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The period of Portuguese authoritarian government, followingupon the heels of economic and social decline which the countrylived through after the installation of the republic in 1910,was bolstered politically, culturally, and economically by theexperience of the country during these 64 years. Economic andcultural changes after 1945, including development of the media,worker migrations, tourism, and the decolonialization movements,gave rise to attitudes and behavior of increasingly wide groupswho rejected authoritarianism and the monolithic political system.Various factors paved the way for the downfall of this regime,among them Oliveira Salazar's physical incapacity and his replacementby the more liberal but less prestigious Marcelo Caetano, theunease in public opinion caused by the sending of troops tothe colonies in Africa, and international and political andcultural pressures. Public opinion was in favor of the new politicalsystem, and, gradually consolidated its hold with the supportof the Western international community, and, in particular,the countries of the EEC. The political parties contributedto the development of the political attitudes of the Portuguesepopulation and ensured that the regime maintained itself withina liberal democratic framework.  相似文献   

Transitions to democracy are good settings to observe possiblechanges of beliefs, attitudes and values. This paper analyzesshifts in democratic beliefs during Argentine political transitiontowards democracy. Through the analysis of different surveysin the period 1982–8 diverse patterns concerning two setsof democratic attitudes were observed. Those dealing with participatorydemocracy proved to be not only highly supported but also stablethroughout the period. On the other hand the libertarian orientationsexhibit lower consensus and proved to be much more unstable.They grew at the beginning of the transition but later a regressionto pretransition levels took place, associated with the increaseof socio-economic discontent. Also a relationship between lesslibertarian democratic attitudes and lower socio-economic levelswas observed. The findings call into question the socializationeffects of democratic institutions during relatively short periodsin a context of economic crisis and rising discontent.  相似文献   

Legislative activity and controversy concerning the issue ofhomosexual rights and practices has intensified in Britain overthe last decade. Despite this increase in intensity, however,the question of mass public opinion in relation to homosexualrights and practices has received little empirical investigation.In an effort to remedy this situation, this paper focuses onthe influence of party identification in determining publicattitudes towards homosexuals. Using data from the British SocialAttitudes Surveys, the results suggest that although party identificationexerts an independent and statistically significant effect onattitudes towards homosexuals, in all cases, however, theseeffects are both secondary and variable. Other equally, if notmore salient, determinants include: gender, education, age,occupation, and type of homosexual relationship. Of these varioussocio–demographic variables, both age and education standout as having the strongest and most consistent effect. In otherwords, at least as far as current British society is concerned,anti-homosexual views are most prevalent among both older individualsas well as the lesser educated.  相似文献   

This paper compares the attitudes of Canadians and Americanstoward their governments and selected aspects of the privateenterprise system. It examines some of the historical differencesbetween the two countries and hypothesizes that these differenceswill be reflected in current attitudes. Further, it hypothesizesthat Canada's two main linguistic groups—the English andthe French—will be closer in attitude to each other thaneither will be to the American sample.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of the relationship betweenscientific knowledge and public attitudes toward science andtechnology. General work on cognitive schemas suggest that theseknowledge maps may have significant links to affect. A telephonesurvey of 2,000 Canadian adults was conducted and included abattery of knowledge items to test scientific cognition on basicscience concepts, to examine understanding of science processes,and to tap technological literacy. The survey also examinedattitudes toward science and scientists. Factor analysis of the attitude items resulted in two dimensions:trust in science and feelings of efficacy on science issues.A structural equation model was applied to certain demographicantecedent variables (education, exposure to science courses,age), the scientific literacy score, and to the attitude dimensionsof trust and efficacy. Findings demonstrated that scientificliteracy was positively correlated with attitudes of trust andfeelings of efficacy. These results were explained in termsof potential positive exposure to science in general in formalscience training (in schools) as well as to informal informationsources such as the media.  相似文献   

绝版馆藏数字化的若干法律问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆馆藏中存在着大量的仍处于版权保护期但不再重印的绝版(Out-of-print)图书。分析了在现行法律法规框架下图书馆绝版馆藏数字化与公益性服务的合法性问题,提出了解决版权许可的主要策略。  相似文献   

论非"211工程"高校图书馆对CALIS的利用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从高校文献保障这个角度介绍了CALIS,指出非“211工程”高校图书馆利用CALIS的意义及要注意的几个问题,旨在明确非“211工程”高校图书馆应该走文献资源共建、共知、共享的整体化发展道路。  相似文献   

信息检索课网络教学、考试系统的探索与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章对信息检索课在素质教育中所发挥的作用和任务进行了分析,对已开发的网络教学、考试系统的设计与特点进行了阐述。  相似文献   

英国图书情报类毕业生就业服务特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了英国图书情报类毕业生就业服务的基本情况,指出其就业服务的特色在于开放化的就业服务组织体系,多样化的职业发展路径选择,健全完善的就业服务内容,全程化的就业指导服务以及专业化的就业服务队伍建设。  相似文献   

Do the listening styles preferred by young adults in Germany,Israel, and the USA differ significantly? In order to addressthis question, college students in all three countries completedversions of the Listening Styles Profile (LSP; Watson et al.1995) presented in their native languages. Factor analysis revealedfour predominant constructs underlying the LSP, which were designatedas people, action, content, and time listening styles. Comparisonsbetween the three cultures revealed distinctively differentpatterns of listening style preferences, with Germans preferringthe action style, Israelis endorsing the content style, andAmericans favoring both the people and time styles.  相似文献   

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