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The term pedagogy has become ubiquitous in the field of kinesiology, and sport pedagogy is now firmly established as a credible academic subdiscipline. Notwithstanding the fact that our European colleagues had been using the terms pedagogy and sport pedagogy for many years (see Crum, 1986; Haag, 2005), the English-speaking world of kinesiology has only relatively recently embraced the terms. Increased use, however, does not necessarily equate with coherent or shared understandings of what the terms mean. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to do some “languaging” (Kirk, 1991; Postman, 1989) to shed some light on the meanings of pedagogy and sport pedagogy and in so doing perhaps stimulate further consideration of their use in kinesiology. I will argue for a notion of pedagogy that is generative in enabling us to think about the process of knowledge production and reproduction across the many subdisciplines of kinesiology, including, but not limited to, sport pedagogy. Finally I will consider the notion of pedagogical work as providing a useful concept for analyzing the contribution of sport pedagogy to understandings related to how we come to know about physical activity, the body, and health.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Quest, Pringle (2000) asserts a number of criticisms of the achievement goal approach to motivation and claims that conclusions drawn by researchers in this field are “overly optimistic.” In this response, we sugest that Pringle's paper is marked by a limited review of the literature and many erroneous conclusions. Several issues of contention are discussed, and it is proposed that claims of achievement goal theorists are rightly optimistic. In particular, the assertions that the achievement goal area of inquiry is deconrextualized and reductionistic are challenged. It is also argued that the championing of the interpretivist perspective for the study of motivational processes rellected in the Pringle article is inherently biased. In contrast, we suggest that there is not one correct methodology or theoretical perspective for understanding and fostering motivation of young people in physical education and that the achievement goal framework has much to offer with respect to this question.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the pedagogical value of employing student narrative writing assignments in the graduate sport management classroom and advocates for cultural studies and critical pedagogy approaches to teaching sport management. The article considers students' autobiographical narratives within a theoretical framework of cultural studies, critical pedagogy, and critical sport studies in order to demonstrate how autobiographical writing exercises can provide students with an additional forum through which to express their individual voices and to link their personal experiences to course content as they prepare to enter a 21st century sport industry characterized by increasing diversity and globalization  相似文献   

作为现象学教育学的开创者之一,马克斯·范梅南认为教育学不能从抽象的理论文章或分析系统中去寻找,而应该在生活的世界中去寻找.因此,他倡导以解释现象学的方法进行教育学的生活体验研究,这有助于教育学回归教育生活,使研究更深入教育的生活世界.教师以个人生活体验为研究起点,用现象学方法参与教育研究,在教育实际中寻找教育的意义,不仅会不断丰富自己的教育思想和教学机智,也会使教育学焕发出生命的活力.  相似文献   

运用文献资料和逻辑分析法,对短跑运动代谢反应分析表明极限运动中磷酸肌酸对能量生成的重要性,为了补充肌肉中的糖原消耗,应给予高碳水化合物膳食。建议良好的平衡膳食包括以含碳水化合物为主的各种食物,以满足短跑运动员训练和比赛的需要。  相似文献   

高等师范教育是一种教师职业教育,在办学中应突出“师范性”。文章从高师院校的性质和任务决定其办学方向应紧紧围绕“师范性”出发,分析了高师办学中存在的问题,提出办学中突出“师范性”的对策。  相似文献   

分析灾害的特征及类型,可以发现,所有灾害的背后均有人为的因素。因而,提升人类自身应对灾害的能力,是全人类共同的任务。灾害教育学,就是要以人类的立场,关注人类的教育怎么应对自然的、人类自身的各种各样的灾害,从根本上反思和解决人类在发展观、价值定位、发展模式以及发展路径选择上的种种问题。  相似文献   

关于中国教育学的源头,有源自国外和国内两说。中国古代教育学文献《学记》,已经比较全面且程度不同地触及到了当今中国教育学最基本的内容,为中国教育学的发展开启了端绪。《学记》作为中国教育学的源头,既具有内容之实,又具有学理之实,对构建更加具有中国特色、中国风格和中国气派的中国教育学,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

回归生活世界的教育学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代教育学的危机,不是人们通常所认为的——它还不够科学的问题,而在于其把自身确立为教育学的唯一形式。学校教育就长期被这种教育学所控制,并因此而排斥其他形式的教育学。而这一切,又都根植于现代教育教学与个人魅力、共享知识和共同体情境的剥离之中。但现代教育学依然不能阻挡其他形式的教育学发声,现代社会也不单纯只有这一种教育学。对现代教育而言,迫切需要的是重新认识这几种并存的教育学之间的内在关联。通过将教育情境更加教育学化,而不是使教育学更多地成为个人的知识压力,完全可以为生活世界中的民间教育学提供一片广阔的制度空间。教育者和学习者的命运都将因此而重建。  相似文献   

