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The paper examines the management of student ‐ centred learning in a human resource management undergraduate module with a hospitality industry focus. It outlines the educational aims, approaches to the management of delivery, assessment and monitoring issues of attempts to foster the deep learning capabilities of management students about to embark on their careers. The case for wide application of syndicates, dialogue and team ‐ working to in‐house training and development across the educational\training spectrum can be made. Tips, guidelines, reservations and applications are listed to help hospitality trainers customise the general approach to suit their own needs. Some of the advantages claimed are that individual learners can draw upon a structure of learning resources which can help ground their work and so alleviate anxiety, leaving the learners to pursue their own learning goals, show competence and enjoy the process of learning for its own value.  相似文献   

This article begins by noting some of the global concerns that young people have today and highlights the crucial role of global education in responding to such concerns. It then considers the importance of teacher training in such matters and reports on a preliminary study relating to the initial training of teachers in England. In particular this raises questions about the knowledge and understanding that such students bring to their courses. It concludes by identifying some of the consequent dilemmas faced by teacher trainers working in this context.  相似文献   

An acute shortage of mathematics teachers has emerged in the Western world. This article describes a study of the influence of tertiary education experiences on the attitudes of potential mathematics teachers towards their subject.Parallel questionnaires were given to groups of students who were respectively entering university mathematics courses as new undergraduates, and entering postgraduate teacher training courses. Both groups of students answered items pertaining to their experiences within secondary mathematics courses.The undergraduate students were also asked a series of questions about their expectations of tertiary mathematics courses. For the postgraduates a parallel set of questions was provided that required them to rate their actual tertiary experiences.An analysis of responses indicated that the postgraduate students were more positive about their recollection of secondary mathematics than were the undergraduate students with their more recent experience of it. They were also less positive about the reality of their tertiary courses than were the undergraduates about their expectations. Responses of the postgraduates suggested that tertiary mathematics is not merely an extension of secondary mathematics, but a subject with which distinctive and, in general, more negative reactions are associated.Mathematics emerges as a subject which progressively loses its appeal with further study and implications are drawn for both tertiary education and teacher supply.  相似文献   

This study investigated the personal career andlearning skills needs of first-year universitystudents and their preferred counsellingsources. Respondents completed structuredquestionnaires assessing their needs andpreferred counselling sources (n = 1292). Respondents expressed a preference for lecturesand professional help outside the university. They selected only five of forty two items forwhich they desired individual counselling. Knowing the preferred sources of counsellinghelp desired by clients would enable a betterservice and referral system.  相似文献   

Knowledge about, and attitudes to counselling and counsellors were surveyed in 226 participants representative of the general public in northern New South Wales and the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia. As well as information about the training required, types of treatment offered, familiarity with a counselor, benefits and drawbacks of counselling, and issues of cost, professionalism and registration, participants were also asked whether they had sought, or would ever seek the assistance of a counselor, and what it was that counsellors did that could be of benefit to participants. Data indicated that the sample considered that counsellors' primary roles were listening, supporting, and helping to solve problems. About 80% of all participants thought there needed to be more counsellors, and 79% stated that they would be willing to pay for a counsellor's services. A series of questions asked participants to make some comparisons between counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers on issues such as: communicative ability, whether they would refer a friend in need, type of treatment offered, and what specific problems were best treated by each of the four professionals. Overall, counselors were most likely to be consulted for 13 of 20 presenting problems. Issues of professional training and recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Teacher training is increasingly accountable to central government. Trainees – the word itself is significant – are expected to demonstrate competence in a wide range of professional standards if they are to achieve qualified teacher status. Training partnership schools, understandably, impose their own conditions for entry into their 'communities of practice'. In these circumstances, trainees – and their trainers – have increasingly fewer opportunities for risk taking or for exploring new configurations of the teacher pupil relationship.
This paper describes an attempt to exploit the potential of email as a means of granting access to a 'pedagogical arena' in which trainees and students might attempt to negotiate their own ways of working together. It concludes by suggesting that both groups found this a challenging task and by noting that the trainers involved decided that, if the project were to run again, a certain amount of autonomy would need to be sacrificed to direction.  相似文献   

