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新时期文学从不同侧面、不同层次反映了人与自然的艺术关系。知青文学也是如此。一大批知青文学作品表现了知青们下乡、支边的痛苦生活,作品中的自然被涂挂上强烈的情感色彩,它们都成了人化自然,作了知青的代言人,戍了知青情感的载体,是知青青春无悔的见证。  相似文献   

知青"上山下乡"运动虽然已经远去,但作为对这一特定历史进行书写的知青文学却并没有因历史的远去而淡出公众视野,相反,由于非知青作家的加入,知青历史总是处于被重新书写的过程之中。其中,尤为引人注目的是韩东的知青小说创作,他摒弃了知青作家"蹉跎岁月""青春无悔"和"劫后辉煌"的主题模式,从旁观者的角度来叙写革命时代的日常生活,于是传统知青文学中的"诉苦"和"炫痛"没有了,取而代之的是英雄主义的退场、爱情叙述的失效以及原始欲望的凸显。由于韩东是以旁观者的身份来诉说这段历史,这使得他在创作知青小说时能够跳出知青情结,并对知青运动进行重新审视,知青记忆也因此得以祛魅和重构。  相似文献   

"反知青文学"自上个世纪90年代以来,几乎有一扫文坛"知青文学"之势.但是,究竟何为"反知青文学",很难说得清道得明.在文本细读的基础上,透视"反知青文学"的发生原因和创作特征,并对其创作特征进行解构,有助于了解特定时代的文学特征.  相似文献   

张承志的知青乡村小说经历了从"青春祭奠"、"成人仪式"到"清洁的精神"的情感心理旅程,把乡村歌颂、理想主义和浪漫抒情融为一体,形成了独具特色的乡村"颂歌",其文化、文学渊源与左翼文学、伊斯兰宗教文化息息相关.他特立独行的文化姿态在1980年代以来的中国社会、文化背景中显得尤为突出,但放在那一代人的社会、文化、教育、心理背景中考察,则连接着那一代人共有的文化心结.其乡村叙事的独特思想内涵和审美形态折射出1980年代独特的文化环境和"知青"这一代人不同的文化心态.其雄浑的抒情风格为当代读书界所欣赏,折射出1980年代以来此类抒情传统的匮乏.  相似文献   

受怀旧热潮与消费文化的影响,新世纪知青小说的电影改编呈现出一些新的特质。它将焦点聚集到边缘知青的同时,也对知青的集体记忆进行个人重塑。这样的创作手法不仅淡化了知青下乡的政治背景,还过滤掉了昔日的苦难,知青支援边疆的宏伟理想变得日渐模糊,取而代之的是在怀旧的保护色下,知青下乡的历史成为了商业卖点被观众很好地消费和娱乐。总体而言,新世纪的知青电影颠覆了以往知青电影里"青春无悔"的宏大叙事,大写的历史也因此被拆解成了若干个小写的历史,打上了新历史主义的烙印。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来一些未经过知青上山下乡运动的年轻作家对知青文学重新审视与把握,以民间立场对知青文学进行重写,知青文学中出现了农民话语,给当代文坛带来新视角和新风格,这也是对以往主流知青文学的一次微弱的反抗.这有利于全方位深层次反映与阐释知青和知青运动.本文试图从时代诉求、文本主题以及这种知青叙事的影响来考察知青文学微弱反抗的历史必然性.刘醒龙、韩东、李洱、何顿、赵刚、刘汉太等的知青叙述将是本文的分析对象.  相似文献   

"现实主义重构论"作为20世纪90年代中期的理论潮流,最早诞生于《时代文学》的"现实主义重构论讨论专辑"."现实主义冲击波"是20世纪90年代中期《上海文学》《人民文学》所推介的带有"新义"的创作潮流.一个代表20世纪90年代"现实主义"讨论的主要理论潮流,一个代表"现实主义"的主要创作倾向.理论阐释和创作实践上的对照...  相似文献   

新时期文学从不同侧面、不同层次反映了人与自然的艺术关系,知青文学也是如此。一大批知青文学作品表现了知青下乡、支边的痛苦生活,作品中的自然被涂挂上强烈的情感色彩,它们都成了人化自然,作了知青的代言人,成了知青情感的载体,是知青苦难青春的象征。  相似文献   

梁晓声作为知青文学代表作家之一,创作了大量的知青文学作品。在知青文学的文坛上,他执着地用自己的笔端记录了知青生活的心路历程。从知青下乡到知青返城,对这一特殊的群体给予了倾心的关注,塑造了一组青春群像。对梁晓声小说中的女性形象从不同角度进行分析,揭示在那个特殊时代背景下的知青心灵历程。  相似文献   

青春无悔情无价──大连知青第二故乡访问捐资助学纪实孙振慧1995年8月26日,对于内蒙古林西县大营子乡五一村的父老乡亲来说,是个从未有过的盛大节日。这天下午3点钟,以姜宝泰为团长的大连知青第二故乡访问团一行21人将回来探亲访友,重温故情。12点刚过,...  相似文献   

