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从20世纪80年代至今,学校改进运动在西方发达国家有了很大的发展,国外学校改进研究经过不同的发展时期积累了许多成功经验,它们对改进学校质量、提高学生成绩发挥了重要作用。学校效能理论与学校改进理论的整合、明确学校改进概念、关注学习层面的改进、学校改进能力的构建、特殊背景的学校改进和研究方法多样化六个方面是未来学校改进研究的重点。  相似文献   

学校改进的历史源远流长,但把学校改进作为专有术语和专门视域来看待则是20世纪70年代后期的事。西方国家的学校改进大致经历了关注改进计划、重视改进效能和倡导全面改进三个阶段;中国内地学校则在经历学校革命运动和学校改革思潮后,最终走上学校改进的道路。目前,学者们对学校改进的概念、影响因素及其改进路径等进行了不少研究,但多是从某一角度对其进行单方面探讨,缺乏将学校作为一个整体改进系统的全方位立体研究。学校改进须朝着理念的多维辩证趋势、目标的多维系统结构、技术的多维设计模式、行动的多维推进策略方向大步跨越。  相似文献   

在阐明课程持续改进与专业持续改进之间关系的基础上,建立了基于产出导向教育(Outcome-based Education, OBE)理念的课程持续改进机制。该机制包含了规定主体框架的课程教学持续改进方法、服务质量管理的课程质量保障体系,以及支持具体操作的课程目标和支撑内涵观测点达成情况评价方法。进而,以土木工程专业毕业设计课程为例,介绍了课程持续改进具体实施过程,开展了课程目标和支撑内涵观测点达成情况分析,采取了优化设计选题、协同设计指导与评价、丰富课程教学资源等持续改进措施,并分析了持续改进效果。  相似文献   

督导需求明确了学校改进工作的针对性,提升了学校督导工作的实效性,更对督导人员的专业水平提出了更高的要求。本文就基于"需求"的学校改进工作的作用与意义、当下学校改进计划的现状、学校改进行为的基本工作流程、学校改进计划的框架结构与要素分析,以及督导人员为学校提供改进工作服务五个方面作具体阐述。  相似文献   

纵观学校改进研究的历史可以发现,学校改进研究主要经历了实证主义、解释学、批判理论三个方法论阶段。到了信息技术时代,学校改进研究的方法论必将发生转变,三种方法论将走向整合,未来需要采用“四大范畴一三重方法论”的学校改进方法论范式开展学校改进研究,以提高学校改进研究的质量,为学校改进实践提供有效的指导。  相似文献   

美国学校改进运动经历了七十年代之前的学校改进、十九世纪七十年代和十九世纪八十年代的学校改进、有效学校研究时期的学校改进、学校重构时期的学校改进、综合学校改进这五个阶段.不同时期的学校改进运动内容侧重点不同.本文对美国的学校改进运动历史进行了分析和回顾,力图为我国的学校改革提供一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

指出了三相异步电动机工作原理实验、能耗制动实验和变压器短路实验的不足,介绍了具体的实验改进思想和改进方法.说明了实验改进的注意事项和改进效果。  相似文献   

面对永远有改进空间的实践和总是在变革的时代,学校改进就是寻找学校的发展之路。当前,我国的基础教育处在快速发展和变革之中,每所学校都面临着学校改进的挑战和压力,每所学校都有通过改进实践寻求学校发展空间的需求。作为学校的领导者,校长如何引导学校改进实践,既是校长领导力的重要体现,也直接关乎学校改进的实施和成效。学校改进实践是一个从发生、发展到完成的过程,有必要从把握学校改进实践的起点、育人目标、生长点和支撑点等几个方面,系统论述校长如何引领学校变革。在这个过程中,校长要关注几个重要的节点,把握了这几个重要节点,就把握了学校改进实践的过程,也就掌控了学校改进实践的全局。  相似文献   

按照中共中央、国务院《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》的部署,基于全国职业院校教学诊断与改进制度建设八年经验,借鉴国内外创建“教育改进学”构想,运用演绎和实证研究方法,确定了职业教育改进的理论逻辑及其经济价值、社会价值、文化价值和人本价值。针对目前职业教育存在的“重评价、轻改进”问题,探究了优化职业教育改进实践方法和完善职业教育改进理论方法。改善职业院校社会形象,增强职业教育适应性,促进职业教育高质量发展,必须坚持“问题导向”,遵循“发现问题—解析问题—解决问题”的逻辑进路,实现“以评促改”。同时,增强改进“问题意识”,扩大改进“知识领域”,建设改进“师资队伍”,建立改进“交流平台”,逐步建立和完善独具中国特色的职业教育改进理论体系。  相似文献   

现代化进程中,信息社会改变了人的教育和生活方式,也改变了组织管理方式。在此背景下,组织管理的复杂性和艰巨性使得学校传统的集权式领导或外控式管理日渐衰弱,品牌塑造下学校管理的改进成为必然。文章对学校管理改进的价值效应和主要困境进行了分析,最后尝试于学校组织结构的改进、管理制度的改进和管理方式的改进以求突破。学校管理的改进不仅适应了教育的多需求、新发展,也更益于凝聚和塑造学校的品牌价值。  相似文献   

