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The dominant image of the “ghetto” is of idle black men drinking forty‐ounce bottles of malt liquor and young black women “with distended bellies, their youthful faces belying the fact that they are often close to delivering their second or third child.” (Kelley, 1997, p. 127)

The disintegration of rural America is largely an invisible crisis ... you would never guess anything is wrong. From [the Interstate] you drive for hours passing fields of corn and beans that cover the horizon in lines as straight as a table's edge ... Everything you see speaks of abundance and prosperity…. The creation of rural ghettos is a complex process. (Davidson, 1996, p. 10‐11)  相似文献   

This essay is a review of Peter McLaren's most recent work, Capitalists and Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire. The essay situates McLaren's work in the philosophical tradition of Marxist Humanism, with reference specifically to Raya Dunayevskaya and Paulo Freire. Despite invoking the work of Dunayevskaya as a foundation for his own project, McLaren does not offer a robust explication of this important thinker, nor of the Hegelian-Marxist discourse she embraced. Here, as in much of McLaren's work, the reader is not offered rigorous analysis of his philosophical assumptions. The dearth of such analysis, this essay argues, compromises the critical thrust of McLaren's work. In turn, the essay sketches a framework for unpacking the Marxist Humanist paradigm, and, thereby, rethinking the philosophical foundations of contemporary critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

This article explores the approach of “Realistic Idealism” to moral education developed by the humanist-progressive moral educator Janusz Korczak, and the role hope plays in it. This pair of terms seems to be an oxymoron. However, their employment is intentional and the article will demonstrate their dialectical interdependence: “Idealism” encapsulates the educative drive to humanize the world and “Realistic” sets up empirically verifiable, ethical limits to idealistic strivings, and serves as an antidote to the dangerous pitfalls into which romantic and mystical forms of it fall.  相似文献   

高等教育改革的核心问题是教学改革。现阶段我国高校教学管理改革要朝着国际化、信息化和人性化的方向努力。  相似文献   

当下,社区基金会对于中国的学界和实践界仍然是个相当陌生的概念。但是转型中出现的一些回应本土问题的草根性组织已渐具社区基金会的雏形——“类社区基金会”。在探索和实践的过程中,类社区基金会积极激活并建构社区社会资本,整合社区资源,满足着一些弱势群体通过官方正式救助渠道不能及时接纳或者不能充分满足的福利需求,并在一定程度上促进了社会整合。在国家单中心福利供给模式迈向福利多元主义的进程中,福利取向的非政治威胁/危险的类社区基金会有可能会转型为社区基金会,成为社区建设和可持续发展一个有潜力的切入点和支撑点。  相似文献   

STAD型合作学习:教育学课程教学新尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
STAD型合作学习是一种运用非常广泛,能有效提高教学效果的合作学习类型。基于STAD型合作学习的教育学课程教学不仅为学生提供了自主学习的机会,也为他们提供了互相合作的学习环境,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

教师要树立“为理解而教”的观念,根据微积分课程的特点和学生学习微积分的特点,采取“整体—局部—整体”的教学设计,不断提高学生的理解力,以达到深层次的数学理解。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the question of what it means to create a science for all from the vantage point of urban homeless children. I draw on the work of critical and feminist scholars in science and education, as well as my own teaching and research with urban homeless children, to question how inclusive the science education community is in its efforts to understand the margins of science for all. I frame this analysis through the pedagogical questions of representation in science (what science is made to be) and identity in science (who we think we must be to engage in that science). J Res Sci Teach 35: 379–394, 1998.  相似文献   


Sacred teaching takes many forms across religious traditions, focusing on creation and sacramentality in Christianity, God’s nature and creation of human beings in Judaism, and spiritual and social practices in both. At the heart of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions are accents on the sacredness of life, creation in the image of God, and human dignity. This essay analyzes the three traditions to discover textures of sacrality and practices of sacred teaching and learning. Can such teaching be revolutionary in divided contexts? The paper proposes an approach to sacred, revolutionary teaching to foster compassion, openness, humility, and hope.  相似文献   

Several scholarly commentaries concur that we know more about the life and character of Jeremiah than any other Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament. His personality, his mission, and his unwavering determination undergird his urgent message to the people of the declining southern kingdom of Judah to have their own encounter with the Divine so they might avoid destruction. Modern religious educators, whether in secondary or post-secondary settings, can increase their professional and ministerial effectiveness by thoughtfully considering the pedagogical practices and attributes that Jeremiah modeled.  相似文献   