党的事业离不开青年,青年的成长更离不开党,党指明了青年成长的方向,与时俱进跟党走、奋发成才做栋梁是当代青年的健康成长之路。  相似文献   

The prevalence OF mental health problems among youth with hearing loss was assessed with an adjusted version of the Dutch rendition of the Youth Self Report, or YSR (Achenbach, 1991). The sample totaled 202 youth, aged 11-18 years, with auditory disabilities. The prevalence rates of externalizing problems, internalizing problems, and moderate to severe overall mental health problems were found to be 2-3 times higher than in a normative sample. Deaf participants scored significantly higher than hard of hearing participants in these areas. Main-streamed participants scored significantly lower than peers in schools for the deaf or for the hard of hearing. Participants with low IQ scores showed significantly more internalizing and social problems than those with moderate to high scores. The adjusted YSR is recommended for screening in schools and in mental health services for youth with hearing loss for prevention and early intervention.  相似文献   

分类引导是大学生思想政治教育的重要内容及新时期共青团工作的重要组成部分。全国五四红旗团委——南通职业大学团委贯彻团中央关于推进分类引导工作的精神,针对高职学生这一青年类型的特点,坚持用科学理论武装青年,发扬典型宣传的示范作用,采用新兴媒体全面探索引导青年的方法。经过两年多的努力,一套较为完整的引导体系已逐步形成,为新时期做好高职院校大学生思想政治工作创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

Little research has focused on tobacco use among deaf and hard of hearing youth. Findings are reported from a first-ever tobacco-related survey, completed by 226 California middle and high school students using either a written questionnaire or the Interactive Video Questionnaire, an interactive multimedia computer video technology. Rates for current smoking (3.1%), ever smoking (45.1%), and multiple types of tobacco use (10.6%) were found to be lower than among high school students generally; mainstreamed students were likelier to have ever tried smoking than their deaf school peers (57.8% vs. 31.8%). No statistically significant associations were found between ever smoking and race/ethnicity, gender, school performance, or prelingual vs. postlingual deafening; a quarter of the sample experienced occasional peer pressure to use tobacco products. Tobacco use covariates, exposure to cigarette marketing and antismoking programming, and tobacco education needs of deaf and hard of hearing youth are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors evaluate and advocate the need for comprehensive sexuality education that meets the unique needs of youth who are deaf or hard of hearing, while calling for the expansion of teacher preparation in this critical area. Effective comprehensive sexuality education is designed to prepare young people to become more comfortable with, and informed about, their sexuality. Teachers and parents are key adults in this process. However, the responsibility for preparing teachers to handle sexuality education lies with both the postsecondary teacher preparation program and the administrative team at the individual school; their willingness to provide comprehensive training, current resources, and continued support are crucial to the success of any comprehensive sexuality program. In the individual school, effective guidance of youth who are deaf or hard of hearing in making appropriate decisions about their sexuality is built upon a team that includes not only school staff, but also parents and deaf adults in the community.  相似文献   

土地革命时期的少年先锋队是一个革命青年的半武装组织。在中国共产党、共青团和苏维埃政府的关心下,少年先锋队领导苏区青年为争取自身阶级利益,保卫苏维埃政权,努力学习知识,并积极投身于革命运动中。他们参与阶级斗争,帮助政府实现各项政治经济政策;开展拥军优属活动,帮助工农群众进行生产建设;训练和培养了大批红军后备力量,帮助红军、赤卫军、游击队保卫苏区政府和人民的安全,并为前线输送了大量优秀战士。在近代中国青年运动史上,少年先锋队组织有着不可磨灭的伟大贡献。  相似文献   

高校实施"青年马克思主义者培养工程"要深刻认识其意义,并在理念与定位、内容与原则、途径与方法上下功夫,以扎实推进该工程的实施,为党和国家的事业培养更多优秀人才。  相似文献   

BackgroundSocial Media use is highly prevalent among contemporary adolescents yet, no studies have examined the similarity in risk content (e.g., substance use, sexual behaviors) between the online posts of maltreated youth and their friends.ObjectiveThe current study examined the risk content of Facebook posts among a sample maltreated and comparison youth and compared the rates of risk content produced by the participants versus their Facebook friends.Participants and SettingData were from a sample of maltreated (n = 56) and comparison (n = 62) youth. At the time of data collection participants were in young adulthood (M = 21.78 years; SD = 1.45), but the timeframe of their Facebook profiles captured mid adolescence to young adulthood.MethodsData were downloaded from the Facebook profiles of all participants and the posts and comments were coded for references to alcohol, marijuana, hard drugs, partying, and sexual content.ResultsThe results showed that maltreated and comparison youth were similar in the amount of risky content they posted on Facebook as well as in the amount posted by their Facebook friends. Correlations between participant’s and friends’ posts showed stronger associations for posts about alcohol use for the maltreated group but stronger associations in the comparison group for posts about marijuana, hard drug, and sexual references. Gender differences were also examined, with males producing more online risky content than females.ConclusionsNext steps should incorporate a more nuanced analysis to determine which online friends are the sources of risky content.  相似文献   

白先勇的代表作《台北人》真实刻画了饱受悲欢离合的台湾移民群体的人生百态。作品深刻描绘了漂泊、离散者对故园的无限追忆和他们在夹缝中的生存困境、身份认同的危机意识,以及青年一代未知的命运。  相似文献   

在南阳作家群中,以熊鹰为代表的一批青年作家,在二月河等诸多名家的光环之下,难以脱颖而出。他们不得已另辟蹊径,在创作体裁与创作风格上进行着一场静悄悄的革命,即从厚重的历史题材转向轻快的都市文化快餐。南阳作家群这种创作倾向变化也是近年来我国文坛变化的一个缩影。  相似文献   

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