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In the research on education, the field roughly covered by the concept of Bildung has seen a wide-ranging discussion philosophically but less has been said and done from an empirical and vocational perspective. Bildung includes matters such as: formation of character, ethical and aesthetic knowledge/capability, capacity for wise deliberation and reflection as well as the development of personal autonomy. The focus here is on how narratives about teaching and curricula, both enacted and experienced, can be used to articulate significant aspects of Bildung-related practical knowledge. The empirical basis for this draws on a variety of narrative sources. By presenting, comparing and discussing narratives, it will be argued that there is a number of Bildung-related educational matters, not least in vocational education and training, where a narrative articulation can contribute. These can be differentiated in at least five groups: enriching knowledge of vocational tasks; conceptual development and critical reflection; advancement of practice; development of ‘practice fields’ and the articulation of patterns of vocational Bildung affordances. In distinguishing these different ways in which vocational Bildung as a form of practical knowledge can be enriched through narrative studies, the article contributes to our capacity for doing systematic research in the subject area.  相似文献   

Education,Movement, and the Rationality of Practical Knowledge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Curriculum models in physical education are rarely discussed in relation to the school curriculum as a whole. The purpose of this article is to examine the initiation view of education, which is essentially a knowledge-cum-ethicalaccount of education. It will be found that the type of knowledge prescribed is predominantly of a theoretical kind and as a consequence allows little or no room for physical pursuits. It is argued that this account of knowledge is limiting and reductionist, and that if rationality in a broader sense is to be a central concern of education, then practical knowledge in the form of such activities as sport and dance should form a necessary part of a balanced education.  相似文献   


This article will derive a definition and account of the physically educated person, through an examination of the philosophy of Andrew Reid, Richard Peters and Aristotle. Initially, Reid’s interpretation of Peters’ views about the educational significance of practical knowledge (and physical education) will be considered. While it will be acknowledged that Peters was rather disparaging about the educational merit of some practical activities in Ethics and Education, it will be argued that he elsewhere suggests that such practical activities could be educationally worthwhile in and of themselves. In Education and the educated man he specified that practical activities should be regarded as educationally important if they are either transformed by theoretical understanding and/or pursued to the point of excellence. In suggesting that education involves the cultivation of both theoretical and practical human excellences it is argued that Peters’ philosophy of education begins to take on a more Aristotelian bent. After exploring Aristotle’s notion of virtue (human excellence) and his discussion of physical training in The politics, it is claimed that physical education activities might be most worthwhile when they extend the moral habits and/or modes of thought of pupils, towards excellence. It is concluded that physically educated persons should be defined as those who have learned to arrange their lives in such a way that the physical activities they freely engage in make a distinctive contribution to their long-term flourishing.  相似文献   

通过对物理化学实验课教学的多个环节进行探索,其结果有助于提高高校物理化学实验的教学质量,同时有望在培养学生的实验操作能力方面取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

The approach of vocational Bildung didactics has been developed to investigate practical knowledge in matters of education for Bildung and phronesis (practical wisdom). Case narratives of unusual richness or success are at the core of the approach, each case representing an articulation of someone’s practical knowledge. The concept of a practice as developed by MacIntyre is introduced here as a way of situating the practical knowledge of Bildung and phronesis gained from case narratives. A series of case studies are discussed to examine the practices that surfaced. The result is a differentiation of MacIntyre’s concept in two directions: one more specific called vocational practice and one more general called a cultural practice. This differentiation is then applied to the case studies and it is argued that it helps illuminate aspects of them that previously were difficult to comprehend within the framework of vocational Bildung didactics. The conclusion is that biographical cases where cultural and vocational practices intersect are uniquely positioned to afford knowledge of how such intersections have been achieved through education and what they have meant for the person initiated into such matrixes. This, in turn, contributes to the insight with which we are able to design vocational education and training curricula that support initiation into dynamic vocational practices with a focus on the goods and virtues possible to develop through them.  相似文献   

学习的最基本含义是,通过认知、情感和实践的手段改变学习者的体验.本文将分析如何基于这一含义设计人文社会科学方面的课程和专业.人类生活中,心理环境、社会环境和物理环境要和谐,只要有不和谐状态发生,我们就会设法改变各方面的环境,从而重建这些关系,或者创建新型的关系.教学也是这样一种过程,通过该过程,我们可以或者应当提供新的信息、观念和价值等,以对学习者的现状进行干扰,帮助学习者获得新知识.新内容的展示是可以引起质疑的过程,学习者在这一过程中将设法建立新的和谐关系,教师也可以利用学习者对不和谐状态在认知(知识、信念和价值观)、情感和实践上的反应引导学习者.学习的结果始终是改变了的人.尽管本文主要是理论性的,但也有实践的一面,将以全球化为例进行说明,可作为构建课程的基础.  相似文献   


