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试论蕴涵于印第安创世传说的印第安传统信仰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印第安创世传说大致可以分为三类。第一类传说描绘创世神灵在自然界生灵协助下创造世界的过程,第二类讲述自然界生灵如何帮助来自天空或地底的印第安始祖开拓生存空间,而在第三类中,则是以动物形象出现的文化英雄创造了世界。虽然所有这些创世传说的具体内容不尽相同,但它们全都形象而具体地彰显出独特的印第安传统信仰。印第安人认为,创造世界的神灵既超越世间万事万物,又融入万事万物之中;而因其对创世进程的积极参与,万事万物一方面被创世神灵赋予精神力量,另一方面又与神灵构成交互关系,共存于一个神圣环形之中。因此,印第安人不仅尊崇创世神灵和自然界万物生灵,而且崇拜把宇宙间万事万物统一于自身的神圣环形,把神圣环形之中的和谐平衡统一视作最完美的境界。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which criminal justice and criminology Ph.D. students are exposed to contemporary biological and genetic findings associated with aggression and violence. Drawing on multiple sources of information, we find little evidence showing that Ph.D. students are exposed to any biological research on crime and offending. We examine the consequences for this “trained incompetence” and offer suggestions for remedying this deficiency.

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. (John Stuart Mill)  相似文献   

本文简明而又系统地论述了美国英语在其早期形成过程中与印第安语之间的关系以及它们之间在拼写、用词和语法方面的差异,并从社会和时代发展的观点及美国历史变迁的视角,分析了印第安语在美国英语中存在的现象及对美国英语的影响。  相似文献   

美国英语中的印第安语言成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国英语对印第安语的借入 ,早在美国英语定形前就已开始。在殖民时期 ,白人移民从印第安语中吸收过来的词汇主要是地名 ,早期美国英语从印第安语中借用的另一个方面的词汇与印第安人的部族关系、生活方式、宗教习俗、农作物、用具、动植物以及社会机构等相关。美国英语对印第安词汇的借用 ,还有一种独特的转借方式 ,即这些印第安词汇不是直接从印第安语借用而来 ,而是通过法语和西班牙语转借而来。此外 ,还有一些词是从印第安语中翻译过来的 ,大多通过意译、音译而成。许多借用词在二种语言交往与融合过程中不仅改变了原来的词义 ,而且在融入美国英语以后不断发生变化 ,许多被改造成新词。  相似文献   

Profile of abused and neglected American Indian children in the Southwest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From both knowledge gained working in Indian communities and a major data collection program, this article examines child abuse and neglect among the Indian tribes in a southwestern state. The period of study covers 1982 through 1985. The study sample consists of 53 children targeted by the local Indian Health Service Hospital Child Protection Team as being abused and/or neglected. In addition, information on the parents, grandparents and, in a number of cases, great-grandparents are examined. The study is a secondary data analysis of clinic and hospital records and interviews with local community health care providers and tribal officials. The results indicate that alcohol abuse was present in 85% of the neglect cases and in 63% of the abuse cases. In addition, child abuse and neglect occurred simultaneously in 65% of the sample. Child abuse and neglect are found to be part of a larger phenomenon of multiproblem families which raises the issue of intergenerational perpetuation of these problems. The results underscore the importance of interagency cooperation in surveillance, treatment, and prevention, as well as more careful and thorough documentation of record maintenance.  相似文献   

This essay examines nineteenth-century Native resistance to the American Indian removal policy as a strategy of decolonization. Attention focuses in particular on the tactics of decolonization employed in the rhetoric of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole nations as it functioned to expose the dilemmas and hypocrisies of U.S. government justifications for Native removal as animated by discourses of territoriality, republicanism, paternalism, and godly authority. This analysis of the rhetorical strategy and tactics of decolonization helps to reassess the agency of nineteenth-century American Native voices and to gauge in general how rhetorics of resistance can be articulated in colonial contexts.  相似文献   

