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高考改革的核心问题,不是要不要高考的问题, 而是以什么标准选才的问题,是以"考"为本还是以人为本。 以什么标准评价、甄别、选拔人才,关乎高等教育选拔什么人 才,关乎基础教育培养目标,关乎国人素质。要改革"分数至 上"、"认分不认人"的不合理、不科学的高考招生制度,建立 实施"既认分又认人"的更科学、更合理、更公平、更严格的 "三合一"(高考成绩+平时成绩+综合素质)的评价标准。  相似文献   

论高考的功能   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从社会、个人和教育内部三个角度来审视,高考呈现出不同的功能形态。从社会层面看,高考具有分配高等教育机会,预演分配社会机会,促进合理的社会分层和社会流动,充当社会稳定器和减压阀等功能;从个体层面看,高考具有分配个体生存资源,提高个体享用能力和促进个体发展等功能;从教育层面看,高考还具有牵制教育目标和左右人才规格,充当教育指挥棒和评价教育质量等功能。  相似文献   


This article describes the standards‐based redesign of one university's advanced master's degree program for early childhood practitioners. It discusses the philosophy and goals, degree components, and features that aligned with standards from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and the National Association for the Education of Young Children guidelines for advanced degree programs.  相似文献   


The 1988 Education Reform Act legislated for a National Curriculum not for one nation but for two, Wales and England. This article reviews the way in which attempts to develop a distinctive curriculum in Wales for one subject, geography, were thwarted by the dominance among key policy‐makers in England of views about the study of place which were unsympathetic to the idea of the school curriculum being a vehicle for the development of a sense of community and national identity. Drawing on evidence from a survey of secondary school geography teachers in Wales, it considers the extent to which the teaching of geography is seen by teachers as a means of achieving such educational goals.  相似文献   

The National Curriculum of primary schools in England and Wales sets out the statutory and non-statutory requirements for teachers. It describes the aims and goals it aspires to achieve and the content of its subjects. In this article I suggest that the statutory and non-statutory guidelines of the National Curriculum present conceptually different goals in relation to the holistic development of a student. The first section discusses the two basic aims of the curriculum, their recommended implementation and the implications they have upon the curriculum. I specifically emphasize that ‘statutory’ guidelines represent information-based knowledge and that the ‘nonstatutory’ guidelines treat value-based issues. This division of roles creates difficulties in implementing the non-statutory part of the curriculum. In the second section I demonstrate this division by using education for sustainable development as a focal point. I conclude by highlighting important issues for education and, more particularly, for education for sustainable development.  相似文献   

制定学校质量标准是促进教育质量提高、学校标准化建设和学校改进的重要手段。美国国家质量奖学校质量标准关注结果和过程的策划、设计与事实,重视评估学校发展目标的实现程度及服务对象的满意程度。美国国家质量奖学校质量标准对我国的启示在于:应制定具有广泛适应性的国家学校质量标准框架,推进《教育质量法》的颁布,重视学校的自评,并关注家长、学生和利益相关者的满意度。  相似文献   

This article discusses critically the implementation of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS). The following issues are addressed: the importance of literacy in advanced societies; increasing public concern about literacy standards in English and Welsh primary schools; the perceived need for a large-scale intervention into the teaching of literacy from the standpoint of international comparisons and school inspection evidence. The literacy process, its complexities and controversies, are considered and critiqued, along with the extent to which the NLS is able to accommodate the implications of research findings. In conclusion, the evaluation reports on the impact of the NLS are discussed.  相似文献   

分析现有高考制度及其影响下的应试教育,阐述素质教育与基于素质教育理想的高考观,以温家宝总理关于素质教育与考核的谈话精神为指导,借鉴美国大学新生录取标准多样化的做法,提出了我国高考改革的若干视角与思路。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国语运动的兴起及其主要的历史功绩,同时也论述了汉语规范化运动与它的承接和发展关系。它们是现代汉语民族共同语走向标准化、规范化的两个里程碑,这两个运动同祖同根,源远流长;汉语和汉字是海峡两岸血肉相连不可割断的纽带。目前正肩负着中国语言文字信息化的历史使命,以前所未有的速度向建立一个更为完善规范的民族标准语的目标努力迈进。  相似文献   

美国国家层面教师专业标准述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在介绍美国国家层面的教师专业标准产生与发展的背景的基础上,对美国国家层面两个具有影响力的标准:“国家专业教学标准”及“社会学科教师专业标准”进行了解析。最后,作者就建立我国的教师专业标准提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

