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20世纪90年代以来,美国基础教育评价改革的目标是建立基于标准的评价和教育绩效责任制。本文以NAEP为例,介绍了基于标准的评价的背景、外部环境以及实践,在此基础上得出对我国基础教育学业评价的有益的启示。  相似文献   

Technology 2000     

This article describes a collaborative university-school district project for improving teaching and learning by using state-of-the-art educational technologies. The work resulted in the simultaneous improvement of P-12 education and teacher education. The article illustrates some of the important outcomes of a project known as Technology 2000, a collaborative effort between a university, a school district, and a business partner. Through using appropriate educational technologies, pre-service teachers, in cooperation with their supervising teachers in five classrooms at two school sites, engaged in the collaborative alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to facilitate student achievement. The participants believe that the outcomes of this educational technology project have important implications for improving teaching and learning in other schools and teacher education settings.  相似文献   

全国读写计算能力考评计划是澳大利亚学业成就评价改革的重要举措。其旨在促进澳大利亚课程标准的统一,提高学生学业成绩跨州跨地区的可比性,提升澳大利亚教育体质的透明度。其启示在于:作为全国性的学业成就考试必须公正、透明;学业成就评价的信息来源应该是多渠道的,不应将考评结果作为惟一的参考依据;全国性的学业成就评价的考评报告内容应翔实,应充分反映学生具体的学业水平;学业成就考评报告应立足多元化。  相似文献   

试论基于课程标准的学生学业成就评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为什么要将学生学业成就评价建立在课程标准之上,意义何在?为了设计基于课程标准的学生学业成就评价,地方或学校怎样对课程标准进行进一步的处理,将其转化为评价标准?怎样让学生的学业成就评价建立在课程标准之上?课程标准对学生学业成就评价的意义在于:规范学业成就评价的设计理念,提供学业成就评价的维度框架,限定学业成就评价的内容范围和认知要求。课程标准转化为评价标准,需要对内容标准和表现标准进行技术考量。  相似文献   

学习评价是对学习成果的综合评判,是教学过程中的一个重要环节。有什么样的评价,就有什/z,样的课程,其基本目标是为了激发学生的主体精神、促进学生的学习。在后课改时代,笔者依据学生的实际情况,结合新课程实践,在对江苏省滨海中学高一年级学生实验的基础上,重新制定《体育与健康》课程学习评价的内容和标准,以期探索出一条行之有效的学习评价途径。  相似文献   

近年来,我国在国家层面制订了职业教育课程标准,从“学”的角度对课程作出了基本规范,代替原来从“教”的方面做出规定的课程教学大纲。职业院校应该依据国家课程标准和专业人才培养方案,坚持统筹兼顾、能力与素质本位、目标与成果导向、遵循规律等原则,制订课程教学标准,明确课程性质与任务、核心素养与课程学习目标、课程模式与课程结构、课程内容、考核评价、课程实施设计等。职业院校课程教学标准应遵循OBE理念,纳入职业技能等级证书的内容,做到“高内聚、低耦合”,强调现代教育信息技术与课程的学习深度融合。  相似文献   

Educational quality reforms are undertaken in hopes that students in a higher quality education system will acquire more of the curriculum. However, the authors argue, there is no necessary connection between investments in educational quality and improved learning outcomes. A national assessment of grade 3 students in Nepal found few differences in learning competencies before and after a multi-year reform project involving improvements in classrooms, curriculum, textbook distribution, teacher training packages, administration and supervision system, school management, and community involvement in school management. The article explores the implications for educational reform initiatives and theories of educational change.  相似文献   

Students conceive of assessment in at least four major ways (i.e., assessment makes students accountable; assessment is irrelevant because it is bad or unfair; assessment improves the quality of learning; and assessment is enjoyable). A study in New Zealand of 3469 secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment used a self‐report inventory and scores from a standardised curriculum‐based assessment of reading comprehension. Four inter‐correlated conceptions based on 11 items were found with good psychometric properties. A path‐model linking the four correlated conceptions with student achievement in reading, while taking into account student ethnicity, student sex, and student year, had good psychometric properties. The conception that assessment makes students accountable loaded positively on achievement while the three other conceptions (i.e., assessment makes schools accountable, assessment is enjoyable, and assessment is ignored) had negative loadings on achievement. These findings are consistent with self‐regulation and formative assessment theories, such that students who conceive of assessment as a means of taking responsibility for their learning (i.e., assessment makes me accountable) will demonstrate increased educational outcomes.  相似文献   

