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Students in an undergraduate course, entitled “Writing in Sport Management” experienced a service-learning component through an outreach program with local sport organizations. The primary tenet behind implementing this teaching method was that students would garner a better understanding of business writing if they wrote within the context of the private sector. The aim of the study was to make preliminary observations regarding the potential of servicelearning as a means of providing field experiences that could benefit both students and teachers. Class instructors sewed as support staff and evaluated results through student logs, class presentations, student memorandums, product review, and interviews with agency personnel and students. Results indicated that service-learning improves learning and supported the notion that this teaching technique can provide substantive field experiences while allowing the instructor to monitor the process.  相似文献   

The rapid advances made in information technologies over the past few years and the belief that technological change is neither additive nor subtractive to our state of affairs but that it generates total change, suggests that it is timely to consider the implications of these technologies for teaching, research, and professional activity. The task of trying to understand the future influence of information technologies is a challenging one because technology is shaped by an array of forces that includes tradition, politics, economic interests, history, philosophy, and competing technologies. The paper addresses the influence of technology under the following general topics: (a) Promise or peril? Two views on information technology; (b) The difficulty of accurately predicting the future role of information technology; (c) An overview of technological advances and some predictions; and (d) Aspects of special interest—virtual reality, Information Highway, thinking “better” with computers, and devaluation of the body.  相似文献   

Kinesiology is the study of movement or, more generally, the study of physical activity. The term kinesiology meets all the criteria for labeling the academic physical activity domain and has the useful advantage of being neutral in many of the current debates regarding emphases on the disciplinary, professional, or activity dimensions and subsets thereof. The study of physical activity in higher education should uniformly be called kinesiology at the levels of programmatic core, degree title, field of study, and department title.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent events concerning the evaluation of doctoral programs in kinesiology and physical education. An overview is provided of issues related to the evaluation process used by the National Research Council (NRC). The American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education (AAKPE) has developed a proposal to have our field included in the upcoming evaluation of doctoral programs conducted by the NRC currently scheduled for 2007. Also described is an overview of the plan by the AAKPE to conduct its own evaluation of doctoral programs in 2005. Finally, a listing of the 62 identified doctoral programs in our field is presented along with some program characteristics.  相似文献   

电脑网络正在影响人们生活的各个领域.作为现代生活重要内容的体育不可避免地受到其广泛影响,无论是在体育文化传播、体育教育方面,还是在体育产业、体育信息交流等方面,网络都在发挥着越来越大的作用.  相似文献   

One of the most long-standing controversies in kinesiology has been that of physical activity requirements (PARs) in corresponding degree programs. Despite a recommendation from the American Kinesiology Association to include “the practice of physical activity” in undergraduate kinesiology degree programs, some programs have PARs, while others do not. The question still remains: should physical activity be required for all kinesiology students? In this article, we build a case for PARs in kinesiology degree programs. First, we highlight the most common theoretical and practical objections to such requirements. The theoretical objections are namely dualism, materialism, and utilitarian pragmatism; the practical objections are cost, the credit crunch, and public perception. Second, and most importantly, we describe why these theoretical and practical objections fail. As unapologetic partisans on this issue, our primary aim is to highlight why PARs belong in every kinesiology degree program, regardless of concentration or area of emphasis.  相似文献   

Just as faculty are expected to refer to performance and behavior changes that occur by age, gender, and other factors, an infusion of information about individuals with disabilities requires us to focus on the range of human variability and its relation to physical activity across the life span. This call to infuse information about individuals with disabilities should affect most kinesiology/ physical education undergraduate and graduate curricula in institutions of higher education. Advocacy for this idea has been developing for many years (Hall & Stiehl, 1978; Sherrill, 1988; Stein, 1969). Such infusion could add to and enhance our ability to contribute to the broad goals of society. But for us to assume this role, we must change our curricula to meet our published mission of serving society. This change will help disciplinary and professional preparation programs produce a broader range of scholarly activity and provide leadership that other disciplines may envy  相似文献   


This article broadly addresses academic freedom and higher education in America, accentuating the viewpoint that change is not new. A historical overview of the state of the professoriate and social contexts are examined to situate the field of kinesiology into the context of the university. Ideas regarding the future of the field are addressed with an emphasis on the conduct of higher education scholars within this context. It is hoped that this article will not become an autopsy documenting the assault on the field, marginalization of the academy, and end of kinesiology in higher education, but will rather be a call to action for moving forward as a profession.  相似文献   


Massengale’s Trends Toward the Future of Physical Education (1987) makes no reference to the existence of the philosophic inquiry of physical activity within higher education kinesiology programs—even though the sub-discipline had been formalized by academics in the early 1970s. In contrast, Massengale and Swanson’s The History of Exercise and Sport Science (1997) dedicated a chapter to sport philosophy’s development, including a prognosis of its future. Since then, there has been tremendous growth in the sub-discipline, including an increase in publication outlets, stand-alone monographs, and the creation of academic associations globally. Yet this growth has not necessarily secured sport philosophy’s place in higher education curriculum. In this article, we briefly review the history of philosophic inquiry into physical activity and review previous predictions of the sub-discipline’s future before offering our own prognostication of its future in higher education.  相似文献   

