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本研究旨在调查词汇知识在口语交际中的作用。重点考察词汇知识的三个基本层面,即语音层面、词的形、义层面,搭配层面。通过同口语交际中其他方面知识(如语法知识,语义知识,语用知识)的比较,发现词汇知识是经常影响到口语交际的重要因素。对语义的理解则是影响口语交际的必然因素。本研究的语义仅指完整的话语之意义,以区分词汇意义。而在词汇知识方面,对词汇意义的理解和掌握对口语交际具有重大影响。其教学意义是:大学英语教学应该注重扩大学生的积极性词汇(应用性词汇),把学生培养成目的语的积极使用者,而不是消极或被动的接受者。  相似文献   

Empirical results show that frequently the meaning of expressions used by students in expressing their understanding of subject matter does not correspond to the meaning of those expressions in the subject matter theory that the students are expected to learn. There is also often a lack of identity of meaning between the same students’ use of the same expression from one use of the expression to another, in very similar contexts. The context gives a specific meaning to any expression. This variation in context and meaning is very central to the phenomena of teaching and learning. In educational research there is a need to differentiate between specific meanings expressed in conceptualizing subject matter, on the one hand, and concepts and meanings seen as parts of cognitive systems and social languages, on the other. The contextual character of the use of language is crucial to the understanding of teaching and learning and needs to be more carefully considered. The article is a discussion of the problem of varying meanings of language expressions in relation to major traditions of research, focusing on meanings and concepts within the field of learning and teaching.  相似文献   

教师并不是一个自明的词语。在教师专业化和职业化发展的状况下,"什么是教师?"这一问题更具现实的迫切性。"什么是教师?"触动我们对于教师生存状况的思考,表达了一种对于教师既知又无知的精神现实。"什么是教师?"需要一个更加谨慎、完整的探寻,要求我们回到教师之中,去追问始源上的教师之涵义。作为"pedagogue"与"profession",教师是一个对正义和真知进行无条件担保的承诺与行为,并在这一行为中引导孩子追求完善人生,实现自我超越。  相似文献   

As has been widely discussed, the National Research Council’s (NRC) current policy in United States education advocates supporting students toward acquiring skills to engage in scientific practices. NRC policy also suggests that supporting students in the practices of science may require different approaches than what is required for supporting student engagement with scientific content. Further, acquiring skills in scientific practices is not limited to gaining proficiency in utilizing tools that support scientific inquiry: students must also understand how to interpret information generated from such tools. These tools of scientific practices are embedded within scientific culture, which from Sewell’s perspective, is comprised of both practice and semiotic code (symbols and meanings). To become scientifically literate students must learn to utilize this code in practice. Author Germà Garcia-Belmonte identified one example of learning to utilize the semiotic code in scientific practice and considers challenges faced by undergraduate physics and engineering students within that context. Garcia-Belmonte observes students struggle to interpret symbols and meaning (the visual display generated) while engaging in practice (utilizing an oscilloscope) and posits that two, culturally bound, competing, linguistic metaphors of time may be the cause. Ultimately, however, the author does not explore beyond hypotheses. Although his theory may be correct, the paper serves as a reminder of the responsibility we have to students. As educators, it is useful and beneficial to make observations and develop theories surrounding why our students struggle. However, in addition to theorizing on why, for example, a particular scientific norm might present challenges for our students, we must remain mindful that challenges may not be uniform and may vary considerably according to students’ culture(s). Engaging with students and soliciting specific information regarding the challenges they face allows us, as educators, to both examine whether students’ reported challenges align or conflict with our own perceptions of those challenges, and subsequently devise and test methods toward supporting students in overcoming their challenges.  相似文献   

吴丽君  陈昌勇 《海外英语》2012,(10):123-125
在几乎所有的语言中,一词多义是一种重要的语义特征。该文以认知语言学中的原型理论为依据,以实证为基础,通过对中国某大学英语专业约50名学生的实验研究和定量分析,探析大学生英语多义词习得能力,并根据测试结果探讨核心义项在多义词习得中的重要性,进而分析大学生多义词习得的障碍。实验结果表明,原型范畴理论能促进多义词习得,提供多义词的核心义项更有利于学生准确猜测其在句中的相关义项。在多义词习得中,学习者忽视了核心义项的重要性,未能充分利用隐喻与转喻两大认知手段掌握其他派生义项。该研究能为多义词的教学提供依据。  相似文献   

