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对《科技论文规范化即时指导方法》一文进行改进。通过建立一个名为"写作模板"的文档,供作者下载使用。该文档沿用了原有为作者提供写作指导的所有内容,增加了设置好字体、字号、段落格式和版式的引导性提示,写作完成后通过一个命令就可删除所有与作者输入内容无关的用户窗体、宏命令等,在作者计算机中不留任何额外内容。  相似文献   

对现行的图书馆流通服务方式进行分析,以探求高校图书馆流通服务的新方法。指出文献预留是高校图书馆文献信息服务的一种新形式,对时下的高校图书馆文献信息服务是一种很好的开拓,并以本馆开展文献预留服务为例,介绍文献预留服务的具体办法及操作流程。  相似文献   

The way students experience higher education in today's world is rapidly changing, and students have the choice to earn their college degree in a number of non-traditional ways. Library services also need to transform to meet the needs of all students regardless of how they experience higher education. The following article outlines how library circulation and document delivery services can be provided to distance education students. Two institutions' services are compared: the distance education circulation services offered at the Leatherby Libraries at Chapman University and the equivalent services at the Ottenheimer Library at University of Arkansas at Little Rock. This case study provides examples of how document delivery and interlibrary loan can fill the resource needs of distance education patrons.  相似文献   

In many probabilistic modeling approaches to Information Retrieval we are interested in estimating how well a document model “fits” the user’s information need (query model). On the other hand in statistics, goodness of fit tests are well established techniques for assessing the assumptions about the underlying distribution of a data set. Supposing that the query terms are randomly distributed in the various documents of the collection, we actually want to know whether the occurrences of the query terms are more frequently distributed by chance in a particular document. This can be quantified by the so-called goodness of fit tests. In this paper, we present a new document ranking technique based on Chi-square goodness of fit tests. Given the null hypothesis that there is no association between the query terms q and the document d irrespective of any chance occurrences, we perform a Chi-square goodness of fit test for assessing this hypothesis and calculate the corresponding Chi-square values. Our retrieval formula is based on ranking the documents in the collection according to these calculated Chi-square values. The method was evaluated over the entire test collection of TREC data, on disks 4 and 5, using the topics of TREC-7 and TREC-8 (50 topics each) conferences. It performs well, outperforming steadily the classical OKAPI term frequency weighting formula but below that of KL-Divergence from language modeling approach. Despite this, we believe that the technique is an important non-parametric way of thinking of retrieval, offering the possibility to try simple alternative retrieval formulas within goodness-of-fit statistical tests’ framework, modeling the data in various ways estimating or assigning any arbitrary theoretical distribution in terms.  相似文献   

地方文献藏书体系建设是开展地方文献工作的前提和基础,是图书馆其他服务职能的根基。文章详细介绍了黑龙江省图书馆地方文献馆藏建设的实践情况,指出广泛合作、丰富馆藏、多元发展、资源共享,是地方文献工作的核心内容,也是公共图书馆彰显特色、打响品牌的必经之路。  相似文献   


The nature of academic librarianship is changing as librarians move away from the curation of material and into research support roles. Although this creates new opportunities it can be difficult for staff to learn the skills needed. The Office of Scholarly Communication at Cambridge University seeks to address this issue with the Research Support Ambassadors Programme, an initiative which skills staff in areas such as Research Data Management and Open Access. This case study outlines the evolution of the program from its pilot through to its recently completed second run in 2016. The challenges associated with running a cross-library training program are discussed and solutions highlighted. Also discussed is the impact that the program has had on participants. This case study will be of interest to those aiming to pursue a career in this area of librarianship and those looking at preparing staff for the future of the academic library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过分析2000-2018年来图书馆涉及著作权侵权纠纷案件的判决书,了解图书馆所涉著作权侵权案件的现状与特点。[方法/过程]采用案例分析法,在北大法宝上搜索整理246份判决书,从涉嫌侵权的主体、侵犯的权利及作品类型、侵权结果三方面,对图书馆侵犯著作权的案件进行全面统计与分析。[结果/结论]图书馆防范著作权侵权,应从完善著作权立法和改进自身行为两方面入手,具体的立法措施为:适当放宽合理使用的限制条件、允许以合理使用为目的规避技术措施、限制数据商的合同权利;改进图书馆的自身行为,可从建立专门著作权清理部门、从合法来源获取文献、区分内容提供与服务提供、借助团体的力量四方面展开。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the complexities of managing multi-platform strategies in the complex and highly dynamic environments of contemporary media markets. Based on a comparative case study of two Nordic media organizations, the article identifies and articulates two sets of practices through which strategy is managed in the continuously changing print and online environments. While the practices that guide strategy development of print publishing tend to be content driven, brand constrained, commercially steered, and top-down monitored, strategizing for online platforms tends to be more technology driven, brand inspired, interactive, and entrepreneurial. For multi-platform media organizations this type of situation is challenging because the incremental and radical innovations that they pursue are platform specific, instead of aiming at exploitation and exploration on both platforms. To succeed in the market, the article argues, multi-platform media organizations need to develop strategies and organizational practices that allow them to be truly ambidextrous—to pursue both incremental and radical change—on all platforms.  相似文献   