Parents of children who have participated in a conductive education programme in Sweden were asked questions about their reasons for choosing the programme, the expectations they had of it and how they were fulfilled. The results showed that the parents were satisfied with the development of their child, and wanted to continue to take part in further courses with their child. They appreciated the intensive training and found it motivating and enjoyable for the child. They wanted an intensive training for their child because they believed that active training could help the child to develop. The parents learned more about cerebral palsy at the courses and now understood why and how they could train their child. Most of the parents continued the training at home with the child. They experienced financial difficulties in participating in further courses, and found it difficult to stay away from work and family for a long period of time.  相似文献   

第二课堂作为高职院校学生学习生活的重要补充,对培养大学生创新精神和实践能力具有极其重要的意义。本文通过对第二课堂助力学生职业能力培养的方式进行探索分析,希望通过发展第二课堂结合第一课堂的良性互动相长,培养学生的综合能力与素质,提高学生的就业竞争能力,达到高职院校人才培养的目标。  相似文献   

Students who register for counselling courses in higher education are mature adults who come from diverse disciplines. They are rich in experience and during the process of counselling education become proficient in adapting to changing circumstances, and working with personal and professional challenge. The requirements for studentship in the field of counselling demand stringent self-examination in group settings, and surpass those required for courses which require only subject knowledge and academic skills. Because of their willingness to pursue self-discovery, counselling students provide a rich source of data for researchers interested in lifelong learning from an holistic perspective of achieving UNESCO's vision of the ‘full development of the personality’ (cited in Darkenwald and Merriam 1982: 13). Student counsellors must demonstrate a willingness to work with uncertainty, an ability to develop personal learning goals and have the capacity to appraise personal development (Mearns 1997: 99). This study examines how student counsellors discover strategies for learning, and how they manage the personal/professional divide. Existing intimate partnerships are viewed as supportive, but suspicious of the learning process. The narratives of students indicate that ‘professionalism’ is about acceptance of self, as much as about qualifications and practice. Participants describe the process of becoming professional, alongside the process of struggling to fit in with the academic requirements of a university. Lifelong learning is described as lacking a framework for acceptance by others, and therefore seen merely as a diversion in the lives of adults. From a counselling perspective, learning requires opportunities for employment so that professional and personal development can continue. Such courses at present appear to offer only a short-term ‘permissive structure’, for learning to take place.  相似文献   

"春风化雨行动"历史教师培训项目旨在通过校本研修促进历史教师的专业发展。在培训实践中,兼顾校本研修和历史教师的专业发展,其中设置理论学习阶段的培训课程是培训成功的重要一步;行动研究阶段,高效落实校本研修的组织和实施,需做到以反思性教学实践为主开展课堂教学实践研修,注意研修成果的随时总结和提炼。另外培训还重视对学员校本研修动力的激发和保持,强调行动研究中参训教师的嵌入式学习行为,重视对学员校本研修方法的指导。  相似文献   

Professors teaching education classes differed little from professors teaching noneducation classes in terms of the questions they asked and how long they paused after questions and students' responses. Fewer professor questions went unanswered in the education courses. Professors ask on average about 25 questions each class hour, the majority of which are higher-level. They pause about 2.25 seconds after questions and .45 seconds after student responses. These pauses suggest many students are effectively shut out of responding and are not provided the opportunity to elaborate their answers, even those to complex, divergent questions.  相似文献   

本研究以同专业同年级的其他217名学生为参照,针对60名大一学生实施为期一年的“综合团队训练”方案。通过方案实施前后学生们在(EUREKA技能问卷》的测评结果,验证“综合团队训练”在提高大学生职业能力方面的作用。结果显示,参训学生在自我管理、处理细节的能力、沟通技能、人际交往技能、领导技能等方面明显提高。所以,“综合团队训练”能显著提高大学生的职业能力,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

The aging of the U.S. population is creating a growing need for well-trained social workers to serve aging clients and their families. The needs of these clients are often multidimensional, requiring practitioners who are well trained in understanding and applying complex theory, research findings, and practice approaches. Unfortunately, several factors impede best case scenarios in geriatric social work education. These include limited opportunities to study or specialize in aging, a smaller than optimal proportion of social work students seeking such training, and students' frequent fearfulness of research courses and their first practicum field experience. This paper suggests that we can more effectively train social work practitioners (as well as researchers and administrators) by modifying the common practice of teaching research and practice in distinct and separate courses. Specifically, we advocate the addition of an applied research component to the field work portion of students' training. The systematic approach to problem study and explanation, which is the cornerstone of research training, should also be applied to real world practice complexities that students encounter during their field work training and practitioners face in their careers.  相似文献   

