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An encouraging proportion of studies of science in recent decades involve close attention to experiment. This article is mainly concerned with the implications of those studies for philosophy of science. It is argued that the results that are produced by experimental activity are practical productions that embody a practical solution to some of the key problems that have worried philosophers, such as the problem of induction and the nature of the relationship between scientific claims and the material world that those claims refer to. Appreciating the nature of these solutions provides a secure ground for confounding the sceptics. In the final section, it is argued that the nature of experiment points to the need to understand the world in terms of an ontology of powers, dispositions and other ontological categories unjustly given a bad name by Humeans.  相似文献   

Robert N. Carson 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):109-120
Science did not come into existence independent of the other disciplines. It is one dimension of a complex culture. We err in attempting to theorize how best to teach it with little or no regard for the broader cultural matrix. How we have transformed our curriculum into its present fragmented condition is not difficult to trace. A reductionist and materialist orientation has resulted in a serious loss of coherence, of beauty, and of any real depth of meaning for the subjects we teach. In this paper, I will argue that the tendency to think of science and science education in isolation from a broad and intellectually noble cultural design is damaging, not only to the teaching of our culture in general, but also to the teaching of science. A substantial and fundamental reorientation is called for.  相似文献   

Allchin's critique of my analysis of Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's moons, and of my characterization of science as hypothetico-deductive, contains several factual and conceptual errors. Thus, contrary to his attempt to paint scientific discovery in terms of blind search and limited induction, a careful analysis of the way humans spontaneously process information and reason supports a general hypothetico-deductive theory of human information processing, reasoning, and scientific discovery.  相似文献   

The debate surrounding educational research in the UK has been fuelled by four recent government-funded publications that have thrown doubt on the validity, relevance and applicability of educational research. In this paper, the author offers a critique of these publications and questions their privileged role in informing government policy. She challenges the current trend towards instrumentalism in funded educational research, and explores the ways in which theories, rather than evidence, provide an essential infrastructure to teachers' day-to-day thinking and practice. Finally, she compares the restrictive effect of a narrow focus on 'what works' with the opportunities offered by postmodernism for broadening the scope, purpose and interpretation of the research of the future.  相似文献   

学界最近关于“中国哲学合法与否”的争论似乎总和“中国(古代)有无哲学”纠缠在一起,事实上,两者之间并无必然之关联,对后者的回答取决我们对“哲学是什么?”的理解和界定,而前者的根据则在于近代以降中西思想文化交汇这个特定的历史语境。否认中国(古代)有“哲学”并非一定就是“西方文化中心主义”者,也许恰恰相反,言之凿凿地肯定中国(古代)有“哲学”者倒很有可能落入“西方文化中心”的窠臼。如果我们说中国有哲学,那么它一定不是一个实然的、既成的东西,而是一个应然的、生成的东西。  相似文献   

Teaching and learning with history and philosophy of science (HPS) has been, and continues to be, supported by science educators. While science education standards documents in many countries also stress the importance of teaching and learning with HPS, the approach still suffers from ineffective implementation in school science teaching. In order to better understand this problem, an analysis of the obstacles of implementing HPS into classrooms was undertaken. The obstacles taken into account were structured in four groups: 1. culture of teaching physics, 2. teachers?? skills, epistemological and didactical attitudes and beliefs, 3. institutional framework of science teaching, and 4. textbooks as fundamental didactical support. Implications for more effective implementation of HPS are presented, taking the social nature of educational systems into account.  相似文献   

职业不幸福是现代人职业生活的一个普遍现象,造成这种现象的原因多种多样,但深层原因是人的"内在小孩"受到了伤害。教育帮助人们寻找职业幸福感,职业教育也要警惕功利化,不能"把人的培养看成是制造GDP的工具"。在职业教育中,唤醒学生沉睡的潜能,使他们对未来职业生活怀有梦想,比单纯的职业技能训练重要得多。  相似文献   

Science & Education - Many authors blame postmodernism and studies on Sociology and Anthropology of Science (Science Studies) for the rise of relativism and anti-science movements. Despite such...  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论,它严密的科学理论体系 ──辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是人类认识世界和改造世界的强 大思想武器。它不仅是人们反思的智慧和批判的智慧,而且是预见的 智慧、变革和实践的智慧。  相似文献   

In this essay I argue in favor of a holistic vision for our field under the heading of complementary kinesiology. I argue that battles over reified dichotomies and even compromise solutions have impeded our progress as a profession. I describe the theory of complementation as an alternative. I say it is a strange and paradoxical way of conceptualizing our values and our direction, one that is difficult to grasp intellectually. But I also suggest that it helps us see how and why there really are no “sides” in our profession and why “working alone” is not a viable option. I argue that complementation will allow us to be a more flexible, effective, and otherwise smarter field. Thus, I conclude that any difficulties inherent in understanding complementation are well worth the effort.  相似文献   

