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第一次与韩庚在北京面对面,可以用“忙而不乱”来形容。一边忙着转移采访阵地,另一边10多个Fans穷追不舍,却只是秩序井然地围住韩庚的保姆车,对着车里的他直呼“加油”,话语里满是希望和期盼。许多中国人因为韩庚而知道Super Junior,许多韩国人因为他,而给了Super,Junior特别的爱。我说,是韩庚令我懂得了,什么才是“奇迹”。  相似文献   

3月22日,KUT-TUN终于在Fans的翘首期盼中出道了。他们就像每个J家组合的出道一样,伴随着一系列的趣事和新记录的诞生。但,你还记得那些出道事件吗?现在,为你总结了关于J家出道的30事,让你回忆起那一刻的精彩与喜悦。  相似文献   

Mick was seen leaving the theatre at the interval(幕间休息)during anew play. “Excuse me,sir”,said the doorman,“Isn’t the play to your liking?”“It’s not that at all,”said Mick. “It’s just that the programme saysthat the second act takes place two weeks later,and my mother told me to be  相似文献   

张庆 《中学文科》2004,(3):29-29
On one of his lecture trips, Mark Twain arrived at a small town.Before dinner he went to a barber shop(理发店)to have a shave(修面).  相似文献   

The Reason of Being Late Teacher;Johnny,why aye you late for schoolevery morning? Johnny:Every time I come to the cornel,aguidepost(路标)says,‘School-GoSlow’.  相似文献   

This is Pam.She is 10 years old.She is short and pretty.Pam is in Class 4,Grade 5. This is Pam's family.She has two broth- ers and one sister.They are in Grade 5,too. Her sister's name is Beth.Beth is 10 like Pam.  相似文献   

Several vears ago I studied in a university(大学)in the biggest city in Australia. It's beautiful there but it's hot in 1 .So I usually returned to my hometown when my 2 began.My hometown  相似文献   

Several yearsago I studied in auniversity(大学)inthe biggest city inAustralia.It's beau-tiful there but it'shot in 1 .So Iusually returned tomy hometownwhen my 2 be-gan.My hometown  相似文献   

My dear readers,Weather is very important to us.We need to know the weather to plan our days.Mary is curious about the different kinds of weather How does she learn about the weather?Let's read to find out.  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is held every four years in a different city in theworld.The Games has become the most important athletic events and a symbolof friendship of all the people of the world!Athletes from different countriestake part in the sports.These spor…  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is held every four years in a different city in the world. The Games has become the most important athletic events and a symbol of friendship of all the people of the world! Athletes from different countries take part in the sports. These sports include winter and summer games.  相似文献   

ing releasin     
io of ALT and LDH in supernatant of cell cultured with 25% serum at different time (0, 8, 24 or 48hrs), there was no significant difference be  相似文献   

昨天晚上,我在浴室里被一只无名小虫“咬”了一口。我踏进浴室准备洗澡,左脚刚伸进拖鞋,突然感到脚背上一阵钻心刺骨的疼痛。我连忙把脚从拖鞋里抽出来,心想:谁干的?把仙人球的刺拔下来,塞在我的拖鞋里,害得我脚背上冒出了一个痛得要命的红点。我俯下身子,仔细地端详着一阵疼痛后留在我脚背上的这个红点,越看越觉得不对头:这红点不像是仙人球的刺扎的,像是被什么虫子咬的。我赶紧在浴室的地上找起虫子来,可找了半天,只找到一具蚂蚁的尸体。正当我准备放弃时,突然从我左脚大脚趾和中趾之间爬出一只黄黑相间的甲壳虫,它爬到我的大脚趾上晒起了…  相似文献   

1.网银是我爸帮舞的,用的时候发现验证信息是:“女儿努力!”2.妈说:“想你的时候,就一个人去逛街,就想着那些漂亮衣服穿在我女儿身上是什么样子的,这样我就开心了。”  相似文献   

This article describes how Metacognitive Journals were used to teach prospective early childhood educators about constructivism. We emphasize the importance of modeling constructivist pedagogy and cultivating students' metacognitive potential. We share the effects on our students' learning and on our teaching. We also offer recommendations for teacher educators to incorporate Metacognitive Journals in their practice  相似文献   

There are so many people who like to ask what friendship is. But it's very difficult to give an an- swer, because friendship isn't the same. If I have to answer this question, I will say: Friendship is just something between two persons. It can make people easier to communicate, or know  相似文献   

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