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Despite increasing acceptance of LGBTQ individuals in America, homophobia and homophobic attitudes among police officers are still a concern. Both LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ officers report harassment and discrimination at the hands of police officers. Empirical evidence suggests that these homophobic attitudes are evident among students preparing for criminal justice careers. A number of studies have found that those who plan on law enforcement careers are significantly more homophobic. The current study sought to explore criminal justice students’ attitudes toward LGBTQ individual and LGBTQ police officers. Pursuant to a survey of criminal justice majors at a large public university, findings suggest that males pursuing a law enforcement track expressed the most homophobia and homophobic attitudes. Further statistical analysis indicated that gender, not the law enforcement track, predicts homophobia and homophobic attitudes.  相似文献   

行政执法是我国政治学研究的重要内容。我国国家机构的运行机制还处在不断的完善之中,对行政执法理论及实践研究还不够,一方面要看到行政执法工作取得了巨大成绩,另一方面也要看到行政执法工作存在的问题,以期加强和改进行政执法工作。  相似文献   

企业所得税税务筹划问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国企业所得税税务筹划的存在问题,在外部环境方面包括税收制度不够完善、税收执法随意性大等问题;在内部环境方面包括企业的税务筹划意愿不足、财务会计行为规范程度不够、会计政策利用不充分等问题。要解决这些问题必须营造税务筹划的法制化环境,强化企业开展税务筹划的意识,并做好优化企业所得税税务筹划的会计基础工作。  相似文献   

第一次鸦片战争前 ,清政府实行禁教政策。战后 ,传教士通过不平等条约 ,猎取了一系列权利 ,但仍受到一定的约束和限制。两次鸦片战争间的中外和平时期 ,清政府实行限教政策。  相似文献   

This study examines student responses to the question, “What circumstances, if any, could make cheating justified?” It then assesses how well those responses can be classified by existing theories and categories that emerge from a qualitative analysis of the data. Results show considerable support for techniques of neutralization, partial support for the accounts perspective, and further insights from emergent categories. Reasons offered by students as justifications for cheating serve both rational decision making and post-hoc rationalizations. Policies designed to promote academic integrity must address both of those. The rational decision making view suggests an implicit contract between instructor and student that offers opportunities for reducing cheating by clarifying expectations for students and by designing courses that live up to the instructor’s side of that contract. The rationalizing view reinforces the need for consistent enforcement of clear standards.  相似文献   

185 secondary teachers of mathematics responded to a questionnaire asking them to rate their competence with and classroom use of databases, spreadsheets, Logo and Basic. In addition they were invited to offer curricular justifications for each of the four pieces of software. Overall there was a wide spread of competence with, and classroom use of, all four pieces of software. Databases were perceived to have limited curricular value with justifications focusing on narrow aspects of data handling. Logo was viewed positively with justifications addressing issues such as motivation and covering a range of geometrical topics. Spreadsheets were seen as the most versatile software with justifications being spread across a range of curriculum areas. With few exceptions Basic was dismissed as being of little use. Competent teachers who used software regularly tended to have shorter lengths of service, better qualifications and were more likely to be male than female. The converse was also found to be true.  相似文献   

光绪七年至光绪十年间山西的禁毒运动是张的禁烟思想的切实体现,政府与民间相辅相成的禁烟主体、禁种与禁吸齐头并进的禁烟策略、先难后易恩威并施的禁烟方法和富有延续性的禁烟法令构成了张氏借鉴以往、以示后人的禁烟政策的主体结构.正是在这种严密合理的禁烟理论指导下,晋省的禁烟措施取得了显著成效,同时为清末新政时期的禁烟运动提供了可兹借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

This article shows how the Catalan government has not developed an agenda to tackle school segregation despite the growing number of migrant pupils who arrived over the course of the last decade. Education policy has explicitly disregarded the possibilities of improving the regulatory framework for tackling segregation; it has exercised insufficient control over the effective application of education regulations on the balanced schooling of pupils with specific educational needs; and it has taken decisions on education policy which have even accentuated school segregation. This article provides empirical evidence on the characteristics of school segregation in Catalonia and on the education policies developed by the Catalan government in the domain of the schooling of migrant pupils. The study illustrates how the absence of an explicit school desegregation policy is an example of the politics of non-decision-making and a case which clearly manifests the need to overcome behavioural analysis in policy decision-making.  相似文献   

