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1.help help用作动词时,意为“帮助,援助”,常用于“help sb.(to)do sth.”或“help sb.with sth.”结构中。例如:[第一段]  相似文献   

误:Under the help of Mr Smith, I have made great progress in English. 正:With the help of Mr Smith. I have made great progress in English. 分析:“在……帮助下,需用with sb.”s help或with the help of sb.。但在下列短语中应用under,如“在……领导下”under the leadership of…、“在……形势下”under…conditions.  相似文献   

Unit Six 1.It's about our helping out Becky.是有关帮助贝基渡过难关。动词短语to help sb.out的意思是“帮助某人解决困难(或摆脱困境)”。又如:Many people are willing to dc hate money to help out who arein difficulty.许多人自愿捐款帮助那些有困难的家庭度过难关。  相似文献   

<正>1.多亏你的帮助,我才能游得很好。【误】Thanks for your help, I am able to swim very well.【正】Thanks to your help, I am able to swim very well.【析】thanks for意为“因……而感谢”,而thanks to意为“幸亏;由于;因为”,后面可以接sb.或sth.。  相似文献   

请看例句: (1)It is very kind of you to help me. (2)It is necessary for us to learn English. 以上两个例句是“It is adj. of(for)sb.to do sth.”的句型结构。“It”是形式主语,不定式短语是真正主语。这个不定式短语本身  相似文献   

1. get along with sb./sth. 与某人相处; 某事取得的进展2. look through 浏览; 粗略地查看3. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事4. think of 想起; 想到5. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事  相似文献   

Hello,我的是名字叫help,在句中用作动词时,我的意思是帮助;援助,我的常用句式有:1....help sb.(……帮助某人)例如:Wang Han often helps me.(汪涵经常帮助我。)2....help sb.do sth.(帮助某人做某事)在这一句式中,help后接省略了to的不定式(短语)。例如:They helped the people there Plant manyfruit trees.(他们帮助那里的人们栽了许多果树。)  相似文献   

1.What Jane said made them(.2005武汉市考题)A.be happy B.to be happy C.happy【解析】选C。make在此是使役性动词,常用于make sb./sth.+adj.意为“使某人(感到)……”,此处的形容词一般表示的是人的感受、情绪(如:happy,sad,pleased,angry等)。还用于make sb./sth.+do…,意为“使某人做某事”。2.词语释义:Children always have fun on Chil-dren’s Day(.2005福州市考题)A.help each other B.enjoy themselvesC.look beautiful D.have years ago【解析】选B。“have fun”意为“玩得高兴,玩得愉快”,相当于enjoy oneself或have a…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.aid【用法】用作名词,意为“help@the act orresult of helping帮助”。She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮他。【搭配】in aid of sb.支援或帮助某人aid还可表示“帮助者;有帮助的事物”。例如:An English-Chinese Dictionary is animportant aid in learning English.一本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。用作动词,意为“to help帮助;援助”。例如:I aided him with money.我资助了他。【辨析】aid表示经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者援助弱者,多用于团体。help指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,…  相似文献   

1. "It's really very kind __ you to help me with the housework on Sundays," said Grandma Huang. 【解析】A句意:黄奶奶说:“你们周日帮我做家务,真是太好了。”It’s+adj.+of sb.to do sth.意思是“某人做某事真是……”,形容词往往为clever,kind,nice等描述人物性格特征的词,of后的人物与形容词有主表关系。  相似文献   

"It's+adj.+for(或of)+sb+不定式"是英语中比较常见的句型.请看例句:   (1)it's very kind of you to help me so much.……  相似文献   

先请看下面两个句子:1.It’s right of you to do it.2.It’s easy for you to do it.有的同学问,这两个句子的结构相同,为什么句1用of、句2用for呢?也就是说,在“It is+adj.+of(for)+sb.to do sth.”这个句型中,怎样确定要用of还是要用for呢?一般情况下,我们可使用以下两条规则来解决of和for的纠葛。(一)如果句中的形容词表示的是sb.的某种特征或品质,即句中的sb.和adj.构成的主谓关系(主语+连系动词+形容词)合乎逻辑,应用of。如句1变成Youare right.合乎逻辑。再如:It is kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。It was foolish o…  相似文献   

上一期“考考你”中的老外之所以惊讶,是因为Mr.Li 误用了“call me name”有缘故。“call me name”的意思是“侮辱我”。所以,当Mr.Li 说“… please don't call me Mr.Li.just call me name”时,老外误听成“…just call me name”,他当然奇怪了:既然你邀请我来吃饭,为什么还叫我侮辱你?事实上,李先生想说的是“call my name”(叫我的名字)。现在你明白“call sb.name”与“call sb.name”的区别了吧?“call sb.name”是“侮辱某人”的意思。而“call sb.name”才是“叫某人的名字”。这可真是“失之毫厘,谬以千里”。你可得慎用哦!  相似文献   

Ⅰ.beat,hit beat:vt.“打一顿,揍”指连续地打。“打某人一顿”是说:beat sb.up或give sb.a(sound)beating,不能用hit,“打鼓”是:beat a drum,“打败某人是”:beat sb.。hit:vt.侧重“击中”的意思,有时可以表示“打一下”、“使……受到打击”。例如: ①But still we weren't sure we could beat them.(JEFC BIII L90)但是我们仍无把握打败他们。  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1. listen to tapes听录音磁带2. ask sb. for help向某人求助3. have conversations with sb.同某人谈话4. too...to...太……而不能……5. give a report作报告6. word by word逐词逐句地7. the secret to...……的秘诀8. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事9. fall in love with爱上10. body language肢体语言11. as well也  相似文献   

在学习英语的过程中,如果稍加留意就会发现,介词with非常活跃,with短语比比皆是。为了使得同学们更好记忆、鉴别与正确地运用它们,下面做简要的归纳。1.help sb.With sth.(帮助某人干某  相似文献   

borrow,lend和keep都有“借”的意思,在英语中使用得相当活跃。现举例分析如下: 一、borrow“借入”,强调以主语为中心,主语从别人那里把东西借来供自己使用。其特点为:(1)是瞬间动词,不能跟时间段,即不能与延续性时间状语连用。(2)要求跟单宾语。所以,“(主语)向某人借某物”,可译为“borrow sb.’s sth./borrow sth.from sb.”而不能译为“borrow sb.sth.”。  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

1.persuade,suggest,advisepersuade,suggest和advise都有“建议、劝告”之意,但其用法不尽相同。(1)persuade作“说服”解,强调劝说“成功”,常见的短语有“per鄄suade sb to do sth”和“persuade sb into doing sth”。例如:The teacher persuaded her to take the exam,and she got a good re鄄sult.老师说服她去参加考试,结果她考出了好成绩。I can notpersuade him into accepting the invitation?我无法说服他接受这个邀请。注意:如果想表达“劝说某人做某事”,应该用“try to persuade sb to dosth”或“advise sb to do sth”。例…  相似文献   

句式一:What is sb? 这一问句问的是“某人干何种职业”。回答时,应用表示职业的名词来回答。同学们在运用时,极易与What is sb. doing? 这一问句混淆。What is sb.doing?意思为“某人正在干何事”,常常强调某人正在干的某一具体事情。例如:  相似文献   

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