林世华 《考试研究》2010,(1):22-37,21
近年来国际间的课程改革浪潮,使得评价不单单仅是诊断和监控学生经由课程教学的学习成果,而产生了有别于传统的功能;评价本身能够左右社会观感,作为教师评鉴的依据,亦能以一种特殊形式彰显教学企图。就教育现实而言,应试教育与素质教育间的拉锯,唯有让评价回归到课程目标,也让教学回归到课程目标,方能妥适连结评价与教学,并正向引导教学和评价的进行。因此,揭示清楚可行、贴近教学需求的课程目标,俨然成为建构课程纲要时最重要的一环。本文提出“藉由评价来反映课程目标,再回馈至教学设计”的课程改革具体策略,并以2001年认知目标修订版认知历程向度中的“理解”为例,辅以台湾中学学生基本学力测验所公布试题,逐一说明评价如何帮助教师厘清课程纲要中课程目标的构想与机制。  相似文献   

Classroom assessment practices are greatly influenced by national and local policies on assessment. Typically, these include accountability requirements for schools to evidence and report their students’ learning in the form of specific learning outcomes, calibrated against national benchmark standards of achievement and progression. An implication for teachers is that their understanding of children’s learning is influenced by an official curriculum that is more likely to be weighted towards particular policy priorities, and desired learning outcomes. This means the knowledge, skills and understanding that children develop outside school are less likely to be included in classroom assessment measures or judgments about desirable progress and achievement. This article explores what happens to teachers’ thinking when they learn about their children’s informal learning outside school and begin to relate to learners in a different way. The findings reported here from a New Zealand three-year longitudinal study identified possibilities for teachers to assess expanded conceptions of children’s learning within the classroom, even though the pressures of assessment against National Standards were ever present. We argue that teachers engaging with knowledge of their students’ informal learning act as a catalyst to rethink and re-conceptualise learning more broadly. Incorporating a strong student voice component in assessment, together with a focus on ipsative assessment, enables teachers to mitigate some of the unintended educational consequences of assessment accountability policies and practices.  相似文献   

The world-wide tendency of national governments taking responsibility for the quality of education by setting standards and monitoring achievement, while leaving the responsibility for the delivered curriculum to the providers, is also felt in Eastern Europe and Russia. The context of this article is this process in the Russian Federation (RF) where the practice of realising 'a common educational space' by enforcing a uniform curriculum upon schools has been replaced by concluding agreements between the federal Ministry of Education and regional authorities about the content of education. The transition to an outcome-based curriculum with more freedom for schools for the content of their teaching, however, has still a long way to go. Essential for this transition is the availability of reliable and efficient instruments to monitor educational achievement, at both the federal and the regional level. This article depicts the present state of affairs in educational assessment in Russia, and focuses on the results of a Russian-Dutch project to explore the feasibility in the RF of a system of final examinations with written, standardised tests.  相似文献   

Assessment of student learning outcomes is often discussed in relation to curriculum, standards and even administration practices. However, assessment of learning outcomes is rarely discussed in light of students’ socio-emotional contexts, which might help or hinder learning outcomes. For example, do students’ perceptions of the teacher as trustworthy influence their empathic views on classmates, learning engagement, academic achievement and wellbeing? The present paper reports the results of a theoretically-driven, short-term longitudinal study designed to explore the effects of socio-emotional variables, specifically students’ trust in teachers and empathy towards self and peers on engagement for learning, academic achievement, and wellbeing. Grounded in attachment theory and the LEAFF model, Panel Structural Equation Modeling (P-SEM) results revealed three significant pathways, which provide evidence that student trust in teachers may serve to launch a domino effect of outcomes, predicting students’ empathic views of classmates, learning engagement, academic achievement, and wellbeing.  相似文献   

Attracting significant attention from the media and policymakers, international student assessments are serving as pressures on and challenges for individual countries. Even so, paying attention only to publicly released rankings in international student assessments may lead to superficial interpretations of the assessment results. Simply equating the rankings with educational outcomes can be a questionable perspective because the assessment results can be interpreted differently. In this context, this article has explored student achievement in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests in comparison with civic knowledge achievement in the IEA Civic Education Study across 17 countries. This article has also evaluated efficiency in educational processes by assessing outputs (student performance in PISA) against inputs (educational spending and learning time) directly used in the education system. These two approaches clarify that publicly released rankings in PISA change to some extent when the rankings are reevaluated by taking other factors into consideration. This implication should be allowed for in interpreting the results of international assessment and the relative rankings of participating countries.  相似文献   