近年来,“公共教育学”课程改革已逐渐成为教育界的研究热点之一.为了准确地认识“公共教育学”在我国的研究现状与发展趋势,本研究采用内容分析方法,以近十年(2002-2011)在中国期刊全文数据库中的核心期刊上所发表的有关公共教育学研究的文章作为研究的样本,从研究主体、研究方法、研究视角三个维度对我国公共教育学研究现状进行了分析,提出了建立结构更加合理的研究群体;实现定性与定量、思辨与实证研究的有效整合;增强研究视角多元化趋势的建议.  相似文献   

生命教育学作为一门学科呼之欲出,它研究生命教育的应然状态以及贯彻生命教育理念和原则的途径。它遵从教育学和大教育学各部类的学科规范,并广泛借鉴哲学、心理学、社会学等相关学科的思想和范畴,在大教育学的框架内构建起的一门中观学科。  相似文献   

论高等教育学与教育学的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建华 《教育研究》2004,25(8):17-20
论及高等教育学与教育学的关系,一般认为高等教育学是教育学的分支学科。但事实上,长期以来,教育学只是普通教育学的简称,在这种意义上,高等教育学与(普通)教育学完全是并列的关系。要想摆脱这种逻辑上的困境,使得“高等教育学是教育学的分支学科”成为客观的事实,重建完备的教育学是必需的前提。  相似文献   

本文从张楚廷先生的教育学著作解读出发,揭示其由科学探究而人文引领的教育学研究路径.从科学教育学的起步、成型,到哲学视角的凸显,再到其教育人文思考的全面深化,先生独到的科学-人文主义的学术发展理路,对当前我国教育学的发展具有重要的启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

教育与教育学应属于两个位面的概念,前者强调操作,后者着意研究;前者重在实践,而后者落于抽象。由此而产生了教育知识与教育学知识的区别与教育学科的分化。教育知识为教育工作者提供可供参照的行动方案,具有经验性和操作性,是一种实践知识,属形而下;教育学知识以价值观的引领为主要参照系,具有论理性、抽象性的特点,是实践哲学的理论范畴,属形而上。而且区分教育知识与教育学知识有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The author identifies historic factors supportive of the 20th-century church's embrace of a program model for youth ministry while showing how its location outside the centering practices of the church by century's end produced a strong theological critique. The presence of both qualitative and quantitative research data and the reality of post-Christendom strengthens this theological turn. Current youth ministry proposals are described as centered by the presence of vibrant, multigenerational, theologically involved congregations, an emphasis on the interpretive practices that help form baptismal vocational identity, and the presence of biblical narrative performances in the co-construction of congregational worship. Two authors of such proposals are discussed. Those who are asked to lead in such models will need competency in facilitating communal relationships as well as the ability to engage in the co-construction of a community's response to God in ministry and in worship.  相似文献   

在对教育何以可能和教育学如何名副其实的思考中,教育学知识逐渐浮出水面。之所以教育成"学"的过程一波三折、教育学屡遭困境,是因为生活的、实践的教育学知识观并未能取代本质主义的、宏伟叙事的和规范描述的教育学知识观。教育学知识不是静止的、符号化的陈述,而是实践的、生成的智慧,是站在生活和实践的立场上对教育不断进行批判的一种教育学思维。在芜杂纷乱的教育实践中,只有站在教育学知识的立场上,才能真正把握教育学的发展方向。  相似文献   

教育学作为一门年轻的学科,在产生后经历了其"学科性质"和"理论基础"的争论,回顾教育学发展的历史和现实,展望未来,教育学需要在发展中变革和重构.  相似文献   

教育学的性质除了理论性和实践性外,还有行动性。行动的教育学是提高教育学教学实效性的需要,是培养教育学教师教学监控能力的需要,是构建教师教育学的需要。教育学教师的行动要有良好的示范性,应做师德的表率、育人的模范和教学的专家,这是行动的教育学对教育学教师素质的规定性。  相似文献   

The literature on curricular integration in Jewish education has tended to focus on two basic paradigms. In the first paradigm, the integration of Jewish and general studies curricula represents the aspiration that the graduates of the institution will likewise integrate Jewish and general studies (or “Americanism” or “modernity”) in their lives. In the second paradigm, the integration of Jewish and general studies is conceptualized as a specific form of the more general educational desire for connection making. In this article, I critique specific articulations of these paradigms and argue instead for attention to the pedagogy of integrity.  相似文献   

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