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影视中的舞蹈多以片段的形式出现,在高职院校的编舞技术教学中运用影视舞蹈,有助于激发学生创作的灵感;强化学生对现代舞的认识和训练;提高学生对编舞技术教学中理论知识的应用;开拓学生的视野和培养创造性思维。  相似文献   

在嘻哈舞(Hip-Hop Dance)教学中,基本元素动作的使用是教学的关键点。历年大学生体育协会全国嘻哈舞推广套路和教育机构的嘻哈舞编排基本是以基本元素动作来构成的,极具代表性。嘻哈舞课堂教学仍然存在一些问题和影响因素,包括律动、基本功和动作质感不到位,基本元素动作的理解不够,身体素质和协调能力欠缺,学习目的不明确,节奏的掌握不好,等。嘻哈舞教学中,律动、元素感觉和动作质感是核心、基本元素动作是重点、身体素质是条件、基础认知是刚需、音乐节奏是基础。  相似文献   

舞蹈是人类"艺术之母",在人类还没有语言的时期,人们用于传授劳动过程与劳动动作所用的形式我们追溯它是舞蹈的起源。从舞蹈起源的解释中可以看出,舞蹈是人类最原始的表达方式,也是人类最初的艺术形式。人类社会进入了21世纪,开展素质教育、提高国民素养已经成为整个社会的关注热点,在众多素质教育途径中,舞蹈教育是不可忽略的。而舞蹈鉴赏课更是为学生更好的理解和关注舞蹈艺术架起了一座心与心交流的桥梁。  相似文献   

李静 《怀化学院学报》2004,23(4):133-135
芭蕾舞是通过舞蹈动作来体现一种内心情感 ,一种精神面貌的艺术。它把音乐、舞蹈、呼吸、情感融合在一起 ,从而给人以美的享受。在提倡素质教育的时代 ,在普通高校当中推广芭蕾舞具有重要的现实意义。普通高校芭蕾基训教学的关键是 :搞好教学任务的正确定位 ;主要采用“开、绷、直”的教学方法 ;训练学生对舞蹈的控制能力 ;利用高校学生相对较高的文化修养来充分挖掘头、手的表现力。  相似文献   

大型民族舞剧《一把酸枣》运用舞蹈的表现手法讲述了一部以晋商为主题的爱情悲剧,展现了山西晋商大院生活的兴衰历程.本文以文献资料及当地走访调查为基础,从舞剧《一把酸枣》的艺术特征与文化分析的角度进行研究.通过对舞剧中舞蹈、音乐、服装、舞美方面体现的中国民族特色文化的分析,展现了山西丰厚的历史文化底蕴,从而呼吁人们要保护和传承我们的民族文化,使之源远流长.  相似文献   

Choreography is an important and challenging educational objective in dance courses. However, most previous technology-enhanced learning studies for dance education mainly focused on students’ dance skills, while the issue concerning the approaches to promoting students’ choreographic performance has generally been ignored. To address this issue, the present study developed a mobile technology-assisted peer assessment approach based on social constructivism for use in a university general education dance routine choreography class. A total of 266 university students were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experiment lasted for 15 weeks and involved two rounds of peer assessment. The results showed that mobile peer assessment could significantly enhance the innovative competence of dance routines and dance skills. In addition, according to the students’ feedback, the dance routine choreography class was conducive to improving social skills, innovative competence, and intrinsic motivation, while mobile peer assessment could assist students in understanding accurate evaluation criteria, reflecting on their own in a more objective way, and broadening the aspects of appreciating the work.  相似文献   

谈舞蹈编创过程中的几个环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舞蹈作品的诞生,大致经过创作阶段(结构和编舞),和排练两大部分,它是由统一而不可分割的锁链般的几个环节组成。其中每个环节都是独立的,但同时又是与其它各环节有机地联系着的复杂的创作过程.本文通过对舞蹈《飘逝的花头巾》编创的经历、感受和最真实的情感与生命的体验,谈谈如何更好的把握编创过程申的每个环节。  相似文献   

在吴文化背景下,透视中国古典舞、江南民间舞、昆曲身段等方面的精髓,探讨其形态,从而通过古典舞蹈的发掘、昆曲身段的提纯、吴地民间舞蹈的运用等,再以当代舞蹈的审美观来进行舞蹈形态的体现与创作,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

简介两岸妈祖题材舞蹈作品创作现状,着重从两方面切入研究妈祖文化:一是舞剧的题材研究;二是两岸舞蹈的比较。选择大陆和台湾两部较有影响力和鲜明艺术主张的舞剧作品《妈祖》和《醮》进行实证研究,探寻妈祖题材舞剧创作的共性和个性规律,并于深层次延伸探讨艺术体制和创作生态问题。  相似文献   

