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高等数学是自然科学领域的基础学科,也是部分本科学生的基础课程之一。研究性教学是提升学生研究性学习能力的重要方法,因此,对高等数学研究性教学的探讨十分重要。立足现实,对高等数学研究性教学进行概述,论述提高学生研究性学习能力的必要性,分析我国高等数学研究性教学的现状及主要问题,有针对性地提出提高学生研究性学习能力的策略。  相似文献   

研究性学习是高中新课程计划“综合实践活动”中的一个重要组成部分 .通常人们谈论研究性学习有两种所指 ,一是指“研究性学习”课程 ;二是指“研究性学习”方式 .作为一种学习方式 ,“研究性学习”是针对传统教学模式中“接受性学习”和“训练性学习”方式而提出来的 ,通常是指在老师的指导下学生从自己感兴趣的社会科学、自然科学以及熟悉的生活中 ,选择并确定课题到实践中去调查取证 ,考察走访 ,收集信息 ,强调的是学生自主发现问题、探究问题 ,获得结论的过程 .作为一门课程 ,研究性学习课程是为了“研究性学习”方式的充分展开所提供的…  相似文献   

研究性学习是我国基础教育课程改革在课程结构上的重大突破 ,它是一种崭新的课程形态。研究性学习增强了学生与社会发展的联系 ,将从根本上改变学生的学习方式 ,并为培养人才提供了时空上的保证。在面向21世纪基础教育的新课程体系中 ,研究性学习具有特别重要的地位。为此 ,笔者在自然科学教学中开展研究性学习的探索与实践 ,现整理成文 ,供同行商榷。一、实施研究性学习的目的和意义的再认识(一 )研究性学习进课堂是时代的必然要求在“知识爆炸”的今天 ,教学已不仅仅要求学生学会掌握更多知识、学会高效学习。因为就知识的产生和传播的…  相似文献   

黄鼎汉 《海南教育》2014,(22):61-61
小学地方课程是我国基础教育课程体系的中间环节,是新课程的重要内容。研究性学习是学生主动地获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习活动,是新课程提倡的重要学习方式。下面笔者以研究性学习在小学地方课程教学中的实践为切入点,以《中秋话月》一课为例,总结研究性学习在小学地方课程教学中实施的必要性,探索研究性学习在小学地方课程教学中实施的有效途径。一、研究性学习在小学地方课程教学中运用的必要性所谓地方课程,是学习的内容,即当地自然、社会、  相似文献   

论"研究性学习"的课程与教学论意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“研究性学习”的意义不仅仅在于倡导一种新的学习方式,还在于其实现了课程与教学的概念重建。“研究性学习”课程是一种体验课程、植根于生活的课程,在这种课程中,学生成为课程开发者,它是对以传递间接经验为核心的传统教学观的反动,倡导以尊重每一个学生自己的观念为核心的“研究性教学”。“研究性学习”课程走出了二元论,实现了课程与教学的融合。  相似文献   

研究性学习是以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为根本出发点,着眼于学生学习方式的改变。而学习方式的改变不仅体现在研究性学习课程中,更要体现在学科教学中。那么学科教学中的研究性学习与研究性学习课程有什么不同?在学科教学中如何开展研究性学习?  相似文献   

研究性学习是关注学习者的课程:以学习者的兴趣为基础,学习者为课程控制中心,是一种个性化关于发现和联系性的课程。研究性学习是基于学科知识的课程:知识既是结果又是过程,作为结果的知识是研究性学习课程建构的工具;作为过程的知识是研究性学习课程的有机构成部分。因此,研究性学习课程建构既要迎合学习者发展的要求,同时还得兼顾学科课程发展的需要。  相似文献   

研究性学习是高职院校学生一种有效的学习方法。研究性学习的模式主要有:研究性学习小组模式;以竞赛为载体的研究性学习模式;以研究性课程为载体的研究性学习模式;以社会实践为载体的研究性学习模式等。  相似文献   

国家教育部2000年1月颁布的全日制普通高中课程计划(试验修订稿)把研究性学习列入必修课,这是我国基础教育课程改革在课程结构上的重要突破,已成为举国关注的焦点,由此引发教学观念的改变和学习方式的根本转变。生物学是一门实践性显著、应用性强、综合性高的自然科学,成为研究性学习的良好载体,生活、生产实践中处处  相似文献   

