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蔡伟 《学科教育》2003,(11):19-24
本针对研究性学习中存在的问题,提出运用集体作教学法开展研究性学习的主张。在简要回顾了“集体作”教学法所取得的成果,略述该教学活动的基本内容后,章指出,“集体作”教学法将对研究性学习中的发现问题、确定课题、收集数据、创新分析、获取成果和全面评价等六个环节发挥积极作用。章同时指出将。集体作”教学法引入研究性学习时可能出现的四大问题,即:以一当四,以写代研,闭门造车,貌合神离;针对这些问题并根据中学生的年龄及心理特征提出了五大应对策略,即:适度调控,点拨引导,变挽形式,发挥特长,及时强化。  相似文献   

针对学生的实际情况,我们运用“集体作文”教学法开展研究性学习,取得了较好的成效。“集体作文”教学法的基本教学模式为:建立规范,提供自由,相机诱导,突出“自能”。其核心是突破思维定势,培养创新意识,强化创造人格,提高创造能力。我们在实验过程中还归纳总结了三大原则:灵活性原则,主动性原则,平等性原则。从而充分发挥语文教学的优势特征,全面体现学生的主体地位,大力激发学生的创造兴趣。“集体作文”教学法的第一步是组建集体。组建集体的基本原则是:自愿为主,协调为辅;同质为主,异质为辅;动态为主,静态为辅;混编为主,单一为辅。一次…  相似文献   

2002年,学校承担了市“十五”重点招标课题《南京市中小学研究性学习的理论与实践》的研究工作,并申报了《引导小学生进行研究性学习的探索性研究》省级立项课题。三年来,这一极具前瞻性的课题研究引领着学校整体的教育教学工作,全体师生在研究中共同发展,共同进步,如今研究性学习课题已结出丰硕的成果。一、立足课改,研究性学习独辟蹊径两年来,我校以课例形式重点研究了如何将研究性学习理念引入课堂教学,初步构建了“以问题为中心穿引课堂”的研究性学习课堂教学常模,即“学生质疑(发现问题)——自主  相似文献   

一、“集体作文”教学法实验概况“集体作文”教学法实验经历了萌芽期(1985年—1988年)、形成期(1988年—1993年)、发展期(1993年—1997年)、成熟期(1997年—)四个阶段。特别值得一提的是 ,1997年我校加入了中央教科所主持的国家“九五”重点课题“小康后农村地区教育问题研究”后 ,“集体作文”教学法实验更注重学生的创新意识、创新精神、创新能力的培养 ,从而取得了实质性的进展。有关媒体誉之为“作文教学的突破性改革” ,省市教育领导、专家认为这是符合创新教育要求的教学实验 ,为创新型人才…  相似文献   

研究性学习课程并没有特别的赖以存在的学科领域,它必须以学科教学为基础。只有将研究性学习理念渗透于学科教学中,以课堂教学为主渠道,实施“研究性的教”,研究性学习才能实现其功能目标。本文阐述了基于研究性学习理念的“研究性教学”的构建意义,提出了实施研究性教学的基本环节,即以问题情景为先导,以小组合作讨论为主要活动形式,以展示探究过程为重点,并重视对研究结果的反思概括。  相似文献   

张艳霞 《新疆教育》2012,(12):39-39
高中语文阅读教学要抛弃陈旧落后的“文章学阅读教学法”,而倡导“研究性阅读教学法”。“研究性阅读教学法”以阅读目的为前提,以信息论为理论指导,以围绕阅读目的准确、快速、有效把握文章的相关信息为基本原则,不断提高筛选、认知、处理语言信息的能力,进而培养学生的创造性。长期以来,高中语文阅读教学盛行以文章学为理论指导的“文章学阅读教学法”,用文章结构分析来置换、代替阅读信息处理,从写作的角度来解读文章,使学生产生过分的依赖心理,不利于培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力及筛选、认知、处理语言信息的能力,进而培养学生的创造性。因此,作为语文教育主渠道的课堂学习,将研究性学习与语文教材学习相结合,创建一个适宜语文课堂学习的情境,是每一个高中语文教师都必须认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