《旅游法》的颁布与实施,明确了导游薪酬的合法来源,规定了旅行社缴纳社会保险的法定义务,有力地维护了导游的合法权益。但是在禁止强制购物、取消自费项目以后,导游的薪酬结构发生改变,薪酬水平整体下降。同时,《旅游法》在实施中仍存在着缺乏实施细则、与其他法律法规衔接不够等障碍。为保障导游薪酬的正常获取和增长机制,政府应加大执法力度。尽快推进工资集体协商制度;旅游企业应建立差别化薪酬体系,重视非货币性薪酬并努力提高行业盈利能力。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence studying one diverse, countywide district’s integration efforts utilizing school choice and parental preferences. The findings illustrate substantial differences about the way in which the district’s student assignment policy affects students. In particular, this choice-based integration policy with a weak geographic preference still advantages those who choose their nearest schools as well as white students and those living in more advantaged areas. Examining differences in families’ school preferences, whether students are assigned to their preferred school, and whether and where students enroll in schools illustrates how an integration-focused assignment policy can still result in segregation and inequality. Yet, by illustrating the many influences on family preferences beyond proximity, it also suggests the opportunity for using assignment policy to overcome persistent neighborhood segregation.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on policy implementation in Higher Education (HE) analysed through the evolution and transformation of policy instruments related to government funding and evaluation. We investigate how steering and governance tools have been put into action, in order to analyse how original policy rationales and justifications have evolved and are affected by context and instrument characteristics. The research questions are: what do policy instruments reveal about the evolution of policy rationales and justifications? To what extent and why do they evolve in unpredictable ways? We look at two types of instruments, funding and evaluation that are tools widely diffused in European HE systems. We adopt a diachronic perspective spanning the last 15 years, and a comparative approach across eight European countries. Our findings show that the form and evolution of instruments are related to factors such as the existing mix of instruments and policy paradigm, of the features of the policy process and of the instruments themselves.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction is an essential component of teacher motivation, performance, and retention. Teacher job satisfaction is primarily affected by workplace conditions. This paper analyzes data from over 37,000 public school teachers from the 2011–2012 Schools and Staffing Survey. Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression was utilized to analyze effects of school rule enforcement and teacher victimization on job satisfaction. Findings indicated that teachers who perceived higher enforcement of school rules had higher job satisfaction. In particular, consistent enforcement of rules by school administrators had a significantly greater effect on satisfaction than collegial enforcement of rules. Findings also indicated that teacher victimization has a significantly negative effect on job satisfaction. Consistent enforcement of school rules may reduce instances of student misbehavior and teacher victimization, helping reduce teacher stress and anxiety, leading to greater job satisfaction. Implications for policy and practice are explored, examining what administrators can do to protect teachers and improve satisfaction.  相似文献   

The complex and contested phenomenon of globalisation presents a fundamental challenge to higher education. Arguably, the development of quality assurance mechanisms during the 1990s and into the 2000s is one of the key globalising practices evident in many higher education sectors – in both developed and developing countries. However, there are still too few studies on the implications of globalisation processes grounded in detailed examinations of particular historical times and geographical spaces. It is important to investigate context-specific differences in potentially globalising policies and practices, rather than simply assuming global homogenisation. This paper offers an analysis of policy on quality assurance in Australian higher education over the last decade. It points to the changing discourses on `quality' over the period from a management device to a marketing device. It suggests that, in essence, quality assurance mechanisms have provided the government with an avenue for `steering at a distance', where the controls over universities and academics have not lessened but have changed form. The specific mechanisms used are both similar to, and different from, those evident in quality assurance policies in other higher education systems.  相似文献   

内江师范学院太极柔力球运动现状与发展构想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周勇  杨军  孙丹 《内江师范学院学报》2010,25(12):104-106,110
通过研究文献资料法、实地考察以及与有关人员访谈,分析了内江师范学院太极柔力球运动存在的问题主要是开展此项活动认识不够、师资队伍缺乏、场地器材及经费投入不足,为此提出了发展太极柔力球运动的构思:加大宣传力度,加强师资队伍的建设,加大经费投入,在公共体育课上开展柔力球项目,例为体育教育专业学生的必修课程,组织各二级学院或全校的柔力球比赛,组织专业的柔力球训练队伍,加强太极柔力球方面的科学研究等,以期推动太极柔力球在高校的快速发展.  相似文献   

