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高等教育是非线性系统,各种内外部非线性复杂关系的客观存在,要求我们在研究高等教育以及进行高等教育选择时,必须采取非线性的复杂性探究方式,而不能把高等教育复杂性本质的非线性方面近似为线性的简单性加以处理,否则偏颇和错误也就在所难免.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于PLC和步进电机的机械手控制系统设计方案,详细论述了该机械手控制系统的硬件结构和软件设计流程。系统实现了自动化生产线上物料抓取及传送的自动化,提高了生产效率。实践证明,该系统运行稳定,定位精确,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

直线电机直接驱动系统具有结构简单、动态响应快、控制精度高等一系列优点,是理想的直线进给传动方式.叙述了直线电机驱动系统的研究现状、特点及驱动控制技术,直线电机驱动系统在精密运动控制领域的应用,尤其是在数控装备、半导体工业和纳米制造业以及城市轨道交通等方面的应用,并对其发展趋势方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

从线性到非线性:企业成长理论回顾、现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从最初企业是生产函数、契约到企业是复杂适应系统的认识深化,企业成长的理论研究开始从线性向非线性过渡。本文以企业成长理论从线性到非线性转变为主线,梳理企业成长理论的演进脉络。通过对众多理论之间的内在逻辑关系及其适用边界和应用性分析发现,非线性在企业成长过程发挥了主导作用,并指出从内生和外生两方面互动的视角建立非均衡、非线性有机统一的企业成长机制,可对企业成长规律给出更合理的理论解释。  相似文献   

加强和改进大学生思想政治工作,要注重人文关怀和心理疏导,以大学生全面发展为目标,从尊重学生、关心学生和帮助学生解决实际问题入手。  相似文献   

教师课堂上的评价语言对学生有很大的影响,不仅能够指出学生不当的学习行为,更重要的是能养成他们更好的行为和品行,但是更多的评价语言只是停留在第一个层面,即"行为"层面,为了超越"行为"层面,教师的评价要从"为行"出发:教师的评价语言要充满关爱、富有激励性;教师要在课堂倾听和观察中运用评价语言;教师要在教学反思中提升自己的课堂评价语言。  相似文献   

We assessed relations between early temperament and behavior problems across 12 years in an unselected sample of over 800 children. Temperament measures were drawn from behavior ratings made by examiners who observed children at ages 3, 5, 7, and 9. Factor analyses revealed 3 dimensions at each age: Lack of Control, Approach, and Sluggishness . Temperament dimensions at ages 3 and 5 were correlated in theoretically coherent ways with behavior problems that were independently evaluated by parents and teachers at ages 9 and 11, and by parents at ages 13 and 15. Lack of Control was more strongly associated with later externalizing behavior problems than with internalizing problems; Approach was associated with fewer internalizing problems among boys; and Sluggishness was weakly associated with both anxiety and inattention, especially among girls. Lack of Control and Sluggishness were also associated with fewer adolescent competencies. These results suggest that early temperament may have predictive specificity for the development of later psychopathology.  相似文献   

What are the prerequisites for principals’ success within a decentralized and deregulated Swedish-policy environment characterized by democratic equity values and neo-liberal practices? Twenty-four secondary school principals identified internal and external factors that promote or inhibit principals’ success. The discussion concerns whether the current crossfire of demands produces superficiality and threats to democracy due to the working conditions described by the principals.  相似文献   

从行为到行动——博弈论的社会化影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当代行动理论(从行动哲学到行为经济学)的认知转向展示了科学方法论的发展路径,这对当代社会的思想观念及实践机制产生了重大影响。现代社会思潮中,随着认知科学的迅猛发展,所谓的语言学转向进一步生发出实用化(或语用式)再转折。心灵与物质、符号与世界的关系问题最终回归到人的现实实践,这既是人类智性演化的自然结论,也是思维理性辩证飞跃的里程。  相似文献   

备课是上课最重要的一个环节,是保证教学效果、提高教学质量的保证.没有好的备课做基础,毫无准备地走进课堂,结果可想而知,肯定是狼狈地败下阵来.教师要想在课堂这个战场获胜,必须不断通过备课反思自己的教学过程和方法,不断改进自己的教学行为.  相似文献   

Links between children's attachment security with mothers and fathers, assessed in Strange Situation with each parent at 15 months (= 101), and their future behavior problems were examined. Mothers and fathers rated children's behavior problems, and children reported their own behavior problems at age 8 (= 86). Teachers rated behavior problems at age 6½ (= 86). Insecurity with both parents had a robust effect: “Double‐insecure” children reported more overall problems, and were rated by teachers as having more externalizing problems than those secure with at least 1 parent. Security with either parent could offset such risks, and security with both conferred no additional benefits. High resistance toward both parents in Strange Situation may confer “dual risk” for future externalizing behavior.  相似文献   

Computers, hitherto viewed as tools, are becoming an emergent medium in their own right. In embracing this new medium, educational multimedia developers can create engaging and stimulating interactive learning modules, especially appropriate for the humanities. This paper describes the decisions taken along the way and explores the processes involved in transforming a traditional lecture in medical sociology into an interactive online learning module.