论美国印第安文学演变历程中的内外因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印第安文学传统研究涉及美国文学的起始期确定问题,是美国文学发生学研究的重要内容之一。作为北美最早的居民,印第安人创造了辉煌的印第安文学传统。可是,由于印第安人在社会发展史上受到其民族发展阶段的制约和欧洲外来移民及其文学传统猛烈冲击的内外因素影响,致使美国印第安文学经历了由“主流文学”到“弱势文学”的演变过程。但是,印第安人及其文学为美利坚民族以及美国文学的产生和发展所起的不可磨灭的历史作用却是毋庸置疑的历史事实。  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect have recently been found to occur among American Indians at rates comparable to other American population groups. Little is known about the clinical spectrum of Indian maltreatment, the psychodynamics and effective treatment modalities. Cultural misunderstanding, modernization, poverty, situational stress, poor parenting skills because of early break-up of Indian families, alcoholism, unusual perceptions of children, handicapped children, and divorce constitute factors associated with maltreatment in cases cited. Old solutions of removing children from families were largely inappropriate and ineffective and are being replaced by local efforts to develop foster homes, supportive family services, and legal procedures to protect children. Communication between agencies involved and mistrust of outsiders plus a lack of trained personnel and available community resources continue to pose major barriers to effective treatment and prevention efforts. Recent federal policies and laws clearly place the responsibility for child welfare in the hands of Indian tribes and tribal courts. The non-Indian health professional has an important but limited role in providing technical expertise and in aiding development of community resources, taking care to support but not usurp the emerging leadership of Indian people.  相似文献   

A wide variety of American Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect are currently in effect. They range from anachronistic codes that were promulgated about fifty years ago and have never been revised to recently enacted codes that are innovative and incorporate the best practices in the field of protective services. The efforts, now underway, to collect and analyze Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect is supportive of the national interest to improve Indian child welfare services. The knowledge gained will be helpful to Indian tribes as they assess their own codes and will provide a new body of information on the laws in the U.S. on child abuse and neglect. In the past few years, increased national support in the United States has been focused on the protection of the best interest of Indian children with specific resources provided for the support of local Indian children and family programs operated by Indian tribal governments. Many Indian tribes are using these resources to develop and revise their child welfare codes, including those elements pertaining to child abuse and neglect. The momentum under way in the United States to improve Indian child welfare services can be expected to continue to include developments in Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

美国英语在其早期形成过程中与印第安语之间存在一定的关系,它们之间在拼写、用词和语法方面都存在差异。文章从社会和时代发展的观点及美国历史变迁的视角,分析了印第安语在美国英语中存在的现象及对美国英语的影响。  相似文献   

American dream represents a wonderful wish of pursuit of better life, it attracts not only American, but also people all over the world to realize their dreams through hard-working. Focusing on people ...  相似文献   

Using WISC, WISC-R, and WPPSI subtest scores recategorized according to the Bannatyne scheme, the study uncovered evidence for the existence of an Indian Wechsler Scale performance pattern that is different from that found in normal and learning disabled groups. The Indian pattern finds spatial abilities more well developed than sequencing skills, which are superior to conceptual and acquired knowledge performances. The sample was composed of 142 Indian children, primarily Ojibwa (Chippewa). Supporting hypotheses addressed differences between groups of traditional Indian children and those who are more Anglo acculturated. The traditional children evidenced the Indian pattern of recategorized Wechsler subtest performance, while the more acculturated groups did not. Discussion of results centers on factors that may be related to the Indian pattern, such as cultural heritage, otitis media, and the school curriculum.  相似文献   

One hundred-Fifty American Indian and fifty non-Indian 11th- and 12th-grade students were surveyed to assess self-reported problem areas and persons perceived as potential sources of help. Problems indicated by Indian students in metropolitan, rural, and boarding schools are noted, as well as those of non-Indian students. Problems likely to be discussed with counselors or with significant others are identified and different patterns of persons nominated as providing help are described. Although we caution against over-generalization, the findings are intended to increase the understanding of those concerned with training counselors to work with Indian youth.  相似文献   

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