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hand作“手”讲是再普通不过的单词,例如The boy always has dirty hands,和He shook hands with the guest,这两个句子里的hand就被译作“手”。  相似文献   

Hand(手)是人体最有用的器官,由它构成的习语也较多,下面列举一些,并举出例句供大家学习使用。 1.bear a hand参与,帮助,出一把力 He bore a hand in thebusiness.他参与了这笔生意。 2.change hands转手,易手 The house has changedhands.这房子已换了主人。 3.clasp hands with sb. The headmaster classedhands with the foreign guests.校长和外宾们紧紧握手。  相似文献   

The word"lefty"means a person who uses his or her left hand for writing, eating and other jobs. We are born with two hands: a right hand and a left one. But only about ten or fifteen  相似文献   

The Europeans generally hold the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left, and manage the knife and fork with both hands. They keep their knife and fork in their hands until they finish eating. But an American, on the contrary, may use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other hand on his lap. He uses the fork in his right hand to pick up, for instance  相似文献   

Wash my hands!     
放学以后回到家,第一件事洗洗手写字画画做游戏.许多细菌在手上用用肥皂和清水,小手变得白又净_女马妈给我大桃子,吃掉之前洗洗手r,又擦桌来又扫地,许多细菌在手上。用用肥皂和清水,小手变得白又净。我是个好小子,我是个好姑娘。悄悄做完好事后,不忘健康洗洗手。After sehool reaeh home,tlie first thing 15 Wash my hands! Writing,Painting,and Playing,many baeteria on my hands! Use tlle soaP and water. hand、beeome elcan and white! Mama give me a big Peaeh,before eating wash my hands! W iPing the desk …  相似文献   

嚎……①Moming. 早上。②Head即es first.先进头。份……咏③Then hands.④Where 15 the other hand?再到手。另一只手出不去呀?⑤T叮again,and fails. 再试试,没用。⑥Who谁能帮帮我?是头是尾@麦克  相似文献   

hand是个简单的单词,不过它和其他单词搭配在一起就有不同的意思,请看:at hand,就是近在咫尺。在中文中,我们会说"落到某人手里了"在英文中就是fall into sb’s hand;get your hands dirty指的是什么呢?会把手弄脏?  相似文献   

Big Hands     
Teacher: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?
Student: Big hands.  相似文献   

hand在英语中是个最平凡不过的单词,但在不同的语境里,它的意思却是多种多样的。你瞧:1、He is a green hand.Could you give him a hand?他是个没有经验的人,你能帮帮他吗?2、The little boy is in good hands.这小男孩由人好好地照看着。  相似文献   

green Green hand新手 例:We are green hands,so we must learn from the old workers.  相似文献   

Words:258 Minutes:5 Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake hands when wegreet someone or say goodbye. But like so many things that we dowithout thinking,such action at one time probably represented something. For example,in primitive life the hand was probably a symbol ofpower and strength.The hand was used to fight enemies,kill animals,  相似文献   

A Dirtier HandWhen he was a child, Mike did not always obey the rules of school. One day the teacher caught him breaking a rule and asked him to come up to be punished. In that school beating the palm of hand(手掌心)with a ruler was the punishment. Mike蒺s hands were very dirty, so on the way to the teacher蒺s desk, he wiped one of his hands on his coat.The teacher looked at it for a moment and said,“Mike, if you can find a dirtier hand in the class, I shall not punish you.”“Here it is…  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1. be supposed to do被期望做;应该2. shake hands握手3. be expected to do sth.被期望做某事4. greet sb. in the wrong way以错误的方式问候某人5. hold out my hand伸出我的手6. be relaxed about对……随意,放松7. everyday life日常生活8. drop by顺便拜访9. as...as sb. can=as...as possible尽可能……10. on time准时11. after all毕竟  相似文献   

Nowadays, it seems completely natural for us to shake hands when we meet someone or say goodbye to others. However, why do we do so?In the olden days, the hand was a symbol of power and strength. Then, there was no machinery or weapon. The hand was very important. It was used to catch or kill animals, fight enemies, make tools and weapons. So, when a person extended his hand to someone, it showed that he was not armed. This could mean goodwill or friendship.  相似文献   

在英语中,与手、足有关的词组俯拾可得,使用起来形象生动、幽默含蓄,现简介如下: 一.hand手 1.at hand—在手边;在近处He lives close at hand.他住在近处。The examinations are at hand.考试即将举行。 2.out of hand—难以控制;即刻The boys have got quite out of hand.  相似文献   

游手好闲fool around 如履薄冰skate on thin ice 轻易取胜win hands down 自不量力overplay one’s hand 捷足先登first come first served 八面玲珑sail with every wind 白手起家start from scratch  相似文献   

1.Use soap to wash your hands.用香皂洗手。 2.Dry your hands with your towel.用毛巾把手擦干。 3.Please go to the toilet/bathroom,boys go first。男孩先去洗手间。 4.Turn the tap off,when you have down.洗完手后,把水龙头关上。 5.Show me your hands.are they clean/dirty?让我看看你的手干净了吗?/脏吗?  相似文献   

手作为人体最为重要的身体部分之一,是人与外界接触的最主要的途径。本文以隐喻理论和转喻理论为基础分析汉语"手"和英语手"hand"的语义结构,以期揭示隐藏在语义背后的不同文化背景下对人体部位"手"的认知规律的相同的点。本文认为,由于人类相同的人体构造和感知能力决定了"手"和hand的认知功能和规律方面有很多共同点。  相似文献   

1.Consider a standard twelve-hour Clock whosehour and minute hands move continuously.Let m be aninteger,with 1≤m≤720.At precisely m minutesafter 12:00,the angle made by the hour hand andminute hand is exactly 1°.Determine all possible valuesof m.2.Find the last three digits of the number2003 2002 2001。3.Find all real positive solutions(if any)tOx3 y3 z3=x y z,andx2 y2 z2=xyz.  相似文献   

With the opening and reformpolicy(改革开放政策),we have gotm ore and more chances(机会)to vis-itforeign friends.When you visit a foreign friend,you m ust knock at the door or ringthe bell.You must not go in tillsom eone asks you to go in.If a servant (佣人)comes out,you must tell him whom you want tosee.You m ust also give him yourcard.When you meet the person youwantto see,shake hands with him .Butif the person is a wom an,do notshake hands with her till she offersher hand.Sit down only whe…  相似文献   

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