Traditional analytical philosophy of education assigns a peripheral place to physical education, partly because orthodox epistemology finds its cognitive claims implausible. An understandable but dubious response to this state of affairs is the attempt to relocate physical education within the academic curriculum, with its characteristic emphasis on theoretical knowledge and formal assessment. Dissatisfaction with this response suggests an analysis of physical activity in terms of practical knowledge or knowing how, but the results of this seem inconclusive. More recently, the development of neurocomputational and embodied-cognition approaches in cognitive science appears to offer alternative ways of understanding motor skill and physical activity, and thus of rescuing physical education from its marginal status. But these strategies are not unproblematic, particularly where questions of personal agency and motor control are concerned. Examination of these issues prompts a radical reconsideration of the traditional problem of physical education, and consequently of some familiar assumptions in the philosophy of education.  相似文献   

In teacher training it is necessary to take into account the practical knowledge student teachers have about teaching. Student teachers should have the opportunity of integrating theories that are being taught with their own practical knowledge. This can only happen if the student teacher recognises the theories as being relevant to their teaching practice. To facilitate and stimulate such an integration process, teacher trainers need to have insight in the content and the development of the practical knowledge of teaching. This content and development will be described and there will be given some implications for teacher training.  相似文献   

In the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, there are advanced physics courses designed for the needs of pre-service physics teachers. The starting point is that after introductory and intermediate physics courses, pre-service physics teachers know laws and definitions but the knowledge is quite fragmented and does not form coherent wholes. Graphical tools called didactical reconstructions were developed to help pre-service physics teachers to consolidate their physics knowledge. The idea behind the reconstructions is that “new” physics knowledge is always constructed based on previous knowledge (quantities, laws, theory). This means that every new concept is connected to previous concepts when it is formed; this is captured in the didactical reconstruction of processes. Then, when the knowledge is further constructed, the formed concept will be connected to other new concepts. This approach leads to the didactical reconstruction of structure: networks of quantities and laws, where the experiments and models construct the connections between quantities and laws. Here an overview and summary of the educational approach based on the didactical reconstruction is given for the first time. The results of the previously reported case studies show that the didactical reconstructions help students to connect the knowledge pieces into meaningful and more coherent wholes. These didactical reconstructions are now an integral part of our pre-service physics teacher education.  相似文献   

This article theorizes on the role of school subjects, especially history, in multicultural and intercultural education, arguing that to ensure intercultural learning there is a need to integrate these curricular intentions in subject teaching. However, the epistemological reorganization that such integration involves will challenge both a traditional structured content knowledge, and the multicultural research focused on deconstructing these traditions. This article investigates Michael Young’s concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ as a way to incorporate knowledge in the discourses of intercultural education. While proponents of the intercultural perspective emphasise educational policies and socialisation, advocates of powerful knowledge tend to dismiss such political interference. In order to use powerful knowledge in this context the concept is reconceptualised by relating it to curriculum theory and Gert Biesta’s conceptual distinction between educational purposes. Finally, this intersection is pursued through the example of history education. When acknowledging that societal needs, policy and disciplinary boundaries are interrelated, the perspective of ‘powerful knowledge’ can bring the potential of subject knowledge to intercultural research, and thus prove useful in identifying the guidelines necessary to develop History as a contemporary relevant subject.  相似文献   


While global human rights knowledge has become a central facet of curricula used to shape multicultural societies and develop cosmopolitan citizenry, such knowledge is shaped by sociopolitical context. Japan has a long history of incorporating human rights concepts into its citizenship curriculum; however, this curriculum is produced in a political context where there is resistance to extending rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, and where there are renewed attempts to emphasise traditional Japanese cultural values through education. Potential tensions have been recognised, yet little has been written about educational knowledge as end product. Based partially on Basil Bernstein’s concepts, a mixed-method approach utilising computer-based analytical techniques was used to examine the structure and content of human rights knowledge within upper-secondary Contemporary Social Studies textbooks representing Japan’s official curriculum. This article will argue that the curriculum establishes an inconsistent standard toward rights that undermines respect for individuals.  相似文献   

通过对经营管理类专业的职业环境设置和全程仿真模拟教学进行研究和实践,构建能把知识、能力、素质三者有机形成并渗透融合同步养成的嫁接链和复合载体,使知识的传授与学生专业能力的形成,以及综合素质的养成有机融合。其核心的理念是为学生接受知识、能力、素质的培养和训练寻找这样一种内在的嫁接链和复合载体,使学生在校期间,在仿真职业氛围下,受到具有时代特征和未来岗位相对应的职业技能和实际工作能力训练,实现学生就业能力与企业岗位要求的“零距离”对接。  相似文献   