The way we think about publishing is unduly governed by the nature of the container—the physical book. Although demand for digital content has grown substantially, publishers continue to treat digital formats as a derived or secondary use. As a result, context is truncated or excluded, reducing the degree to which content can be discovered and consumed. At the same time, content abundance places pressure on publishers to find new and more effective ways to market content products. To address these several challenges, publishers should revise their content workflows to develop and maintain context throughout the publishing process.  相似文献   

FRBR与图书馆工作的重新组织   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
FRBR(书目记录的功能需求)使编目深入到著作内容中,把内容表达方式和载体表达统领在著作内容之下,如此一来,就对现有的以载体形态和内容表达方式来组织图书馆馆藏和图书馆业务的传统提出了挑战,在探索FRBR如何在编目中的应用的同时,图书馆如何组织自己的馆藏,如何组织和开展自己的业务,也是一个值得探索的课题,该文提出图书馆应该以项目或者课题来组织馆藏,并按照认知心理学的规律来组织读者的认知活动,把智能活动渗透到图书馆的每一个工作环境,从根本上提升图书馆的服务层次。  相似文献   

In many applicative contexts in which textual documents are labelled with thematic categories, a distinction is made between the primary categories of a document, which represent the topics that are central to it, and its secondary categories, which represent topics that the document only touches upon. We contend that this distinction, so far neglected in text categorization research, is important and deserves to be explicitly tackled. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, we propose an evaluation measure for this preferential text categorization task, whereby different kinds of misclassifications involving either primary or secondary categories have a different impact on effectiveness. Second, we establish several baseline results for this task on a well-known benchmark for patent classification in which the distinction between primary and secondary categories is present; these results are obtained by reformulating the preferential text categorization task in terms of well established classification problems, such as single and/or multi-label multiclass classification; state-of-the-art learning technology such as SVMs and kernel-based methods are used. Third, we improve on these results by using a recently proposed class of algorithms explicitly devised for learning from training data expressed in preferential form, i.e., in the form “for document d i , category c′ is preferred to category c′′”; this allows us to distinguish between primary and secondary categories not only in the classification phase but also in the learning phase, thus differentiating their impact on the classifiers to be generated.  相似文献   

In recent years, government agencies on all levels and in all branches have increasingly engaged in harmonizing business processes, standardizing information sharing, and interoperating their information systems, which indicates a rising need for intra- and inter-government collaboration. Simultaneously, the technical capacity for process integration, information sharing, and system interoperation/interoperability (INT-IS-IOP) has also greatly increased. While a number of INT-IS-IOP projects have faced serious challenges leading to problematic project outcomes, other projects have produced the desired results. Using the amended Scholl/Klischewski (2007) framework this study systematically analyzes documents of nineteen cases of mostly successful projects, which were carried out across Europe. Based on the results of this analysis, we identify and document key foci and characteristics of successful projects. The comparative case analysis also helps assess the explanatory power of the Scholl/Klischewski framework, its applicability to practice, and its utility for evaluative purposes.  相似文献   

The deployment of Web 2.0 technologies has led to rapid growth of various opinions and reviews on the web, such as reviews on products and opinions about people. Such content can be very useful to help people find interesting entities like products, businesses and people based on their individual preferences or tradeoffs. Most existing work on leveraging opinionated content has focused on integrating and summarizing opinions on entities to help users better digest all the opinions. In this paper, we propose a different way of leveraging opinionated content, by directly ranking entities based on a user’s preferences. Our idea is to represent each entity with the text of all the reviews of that entity. Given a user’s keyword query that expresses the desired features of an entity, we can then rank all the candidate entities based on how well opinions on these entities match the user’s preferences. We study several methods for solving this problem, including both standard text retrieval models and some extensions of these models. Experiment results on ranking entities based on opinions in two different domains (hotels and cars) show that the proposed extensions are effective and lead to improvement of ranking accuracy over the standard text retrieval models for this task.  相似文献   