I am grateful for this opportunity to reflect on the field of Social Foundations of Education (SFE), in part because it affords an opportunity to advance an historical analysis of the trajectory of the field different from what we provided when my colleagues and I sent to press the Handbook of Research the Social Foundations of Education in 2009 (Tozer, Gallegos, Henry, 2011 Tozer, S. E., & Butts, R. F. (2011). The evolution of social foundations of education. In Tozer, S., Gallegos, B., & Henry, A., (Eds), Handbook of research in the social foundations of education (pp. 114). New York: Routledge. [Google Scholar]). I also welcome the opportunity to acknowledge a particular activist tradition established by earlier generations of Social Foundations scholars who have influenced my work. To quote Stuart Hall, these men and women engaged Social Foundations “as a practice which always thinks about its intervention in a world in which it would make some difference, in which it would have some effect” (in Tozer et?al., 2011 Tozer, S., Gallegos, B., & Henry, A. (2011). (Eds.). Handbook of research in the social foundations of education (p. 11). New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar], p. 11). Finally, this occasion invites a perspective on the equity work in Chicago Public Schools that we have pursued since I introduced it in my AESA Presidential Address in 2006.  相似文献   

Debates about the education doctorate continue; and, while some individuals focus on the problematic, others work to distinguish this degree from the Ph.D. The author is part of the latter, and in this article I explain how faculty members at one university are using action research as a signature pedagogy to create stewards of practice, that is, school leaders who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to pinpoint educational problems, design solutions, and create effective change. A content analysis of action research dissertations was used to prove stewardship. I investigated the challenges that sparked students’ actions; the actions they took in response; and the benefits, if any, they gained from this experience.  相似文献   

介绍在《教育学》授课过程中一些行之有效的做法:如用李约瑟之谜贯穿课程始终,激发学生对中国教育的思考;同时采取借鉴策略,把社会学、经济学、史学等方面知识融入到教育学中,采用对比策略,把中国教育与西方教育进行一个对比;在内容上既有一些增加,如,中国经济改革带给教育改革的启示、现当代中国教育风云人物等,也压缩了一些理论课时;结合教学理论,大力推行一个学生实践项目:微型课。  相似文献   

公共教育学在教师教育中占有重要地位。如何提高这门课程的教学效果,把知识、能力和素质的提升有机结合在教学方式中,是一个值得研究的课题。该文从教学反思、教学创新、教学价值等三个层面对这一问题进行探讨,并在阐述“三化教学”内涵、模式与构建理念的基础上,提出了“知识结构的完善、情智发展的影响、和谐人格的构建”的三维教学价值观。  相似文献   

教材性质关涉学科教学的目的与方向。由于在此问题认识上的差异,导致教育学教学处于不良境地,综合历史的观点与现实教学的状况,可得出教育学教材综合课程性质的观点,并演绎出相应的课程体系。  相似文献   

<学科教学论>研究学科教学规律及其应用.设科目的主要是培养师范生的从教能力.但我国现行<学科教学论>的教学现状令人堪忧,亟待改造.我们以陶行知"教学做合一"思想为指导,通过重构内容体系、改革课堂教学、强化实践环节等具体措施来改造我院的<学科教学论>,并以内容体系的构建为突破口,自编并出版了一套高师本科院校教育原理应用丛书<学科教学论>校本教材.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the application of business models to the higher education sector has precipitated a managerialistic approach to organisational structures ( Preston, 2001 ). Less well documented is the impact of this business ideal on the student-teacher encounter. It is argued that this age-old relation is now being configured (conceptually and organisationally) in terms peculiar to the business sector: as a customer-product relation. It is the applicability and suitability of such a configuration that specifically concerns this contribution. The paper maintains that the move to describe the student-teacher relation in these terms is indeed inappropriately reductive, but not straightforwardly so. The problem arises in that we remain unsure of the contemporary purpose of education. We lack any firm educational ideals that, in themselves, cannot be encompassed by the business paradigm. Indeed, the pedagogical critique of education (broadly, that education is only of use in as much as it is of use to society) extends further than has yet been intimated and prevents one securing any educational ideal that does not immediately succumb to critique. This pedagogical logic is unassailable in any linear way but, when pressed, precipitates an aporetic moment that prevents it from assuming any totalising hold over education. We draw on the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida to consider whether one might yet imagine an educational 'quasi-ideal' that will enable practitioners and institutions to counter the effects of customerisation.  相似文献   

《机械制图》课程教学的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革传统的教学内容、方法,适应社会需要,既是每个教师的职责,也是培养高素质人才的必要手段。  相似文献   

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