美法韩日是如何实施研究性学习的?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1998年秋上海率先实施研究性学习课程以来,研究性学习课程的开发与实施,正越来越受到广大师生和家长的欢迎。2000年1月教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》中,首次以课程计划的形式明确了研究性学习课程在学校课程中的地位,这标志着研究性学习课程在学校课程中有了正规的地位。那么,国外是如何实施研究性学习的呢?本文将对美国、法国、韩国、日本4国的研究性学习实施情况加以介绍,以引起我们的思考。●美国:中小学以项目和问题为中心实施研究性学习,培养学生的动手能力和创新精神被我国称之为“研究性学习”的课程,最…  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the science/mathematics reform movement in the secondary/elementary schools and higher education institutions of the United States. It describes the research and views of educational practitioners regarding the need for change, as well as the particular changes which appear to be required. Emphasis is placed on the roles of interactive learning and technology in meeting reform goals.
Details of a recently completed curricular innovation project in science and mathematics are provided. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the project brought five faculty in the natural sciences together with a learning theorist at Florida Community College at Jacksonville, a large, multi-campus, public institution. The group developed and taught two basic integrated science/mathematics courses in which cooperative and discovery learning, supported by multimedia technology and distance learning, were major components. Details of results are provided as they relate to meeting the goals of the reform movement.  相似文献   

This design experiment aimed to answer the question of how to mediate the practices of authentic science inquiries in primary education. An instructional approach based on activity theory was designed and carried out with multi-age students in a small village school. An open-ended learning task was offered to the older students. Their task was to design and implement instruction about the Ice Age to their younger fellows. The objective was collaborative learning among students, the teacher, and outside domain experts. Mobile phones and GPS technologies were applied as the main technological mediators in the learning process. Technology provided an opportunity to expand the learning environment outside the classroom, including the natural environment. Empirically, the goal was to answer the following questions: What kind of learning project emerged? How did the students’ knowledge develop? What kinds of science learning processes, activities, and practices were represented? Multiple and parallel data were collected to achieve this aim. The data analysis revealed that the learning project both challenged the students to develop explanations for the phenomena and generated high quality conceptual and physical models in question. During the learning project, the roles of the community members were shaped, mixed, and integrated. The teacher also repeatedly evaluated and adjusted her behavior. The confidence of the learners in their abilities raised the quality of their learning outcomes. The findings showed that this instructional approach can not only mediate the kind of authentic practices that scientists apply but also make learning more holistic than it has been. Thus, it can be concluded that nature of the task, the tool-integrated collaborative inquiries in the natural environment, and the multiage setting can make learning whole.  相似文献   

An important task for the preschool teacher is to create meaningful learning situations where children have opportunities to experience science. However, many teachers have both weak subject knowledge and a lack of confidence to teach science. The aim of the project presented in this article was to capture how nine preschool teachers developed their learning of and self-confidence in teaching science during a two-year professional development (PD) project while coplanning, coteaching, and coreflecting on their teaching activities. During the project, the preschool teachers’ self-confidence and attitudes played an important role for the their approach to science activities. Their collaborative learning and reflection became important for their PD and for the way science phenomena were included in the preschool context. As such, the project is based on opportunities for preschool teachers to develop their ideas about science and to reframe their work with the aim to stimulate children’s curiosity for science.  相似文献   

With the careful examination of one Internet-infused learning environment, this article begins a dialogue on the new potentials for learning that exist when students use the best features of the Internet telecommunications network to conduct genuine questioning and investigation in middle school science classrooms. Learning features explored include communication and the value of quick access to a wide range of information and resources. To best utilize these features, new instructional models are developed including the design of a coordinated, distributed-learning approach to guide the development of cohesive and relevant understandings. Learning potentials are explored and continued challenges, primarily in facilitating the learning, are discussed. Potential changes discussed include role changes for project participants, including the addition of new participants and the shift in roles for continued participants; the potential for more personal, intermediate-level explanations of science phenomena; and new opportunities for increased motivation to learn.  相似文献   

