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The main objectives of this research were to compare and contrast the findings of the relationships among different stages of information systems (IS) strategic planning, system planning, plan implementation, and IS effectiveness across various organizations in Taiwan. The intent was to take a broad look at the key concerns of IS planning across cultures. The relationships among three phases of planning (strategic planning, systems planning, and plan implementation), and their relationships with user satisfaction were examined. Five hypotheses are used to examine the relationships. The correlation analysis results support the following hypotheses: (1) the extent of IS systems planning is positively associated with the extent of IS strategic planning; (2) the extent of plan implementation is positively associated with the extent of IS systems planning; and (3) the extent of IS strategic planning is positively associated with the extent of user satisfaction. IS systems planning has no effect on user satisfaction. IS plan implementation has no relationship with user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Early attempts to formulate information systems (IS) strategies concentrated on the analytical task of deriving IS strategies from business plans. The limitations of the static plans that often resulted from these formal studies were, however, soon discovered. The critics suggested informal and incremental planning to ensure flexibility, creativity and strategic thinking to comprise emergent strategies as well as planned strategies.In previous IS planning research, there appears to be a contradiction between the published planning methods and the generally held views about effective implementation of IS planning process. The explicit methods described in IS literature predominantly assume a comprehensive IS planning process. Despite the fact that many researchers consider incremental approaches to be more effective, methods that can be used to facilitate incremental IS planning are few, not detailed enough and not comprehensive.The four cycles method introduced in this paper attempts to combine the strengths of both the comprehensive and incremental planning to be able to recognise emerging trends and to make an e-business strategy. The method provides a basic schedule for organising planning activities. IS planning is seen as a continuous process that is periodically adjusted to the expectations of the participating managers. Practising managers can use the method to facilitate implementation of an incremental and continuous IS planning process. For e-business strategy research, the paper provides a theoretically based method that can be tested in future action research projects.The first results of conducted action research show that the method should not be used as a checklist but as a choice list. Each period had a constant focus on external developments and the fit with internal possibilities. The method provided a flexible and dynamic basis for actions. The emergent nature of the changes and the difficulty of formalising creativity and innovation placed restrictions on the planning process. We learned that a thematic approach where each cycle is given a creative subject helped to “open up” the users in the organisation. Future research should focus on the inter-organisational nature of e-business strategy. If it is difficult to get top management participation, it will be even more difficult with more organisations involved.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of Chinese publicly traded firms, we report on the status of the strategic information systems planning success in China. Through this analysis of the survey data, we found that Chinese managers are not using IS as a competitive weapon though they have already realized some aspects of strategic information system planning. We also examined the differences between Eastern and Western cultural and political context factors to explain this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The management information systems (MIS) literature reveals a list of parameters essential for the successful implementation of an IS planning process. Some studies stress the importance of integrating the corporate objectives of a firm into the IS planning process. Other studies discuss the importance of performing an analysis of competitors, or determining the stage of maturity a firm has reached, or the framework used for setting information technology investment priorities. Yet others state that the choice of methodology that will be utilized to develop the IS plan will be crucial to the success of that plan. The objective of this paper is to develop a holistic conceptual model that combines the above parameters into a framework that fully integrates the corporate objectives of a firm into every aspect of the planning process. Three large multi-national courier companies with regional headquarters in Singapore were studied over an eight-month period while undergoing an extensive MIS planning process. Based on these studies, a model based on general systems theory that views the IS planning process in a holistic framework firmly rooted in the view that a firm's corporate objectives must drive the entire process.  相似文献   

A business school declares its strategy as becoming a leading European institution. As main vehicle for achieving recognition is the implementation of a top-down strategy naming five academic fields as key – (a) finance, (b) economics, (c) marketing, (d) law, accounting, and auditing, and (e) organizational behavior (OB). Top management allocates resources for research, academic activities, and positions to these five strategically chosen areas. Academic areas that are not strategically named must generate their own income through educational programs and research grants. Can OB serve as the platform to ensure the survival of IS/KMS? In our analysis, we found no other business school formulating a strategy along these lines; dominating strategic themes are internationalization, research excellence, and student environment. No academic field is singled out as strategic. We argue that selecting a few academic areas as a strategy is dysfunctional. We also found that OB is not very actively employed in research, be it positioning, theory, research model, analysis, or discussion. Hence, we do not find that OB offers any theorizing help to IS/KMS – this in contrast to innovation and change theories, for which we propose an framework as a means of defining IS/KMS research projects.  相似文献   

