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Amy Morris Homans was a great champion for women’s pursuit of leadership in physical education and sport. In honor of her legacy, the purpose of this article is to: (a) discuss some defining leadership characteristics of Amy Morris Homans; (b) examine leadership issues related to gender; (c) examine leadership issues related to kinesiology; and (d) delineate ways to overcome leadership obstacles related to both gender and kinesiology. In true Amy Morris Homans fashion, I draw from multiple perspectives to discuss these topics. I hope that this discussion at the congress challenges scholars to increase their awareness of the glass obstacles that confront our field, and design research studies on gender- and kinesiology-specific leadership challenges that will shatter those obstacles once and for all. If a new generation of women and men who champion women’s pursuit of and longevity in leadership roles is inspired, this lecture has been a success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this lecture is to provide the voice and visibility of African American women who have upheld the tradition of excellence set by Amy Morris Homans in the development of physical education in higher education for women and set pathways to transition our field to be more inclusive and diverse and have served as transformative leaders and role models for me and countless other teachers, scholars, and administrators. I used a combination of personal experiences and reflections on the legacy of Amy Morris Homans to describe how our collective wisdom, strength, and resilience in the face of social, political, and historical barriers have enabled us all to transform physical education and kinesiology in higher education. Final recommendations include continued commitment to facing our fears and making conscious efforts to embrace opportunities to be more inclusive in our programs.  相似文献   

Being asked to give the 39th Amy Morris Homans Commemorative Lecture at NAKPEHE is a tremendous honor. While certainly aware of Miss Homans' legacy related to the promotion of women, physical education, and the training of teachers, I admit it has been many years since revisiting details of her life and her work. In order to prepare my comments for this lecture, it seemed critical that I do so, and what a remarkable journey it has been these past months. It allowed me to come to know my own background more thoroughly, recognize where my own beliefs were developed, and understand what I hope is the impact of my work on prospective teachers and subsequently their pupils. Born 100 years almost to the day after Miss Homans, I too am a teacher educator. With this in mind, teaching and teacher education seemed an appropriate focus for this lecture today.  相似文献   

Motivated by her belief in the contributions of physical activity to the “good life” for all people, Amy Morris Homans was infl uential in the development of physical education as a viable and respected academic field of study in higher education. Over the past 100 years, however, as the field faced pressures to become more scientific, it has become increasingly decentralized into subdisciplinary units, thus, losing much of its unified mission and focus as an integrated field of study in academia. This fragmentation, along with the lack of an “umbrella” professional association or organizational home for the field (now most commonly called kinesiology) has hampered the field's ability to gain national recognition as a disciplinary field of study, its effectiveness as a political voice, and its ability to conduct the kind of cross-disciplinary research needed to best address important questions and issues in the field. Such overspecialization, together with a lack of a common name and common purpose, has raised concern about the field's identify and importance in higher education, with program cuts continuing to be the unfortunate result at a number of major universities. This paper addresses the importance of reconnecting the field and suggests a possible strategy for developing a new umbrella professional association dedicated to the unification and advancement of the field.  相似文献   

Amy Morris Homans had a vision that graduates of the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics and Wellesley College would make physical education a well-respected profession. The professional preparation received by her students equipped them to be educators, administrators, and future leaders of physical education. The purpose of this essay is to examine the socialization process that doctoral students in kinesiology experience as they prepare for their roles as future faculty in higher education. New faculty members quickly discover that they must be more productive than their predecessors, and they must possess broader talents to meet the societal expectations placed on university faculty. Three simultaneous socialization processes will be discussed: the role of the graduate student, the roles and way of life of faculty in higher education, and into the discipline. How can doctoral faculty better prepare future faculty to meet the expectations of the tenure and promotion process? Strategies by which the doctoral experience may be reformed to improve doctoral socialization are provided.  相似文献   

This article investigates the work of Henry Morris (1889–1961), in particular his ideas on the Cambridgeshire village colleges. It is now 90 years since the first of these was founded in Sawston in 1930, and the article aims to address the issue of whether Morris’s views on education and democracy encapsulated in the village colleges still have relevancy in the early twenty-first century. An overview of Morris’s career and the creation of the village colleges is investigated, using the work of Paul Hirst and associative democracy as a theoretical lens. It is argued that the Cambridgeshire village colleges do have some attributes of associative democracy, particularly their original emphasis as sites of local democracy and participation from voluntary bodies and private individuals. However, Morris’s role as Cambridgeshire’s Chief Education Officer (1922–1954) meant that the local state (in the guise of the County Council) played a more significant role in the village colleges than Hirst advocates for his version of associative democracy. As English primary and secondary schools turn from local authority control to academy status, Morris’s vision for local schools of and for local people is becoming increasingly compromised. The article ends with the work of Allen and Gann, both influenced by Morris, who argue for a revitalised form of comprehensive schooling and lifelong learning that again sees educational institutions as sites of grassroots democracy.  相似文献   

大众健美操融体操、戏曲、舞蹈、武术动作精华健身理念于一身,以其独特的魅力对女大学生的身心健康产生重大的影响。着重从身体和心理两方面阐述大众健美操对高校女生的影响,从而让大众健美操更好的在高校中传播,发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

目前,网络教育的专业培养方案并未真正体现网络教育的功能和特点,无论是从培养方案所应涵盖的内容项目,还是从培养方案的制定原则和具体思路方面,均需要科学的方法和指导。本文通过访谈,对网络教育专业培养方案及制定进行了充分的实地调研,分析了目前网络教育专业培养方案及制定中存在的突出问题,并针对这些问题,结合作者的相关研究及文献调研的结果,提出制定网络教育专业培养方案的主要内容、原则、关键环节及主要方法,以期为我国高校网络教育专业培养方案的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