朱萍 《云南教育》2002,(13):18-19
一、“作文研究性学习”的提出现代教育的目的之一是培养人的创造性。作文是最富有个性的学习和创造活动,它渗透于各科教学中,极具开放性。在作文教学中,可让学生以研究者身份针对某一个问题进行研究,然后写出研究报告和其它类别的文章。这样做,尊重了作文教学的本质意义,同时可充分发挥学生的主体作用、创造意识,可发展其实践能力、表达能力等诸方面的综合素质,从而避免长期以来传承式的、接受型的、模仿式的作文教学所带来的种种弊端。二、“作文研究性学习”的选题“作文研究性学习”的选题来源有二:一是可选材于我们现有的教材…  相似文献   

所谓专题研究作文,是指学生在教师指导下,从自然、社会和生活中选择和确定一个目标或一个问题进行深入探索和研究之后,将其研究的过程和结果记录整理而成的文章。而专题研究作文教学,则指的是老师指导学生撰写研究性作文的一种教学活动。由于专题研究作文是研究性学习理念在作文教学中的具体体现,同时各学科的研究性学习成果基本上也是通过写文章的方式表现出来,所以在提倡培养中学生创新意识、全面实施素质教育的今天,专题研究作文教学的重要性也日益凸现。新的《语文课程标准》提出了“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,要求把学生看作学习和…  相似文献   

高中语文阅读教学要抛弃陈旧落后的“文章学阅读教学法”,而倡导“研究性阅读教学法”。“研究性阅读教学法”以阅读目的为前提,以信息论为理论指导,以围绕阅读目的准确、快速、有效把握文章的相关信息为基本原则,不断提高筛选、认知、处理语言信息的能力,进而培养学生的创造性。“研究性阅读教学法”培养的是一种终身受用的基本生存能力,对成长、成才、成就关系重大。这种教学法适合于合作探索型课堂模式。对学生和老师提出了更高、更新的要求。一、长期以来,高中语文阅读教学盛行以文章学为理论指导的“文章学阅读教学法”。其主要问题有:…  相似文献   

王文娅 《化学教与学》2014,(5):64-65,27
文章以“固体酒精的制作”为例进行研究性学习的探索,从“问题的提出”、“问题的研究”和“研究的成果”三方面阐述了研究的过程,并展示了学生的研究成果。  相似文献   

任务型教学虽然在国内外已被广泛运用于听、说、读、写等各项语言能力教学中,但在我国由于其在任务设计、课堂实际运用等方面不易掌握,暴露出了一些无法回避的现实问题。为此,提出了本土化改进的策略:将“三段式”任务教学模式改进为“四段式”;任务型教学与3P教学法的整合运用。  相似文献   

This article explores the idea that in order to improve the ways we teach children to write creatively it is worth exploring how we, as teachers and writers, do that ourselves. It describes some of the stages of a curriculum development project undertaken in the Portsmouth and Southampton Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) English teams, begun in 2004. The project was supported by funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and was designed to foster a range of learning activities for trainee teachers in the area of teaching creative writing to pupils in schools. The project that was developed had multiple aims: subject knowledge development in trainee English teachers; pedagogic exploration amongst all teachers involved looking at how the difficult area of teaching creative writing might be better addressed. This article evaluates the aims of the project and some of the outcomes and argues for recognition of the training year as a vital area for exploring issues in teaching, beyond competence. The article draws on a variety of sources, including participant observation notes made in writing workshops, responses to a questionnaire completed by project participants and excerpts from writing collected across the project produced by teachers and pupils.  相似文献   

This action research study interrogates how one teacher educator analyzed her pedagogy and engaged her students in writing narratives about working with children, families, and co-workers who are racially and ethnically different from themselves. Data were collected from a special topic graduate course entitled, Epistemology, Diversity and Teaching, at a large Midwestern university. Issues such as “otherness”, the culture of power, and white privilege were some key concepts addressed in the course. Findings indicated that use of key readings and meaningful discussion on controversial issues enhanced students’ ability to take multiple perspectives, recognize the significance of student epistemology, and acknowledge the importance of culturally relevant pedagogy to meet the needs of a diverse student body.  相似文献   