Social networking and social media have undoubtedly proliferated within the past decade, allowing widespread communication and dissemination of user‐generated content and information. Some psychology graduate programs, including school psychology, have started to embrace social networking and media for instructional and training purposes; however, there have not been any consistent ethical guidelines or standards among training programs relating to how trainers, graduate students, and practitioners should use social networking and social media professionally. This article draws on the current yet limited research on social networking and social media, and addresses the ethical challenges when managing both professional and personal online identities in school psychology. Two relevant case scenarios are discussed, along with suggested guidelines for developing technological policies for school psychologists. Future directions in research and practical implications for trainers, graduate students, and practitioners are explored.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the organisation of religious education classes in Switzerland has undergone profound reforms. Amid the increasing secularisation and pluralisation of the religious landscape, many cantons have introduced a compulsory course that falls under the responsibility of the state and is aimed at teaching basic knowledge about a variety of religions. These reforms have enabled a harmonisation of the syllabi for religious education across the country and have prompted the adaptation of teacher training programmes. Because of the many diverse social expectations surrounding these new courses and the diverse academic traditions in the field of religious education, however, a unified conception of these courses is still absent. In this article, we discuss the ongoing construction of religious education teachers’ professional ethos within this fluid context. In particular, we discuss the perspective of teacher trainers on pragmatic questions concerning religious plurality and the place of teachers’ and pupils’ personal (religious) experiences in the classroom, and pay attention to different representations of ‘religion’ and distinct ideas regarding the purpose of these courses as they have a major impact on the professional attitudes expected from teachers.  相似文献   


After termination of personal counselling at a large urban Canadian university, 72 subjects and their counsellors were asked to rate their satisfaction. The subjects were asked to rate to what extent the counselling had helped with the presenting problem, and with other secondary problems, and to rate their degree of overall satisfaction. Statistical analyses conducted to investigate the relationship among number of sessions attended and client and counsellor satisfaction, led to these results: clients who attended a brief number of sessions (1-3) reported no significant difference in satisfaction with the counselling compared to those who attended more sessions; and the majority of clients who had only one session were satisfied with their counselling; counsellors, however, were less satisfied overall with the briefer counselling process, and the author suggests that they were biased against it. The author recommends more research on this critical topic of counsellor expectations toward briefer treatment.  相似文献   

目前,高中英语选修课教学存在着课程开设缺乏规范性和多样性、学生缺乏学习的指导、教学方法有待改进和学生对选修课与高考的关系认识不正确等问题,因此,我们应该针对性地规范选修课的开设,突出选课指导老师的作用,改进选修课教学,提高教师专业素质,提高高中英语选修课教学质量,落实新课程标准的思想与要求。  相似文献   

以职业能力培养为导向的专门用途英语(ESP)课程是一门将语言和专业相结合的语言实践课,旨在培养和提高学生在专业领域和职业岗位中用英语进行有效沟通的能力.文章以机电商贸英语课程建设为例,探索如何基于职业能力培养对专门用途英语课程进行改革.  相似文献   

A 5-day workshop is described which was designed specifically to prepare parents to act as trainers for other parents with a child who has a disability. It also aimed to build their confidence and competence in training community groups as well as professional workers such as teachers. Data gathered at the end of the workshop confirmed that these aims were broadly met. Twelve months later, the participants had organised 19 training events throughout Lesotho for families and community groups and they were able to report a variety of tangible outcomes resulting from their training. The key elements to the success of these training initiatives are discussed. This training model could be replicated in other places and resources for doing this are available.  相似文献   

本研究在社会建构的理论框架下,探讨职业化译者能力的培养。通过对比翻译能力与译者能力的异同, 本文试图构建符合新时期译者能力培养要求的优选模式。文章认为, 职业化译者既要具备翻译实践能力, 又要具备职场应对能力; 高层次职业化译者能力的培养需以市场为导向, 以学生自我建构知识结构为主要方式。学生在教师的指导下,系统地参与真实或模拟环境下的翻译项目,可提升其翻译能力和职场能力,最终成为能适应市场、 符合国家文化“走出去” 战略实施要求的合格译者。  相似文献   

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