高考制度与素质教育、创造教育之间的冲突,体现了作为一种选择性考试活动及其功能,与作为一种全面的、应然的考试功能和理念之间的差异与冲突。我国现行的全国性、大规模的统一高考制度,使这一矛盾与冲突更为突出和加剧。要化解和调适高考制度的内在冲突,全面实现教育考试的宗旨与功能,就必须坚决破除全国统一高考制度,以尽快实现考试制度、方式的多元化和多样化。  相似文献   

This article discusses the challenges faced teaching the promotion of ‘British values’, especially for trainee teachers. The advancement of these ‘British values’ as set out by the Department for Education is confusing, contradictory, and appear to exclude a sizeable minority of pupils of minority backgrounds from the current historical narrative of Britain as delineated by the National Curriculum (2013). Moreover, there is little advice for new teachers on what these ‘values’ really mean or how they should be taught within schools, despite forming part of the standards required to achieve QTS. The author not only examines this confusion but provides the perspective of a former academic who has moved into secondary teaching, and their reaction to the teaching of History in schools and concerns regarding the History Curriculum.  相似文献   

愈演愈烈的高考移民现象,实质是在当前高考监督机制和录取机制不完善情况下高考移民收益大于移民成本的产物。通过提高高考报名门槛、加大对教育不发达地区的教育投入和缩小各地分数线的差距等方法,从根本上提高移民成本、降低移民收益,才是缓解、遏制考移民的良方。  相似文献   

For educational technology integration in content disciplines to succeed, teachers and teacher educators need clear standards delineating why, how, where, and how much educational technology they should include in their teaching. This paper examines the visions offered by current science, mathematics, and educational technology standards for educational technology integration in K-12 schools. Since national assessments exert a profound influence on what teachers and students choose to teach and learn, the vision of educational technology use supported by national assessments is also examined. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM, 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Retrieved April 6, 2002 from http://standards.nctm.org), the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council (NRC) 1996. National Science Education Standards. Available at http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4962.html), and the National Educational Technology Standards (International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2000. National Educational Technology Standards for Students: Connecting Curriculum and Technology, ISTE, Eugene, Oregon) provide different visions of educational technology use in the classroom. In addition, the current technology use policies for national assessments in science and mathematics, in particular the college admission tests (ACT, SAT I and SAT II subject area tests), Advanced Placement (AP) course assessments, and the Praxis Series assessments indicate that while mathematics assessments often recommend or require the use of educational technology, few science assessments permit the use of educational technology by students. Recommendations are offered for science educators regarding teacher preparation for the technology-rich classrooms of the future.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,探讨我国第十一届全运会对构建我国社会主义和谐社会的作用。研究得出:增强国际影响力、促进各方面的协调统一、加强环境保护的新认识是第十一届全运会对构建我国社会主义和谐社会的重要贡献。  相似文献   

美国家长教师协会协同有关专家先后制定了家长/家庭参与项目的国家标准和家庭与学校合作的国家标准。这两份标准均强调家庭与幼儿园之间经常性的、双向的、有意义的沟通,强调构建家庭外部支持系统的重要性。与前一份标准相比,后一份标准更加重视幼儿家庭的多样性,致力于推动家长深度参与幼儿园教育,实现家长与教师的平等合作。  相似文献   

The Validity of National Curriculum Assessment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper reviews the validity of National Curriculum assessment in England. It works with the concept of 'consequential validity' (Messick, 1989) which incorporates both conventional 'reliability'issues and the use to which any assessment is put. The review uses the eight stage 'threats to validity'model developed by Crooks, Kane and Cohen (1996). The complexity of National Curriculum assessment makes evaluation difficult. These assessments are used for a variety of purposes so that the 'consequential'aspects are compounded. National Curriculum assessment also involves both Teacher Assessment and tests – each of which has strengths and limitations in relation to validity. The main finding is that the validity of National Curriculum assessment hinges on the balance between Teacher Assessment and testing. Between them they can meet Crooks et al.' s requirements of a valid assessment system. The current emphasis on the use of test results for school accountability and as a measure of national standards has undermined Teacher Assessment to a point at which the validity of the system is in question.  相似文献   

立足于以人为本的理论视角,提出用现代考试观统领高考改革的思路,坚持高考服务考生全面发展,服务高校选拔人才的原则,实现高考考试内容、考试方式、考试标准的多元化,依法维护考生正当权益。  相似文献   

Using a communities-of-practice framework, this 2-year qualitative study centered on five elementary teachers the year following their participation in the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process. Focused on teachers’ appropriation of the Board's standards and portfolio as conceptual tools related to literacy instruction, the study suggests that the National Board process does provide a learning opportunity for teachers and can positively impact teachers’ practice over time. However, personal and institutional constraints influence the degree to which teachers are able to implement instruction aligned with National Board standards.  相似文献   

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