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’She was a householder; she paid rates; she paid income tax ... The man who cleaned her windows, the ... caretaker who lighted her fire, had a vote, but she was classed with the paupers, and the lunatics, and the infants’. Isabel Cleghorn, ex‐President of the NUT, at the 1912 Annual Conference of the Union, on the subject of women's suffrage.  相似文献   

Heraclitus was the first presocratic Ionian thinker to describe the underlying nature of reality as a set of processes in flux and to affirm the constantly changing nature of the cosmos. In this essay, I discuss four major doctrines of his thought which constitute the crux of the Heraclitean worldview. I then expound some thoughts on the relevance and implications of Heraclitean thinking for philosophy of education.  相似文献   


Massengale’s Trends Toward the Future of Physical Education (1987) makes no reference to the existence of the philosophic inquiry of physical activity within higher education kinesiology programs—even though the sub-discipline had been formalized by academics in the early 1970s. In contrast, Massengale and Swanson’s The History of Exercise and Sport Science (1997) dedicated a chapter to sport philosophy’s development, including a prognosis of its future. Since then, there has been tremendous growth in the sub-discipline, including an increase in publication outlets, stand-alone monographs, and the creation of academic associations globally. Yet this growth has not necessarily secured sport philosophy’s place in higher education curriculum. In this article, we briefly review the history of philosophic inquiry into physical activity and review previous predictions of the sub-discipline’s future before offering our own prognostication of its future in higher education.  相似文献   

Sport philosophy is in crisis. This subdiscipline of kinesiology garners little to no respect and few tenure track lines in kinesiology departments. Why is this the case? Why isn’t philosophy held in greater esteem? Is it possible that philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre’s (2009) diagnosis found in “God, Philosophy, Universities” could actually be fruitfully applied to kinesiology? MacIntyre argued that philosophy’s fall from grace parallels the decline of theology in universities. This is the case for two simple reasons. First, philosophy was traditionally charged with giving an account of how the different disciplines fit together on the presumption that an orderly account of the universe could be given. However, the imperative for, as well the intelligibility of, such an account is hard to defend absent God. Second, without God, it becomes very difficult to argue that the philosophic enterprise is fundamentally human. Instead, philosophy becomes an esoteric enterprise meant for specialists. If this is right, then the sanitization of God from the modern university can also explain the plight of sport philosophy. To put it simply, theology must be taken seriously if philosophy is to be taken seriously. God must be admissible in the classroom. This does not mean that students should be catechized, but rather it is to insist that scholars must acknowledge (rather than hide from or dismiss) the legitimacy of theological questions.  相似文献   

作为时代精神之精华的哲学,理所应当从生活出发而最终又指向生活,生活是人的生存实践,是哲学和哲学家的出发点和归宿,哲学是生活的产物,是实践的结晶,是哲学家的生活,哲学家是在生活世界里抽取“时代意识”的实践者。以人为本,贴近时代,贴近人心,是哲学的生命所在,哲学当靠近生活,生活应走向哲学。  相似文献   

The increasing rate of child abuse and neglect is a special concern for educators who are legally mandated reporters of suspected maltreatment, are often the first to identify and refer children who have been harmed, are in contact with parents and are aware of the family conditions contributing to child maltreatment, and who must often work closely with other professionals in their efforts to support child victims and prevent further abuse. Moreover, children's emotional or behavioral problems, learning disabilities, or other difficulties often reflect broader problems that are associated with abuse or neglect. Consequently, understanding the causes and consequences of child maltreatment, and contemporary child protection efforts, is essential to educators in their efforts to assist victimized children. This article surveys current research on child maltreatment with particular attention to the challenges of child protection, the multidimensionality of child maltreatment (distinguishing physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological maltreatment), and hopeful new avenues for prevention. The implications of this research for educational professionals are emphasized.  相似文献   

"儿童哲学"校本课程--上海市六一小学的实践及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“儿童哲学”(Philosophy for children)最初由美国学者李普曼(Lipgnan,M.)和他的同事设计制定。1969年,李普曼发表了他的第一部儿童哲理小说《哈里的发现》。这本令人耳目一新的儿童哲理小说标志儿童哲学的诞生。目前儿童哲学已经发展到为包括幼儿园直到大学的学生在内的不同群体提供哲学探究课程,而且正在世界范围内被越来越多的国家所采用。如我国上海市实验学校,昆明市铁路南站小学的尝试。1999年,在上海市教育科学研究院智力开发研究所的帮助下,上海市六一小学也开始正式确立并启动“儿童哲学”校本课程。  相似文献   

2011年11月14~15日,浙江省与德国汉斯·赛德尔基金会合办的教师培训合作项目——"幼儿运动能力培养与测评"工作坊在浙江师范大学杭州幼儿师范学院举行。这是汉斯·赛德尔基金会选派的下萨克森州学前教育研究所所长、奥斯纳布吕克大学体育与教育学教授、运动感知及精神运动学研究中心主任雷娜特·齐默尔第三次来杭州主持培训工作。齐默尔教授本次带来4名研究助手参与工作坊活动。浙江省16名幼儿园教师  相似文献   

在现代社会,机械技术的广泛使用及其所形成的观念已经渗透到我们人类思维和日常生活的方方面面.它给人类生活带来的好处和负面作用都是有目共睹的.现代文明的种种社会规范对现代人的压抑以及现代人被种种欲望所束缚也是远离了文明的最终目标.而庄子对机械技术的使用的伦理和社会后果的警惕以及庄子的"任其性命之情"的主张在现代社会仍然具有深远的和现实的意义.  相似文献   

What does No Child Left Behind (NCLB) have to do with higher education? Turns out plenty, according to Teniell L. Trolian and Kristin S. Fouts. They argue that NCLB has signifcant consequences for college learners.  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of women joining the evening/nighttime workforce, there is a need for quality childcare during these hours. This project, conducted in Japan, sought to compare the effects of child day care, child evening care, and child night care on the development and adaptation of young children. Caregivers completed a survey on the childrearing environment at home, their feelings of self-efficacy, and the presence of support for childcare. Childcare professionals evaluated the development of children. The results of the discriminant analysis indicate that factors in the home environment, not type of center-based care, explained developmental variance.  相似文献   

儿童是国际人权保护的特殊对象之一,是人类的未来与希望,儿童问题亦是全社会的问题。文章对国际上一系列关于保护儿童利益的国际条约与文件进行了论述,分析了保护儿童权益的法律依据,提出了我国作为缔约国应承担的法律义务,以促进我国儿童的健康成长。  相似文献   

Since 1999, government guidance in child protection has been issued which embodies a shift in practice and philosophy, sometimes expressed in the word 'refocusing'. School staff have never found child protection easy, but these shifts in policy and practice put particular demands on them. Steve Adams identifies these demands and the ways in which they differ from previous child protection expectations on schools. He sees real problems for schools in the new guidance, but also suggests ways in which they may work positively with at least some of the changes.  相似文献   

Erduran  Sibel 《Science & Education》2001,10(6):581-593
Traditional applications of history and philosophy of science in chemistry education have concentrated on the teaching and learning of history of chemistry. In this paper, the recent emergence of philosophy of chemistry as a distinct field is reported. The implications of this new domain for chemistry education are explored in the context of chemical models. Trends in the treatment of models in chemistry education highlights the need for reconceptualizing the teaching and learning of chemistry to embrace chemical epistemology, a potential contribution by philosophy of chemistry.  相似文献   

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