It is an unfortunate fact of academic life that there is a sharp divide between science and philosophy, with scientists often being openly dismissive of philosophy, and philosophers being equally contemptuous of the naiveté of scientists when it comes to the philosophical underpinnings of their own discipline. In this paper I explore the possibility of reducing the distance between the two sides by introducing science students to some interesting philosophical aspects of research in evolutionary biology, using biological theories of the origin of religion as an example. I show that philosophy is both a discipline in its own right as well as one that has interesting implications for the understanding and practice of science. While the goal is certainly not to turn science students into philosophers, the idea is that both disciplines cannot but benefit from a mutual dialogue that starts as soon as possible, in the classroom.  相似文献   

教育哲学是教育学知识系统中的重要内容,其主旨是探讨与解答教育活动发生、发展的一般性、根本性问题,为教育理论建构提供理论基础。这决定了教育哲学研究的首要任务是阐释与揭示研究教育问题的思想方式,以便对当前教育实践中出现的问题进行前提性反思。而常识中认定“批判”是教育哲学的研究旨趣,把教育哲学的性质论定是反思教育历史、批判教育现状(教育问题)的理论,这就需要辨析“批判”可否成为教育哲学研究的旨趣,理清批判对于教育哲学研究的意义,以切实把握教育哲学的研究旨趣和理论特征。  相似文献   

波普尔与费耶阿本德均是科学哲学的代表人物,但经过哲学社会学的考察发现,这两位学者均不是专业的科学家。波普尔在讨论科学划界时所关注的“科学”更接近于人文社会科学,他所坚持的“猜想与反驳”的严格演绎逻辑其实是“普遍怀疑”的变种,因此他更多是从哲学的角度来看待科学。波普尔的严格证伪主义是缺乏内容和历史性的,费耶阿本德则把波普尔的这种逻辑推向极致,得出了怎么都行的方法论。通过梳理发现,两者所持有的社会态度和政治立场对他们的思想都产生了根本性的影响。通过对两者思想的比较,可以发现科学哲学中所存在的科学倾向和哲学倾向,这种结论迫使科学哲学重新反思自身的适用范围、目的和意义。  相似文献   

尼尔.波兹曼的《童年的消逝》让世人感到童年已逝,而吴岩的儿童科幻小说却以其独特的双重双逻辑支点紧紧抓住了“童年”。文章分析了吴岩儿童科幻小说中成人思维与儿童思维、科学因素与奇幻色彩一内一外两对双逻辑支点,阐明了其对儿童文学“儿童性”的真正关照,并证明“消逝”的“童年”正在当代儿童科幻小说这一文体中回归。从吴岩作品中,既可以看到中国科幻的某些模式化,亦可见其微妙的嬗变。  相似文献   

沈晓平 《海外英语》2011,(5):234-235
Both the two short novels The Short Happy Life of Francis Macombev by Hemingway and Barn Burning by Faulkner are well-known.Macomber and Sartoris are protagonists in these two novels respectively.Both of them were betrayers to some one and to themselves;both of them had the important transformation in their life and grew mature.This article is making a comparison between these two novels from the perspective of rite of passage to explore their common theme:To Be is much more important than Not To Be,a life with self-determination and self-respect is much more significant than a life without self-judgment and dominated.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationships between leadership theory, practice and development, drawing on both the higher education and wider leadership literature. It explores why challenges and problems exist within the contested field of leadership theory and why gaps remain between theory and practice after more than a century of research – and indeed, with increasing levels of research, scholarship and development in the last 25 years. After highlighting the importance of context for theory, practice and development, the first section of the paper examines a range of factors that contribute to theoretical ‘contests’ including different starting assumptions made by researchers, the different focus of studies, examination of different causal links to explain leadership, differences in values and cultural lenses and different constructs, terminology and perspectives. The second section examines the challenges faced by leadership practitioners, as individuals, and through exercising leadership as a collective responsibility in the context of changing operating environments within higher education institutions and across sectors and countries. The author highlights three areas where some re‐thinking of the links between theory and practice are necessary – at the input stage, linking research findings and recruitment practices; in terms of outcomes, by researching links between leaders, leadership and performance; and in process terms, to examine more deeply complex and relational dynamic of leadership in action. The third section offers a number of specific suggestions as to how closer alignment between theory, practice and development can be achieved. The paper concludes by arguing for greater maturity (in research, practice and development) that acknowledges that leadership is played out in complex, dynamic and changing social systems. A stronger emphasis on ‘leadership learning’ should deliver both better science and better outcomes for leaders and led in higher education.  相似文献   

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