Document clustering of scientific texts using citation contexts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Document clustering has many important applications in the area of data mining and information retrieval. Many existing document clustering techniques use the “bag-of-words” model to represent the content of a document. However, this representation is only effective for grouping related documents when these documents share a large proportion of lexically equivalent terms. In other words, instances of synonymy between related documents are ignored, which can reduce the effectiveness of applications using a standard full-text document representation. To address this problem, we present a new approach for clustering scientific documents, based on the utilization of citation contexts. A citation context is essentially the text surrounding the reference markers used to refer to other scientific works. We hypothesize that citation contexts will provide relevant synonymous and related vocabulary which will help increase the effectiveness of the bag-of-words representation. In this paper, we investigate the power of these citation-specific word features, and compare them with the original document’s textual representation in a document clustering task on two collections of labeled scientific journal papers from two distinct domains: High Energy Physics and Genomics. We also compare these text-based clustering techniques with a link-based clustering algorithm which determines the similarity between documents based on the number of co-citations, that is in-links represented by citing documents and out-links represented by cited documents. Our experimental results indicate that the use of citation contexts, when combined with the vocabulary in the full-text of the document, is a promising alternative means of capturing critical topics covered by journal articles. More specifically, this document representation strategy when used by the clustering algorithm investigated in this paper, outperforms both the full-text clustering approach and the link-based clustering technique on both scientific journal datasets.  相似文献   

The impact of evolving technology on those who create content and those who use it has raised many interesting copyright-related challenges that legislators, copyright experts, authors, publishers and licensing organizations around the world are looking to address. Several international initiatives underway highlight the evolving global copyright landscape, including a report commissioned by the UK government calling for the creation of a “Digital Copyright Exchange.” Through such international efforts—and through the content licensing experience of collective management organizations—the best solutions to the copyright challenges of our time can deliver efficiency to everyone involved.  相似文献   

The digitization of information has transformed how colleges and universities function; virtual classrooms, online course management systems, and digitized content have become the norm. Electronic reserves are the fulcrum of this transformation. Colleges and universities now have the opportunity to utilize their resources in new and transformative ways in order to provide the most effective education experience possible. For these dynamic opportunities to be fully realized, however, institutions must address the unique challenges that digital media create. This article analyzes how Central Michigan University changed the way it operates to create a modern and comprehensive electronic reserves system.  相似文献   

Case files are voluminous and present challenges to archivists, government departments, and other institutions that are charged with the responsibility of managing these records either throughout or at various stages of their life cycle. To date, archivists and records administrators, both in Canada and worldwide, have recognized the case file challenge and are rethinking solutions for dealing with this persistent problem. This article argues that by building on our cumulative knowledge acquired through years of applying macroappraisal and functional analysis to the appraisal of government records, and staking out a modern definition of “case file records” based on their transactional characteristics, we indeed do have the skills and the expertise to tackle the problem and develop a new solution for case file records. Rather than taking a piecemeal approach or relying on sampling techniques, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Case Files Appraisal Working Group (CFAWG)1 demonstrates how to consistently make keep-destroy appraisal decisions for the disposition of operational case file records.2  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Big data services bring more challenges to knowledge organization. Through observing, understanding and analyzing these challenges, knowledge organization work stakeholders would grasp possible changes and provide countermeasures.[Method/process] Focusing on the construction and application of knowledge organization system, challenges of different aspects of knowledge organization were analyzed and countermeasures were proposed from related real case practice.[Result/conclusion] The challenges of knowledge organization in big data services can be divided into four aspects:data explosion, document assurance, integration and application. A series of knowledge organization frameworks for big data services including new knowledge structure, multi-source updating strategy and elastic application service model are proposed, which can better meet the above challenges.  相似文献   

The history of the creation and development of the VINITI RAS “Geography” reference journal from 1954 to 2008 is considered. The changes in retrofunds and dynamics of the distribution of the overall quantity of documents in the reference journal/database have been followed in relation to the changes in the content contained in the issues during the period of time under consideration. The document information flow of the “ Geography ” database during 1991–2008 was analyzed statistically.  相似文献   

This study introduces a novel framework for evaluating passage and XML retrieval. The framework focuses on a user’s effort to localize relevant content in a result document. Measuring the effort is based on a system guided reading order of documents. The effort is calculated as the quantity of text the user is expected to browse through. More specifically, this study seeks evaluation metrics for retrieval methods following a specific fetch and browse approach, where in the fetch phase documents are ranked in decreasing order according to their document score, like in document retrieval. In the browse phase, for each retrieved document, a set of non-overlapping passages representing the relevant text within the document is retrieved. In other words, the passages of the document are re-organized, so that the best matching passages are read first in sequential order. We introduce an application scenario motivating the framework, and propose sample metrics based on the framework. These metrics give a basis for the comparison of effectiveness between traditional document retrieval and passage/XML retrieval and illuminate the benefit of passage/XML retrieval.  相似文献   

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