Tacit knowledge, intuitive responses, empirical research – how can design elevate itself as a discipline when its main forms of knowledge gathering and generation are still believed to be less valuable than those in traditional academia? Beginning design students must learn to put words to their actions, to understand their processes and to be critical and reflective throughout all stages of a project. By guiding students into developing rigorous iterative processes that combine theoretical research, empirical research, questioning and reflection students will no longer need to hide behind the lure of the enigma of intuition. The introduction of writing in the studio classroom is one method that can help students see the relationship between the various stages of their creative process and articulate the reasons behind the decisions they make. Experiential learning techniques that combine writing, making, research and reflection will help students shift their personal frames of reference and thus create a more critically engaged student body.  相似文献   

对英语作为第二语言(ESL)的写作教学来说,"以过程为中心"的方法较诸"以产品为中心"的方法可能更为有效.作为一种写作教学方法,"过程法"注重写作的过程,因而在实施中特别重视写作过程中的不同阶段,并就各阶段设置了多种多样的练习活动,以使学生写出更有意义的作品.然而,我们不能将"过程法"降为一种具有规定技巧和惯例的"办法",而应创设有效的写作学习环境,在这种环境中,学生不仅对写作感到轻松愉快,而且能自主探索并培育个性化的写作方法.  相似文献   

本文概括了科技文体写作教学的四个阶段,从技术写作的角度阐述写作教学的内容和方法,提倡用过程方法培养学生科技文体写作基本能力.文中提出的四个阶段是:(1)准备阶段,帮助学生建立对写作的信心;(2)技能习得阶段,训练学生写表意清楚、内容概括的句子;(3)摘要练习阶段,掌握摘要写作所要求的简洁、一致性和连贯性等技巧;(4)作文阶段,操练各种方式科技文体写作技巧.  相似文献   

作文教学是语文教育改革的重点和难点。当今作文教学改革的一大趋势就是走向个性化。本文根据个性化作文教学主体性、真实性、独特性、民主性、创造性的特点 ,提出了几点具体的实施策略  相似文献   

书法线条是书法艺术构成的基本手段,线条质量的好坏决定着书法作品艺术境界的高下.从书画同源的角度看,书法线条源于先民对外界物象的高度的抽象概括,书法线条的最大特点在于它的抒情性.书法线条与书法风格之间有着紧密的关联,不同的线条构成不同的书法艺术风格.书法的线条与笔法关系密切.从书法史的角度看,书法线条的流变揭示了笔法在不同历史时期的变化.  相似文献   


The present study was designed to analyze by quantitative methods a corpus of writing produced by four levels of American college students and by one group of professional German writers. Analysis was undertaken to (a) determine whether or not significant quantitative differences in the use of selected syntactic structures exist between the five groups; and (b) test the validity of the Hunt method of measuring syntactic maturity when applied to the writing of second language learners and native Germans. Basically, the Hunt method measures syntactic acquisition by quantifying the rate of occurrence of sentence-embedding transformation in writing samples. The findings indicate that developmental stages in the acquisition of written German syntax did exist in this study and that these stages were most clearly definable between every other level. Hunt's method of measuring syntactic maturity was successfully applied to measuring second language acquisition. In addition, some comparisons were made between this study and other first language acquisition studies and suggestions for further research were given.  相似文献   

Is there a viable pedagogical method to prepare people, as they engage together in their practice, for the assumption of collective leadership? In this article the author makes the case that such a method is already available via action learning but for its adoption as a collective leadership development approach. The author’s agenda is twofold: he initially seeks to explain how action learning transforms participants towards an affinity for collective leadership, and not only at the individual level of experience, but at the team and organizational levels as well. Secondly, to understand the reasoning behind the properties of action learning, he interrogates why action learning can be a propitious method to acclimate to the world of collective leadership, especially due to its practice orientation. The article closes with some applications to collective leadership along with some final cautionary remarks.  相似文献   

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