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In attempt to honor the legacy of Dudley Allen Sargent and address our current concerns in kinesiology in a transformative manner, this article examines both our collective and individual narratives with respect to kinesiology and examines how this relates to our identity. In the language of anthropologist Clifford Geertz, we need to examine the kind of stories we tell about ourselves and the kind of stories others tell about us. I contend that we need to not only share our own individual and collective narratives but also make space to listen to the narratives of others.  相似文献   

北京奥运对河北体育旅游业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京奥运给周边地区的旅游业提供了良好的发展机会。本文针对河北省现有体育旅游资源进行分析,寻求适合开发河北体育旅游资源的新模式。  相似文献   

福柯部分肯定和部分否定马克思。这种部分肯定与部分否定构成扬弃式继承与理论超越。福柯强烈批判马克思的经济决定论与国家权力观,但又和马克思同样对资本主义持强烈批判姿态。在新历史语境中福柯发展权力的微观机制理论为种族、性别、生态等多元话语批评提供了坚实的理论基础并启发了后马克思主义话语多元政治与霸权结合理论。  相似文献   

Dialogue has been analyzed by educational theorists mainly from a perspective of representation. However, social theory on language has long questioned whether representation is the primary function of language. Thus, educational debates over the uses and abuses of dialogue entail a blind spot. What if dialogue works in ways that are not representational? What if dialogue is, rather, to be understood as both representation and discourse? In this article, the author argues that dialogue must be understood in both ways. As such, dialogue may be a representational benefit, but it is also a discursive danger.  相似文献   

与我国教育语境或现代中心论意义上的主体性概念不同,后现代主义者如福柯认为,主体性是历史地建构起来的,是话语论述、社会实践以及自我创造的产物,具有多样性、流动性和异质性的特点。从福柯之眼透视儿童主体性,我们更容易把握儿童的教育过程以及教育过程中儿童的处境,进而为思考儿童的教育之道以及儿童自身获得实践自由的可能性和现实路径,提供重要的思维工具与行动方向。  相似文献   

The sociology of sport literature is now sufficiently broad to allow a general analysis of research patterns in this field. To facilitate the identification of these vectors of expansion, sources referenced in articles published in Sociology of Sport Journal and Journal of Sport and Social Issues between 2003 and 2011 are examined in terms of sources referenced. Highly cited sources often used together in the same sources can be combined through bibliometric methods in clusters of similar influential publications, which together can be used to map the field. The resulting clusters show that a dominant pattern in these clusters is the preeminent role played by authors like Foucault, Bourdieu, and Connell. To help explain the preeminence of these authors’ work, a hypothesis is proposed, which interprets it with the help of institutional theory as an effort of a field to find legitimacy by developing research from reference academic disciplines that concerns sport or is closely linked to it (e.g., through the concept of corporeality).  相似文献   

体育营销是提升企业品牌知名度与品牌形象,扩大产品销售和提高企业市场竞争力的有效方法。在奥运会体育营销战略中,企业应将商业营销与人文精神、创造力、持续性、整合等概念相结合,使得受众更深刻地理解体育精神,满足产品带来的高层次的精神需求,提升和延伸品牌价值。  相似文献   

从北京奥运会看世界男子篮球运动发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、观察统计法对北京奥运会男子篮球比赛的全过程和结果进行分析研究.从篮球规则的演变、身体条件的要求、技战术的发展三个方面论述了当今世界男子篮球运动的发展趋势.指出篮球规则正朝着空间、时间、数量和质量变化的方向演变;身体条件上要求队伍逐渐大型化.位置趋于模糊,身体素质要求更加严格;技战术的发展趋于打法快速、灵活,高成功率,进攻犀利、防守凶狠、快速攻防转换."整体篮球"意识强烈.不同技术流派相互融合和促进.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和数字化时代的到来,大众的人际交流方式和表达意义的形式不再以单一的纯文本释义而是呈现出多模态的趋势。2014年南京青奥会会徽整体布局简单、明快;会徽的色彩汇聚了11种鲜亮的颜色,让人觉得鲜艳明快,朝气蓬勃;会徽的文字分别由拼音、英语、阿拉伯数字三类组成;会徽的构图是上中下的总体结构。集结了多种符号信息的青奥会徽是典型的多模态有机体,它很好得诠释与传达了当今社会的复杂信息。  相似文献   