In engaging in research we draw upon and develop meanings and concepts that help to frame what we do, how we do it and the meaning we make of it. In the process of framing, we exclude other possibilities from our research practices. To do research, then, is to engage in the fashioning of conceptual boundaries. This article explores the dilemmas of boundary‐making in the context of a research project aimed at exploring the border literacy practices of students in UK further education, those boundary‐crossing practices which relate to the everyday and more formal demands of the curriculum. This discussion is related to wider debates in the social sciences on the significance of boundaries and borders and their powerful effects on identities and actions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe our current understanding of the relationship between learning opportunities and the negotiation of social norms in mathematics class discussion. With supportive social norms, a student non-acceptance can lead to constructive discussion in which students compare, contrast, elaborate and refute mathematics assertions just as mathematicians do. Under this circumstance, opportunities for learning are ample because students are more likely to find a situation problematic during inquiry activities. However, incompatible interpretations often cause emotional responses. Negative emotional responses, when not dealt with appropriately, tend to discourage students from participating in inquiry activities. Therefore, teachers need to take an active role in helping students interpret such situations through negotiating social norms. The negotiation of social norms makes possible the negotiation of mathematical meaning.  相似文献   


Underlined by the belief that teachers' critical awareness of their actions is a vital issue in education, this study examines the insights that evolved from a long-term collaboration among seven doctoral students. To prepare for our comprehensive examinations, we collaborated as a study group for one and one-half years. Adopting the dual roles of listener-researcher and narrator-participant, we engaged in dialogue and narrative to convey to each other the meaning of our collaborative experiences. From grounded theory analysis, four elements of collaboration emerged: logistics, social dynamics, empowerment, and change. In order to convey the meaning of our experiences, we create a multiplicity of meanings based on our diverse and lived personal narratives. Finally, our collaborative process challenges academic administrations to examine how well their current policies encourage personal autonomy and cooperative learning approaches for students involved in preparing for their comprehensive examinations.  相似文献   

学习自由是学术自由的一个重要组成部分,从强调单一的学术自治发展到重视学生的学习自由,学术自由经历了漫长的过程。作为一种自由,学习自由既有哲学层面的涵义,又有可操作层面的涵义。学习自由是高校学生应有的一种权利,其必要性是由高校和学生本身的特点,以及培养创新性人才的时代要求决定的。学习自由不是绝对的自由,需要有一定的限制。这种限制在认识和具体执行中分为两种,积极的限制实际上是一种必需的引导,消极的限制是认识上的误导,需要纠正。  相似文献   

借助语用学理论,文章提出将语用意义分为积极语用意义和消极语用意义,用积极语用翻译和消极语用翻译法分别处理积极语用意义和消极语用意义。积极语用翻译以译出语用意义为主,译出其指称意义则在其次;消极语用翻译首先努力译出指称意义,语用意义的翻译则在其次,甚至可放弃不译。如果在文学作品中,消极语用意义得到积极使用,则其语用意义也应当积极译出。  相似文献   

翻译作为不同文化间思想交流的主要手段 ,除注意准确选词 ,使用合适的句法形式外 ,更应注意添加在词汇上的历史文化、民情风俗、地理环境等文化色彩语义 ,即国俗语义。通过对词汇国俗语义的等值转换 ,最大程度地减少因翻译带来的信息差 ,尽可能做到等效翻译 ,更好地促进文化间的交流 ,实现翻译的真正价值。  相似文献   

一般说来,否定句是表达否定意义的,然而,在英语中却有这样一些句子,它们在形式上虽然含有否定词,但是在意义上却并不表示否定,我们将这类句子称为“假否定句”,分析这类句子所表达的真实意义,并对其形式上的构成特点进行探讨,从而初步描绘这类句子的构成模式。  相似文献   