舞蹈是以经过提炼、组织和艺术加工的人体动作为主要表现手段,表达人们的思想感情,反映社会生活的一种艺术形式。舞蹈的编导创作是实践性的活动过程。本文结合实践从舞蹈动作、舞蹈创作构思和舞蹈构图三个方面阐述和分析了如何进行舞蹈的创编。  相似文献   

抒情建构主体在建构表现心灵之情的过程中,采用了不同的组构抒情话语的抒情行为和动作,形成了一定的抒情环节.使抒情话语肩负起极富创造性和蕴蓄性的话语系统。抒情要将感情具象化,借助意象来抒发;抒情要将感情音乐化,通过音律来抒发;抒情要将感情舞蹈化,在抑扬顿挫的节奏中抒发。  相似文献   

Dance Education can be considered an aspect of everyday living when using the correct definition of dance education. Rather than referring to the rarified form of movement that we encounter on the concert stage, dance education is the education of our moving selves with the goal as self expression. This can be initiated as an aspect of the initial developmental movement stages encountered by an infant through toddler stage, developed through early schooling in order to counteract the sedentary school lifestyle, and continued through adulthood as an aspect of keeping ourselves as fully integrated thinking, moving, and feeling human beings.  相似文献   

汉代儒学的思想是汉代人死亡观和丧葬风俗形成的重要原因,汉代儒学厚葬之风与形而上的观念对汉画像中舞蹈图像的构成具有重要影响,汉画像舞蹈图像在功能、观念与舞美三者之间与汉代儒学思想高度统一。  相似文献   

中国古典舞的渊源可以追溯到中国古代宫廷舞蹈或更为遥远时代的舞蹈,期间也在不断地发生着变化,从外形到内蕴向新空间拓展着,而这在一定因素上是归功于唐代舞蹈的。至今,唐代那些丰富多彩的经典舞蹈动作元素仍被一一保留和延用,在中国古典舞中就可清晰地看到独具唐代特色的舞蹈动作元素。这一元素的提炼和运用也给中国古典舞的创新和发展奠定了深厚的基石。  相似文献   

This paper is interested in thinking more about sexuality education at school. As such, it is concerned with a mundane and unacknowledged feature of the sexuality classroom – the mapping of movement. While human movement is a familiar focus of educational research, the movement of things is not. With reference to Barad’s concept of intra-activity, the paper maps human-non-human movements and characterises these as a sexual choreography of schooling. Instead of asking what does movement mean or reveal about sexuality education, I attend to the event movement inaugurates. Predominantly theoretical, the paper weaves together ideas from conventionally disparate disciplinary fields. These include Edensor’s concept of rhythm from geography, Eggermont’s notion of the choreography of schooling from education, and Barad’s spacetimemattering from quantum physics. This theorisation enables a recognition of movement as a force in human-non-human classroom intra-actions implicated in the becoming of sexuality education as event.  相似文献   

能否创造出一种类似于音乐中的五线谱那样的舞蹈动作速记法,方便、准确、快速地记录与表达舞蹈动作,一直是舞蹈界所关注的一个课题。“舞蹈五线图谱”的灵感来源于摄影的快速暴光原理和机械制图中的三视图原理,它可以使我们对照节奏线、舞程线、运动线及脚位对舞蹈进行综合表达,具有一定的系统性、准确性和速记性。笔者已记录过几千张舞蹈记录,目前的速度可达8拍动作/10分钟。该“舞蹈五线图谱”已获发明专利。  相似文献   

延伸感,是指舞蹈实践者在基本功训练和舞蹈时每一个动作都有"延伸"即"无限制的延长"的感受,它对学生的身体成长、形体塑造有很大的作用,可使身体线条化,有挺拔之感。延伸感更可使舞蹈动作优美,身体动作发挥更极致,对舞蹈作品的展示和舞蹈情感的表现有很大的帮助,更有助于提高舞蹈的美感,它还可以将舞蹈动作与音乐旋律有机地融为一体,可以将音乐中深邃的意境和绵绵不断的情思用身体语言展示给观众,可以促进舞蹈时对空间地运用和身体的发挥。  相似文献   

Margaret H'Doubler attained a degree of achievement in dance and left a legacy which still influences the art form today. Teaching and writing at the University of Wisconsin for 44 years, H'Doubler established a program of dance and pioneered new forms of movement which affected the field of dance far beyond the campus at Wisconsin. This paper traces the evolution of those ideas and the people and processes which influenced and were influenced by H'Doubler. Perhaps more importantly, it speaks to the intangible qualities of character and grace which symbolize this remarkable woman.  相似文献   

该文从文化背景、民族特色等角度出发,对中外舞蹈历史的发展作了系统的概述,并且选取中西最有代表性的案例,对中国古典舞和芭蕾舞从舞蹈动作、表现形式、服饰搭配等角度进行比较;对中西民族舞从审美特征、摹状手段和表情类型等角度进行比较,从而指出中西舞蹈各个环节的不同是中西内在文化差异(中国的含蓄与内收;西方的外放与扩张)的折射。  相似文献   

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