of improving reading ability.An efficient reader determines beforehand why he is reading a particular selection and he decides which strategies and skills he will use to achieve his goal.There are two basic skills: language skills and reading skills.  相似文献   


This study investigated in a longitudinal design how 74 Dutch children with dyslexia and 39 typically developing peers differed in sequential versus spatial implicit learning and overnight consolidation, and it examined whether implicit learning related to (pseudo)word reading development in Grades 5 and 6. The results showed that sequential, but not spatial, learning predicted growth in reading skills in children with and without dyslexia. Sequential implicit learning was also related to growth in pseudoword reading skills during an intervention in children with dyslexia, retrospectively. Furthermore, children with dyslexia had longer reaction times in general but did not differ from typical readers in how well or how quickly they learned either on an implicit learning task or in their overnight consolidation.  相似文献   

This study examined the contributions of the different components of the working memory (WM) model to a range of mathematical skills in children, using measures of WM function that did not involve numerical stimuli. A sample of 148 children (78 Year 3, mean age 8 years and 1 month, and 70 Year 5 pupils, mean age 9 years and 10 months) completed WM measures and age‐appropriate mathematics tests designed to assess four mathematical skills defined by the National Curriculum for England. Visuo‐spatial sketchpad and central executive, but not phonological loop, scores predicted unique variance in children’s curriculum‐based mathematical attainment but the relative contributions of each component did not vary much across the different skills. Subsequently, the mathematics data were re‐analysed using cluster analysis and new performance‐related mathematics factors were derived. All three components of WM predicted unique variance in these performance‐related skills, but revealed a markedly distinct pattern of associations across the two age groups. In particular, the data indicated a stronger role for the visuo‐spatial sketchpad in the younger children’s mathematics performance. We discuss our findings in terms of the importance of WM in the development of early mathematical ability.  相似文献   

In this study word reading (WR) fluency was used to dichotomously classify 1,598 Dutch children at different cutoffs, indicating (very) poor or (very) good reading performance. Analysis of variance and receiver operating characteristics were used to investigate the effects of rapid automatized naming (RAN) and phonemic awareness (PA) in predicting group membership. The highest predictive values were found for the combination of RAN and PA, particularly for the poorest readers. Furthermore, results indicate that with the severity of impairment, WR is more dominated by deficient PA, which is interpreted as an enduring problem with sublexical processing. Another main result is that with the increase of reading skill, the contribution of PA diminishes, whereas the contribution of RAN remains fairly constant for the whole reading fluency continuum. These results warrant the conclusion that whereas PA hallmarks reading disability, RAN appears to be the default predictor for above-average or excellent reading proficiency.  相似文献   

我国学习困难儿童工作记忆研究的文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对我国关于学习困难儿童工作记忆研究的23篇论文进行了文献计量分析.研究论文总体数量较少,研究的关注群体主要集中于学习困难的中小学生,研究方法以实验为多,研究思路以学习困难儿童与非学习困难儿童比较为主,中央执行功能、空间工作记忆和言语工作记忆成为考察差异的三个维度.存在的主要问题是:对于学习困难儿童诊断模糊;工作记忆测量工具不统一,缺乏有效的测量工具;研究全部为描述性研究,缺乏干预研究;神经心理学取向研究缺乏.  相似文献   

We examined the developmental relations of phonological awareness (PA) and rapid automatized naming (RAN) with reading in a cross-sectional study with 874 Spanish children from Grades 2 to 6. Our main prediction was that the RAN–reading relationship would decrease due to a gradual change in reading strategy, from serial decoding to sight word reading. Therefore, in contrast to most previous studies, we used discrete reading tasks. Serial RAN tasks for objects, colors, digits, and letters were included. First, we examined whether the RAN tasks loaded on the same constructs across time. An alphanumeric and a nonalphanumeric factor were identified, which were invariant over time. In subsequent multigroup structural equation models we found that the PA–reading relationship was low but slightly increased in the higher grades. As predicted, the RAN–reading relationship decreased for words, whereas the relationship remained stable for pseudowords.  相似文献   

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