This article investigates the meaning of the belief in a just world (BJW) for justice cognition at school and for subjective well-being. We hypothesized that BJW should serve as a resource helping to maintain positive well-being and to assimilate experienced injustice. The results of two studies with Portuguese school students (7th–12th grade) and one with university students were consistent with our hypotheses. The more the students endorsed the BJW, the more they evaluated their school grades and their teachers’ and their peers’ behavior towards them as just and the more they were satisfied with life in general. Moreover, the more students felt fairly treated by their teachers, the less they felt distressed at school. Life satisfaction varied however independently of school-specific justice cognitions. This pattern of results persisted when controlled for achievement (grades) as well as for personality dispositions such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and general trust. The implications of these results for further studies on adolescent development are discussed.  相似文献   

一词多义是一种普遍现象,指一个词语有多种不同却具有互相联系的意义。传统的语义理论并没有把握多义现象的全部和本质,未能对此现象作出充分的解释。认知理论认为多义现象的形成是人类通过认知手段(如隐喻、换喻)由一个词的中心意义或基本意义向其他意义延伸的过程,是人类认知范畴和概念化的结果。认知语言学理论对多义结构的分析和解释对英语词汇教学有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   


How can school education best bring about moral improvement? Socrates believed that the unexamined life was not worth living and that the philosophical examination of life required a collaborative inquiry. Today, our society relegates responsibility for values to the personal sphere rather than the social one. I will argue that, overall, we need to give more emphasis to collaboration and inquiry rather than pitting students against each other and focusing too much attention on ‘teaching that’ instead of ‘teaching how’. I will argue that we need to include philosophy in the curriculum throughout the school years, and teach it through a collaborative inquiry which enables children to participate in an open society subject to reason. Such collaborative inquiry integrates personal responsibility with social values more effectively than sectarian and didactic religious education.  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》中,"兽吻"的义项与其引例存在不对应的情况,且它的意义及用法在明清语料中的已无法用原先的义项去理解。为准确把握词义,有必要作更深入的考究探寻其得名理据及发展轨迹,同时对《汉语大词典》进行释义辨别及义项增补。  相似文献   

《〈西藏赋〉校注》是赋学研究史上一件具有重大意义的事情,它让更多的读者能够了解到西藏的山水原隰、文物古迹、宗教信仰、生活风俗.此书具有底校互参,校记详细、注释详尽、溯究词义、通解文意、资料齐备等特点,既可以让大众了解到和宁和《西藏赋》,又可以给文学研究者提供详备的资料.  相似文献   

There is a feeling among many design educators today that the discipline has reached a crisis in its development, and that change is needed immediately in the way that design educators articulate their epistemology and their methodology. The architectural studio can be seen as the model for design education, and its culture is exemplary. Donald Schön has often argued that the professional education of architectural students – and other design students – should be aimed at making them into ‘reflective practitioners’. At the core of his argument is the idea that design education must sacrifice intellectual rigour in order to achieve social relevance, yet critics have argued that this trade‐off has caused design education to be marginalised in relation to the university model of education. Design is focused on subjective creativity, but the positivist university paradigm is focused on objective rationality. In order for design education to become more rigorous – and more academically respectable – it must either become more rational or it must embrace a new paradigm that values creative experience. This article argues that the emerging paradigm of complexity offers design education the rigour it has been lacking, for this paradigm constructs studio projects not as problems with rational solutions but as systems that need to be explored in order to discover their relational meanings and values – precisely what creativity, balanced with rationality, can accomplish in both Western nations and rapidly developing East Asian nations such as China.  相似文献   

通过计量的方式从微观层面来研究多义词,即多义复合词的词义与其构成成分——语素义之间的关系,结果表明:语素的多义性使复合词也具有多义性。或者说复合词的多义性来源于构词语素的多义性。由语素的多义性产生的多义复合词,其词义基本上可以由语素的字面意义获得。  相似文献   

《汉语大字典》中的多艾字一般按照本义、引申义、通假义的顺序排列,但其对少数多义字的注释不是按照上述顺序排列的,存在一些问题。即:将引申义注释为本义;将通假义注释为本义。  相似文献   

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