Changing knowledge regimes: Universities in a new research environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper takes an apparent knowledgeparadox as its point of departure. `Knowledge'has acquired a more all encompassing meaningtoday, yet this has not strengthened thesupport for and confidence in higher educationinstitutions. On the contrary, it is oftenclaimed that they have outlived theirusefulness. In trying to understand thedevelopment behind this paradox, we deal withthree issues. We discuss first thewidening concept of knowledge and the claimthat there is emerging a new mode of knowledgeproduction. Secondly the widening concept ofknowledge is put into a social and politicalcontext, where massification and its socialimplications are discussed. Thirdly we developa theoretical framework based on the concept ofknowledge regimes. In this part wediscuss how the concept of knowledge regimesand the related concepts of knowledgeinterests and knowledge alliances may behelpful in understanding the complexities andambiguity of higher education development.Finally we discuss some implications regardingknowledge's role in social development. Wequestion the assumption that there is anecessary relationship between a wideningconcept of knowledge and a given form ofknowledge development.  相似文献   

The article sets out to develop the concept of attention as a key aspect to building the possible therapeutics that Bernard Stiegler’s recent works have pointed to (The Automatic Society, 2016, The Neganthropocene, 2018 and Qu’appelle-t-on Panser, 2018). The therapeutic aspect of pharmacology takes place through processes that are neganthropic; therefore, which attempt to counteract the entropic nature of digital technologies where there is flattening out to the measurable and the calculable of Big Data. The most obvious examples of this flattening out can be seen in relation to the use of natural language processing technologies for text interpretation and the use of text analytics alongside student analytics. However, the process of exosomatisation of knowledge takes place in forms of hypomnesic tertiary retentions or digital technologies. The loss of knowledge is inherent to these processes of exteriorisation, this loss of knowledge takes place through a process proletarianisation which Marx had pointed to in the Grundisse (1939). The therapeutic gesture is, therefore, an intrinsically educational one, where the loss of knowledge of the pharmacological nature of digital technologies is counteracted by other forms of knowledge construction that can be enabled by digital technologies. Hence, there is a profound educational gesture necessary to enable the re-harnessing of technology to enable the therapeutics. This paper will argue that the positive re-harnessing, the therapeutics, can take place through the development of new forms of neganthropic gestures which can be afforded by the development of specific forms of digital technologies. These also enable a contributive research process whereby the rationalisation of the production of knowledge within the university can be challenged by collaborative, interpretative processes of knowledge production.  相似文献   

在知识经济和信息化社会,培养大学生的实践能力和创新精神已成为高校教育教学改革的主要目标。实践教学是高校培养应用型创新人才的重要途径。基于"循环互动"理念来探索高校文科类专业实践教学体系的构建,有利于提高文科专业实践教学的水平与质量。  相似文献   

在基础教育课程改革的背景下,中学体育教学面临新的挑战.基于胜任力理论的研究成果,结合学科、学段以及性别特征,对中学女性体育教师胜任力概念、内涵和特征进行了分析,在此基础上,根据胜任力建模方法,构建了中学女性体育教师胜任力模型——KAP金字塔模型,包括综合知识、教学能力、个性特质3个维度以及专业知识、教学知识、实践能力、管理能力、创新能力、自我认知和价值取向7个因子.  相似文献   

有效教学要求教师具备丰富的实践性知识。然而,我国教师实践性知识缺失,亟待提高。教学反思是教师实践性知识生成和发展的重要机制。教学反思从教师的教育信念、教师的职业道德感等方面促进教师实践性知识发展。因此,教师应努力培养自身教学反思能力,促进实践性知识的发展,改进教学实践。  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ and provides new perspectives on an important emergent theory for education. We claim that the key to attaining powerful knowledge is ‘epistemic access’ to the discipline, which is access of the generative principles of knowledge creation. We draw on 15 years teaching and researching a university science programme in which undergraduate ecology students are trained as researchers during the 3 years they attend university. Hence, there is close alignment between teaching students to do research and powerful knowledge. In addition, it has been suggested that the ‘power’ in powerful knowledge is realised in what is done with that knowledge, that its purpose is social since it allows the holder to make a better contribution to society. We argue that in addition to such an aspirational ‘outcome’, it can be part of the process of education and early acquisition of powerful knowledge can influence all subsequent formal and informal learning experiences as the student progresses though university. A model for powerful knowledge is presented in which there is the possibility of powerful action after graduation, but this remains in the theoretical realm while there is very little empirical evidence supporting such a hypothesis for ecology students. Powerful action also questions the limits of responsibility for a teacher.  相似文献   

汉语言文学专业的文学课程对于培养学生的人文情怀、审美能力和构建合理的知识、素质与能力结构,是至关重要的。但目前的教学现状是,该类课程在教学观念与方法上还存在语文化、科学化、实践教学体系不完善等问题。倡导和研究文学课程的探究式教学范式,能够纠正长期以来该类课程教学存在的偏离应用型人才培养的倾向,引导学生将"知识"内化为"素质",并转化为"能力",从而提高学生的文学审美素养、赏析能力和应用知识分析现实问题、解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

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