黄建 《宜宾学院学报》2005,5(6):118-120
终身体育这一新的体育思想,已成共识。学校体育的重要组成部分高校体育对终身体育有着深远的影响和至关重要的作用高校体育应怎样改革才能培养学生终身体育锻炼的习惯,使之与社会体育、终身体育相接轨。  相似文献   

What is a good kinesiologist? Is it possible that the ancient and medieval tradition of the Cardinal Virtues sheds light on this question? The four Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, courage, and temperance are so called from the Latin cardo meaning “hinge.” The Cardinal Virtues are said to be the hinge upon which all the other virtues rest or turn. They are the foundation of good character. If this is right, then the answer to the question posed is simple. The good kinesiologist is prudent, just, courageous, and temperate. Therefore, to move the field forward, even on a practical level, kinesiologists must give due attention to the virtues.  相似文献   

后疫情时代,给"互联网+"体育教育线上线下虚实融合教学带来新的挑战,"体育教育治理"业已成为当前体育教学改革的热点话题。通过运用多元话语分析法、计算机辅助(NVivo12.0 Plus,Cite Space V)等质性研究方法,对"互联网+"时代体育教育治理进行研究,结果显示:人工智能、可穿戴设备、5G、云计算等信息技术与体育教育深度融合,凸显出现代体育教育的大数据思维、体验思维、O2O思维、极致思维等互联网思维烙印。在"互联网+"时代,体育教育教学空间应从封闭走向开放,体育教育公共服务从供给方走向需求侧,体育教育课程体系从局部变革走向生态重构,体育教育教学评价从结果考核走向过程监管,体育教育管理模式从个人单向管理走向人机协同治理,助推体育教育治理现代化进程。  相似文献   


This article presents a rationale for the infusion of social justice into kinesiology programs for the purpose of reducing inequities in society. Specifically, the current climate for social justice is considered and discussed using examples from an university-inspired service-learning initiative, law, and politics. Of note are the following areas of discussion: (a) differentiation between social diversity and social justice, (b) public pedagogy as a means by which to inspire service action, (c) the creation of climates for speech and application of social justice, (d) modeling and socialization for equity, and (e) the neoliberal threat to inclusiveness. The article concludes with suggestions for practice, research, and training to implore kinesiology programs to position movement as an issue of justice.  相似文献   

The results from a U.S. national survey of doctoral programs in kinesiology and physical education covering the years 2000-2004 are presented. The survey was conducted by the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education with all 61 institutions with doctoral programs (32 institutions provided complete data, 52%) invited to participate. Results of the survey included an overall final T-score used for ranking of institutions. Quantitative data on faculty (weighted 66% in the scoring) and student indices (weighted 34% in the scoring) were used to develop the final T-scores as well as T-scores for component data. In addition, average data for all variables are presented by the T-score categories of 60 and above, 50-59, 40-49, and below 40. The American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education plans to conduct this survey and reporting process at 5-year intervals.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cultural analysis of our field of study through the lens of one word: kinesiology. Through historical, anthropological, and semiological interpretation, the cultural use of the word is discussed within the academic field of physical activity studies in North America. The study of the use, or the philology, of kinesiology within the study of physical activity is traced from its traditionally recognized Greek roots to the present cultural use, which is shown to symbolize the postmodern world. The progression from which kinesiology evolved, fist describing a “course of study,” then meaning a broad academic field, is noted. Throughout the term's existence in the field, common motifs associated with its use are highlighted. These motifs include coupling of the modem word to ancient Greek origins; the signification of “action,” “change,” “unique,” and “special” aspects; the use of the word to denote scientific, disciplinary, and academic characteristics; and the appropriation of the word to symbolize integration and wholeness.  相似文献   

互联网的兴起和普及使人们的生活发生了巨大变化,对素质教育也产生了巨大影响。研究互联网对青少年素质教育的影响,找出相应的对策,引导青少年正确使用互联网,无疑是当前教育中需要解决的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

伴随网络媒体的快速发展,反映社会现状的网络社会已经形成。网络媒体的方便、快捷、超越时空及其信息发布的隐蔽性,为网民素养提出迫在眉睫的解决课题。基于网络的虚拟社区教育平台的功用和价值普遍受到世界各国的高度重视。如今,我国网民数量每年剧增,各种网络社会问题层出不穷,一方面揭示了网民个体素养、自控能力等方面需要得到社会的关注,另一方面网络虚拟社区亟待打造健康、环保的教育管理环境。  相似文献   

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