Evidencing student achievement of standards is a growing imperative worldwide. Key stakeholders (including current and prospective students, government, regulators and employers) want confidence that threshold learning standards in an accounting degree have been assured. Australia’s new higher education regulatory environment requires that student achievements are benchmarked against intended programme learning outcomes, guided by published disciplinary standards and a national qualifications framework, and against other higher education providers. Here, we report on a process involving academics from 10 universities, aided by professional practitioners, to establish and equip assessors to reliably assure threshold learning standards in accounting that are nationally comparable. Importantly, we are learning more about how standards are interpreted. Based on the premise that meaning is constructed from tacit experiences, social interactions and intentional reflection on explicit information, we report outcomes of three multi-part calibration interventions, situated around judgements of the quality of the written communication skills exhibited in student work and their related assessment tasks. Qualitative data from 30 participants in the calibration process suggest that they perceive that the process both assists them both in developing a shared understanding of the accounting threshold learning standards and in the redesign of assessment tasks to more validly assess the threshold learning standards.  相似文献   

关于普通高校构建和实施通识教育课程体系的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文较为系统地分析了通识教育的功能、发展沿革及我国教育的现状,根据一般普通高校人才培养目标、教师资源的情况、教学管理的可操作性以及学生生源素质等基本情况。提出了一般普通高校通识教育课程体系的构建设想及修读学分的建议,并根据笔者长期从事高等教育管理的经验提出了实施该课程体系的管理措施。  相似文献   

The 1999 National Education Act emphasizes the importance of quality assurance and national education standards. The main principle of educational provision of high standard lies in recognition of the importance of assessment for enhancing educational quality and raising the standard. Such recognition has led to establishment in Thailand of the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA). The office is an independent body set up to develop the criteria, methods for external assessment and assessment of educational institutions at each level of education as stipulated in the national education law. The ONESQA became operational in November 2000 and it must appraise every school at least once every 5-year cycle. In this paper, the unique and the roles of the ONESQA will be described. The achievement of the ONESQA concerning the first round assessment of 35,134 schools at the basic education level will be reported and recommendations for quality improvements and lessons learned for the second round assessment will be explored.  相似文献   

澳大利亚建立国家学业质量标准的设计思路体现为从设立国家公民的统一形象出发,描述三类学习结果,形成对学生学习质量的系列性的预期,并监控整个学校系统。总的来说,澳大利亚的学业质量标准体现了一种建构超越于学科之上的普适能力架构的设计思路,其质量标准的特点为侧重能力、兴趣维度,而弱化知识维度。澳大利亚的年度描述、内容描述和成就标准的一致性较强,但年度描述与成就标准的区分不清晰。成就标准的等级与现有的评价、报告的关联性还在发展过程中。  相似文献   

Academia in the United States stands face-to-face with the constant call for greater levels of assessment and accountability. Academics question whether our students are learning what they’re taught? Are they able to secure employment upon completing their education? Are they prepared to be active, productive citizens in society? Community colleges provide education to those who may typically not have the opportunity to attend an institution of higher education. A foundation of any assessment process is the articulation of the core learning outcomes. It is from this foundation, then, that community college faculty can start assessing the effectiveness of teaching and curricular design. The present investigation details a project that focused on creating discipline-specific student learning outcomes and how these outcomes can be utilized to aligning learning outcomes and mapping to curriculum. Communication studies faculty can utilize the learning outcomes to strengthen and clarify curriculum, demonstrate the acquisition of competencies, and improve departmental offerings.  相似文献   

戴伟芬 《教师教育研究》2013,25(1):76-80,69
在教师教育标准作为教师教育改革和保障教师教育质量的一个基本前提下,受到认知主义、建构主义学习理论和课堂评价的影响,美国推进了绩效标准本位教师教育课程的改革,改变过去过于注重技能训练的标准,从教师观、教学观、教学知识基础观和评价观上提出了新的标准,以期把教师培养成为一位专业的智力工作者,形成基于情境以学生为中心的教学观,让教师掌握多向度的、综合性的教学知识,注重教学整体质量的评价,促使高素质教师发展。这一改革构建了教学专业化的复杂性的理念,教师教育课程改革呈现出从技能训练走向综合发展、对个体和个体知识关怀的实践取向的全人发展观趋势,为优化我国教师教育课程改革提供了启示。  相似文献   

Basic Science and Technology is a subject that is based on the broad field curriculum which is the foundation for science education in Nigeria at the basic level of education. Pupils learning outcomes is usually limited to the assessment of their achievement in paper pencil test. Pupils’ skills in carrying out scientific investigation and the investigation they carry out is usually not assessed neither is the score part of pupils score in Basic Science and Technology. In this paper, we determined the effect of the integration of assessment of science practicals on basic four pupils’ achievement and problem solving in Basic Science and Technology (basic science, basic technology, and information and communication technology). Participant 303 basic four pupils (primary four) in Odeda local government of Ogun. The result indicated that pupils in the treatment group were better problem solvers in two out of the three themes in Basic Science and Technology (basic science and basic technology). Also pupils in the treatment group had a significantly higher achievement in information and communication technology theme of Basic Science and Technology.  相似文献   

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