陈凤珍 《高教论坛》2007,(6):130-131
壮族扁担健身操是结合我国少数民族传统体育特色,把壮族扁担的民族特色、特点融于体操、技巧、音乐的创编中,然后通过教学效应测试比较,为学校体育教学改革的多元化发展提供相应的理论依据.  相似文献   

美国大学教师发展的组织化历程及机构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国大学教师发展源于上世纪60年代初期,最初是由一些私人基金会组织资助的零星项目.经过70年代美国高等教育的发展与调整,美国一半以上的大学和学院设立了与教师发展相关的项目,并且建立起大学教师教学发展机构.80年代之后,大学教师发展机构的职能越来越多元化,并建立起大学教师发展联盟组织.  相似文献   

Throughout the modern homeschool movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, homeschooling families have clashed with public institutions. Early homeschoolers joined together to win favorable legislative and judicial outcomes that resulted in the legalization of homeschooling in all 50 states by the early 1990s. Homeschoolers continue to face opposition from professional educators and the organizations that advocate for them. But although some interactions between homeschoolers and public schools are confrontational, in other cases, public school districts offer a variety of resources and opportunities to home educators. Some homeschoolers accept public school offerings through charter or online schools that allow children to remain at home while completing public school curricula. Others have gained the right to access public school extracurricular programs including high school sports. Not all homeschoolers agree on the merit of participating in programs offered by public schools. It is likely that instances of both cooperation and confrontation will continue.  相似文献   

Early childhood parent programs have evolved from family‐oriented trends in the helping professions and a strong belief in the educational potential of early experiences. Recent conceptions of parents during the early years emphasize their role in providing educational experiences and the relationships of parents with programs and schools. In a variety of disciplines early education and treatment programs for children now focus on the behavior of the parent in relation to the young child. The parent is a learner; goals, strategies, and curriculum planning include family members as well as the child. Yet, clarification of parent and professional roles has proceeded slowly. This article describes the development and content of these programs, emerging theory, and implications concerning the child‐parent‐professional relationship.  相似文献   

当代中国高等专科教育从性质上可分为“本科压缩型”、“技术应用型”和“大众型”三类。在新世纪,这三类专科教育可能将会面临三种不同的命运:“本科压缩型”将改变教育目标,并逐步淡出历史舞台;“技术应用型”将进一步彰显专科特色,高专与高职在教育模式上将全面融合;“大众型”在制度和运行机制上将更加灵活多样,其“高等教育含量”也将得到提高。  相似文献   

上世纪90年代末以来,我国师范院校探索了多种多样的教师教育模式,对教师教育的发展具有重要意义。按教师职业标准来划分,可以分为小学教师教育模式、初中教师教育模式和高中教师教育模式;按师范院校的层次特征,可分为传统师范大学教师教育模式、地方新建本科师范学院教师教育模式和师范专科学校教师教育模式。此外,还可从教师培养年限、教师培养"开放—封闭"以及课程模块组合的角度来对我国教师教育模式进行分类分析。  相似文献   

研究型大学院系设置的比较分析与理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈佛大学与北京大学、麻省理工学院与清华大学的对比显示,每所学校与自己的对比方在总的学科设置上非常接近,但我国两所大学的学院数量远大于美国的两所大学。我国研究型大学应当适当减少学院数量,规范学院设置,提高学院内学科设置的综合性;加强和重视特色学院或特色学科的建设;分别设置本科生学院和研究生学院;重视交叉学科项目或研究中心的建立。  相似文献   

发展本科高职教育是社会经济发展的客观要求。如何办?谁来办?从我国高等职业教育的实际情况出发,由综合实力雄厚的独立设置的高职高专院校、普通大学名副其实办高职的二级学院、真心诚意转办高职的本科院校分别试办,有利于调动方面参与发展本科高职教育的积极性,有利于高职教育体系的形成,3有利于提高高职教育地位,有利于参与高职教育的国际竞争。  相似文献   

健美操是“美”的,并且是“横看成岭侧成峰”。本文用文献资料方法、观察方法、调查和研究方法,分析和探讨健美操"美"的丰富意义,旨在提高高校健美操的教学质量和效果,同时提高我们对于健美操认识的深度和广度,以期实现全民健身目标和计划。  相似文献   

论高职高专学报品牌的塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日益严重的文化市场冲击下,高职高专学报如何建立品牌,创建精品,已成为其首要任务。突出期刊特色,加强编辑队伍建设和培养与时俱进的创新精神,是塑造高职高专学报品牌的必由之路。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的不断加快,经济建设领域对职业翻译人才的需求越来越高。顺应时代的要求,高等院校尤其是高等职业院校纷纷设置商务英语专业,开设商务翻译课程,将培养商务翻译人才纳入职业教育的范畴。参照二十一世纪职业商务翻译工作者应该具备的从业素质,依据社会建构主义学习与教育理论,提出了作为职业教育的商务英语翻译人才的培养模式需要具备的三个要素。  相似文献   

The education profession in Germany is presented as a feminised profession. This is defined and qualified, showing what sort of schools women are employed in and why there is a difference between women's opportunities in certain school types. An analysis is presented as to why women were allowed to enter the education profession when they did, linking women's employment opportunities and national shortages. The prejudice still existing against women's professional status within the employment sector is questioned. The paper shows how the education profession in Germany has been feminised and how the feminisation of a profession affects its pay and social prestige.  相似文献   

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