“轻体育”也称“轻松体育”或“快乐体育”,是大众体育的一种形式.职业女性平时的锻炼是不够的,经过对持续参加“轻体育”锻炼的职业女性有关心肺功能和心理方面的测试,结果显示,长期的“轻体育”运动可使她们的心肺功能、精神状态及心理状态得到明显改善.  相似文献   

Drawing substantially on the arguments put forward by the contributors to this Special Issue, this final article examines the two main purposes of the common school in contemporary western societies: to develop a set of shared values and a unified sense of citizenship, on the one hand, and to iron out disadvantage and equalise opportunities, on the other. Four main justifications for the common school are discussed—its symbolic value, its compatibility with liberal values, its inclusiveness and its provision of practical opportunities to learn to live together. Nevertheless, the common school faces a number of challenges, including how much freedom of choice to allow parents, how to interpret the principle of equality in practice, how to devise a common curriculum that meets the needs of all students and how to respond to the apparent inequalities of the neighbourhood school. It is argued that the biggest dilemma facing the common school is a cultural one: that is, finding a balance between the need to respect the diverse cultural identities of its students and the need to develop a common set of loyalties and shared national identity at the same time. An examination of the case of Muslims in England suggests that intentionally or otherwise the common school is still in the business of assimilating minorities into a new identity through processes very similar to those of the melting pot. The article concludes by warning that continuing this policy may result in stronger resistance in the future.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对2008年湖南省学生定向锦标赛概况、参赛队伍情况、比赛成绩进行了调研分析。结果表明:湖南定向运动在赛事组织水平上有所提高,但还存在不足;在推广普及程度上有成绩,但并不乐观;在定向运动竞技水平上,高水平运动员少,运动员水平相差大,各学校的整体实力不均衡。针对这些问题提出了一些建议,为今后湖南省今后定向运动的发展提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Diversity in sport, especially in relation to those who hold positions of power in interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional sport, seems to be some what of an oxymoron. There is ample evidence that those who are not similar to the status quo that has long dominated such sport settings (i.e., white, heterosexual, male) are far less represented within positions of power in sport than they are in the population at large (Acosta & Carpenter, 1996; Washington. 1998). Furthermore, some suggest that the maintenance of the status quo goes beyond demographics and that homologous reproduction exists in attitudes. values, and leadership priorities among those in leadership positions in sport (Boutlier & San Giovanni, 1994). Because diversity and valuing diversity have received a greal deal of attention in the corporate world, this paper utilizes the business literature in an attempt to obtain a fresh perspective regarding the lack of diversity in one of the most criticized areas of sport, Division IA intercollegiate athletic organizations. A review of the literature resulted in a framework comprised of three dimensions: 1) noncompliance/compliance. 2) reactive diversity management; and 3) proactive diversity management. The framework is presented and described and its application to kinesiology, physical education. and sport is provided.  相似文献   

教育政策执行是检验政策科学与否的一条重要途径。在教育政策执行的过程中会出现教育政策扭曲化、表面化、扩大化及政策缺损等失真现象,这是由于政策自身问题、政策执行人员、政策资源和目标团体以及监督检察不力等因素造成的。若要减少政策失真,保证政策执行的真实性就要坚持科学地制定教育政策、加强政策执行人员素质的培养、重视与政策目标团体的沟通、正确使用政策资源和加大监督检查力度。  相似文献   


To what extent does soccer increase the capability of the homeless and those living on the street? This study addresses this question by focusing on the ways in which the Homeless World Cup and Street Soccer (Scotland) have impacted upon the lives of some individuals. Primary source data obtained from a series of interviews are situated within Sen’s capability approach to social choice theory. The implications of the study contribute to policy by supporting the idea that sport can contribute as a resource of hope through the development of capability that impacts upon life chances and choices. It adds to a growing number of applied studies of sport that have critically used the work of Sen and it advances the way in which this body of work has been utilized in sport and related areas.  相似文献   

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