徐刚 《中国德育》2007,2(11):29-31,61
随着奥林匹克运动的不断发展,奥林匹克教育已经成为全球重要的教育命题。中国少先队在少年儿童奥林匹克教育中,尤其是在主题活动的策划、组织与实施方面发挥着重要作用。在北京筹办2008年奥运会之际,少先队需要抓住时机,找准工作重点,丰富教育内容,加强自身建设,将奥林匹克教育深入推进,促进少年儿童的全面发展。  相似文献   


French poststructuralist philosopher Michel Serres writes about knowledge production throughout his work. He is of particular importance to educationists because the production of knowledge shapes our discipline. But Serres is oftentimes dismissed by educationists and philosophers because of his idiosyncratic style. We argue that his style makes him unique. Serres’s style helps scholars think differently. In the first part of this paper, we will discuss matters of style and argue that Serres’s radical departure from the way in which traditional philosophy is written helps education scholars advance our field. In the second part of this paper, we argue that Serres’s work on knowledge production can be better understood in connection with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Dewey, Martin Heidegger and Gaston Bachelard. In this paper, we will focus upon three of Serres’s books: Genesis, The Troubadour of Knowledge and The Parasite. Scattered throughout these works are Serres’s ideas on knowledge production.  相似文献   

Recognising the relevance of Iris Marion Young's work to education, this article poses the question: given Iris Young's commitment to both social justice and to recognition of the political and ethical significance of difference, to what extent does her position allow for transnational interventions in education to foster democracy? First, it explores some of Iris Young's arguments on the relationship between democracy and social justice, with particular reference to their implications for education. Second, I argue that if her ideas are extended to the issue of global justice, the strategies which she offers should be extended, at least when it comes to educational intervention, to allow for a wider range of actions in support of global justice through education for democracy than Iris Young's work so far seems to allow. The wider range of strategies which I propose call on western feminists and their governments to do more to promote democracy and social justice globally. This can be done in ways that are consistent with Iris Young's stipulation that transnational interference is permissible if undertaken against dominative harm.  相似文献   

Autonomy is considered to be an important feature of professionals and to provide a necessary basis for their informed judgments. In this article these notions will be challenged. In this article I use Michel Foucault's deconstruction of the idea of the autonomous citizen, and his later attempts to reconstruct that idea, in order to bring some new perspectives to the discussion about the foundation of professionalism. The turning point in Foucault's discussion about autonomy is to be found in his proposal for an ethics of the self. This ethics invites a break with the normalising discourses of modernity. As I see it, this makes it particularly relevant to a discussion about the principles of professionalism. The conception of parrhesia is central. I use the role of the teacher to illustrate my arguments.  相似文献   

中华武术和奥林匹克运动无论从起源、发展轨迹、民族性格,还是从具体操作来看,都是两个难以相容的主题.北京申奥成功与武术入奥、武术发展并不能画上等号,为求入奥而削足适履的武术项目不利于中华武术文化在全世界的传播,武术入奥求发展弊大于利.  相似文献   

An increased awareness of the gendered traditions of physical activity portrayed in vintage book series for girls and boys may provide teachers with a deeper understanding of (still) current ideological assumptions affecting female and male participation in sport and recreational activity. This article explores a unique girls’ fiction series about competitive high school sport for females during the Progressive Era. These stories are significant in that they enabled young women to explore conventional and resistant viewpoints about competitive sport, usually a strictly masculine preserve. While these struggles occurred nearly one hundred years ago, echoes of these issues reverberate today in contemporary high school physical education and competitive sport programs.  相似文献   

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