黄春荣 《大众科技》2014,(7):278-281
科技计划项目监理是监控项目实施的必要手段,也是绩效评价的信息基础,近年来其重要性日益得到了科技管理部门和广大科技工作者的广泛共识。因此,应用Web新技术构建一个在线的广西科技计划项目监理业务信息系统平台,这对于创新原有科技项目管理工作流程十分重要。文章就国内外科技计划项目监理及信息系统的建设与监理业务的发展现状,及其构建广西科技计划项目监理业务信息系统平台的研究进展展开讨论,分析应用中所出现的一些问题,探讨解决问题的思路和方法。  相似文献   

There is a substantial amount of public concern about patient safety, as, according to estimates from major studies, hundreds of thousands die in hospitals each year all over the developed world as a result of medical errors that could have been prevented. Unprecedented research commissioned by the EU has found that almost one out of every four families has experienced a serious medical error. Greek citizens concerning about serious medical errors in the hospital environment, were at the top of the list. Greek Ombudsman's report on medical errors has raised the debate among health policy makers as to the appropriate response to the problem. Proposals range from the implementation of nationwide mandatory reporting with public release of performance data, to voluntary reporting and quality-assurance efforts that protect the confidentiality of error-related data. Any successful safety program will first require a national effort to make significant investments in information systems, along with providing an environment and education that enables to contribute to an active quality improvement process. In this paper we propose the development and implementation of Medical Error Reporting Information System (MERIS), in order to identify, collect, analyse and report medical errors and patient adverse events, as a tool for enhancing patient safety and health care quality. We also describe the necessary organisational structure and the infrastructure environment of the system and the barriers to its successful implementation.  相似文献   

大学生职业规划教学与实践是一个复杂而系统性的工作,尤其是针对不同专业类别、不同性格的学生来说很难做到面面俱全。文章首先探讨各高校大学生(特别是民办高校大学生)职业规划教学与实践中目标确立及实施过程所存在种种问题,进而通过专业理论和技术解析当前大学生职业性格、目标和职业生涯忧虑等方面,最后,改造和优化传统大学生职业规划教学与实践模式,合理构建全新的双向大学生职业规划教学与实践体系。  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging field of specialization in a number of professions, including Information Science (IS). The different professions are contributing to and influencing the developments in KM in their own ways. However, it is argued here that IS is not contributing to the advancement of KM as much as it should for a number of apparent reasons. The main purpose of the paper is to call on the members of the IS profession to take a more proactive and visible role in advancing KM by showing that KM is a natural and long-awaited development in IS and that a number of circumstances have made KM to be an area of emphasis in IS whose time has come. The paper also aims at contributing towards achieving a consensus among IS professionals on conceptualization, goals, and scope of KM in IS. The recommendations of the paper focus on how the profession could proactively be involved in advancing KM.  相似文献   

广州市重点领域研发计划是广州市科技计划体系改革后的最重要科技计划之一,是最具代表性的重大科技专项。本文基于广州市重点领域研发计划首批5个专项24个方向的立项情况和关键节点考核情况,从申报指南、承担单位类型、经费资助情况等方面分析了广州市重点领域研发计划的基本特点和存在问题,并围绕抓好顶层设计、完善立项评审机制和强化实施期管理三方面进行思考,提出优化申报指南编制、合理配置财政专项资金,探索多元化评审方法、完善评审专家遴选,完善项目经费拨付制度、优化项目组织管理机制、充分发挥专业力量加强项目管理等建议,为改进优化广州市重大科技计划项目组织实施与管理,以及地方有关政府部门制定产业发展政策、规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) has transformed business practices in the last several decades: operations, product strategies, distribution, and customer service have become increasingly dependent on IT. Moreover, IT has changed its orientation from that of pure operational utility in the 1960s and 1970s to that of a competitive weapon in the 1990s and today. These phenomena have affected the way modern organizations are managed, as well as the way IT affects the strategic activities of an organization's value-chain.In particular, aligning an organization's business and IT strategies in order to deliver higher business performance presupposes a strategic business opportunity to which information systems technology is integral. In other words, Strategic Alignment between business and IT can have a positive business impact only if we see an organization's IT components as parts of a well-integrated organizational system. If business strategy is viewed separately from IT strategy or IT strategy is viewed only as a “support” tool, then there is little likelihood that the above positive impact of strategic alignment can take place.This research suggests, develops and tests a strategic co-alignment model by examining three types of integration that impact the planning process and the overall performance of information-intensive organizations: technological integration (TI), functional integration and strategic integration (SI).The results of this research yield some useful set of guidelines for theory building for IS, as well as for the business practice aspect of IS: most interesting is the role of consistency (co-alignment) between an organization's business and strategic information systems plans to improve overall firm performance. Other recommendations include having a high degree of involvement of IS executives in corporate planning, the use of outsourcing services to promote organizational systems integration, and the importance of internal coordination mechanisms to facilitate both systems consistency and lower transaction costs. Finally, this study has employed cluster analysis and discriminant analysis to interpret the research findings.  相似文献   

