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In India(印度) 14 November is Children’s Day.In Korea(韩国) Children's Day is On May 5th.14 July is Children's Day in England. In Japan people  相似文献   

除了Labor Day and Mother’s Day之外,5月里还有一个Boy’S Day哦!所以本期星彩特地邀请我——编辑部里唯一的boy,来给大家介绍这个festival。嘿嘿, boys知道有这样一个festival,一定都乐翻天了吧!  相似文献   

Father’s Day is coming.What will you say to him?Class 6,Grade 5 Primary School Attached to East China Norma l University Shanghai 200062 Dear Dad,Father’s Day is coming.I wish you a happy Father’s Day.I thin k you are the best dad in the world.  相似文献   

在美固有许多节B。但你究竟知谨多少77今天我们就来天体7解一下美国人的节B吧!New Year’s Day(元旦)Mem撕al Day(阵亡将士纪念日)lndependence DBy(独立日)Labor Day(劳动节)111anksgiving Day(感恩节)ChristInas(圣诞节)Martin Luther鼬ng Day(马丁·路德·金纪念日)President’8 Day(总统纪念日)1月1日5月的最后一个星期一7月4日9月的第一个星期一11月的最后一个星期四12月25日1月的第二个星期一亚伯拉罕·林肯诞辰(2月12日)和乔治·华盛顿诞辰(2月22日)之间的星期一C0lumbu8 Day(哥伦布纪念日) 10月20日后的第一个星期一Vetem…  相似文献   

I.读句子,将适当的单词前面的苹果涂红,然后再把它“捡”到篮子中:1.I(am,is)a student.2.Don’t be late(to,for)school!3.Tom is hungry.He wants to have an(apple,book).4.It’s5:00.Let’s(go,goes)home!I I.六一儿童节到了,你对这个你最喜欢的节日究竟了解多少呢?快来试试你的身手吧!1.在英语中,“儿童节”应该这样说:_____A.Teacher’s Day B.Children’s Day C.Mother’s Day2.It’s on the____day of the_____month by solar calenda(r按阳历算).A.first;six B.one;sixth C.first;sixthI I I.儿童节里,小c ool龙收到一份…  相似文献   

World Earth Day     
Dialogue(对话)问号狗:what is World Earth Day?大眼兔:It is earth’s birthday,on April 22 every year.  相似文献   

1.__1st is New Year'sDay. 2.In__people talk the least,because it has only 28 days.(二月里人们谈话最少,因为二月只有28天。) 3.__8th is Women’s Day. 4.__1st is All Fools’Day.  相似文献   

Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)is the fourth Thursday in Novem ber.It will be()[11月24日]in this year.The day is a traditional festivals(传统的节日)in()[美国].On Thanksgiving Day,some peoplewill give full baskets of food to the()[穷人].Dialogue(对话)问号狗:Hi!where are you going?小魔女:I’m going to buy a pair of gloves(手套)for my mother.Thanksgiving Day is coming soon.小飞象:What a nice guy!I want to buy a present for my father.小魔女:Great!Let’s go.Delicious Food On Thanksgiving Day,Ameri…  相似文献   

Valborgs Night     
Goldie一大早就跟着艾丽卡一家到乡村去了,因为在那里度过沃尔帕吉斯夜将会非常有趣哦! They drove to their country house.Everywhere they saw Swedish flags. "Today is our king’S birthday,then tomorrow is Labor Day,”Mom explained. “In China,too,”said Goldie.  相似文献   

[重点1] Today is Thursday, September10th,Teachers’Day.[考点透视]名词所有格的构成规律为:①以字母s结尾的复数名词,直接在字母s后加’构成所有格。如Teachers’Day教师节;②不以s结尾的复数名词及名词单数构成所有格时,直接加’S。如:Women’S Day妇女节。(有下划线者为正确答案)  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Free talk T:Today is the 12th of Oct.The double ninth festival is coming,I think it’s your grandparents’favourite holiday,you should respect them and help them do something,OK?S:OK.T:I think your favourite holiday is Children’s Day,yes or no?Do You like Children’s Day?S:Yes.T:Boys and girls,in western  相似文献   

September1.Chusok(韩国中秋节September 24)2.International Day of Peace(国际和平日September 21st)3.Labor Day(美国劳动节First Monday in September)4.Bierborse(啤酒节September)  相似文献   

1.〔要点〕Today is Thursday,September10 th,Teachers'Day.今天是星期四 ,九月十日 ,是教师节。〔考点〕 (1) September 10 th is inChina.A.Teacher's DayB.Teachers'DayC.Teacher DayD.Teachers Day(2 ) March 8is Day.A.Woman's  B.Womens'C.Woman's D.Women's〔解析〕规则名词复数的所有格是在其后加“’”,切忌将名词写成单数再加“’s”。不规则名词复数的所有格则在其后加“’s”。所以答案为 (1) B(2 ) D。2 .〔要点〕We'd better go too.我们也最好去。〔考点〕 (1) It's getting dark.We'd bettera bus home.A.t…  相似文献   

Little friends,how clear and crisp the autumn is,!Do you know thereare two important days in October,World Animal Day (4th October)andWorld Food Day(16th October). Now,Let’s learn and read louldly the Tang Dynasty Poem by Li Shenand try to translate it.  相似文献   

维果 《今日中学生》2007,(26):25-27
January 1.New Year’s Day(新年January 1 st)2.The New Year’s Day in Korea(每年的1月末或2月初)3.Spring Festival(春节The New Moon on the first day of the new year—  相似文献   

Children’s Day is June 1st. The day is for every child, it is the happiest day for the children _________________________ (世界各地).They can _____(跳舞), _____(唱歌), __________ (玩游戏) and go to the_____(动物园). Dear friends, what are you going to do and where are you going? 小飞象: Hello! What are you doing? : We’re rehearsing a play(排练话剧) for Children’sDay. : Yes. It’s very interesting. Do you have any plans? 小飞象: Oh! I’m practicing a song for that day. Happy Party 儿童…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up Sing a song"Today is National Day".师生同唱歌曲, 配以动作复习"talked,walked, didn’t"等相关词汇。Step 2.Leading 1.Guessing game:show a picture of paintbrush(is covered). T:Guess:What’s this? S1:Maybe it’s a pencil. S2:It’s a chopstick…  相似文献   

提起Labor Day(劳动节),人们很自然会想到五月一日的Inter-national Labor Day(国际劳动节)。此节日是第二国际于1889年在其成立大会上规定的全世界范围的节日,是为了纪念1886年5月1日在美国名城Chicago(芝加哥)的工人为争取8小时工作日而举行的罢工运动。  相似文献   

Hi,大家好!还记得St.Patrick’s Day(圣帕特里克节)吗?去年,Glodie去 Ireland(爱尔兰)时,就碰巧遇上了这个festival。St.Patrick’s Day 可是Ireland 的一个非常重要的festival哦!只是听Glodie讲述她如何度过这个festival的经历一定不怎么有趣吧?那么现在我们就一起来亲身体验一下St.Patrick’s Day吧!  相似文献   

新的一年即将到来,下面给同学们介绍一年里的主要节日。1.New Year’s Day(January 1)元旦节2.the Spring Festival(the Chinese New Year)春节(农历正月初一)3.the Lantern Festival元宵节(农历正月十五)4.Women’s Day(March 8)国际妇女节  相似文献   

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