Functional assessment methods are currently being touted as the key to effective programming for students with disabilities who exhibit serious behaviour problems. These methods have been effective in developing behavioural supports for students with severe disabilities in a variety of educational settings. This paper reviews the functional assessment paradigm in relation to students with serious emotional and behaviour disorders who have well developed cognitive abilities and linguistic skills. Based on the needs of these students, the Assessment Intervention Process, a system for facilitating the development of effective positive behaviour plans, is described.  相似文献   

Many students have severe difficulties in successfully gaining a good understanding of Newtonian Mechanics. They exhibit deep misconceptions, many of which have developed as pre-instructional ideas on the subject in order to explain observed phenomena and experience. We have been developing a series of computer based systems to address this problem by presenting the learner with flexible routes of learning to help elicit, restructure and understand the concepts involved. The systems are based on our previously described theories of the application of Hypermedia to allow constructivist approaches to learning. We are committed to developing usable, inviting and self-paced packages that allow for individual differences, and levels of communication for students. The system is constructed using off-the-shelf multimedia authoring tools, that allow non-programmers to build educational packages that take account of soundly based theories of learning.  相似文献   

高职高专院校学前教育专业学生在语言素养方面存在自我认识模糊和心理素质薄弱等问题。培养学生语言素养的策略包括重视口语基本训练、注重词汇的规范使用、讲究学法灵活多样和培养学生的形象感受四个方面。  相似文献   

《大学英语课程教学要求》的发展性课程观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《大学英语课程教学要求》在吸收新的课程理念的基础上,对传统课程进行了批判和反思的成果,具有发展性特点,不仅有利于英语学科的发展,更有利于促进学生的长足进步。《课程要求》在过程和方法维度上的变革提倡通过基于计算机的大学英语教学模式实现自主学习;在知识和能力维度上的变革强调对学生语言综合应用能力的训练,以及综合素质的培养;在情感、态度、价值观维度上的变革进而强调学生综合文化素养的培养。因此在教学实践中实现了开放性的课堂,多元的评估标准以及行动和参与的教学过程,具有积极的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Yearly data are collected describing progress in inclusive education. Frequently used criteria are the percentages of students attending special schooling or percentages of students officially labelled as having special educational needs (SEN). However, both criteria have pitfalls. In this study, the social participation of students was used as a criterion. We compared the social participation of students with SEN to the social participation of typically developing students in three countries, i.e. Norway, the Netherlands and the Flemish region of Belgium. In Norway, 37 seventh-grade students with SEN and 461 classmates; in the Netherlands, 29 seventh-grade students with SEN and 187 classmates; and in Flanders, 43 seventh-grade students with SEN and 469 classmates participated in this study. Peer nominations were used to assess students' peer acceptance in class. Results indicated that, across education systems, students with SEN had more social difficulties compared to typically developing students. Contrary to our initial expectations, the social participation of students with SEN in the more inclusive Norwegian education system did not outperform the social participation of the Dutch and Belgian students with SEN. However, these outcomes are an artefact of the sampling methods used. This confirms the complexity of international comparisons.  相似文献   

Pragmatic social constructivist teaching methods require students to construct knowledge by engaging collaboratively with realistic problems, cases or projects. It is hypothesised that they are more effective than traditional didactic teaching methods in developing undergraduate students’: (1) theoretical knowledge; (2) profession‐specific skills; and (3) knowledge creation capacity. Results of a survey show the second and third learning effects to be salient among Australian university lecturers, but not the first. Lecturers report that these teaching methods have been adopted more widely in human service‐related faculties and design‐related faculties than in business‐related faculties, possibly owing to the lesser emphasis placed by business lecturers on developing students’ profession‐specific skills and knowledge creation capacity. A corresponding survey of business practitioners revealed a surprising gap between the value that business practitioners place on new graduates’ knowledge creation capacity and the rather limited emphasis that business lecturers place upon developing that capacity in their undergraduate students.  相似文献   

通识教育与新时代高职人才培养在目标内涵上具有一定程度的价值耦合与精神相契,但与普通高校通识教育相比,高职院校推行通识教育还刚刚起步,存在理念、制度、课程、教学等方面障碍。开展合乎新时代高职特色的通识教育应理念践行,体制破题,名校协同,加快通识教育"进度";通过课程推进,名师塑课,"三教"改革,提升通识课堂"效度";通过通识转型,翻转课堂,自主学习,深化通识育人"精度";通过环境优置,价值引领,浓郁文化,保持通识育人"温度"。  相似文献   

对河北省高等职业院校学生进行调查分析,发现高等职业院校学生存在着学习动机不明确、学习方法不科学、学习心理不健康等问题,对此解决对策为:引导学生明确学习动机;培养学生自主学习意识;改变教育理念,改进教学方法;成立心理咨询机构,使学生树立积极向上的人生观和价值观。  相似文献   

This article details an approach to teaching entrepreneurship to Higher National Diploma (HND) students that combines lecture-based and experiential learning processes to increase student learning, comprehension, and entrepreneurial skills. A UK university redesigned an entrepreneurship course to have students design and implement business plans for a pop-up shop and an event in the local community, while working closely with instructors and outside stakeholders. The lectures used in the lessons were designed to complement the enterprise activities and be immediately applied in group work settings. Data were collected from student reflections and analysed against instructor reflections to highlight both the success and challenges of this approach, as well as any areas of dissonance between student and instructor observations. While the benefits of active and experiential learning processes are highlighted in the literature, this article examines these teaching methods specifically in a HND context, an area in which research on the benefits of these teaching methods for developing entrepreneurial students and for developing students prepared for undergraduate education has been limited.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

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