陈靖莲 《大众科技》2012,(8):219-221
人力资源规划是企业发展规划的重要支撑,在用工荒背景下如何做好人力资源规划防范用工风险,是目前人力资源管理面临的新课题。文章阐明人力资源规划的意义,分析人力资源规划难以发挥作用的主要问题,提出建立科学的人力资源规划系统,应对用工荒给企业带来的用工困难的相关对策。  相似文献   

安全计划就是针对施工项目的特点进行安全策划,明确安全作业目标,确定安全技术措施,最终形成的文件。安全计划应在项目开始前制定,在项目实施过程中不断加以调整和完善。安全计划是进行安全控制和管理的指南,是考核安全控制和管理工作的依据。  相似文献   

This forum presents Thailand's National Information Technology (IT) Plan and comments on the plan by three international experts: Seymour Goodman, Heinrich Reinermann, and G. Russell Pipe. The plan, which was prepared for Thailand's National IT Committee by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, is striking for its explicit consideration of social as well as economic goals in its specific objectives and implementation proposals. Agenda item 1 of the plan is to 'Invest in an Equitable Information Infrastructure: To Enhance Human Ability and Enhance Life Quality.' Implementation of the plan is proceeding well, although somewhat more slowly than anticipated, and support for the original goals and objectives remains strong.  相似文献   

规划的高质量编制是其高质量实施的重要基础前提。事前评估不仅可作为提高科技规划编制质量的有效工具,也是贯彻落实中央提出的“抓战略、抓规划、抓政策、抓服务”要求的一项重要举措。当前,在我国科技规划的制定环节引入事前评估机制,有利于进一步提高规划的编制质量和后续实施效率与效果,形成覆盖规划“事前—事中—事后”全生命周期的监测评估体系。本文在借鉴国外规划文本质量评估有关研究成果的基础上,结合“十四五”国家科技创新专项规划事前评估试点经验,围绕外部有效性、内部有效性、过程合规性和预期风险等4个维度提出了科技规划事前评估的通用指标体系,并开发了相应的适用评估工具方法。上述指标体系的构建和工具方法的开发,对于开展其他领域发展规划的事前评估,也具有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to identify and systematize scholarly articles on the use of information system to support sustainable supply chain management and to suggest future research opportunities. Therefore, a structured literature review was conducted. The most relevant studies identified were classified and categorized into seven dimensions: research context, research focus, research method, sector analyzed, information system (IS) beneficiaries, relationship between IS and green supply chain practices, and performance benefits. The main authors and articles on this particular topic were identified. In addition, it was concluded that IS is an important support tool for sustainable supply chain management practices since it brings benefits to the organization, suppliers, and customers. Furthermore, IS positively influences the operational, financial, and environmental performance of the organization. However, further advances in the literature are still needed. The major contribution of this research is related to the recommendations that provide opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

本文从小城镇建设所存在的问题出发,阐释了小城镇规划和实施生态目标的重要性,从而提出了小城镇可持续发展的对策与措施。  相似文献   

"问题树分析法"--区域发展研究的有效分析方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甄霖 《科研管理》2000,21(5):103-107
本介绍了问题树分析法的概念,理论要点,特点,分析步骤,模型结构及在区域发展研究中的重要性。并结合具体实例,探讨了在区域发展规划中如何应用该方法来发现问题,分析问题之间的相互关系,有针对性地对区域发展作出总体规划与决策。  相似文献   

当前,我国专项规划评估尚处于初步发展阶段,面临评估主体单一、评估指标不完善、动态评估不充分、评估公正度不足等多方面问题,缺少合理的评估方法和完善合理的评估制度,一定程度上影响了我国专项规划制定、执行、修订的效率效益。为此,本文构建了以“价值——目标——手段——效果”为指导的、自上而下的金字塔式评估框架及方法。同时,为充分发挥专项规划评估的积极作用,应强化我国专项规划制度体系建设,加大力度建立多主体参与机制、多指标评估机制、动态反馈机制、第三方评估机制,从而更好地规范专项规划制定、实施、再修订等相关环节,发挥专项规划对经济、社会发展的引领和促进作用。  相似文献   

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