De la conférence on ligne au module interactif multimédia: une perspective pour les concepteurs.

Les ordinateurs connus jusqu'ici comme des outils deviennent de plus en plus des médias en soi. En prenant possession de ce nouveau média, les concepteurs multimédia éducatifs peuvent créer des modules interactifs stimulants et attrayants convenant particulièrement aux sciences humaine. Cet article décrit les décisions prises en chemin et explore les processus impliqués dans la transformation d'une conférence traditionnelle en sociologie médicale en module interactif d'apprentissage en ligne.

Vom linearen Vortrag zum interaktiven Multimedia Modul: Ansichten eines Entwicklers

Computer, bisher nur als Werkzeuge betrachtet, werden zunehmend ein eigenständiges Medium. Multimedia Lernumgebungsentwickler können überzeugende und anregende interaktive Lernmodule entwickeln, wenn sie sich dieses neuen Mediums bedienen. Das gilt besonders für die Humanwissenschaften. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Entscheidungen und sondiert die Prozesse, die auf dem Weg der Umwandlung einer traditionellen Vorlesung in Medizinischer Soziologie zu einem interaktiven Online-Lernmodul getroffen wurden.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, students can actively explore concepts and experience the nature of scientific research. We have devised a 5-wk laboratory project in our introductory college biology course whose aim was to improve understanding in five major concepts that are central to basic cellular, molecular biology, and genetics while teaching molecular biology techniques. The project was focused on the production of adenine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and investigated the nature of mutant red colonies of this yeast. Students created red mutants from a wild-type strain, amplified the two genes capable of giving rise to the red phenotype, and then analyzed the nucleotide sequences. A quiz assessing student understanding in the five areas was given at the start and the end of the course. Analysis of the quiz showed significant improvement in each of the areas. These areas were taught in the laboratory and the classroom; therefore, students were surveyed to determine whether the laboratory played a role in their improved understanding of the five areas. Student survey data demonstrated that the laboratory did have an important role in their learning of the concepts. This project simulated steps in a research project and could be adapted for an advanced course in genetics.  相似文献   

我国电信业的发展伴随着政府规制以及电信业改革的不断演进。政府在电信业从一个典型的完全垄断的行政型企业逐步向竞争性企业演变过程中,分别扮演了垄断的行政计划者、垄断的企业所有者、垄断的市场维护者再到规制性政府。规制性政府的形成促进了电信业开放市场经济下的竞争性与竞争力。  相似文献   

Infants have an early understanding of giving (the transfer of an item by one agent to another), but little is known about individual differences in these abilities or their developmental outcomes. Here, 9-month-olds (= 59) showing clearer neural processing (Event-related potential, ERP) of a give-me gesture also evidenced a stronger reaction (pupil dilation) to an inappropriate response to a give-me gesture, and at 2 years were more likely to give in response to a give-me gesture. None of the differences in understanding and production of giving-related behaviors were associated with other sociocognitive variables investigated: language, gaze-following, and nongiving helping. The early developmental continuity in understanding and production of giving behavior is consistent with the great importance of giving for humans throughout the life span.  相似文献   

迈向学习型社会的职业技术教育   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
当前,处于工业化与信息化平行发展进程中的中国职业技术教育面临复杂而多变的社会需求,要求我们从现实需求和长远发展的结合上作出战略选择:以终身教育理念和学习型社会的目标,总揽和架构职业教育发展不同阶段的任务和实现形式;在职业教育发展进程中渗透和体现终身教育理念,逐步形成融入学习型社会的职业技术教育体系。对此,学习者、学习机构、学习制度必须实现相应转变。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会有诸多要素,但其关键要素应是讲科学、讲民主、讲法制。“科学技术是第一生产力”,没有科学的进步,没有经济的高速发展,就没有构建和谐社会的基础;民主是人民当家作主,没有社会主义民主,就不能化解经济和社会发展过程中出现的人民内部的种种矛盾,充分调动人民的积极性,达到国家的长治久安;法制是实行民主政治的强有力的工具,没有法制,人民的权利就无法保障;构建社会主义和谐社会,必须三者齐头并进。  相似文献   

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