This mixed methodology action research study examined the impact of a curricular innovation designed to provide an authentic science inquiry learning experience for 15 secondary science teacher candidates enrolled in a master’s level initial certification program. The class investigated the question “How can peak autumn color in New England be determined?” The project goals were to help teacher candidates acquire the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary to foster learning through inquiry in their respective content areas as defined by teacher preparation professional standards. Though the teacher candidates were successful at identifying a likely answer to the question, the project failed to achieve its learning goals. Reasons for the project’s failure and implications for the science education community are discussed.  相似文献   

A challenge for urban systemic reform initiatives in science education has been to achieve local, state, and national standards for teaching and learning. We have collaborated with teachers in the Detroit Public School System to design project‐based curriculum materials that contextualize the learning of science in meaningful real‐world problems, engage students in science inquiry, and use learning technologies. We present a sixth grade project‐based science unit in which students explored the driving question “How Do Machines Help Me Build Big Things?” and address the science learning goals of balanced and unbalanced forces, simple and complex machines, and mechanical advantage. Twenty‐four teachers and over 2500 students in Detroit participated in enactments of this project over 4 years. Student learning outcomes were determined for the three learning goals and inquiry process skills using pre‐ and postachievement tests. Achievement outcomes as measured by the pre/posttest show significant and consistently high learning gains, even as participation in the project increased to include greater numbers of teachers and students in successive enactments, and leadership of the professional development support for this project transitioned from university researchers to district teacher leaders. These results illustrate that materials which contextualize learning and support student inquiry as part of an urban systemic reform effort can promote learning of important and meaningful science content aligned with standards. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 669–692, 2004  相似文献   

对于儿童第二语言习得的关键期学术界尚未有定论,一般认为2岁至青春期前后特别是学前阶段是儿童学习第二语言的最佳时机。随着脑科学的发展以及对儿童认知发展规律的进一步认识,越来越多的实验研究表明在儿童早期阶段学习两种语言存在着明显的优势,更有利于儿童的语言、认知、智力、心理能力等方面的发展。在实施双语教育的地区,第二语言学习与双语教育要抓住最佳时机,家庭环境要尽早支持幼儿自然习得双语,正规学校系统要在学前阶段尽早开展双语教育。  相似文献   



As a result of the strongly historical discussion of the structure of science and its social role, the history of science has become indispensable educational subject matter. The fulfilment of the widely recognized requirement for scientific orientation of learning seems no longer possible without a conception of the history of science.

Historical topics in science instruction were previously mostly limited to biographical notes. At best, occasional references can be found to the ‘discovery’ of laws considered by science as being of central importance. An explanation for this unsatisfactory situation must be the lack of appropriate instructional resources. This is especially true for the secondary‐school level. Thus, it is worthwhile to bring to mind a project which was completed in the USA several years ago, but which has so far not received much attention in Europe: the History of Science Cases by Leo E. Klopfer, which consists of nine teaching units in the history of science which are suitable for use in instruction at the ninth and tenth grades.  相似文献   

陈莉 《复旦教育论坛》2022,20(2):96-104
近年来公众科学作为一种基于网络的开放式研究和学习模式已在一些发达国家快速发展。通过对“萤火虫守望”这一公众科学项目发展历程的整理分析,可以看到公众科学项目是通过大规模志愿者的参与形成持续不断的知识生成来维持和发展的,其发展的实质是学习网络的不断扩大与复杂化。个案研究发现:公众科学项目本质上是扩大了的组织化学习系统,在项目运行中具有分布式认知责任与认知过程模式化相统一、技术支持下共同探究和共享知识库在交互中共同发展、线上线下无缝衔接等特点;项目管理的基本经验是通过技术支持落实“学习者中心”理念,培养、激发志愿者创新学习行为以推动项目发展。总之,学习和科研相互促进并在互动中推动公众科学发展,发展公众科学可以在推动科学发展同时实现人才培养模式创新。因此,我国有必要大力发展公众科学,并推动知识管理体制创新和创建更加开放的新型教育生态。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of studying the use of peer learning in the introductory computer science curriculum. The project involves educators from a variety of institutions who participated in two summer workshops and either introduced or continued their use of peer learning at their institutions as part of this project. The results of the collective work include much experience with different types of peer learning in different settings. Overall, the results indicate that peer learning is a valuable technique that should be used as one pedagogical approach in teaching the introductory computer science curriculum.  相似文献   

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